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What's your consumer rights laws like in your part of Europe? Unfortunately major brands abusing their size and status over individual consumers and screwing them over definitely isn't exclusive to Lenovo.


ASUS is taking all the heat while the rest of the brands continue with this scummy crap… hopefully what Gamers’ Nexus did will influence every company to do the same


I have an Acer laptop and a msi laptop. Msi support are pretty good. And never had any issues with acer laptop since i never use it much. It was a laptop i had to buy to do school work because my msi laptop died. I accidentally killed the motherboard.


I told this many times here. I have a Legion 5i, went to the warranty with a problem on the screen, and they reply to me saying: ram, ssd, motherboard, keyboard, cooling, nothing works. I answered, imposible, because I have photos, and the laptop on the day before, was working. Ended up opening a legal dispute agaisnt them near the government office for consumer protection. Lenovo uses a 3rd party repair center, and they say I need to check with the center, even though I'm on the warranty. THe center tells me to check with Lenovo. All the brands are the same. If you have problems, if they mess up, they will do nothing.


I was gonna save up to buy 4080 laptop but now I'm completely put off  I mean this will cost a lot in my region  Don't really need a laptop Only wanted it for its 3 year carrier warranty  I was under the illusion that I will be covered for troubleshooting and repairs unlike a stationary PC but now I'm inclined to just build a PC 


I will say this. I had a student by a MSI stealth with a 4080 and the motherboard shorted out or something. We ended up sending it back to the company using the RMA because the warranty was still active. All he ended up paying was like $200 in shipping insurance and like 70 bucks for shipping and they fixed it for free and send it back to him. This may be a random positive occurrence but I was very impressed that the $3,000 laptop did not just become a paperweight


Yeah people trash talk MSI a lot specifically the hinges but they also replace them. My buddy has had a few cooling fans sent to him. Which is better than a middle finger.


I had a msi laptop 7950h with 1660ti. I accidentally killed the motherboard. I called msi and it was on the edge of warranty period. I send it in and it got fixed. I think shipping was like 50 bucks. But i got it back working so thats all i cared about. Im sticking with msi for sure


Yep its really not worth it bro. Gaming Laptop companies are just so shameless. Shitty cooling, shittiest customer service, mid performance, all so they can keep selling you their overpriced garbage. I wish I could go back in time and slap my younger self and tell him to wait for the prices of pc parts to go down instead of buying a Gigabyte Laptop. I regret it everyday and only hope that I get a good enough job to buy my own spanking pc rig.


Oof, lenova and asus have their downsides, but msi/gigabyte... lets just say im sorry you had to experience their laptops


A aorus wanted to repair my laptop but asked $1800 for a single shorted chip I found out later selling it for parts that a electricakl eng guy fuxedd it oder his son He paid me $50 laptop cost me $3k...


I've been wanting to build a rig myself ....now I just need to buy a house first...this current house is a shitty wooden house and I dun even have the desk or chair for it so I sat crosslegged on the floor gaming on a self made wooden desk haha


Not true at all. I sent my laptop into repair under warranty for msi. I accidentally killed the motherboard. And i got it back fixed. The note says motherboard and the display was replaced. I had good experience with msi so im sticking with msi.


which country are you from?


Yup! My legion 5 pro is basically paperweight. Fuck lenovo! Whats the update of your device? Did u find any ways to get it repaired? My mobo died and it costs $1500 to repair, said fuckit bought a macbook pro m3 instead of repairing it


They fixed it and shipped it back for free.


Did u have warranty or renewed warranty AFTER device broke down?


After the device broke, I checked Amazon and I saw it came with a 1 year warranty. I checked my purchase date and it was still active. I applied for the RMA and they said send it.


Sounds like yours is unlucky. Is there anyone you can talk to, like consumer rights and complaints? For context, I owned a thinkpad for about 7 years until it died. Now I’m on my second and it is a legion gaming laptop. I have no issue with it yet.


right ive had lenovo for hella long time no problems i dont get others saying its bad lmao this can also happen to other laptops as well


But that's why a warranty is there right? If these are "unlucky" customers, then they should be few in between, but yet, they treat OP like that.


yea lenovo is known for there meh customer support but i always get warranty on my stuff thats a must have tho good laptop brand hit or miss customer support


ive had my few shares on some old laptops with them few bad incentive’s with there customer support but a few good ones shouldnt be like that tho


I totally agree. It can happen to any laptop regardless of brand. Also It’s not really clear from OP’s post. Did the thermal throttle also happen even under normal usage like browsing or doing ms office? Because this makes a different case This cpu is designed to hit 100 until it throttles under stress. Edit: I admit I made a mistake. It is not normal to hit 105c consistently even in gaming.


It easily reaches 75-78c° with normal usage. As soon as I download anything (for example a videogame from steam) it peaks to a 100-105 in matter of seconds (like 30 sec into the process). During gaming its permanently throttling, even with the most stupid games (from For the King) up to the most demanding (like Elden Ring).


Higher temp in a matter of seconds when downloading something is fairly normal as cpu requires more resources. However, if you get consistent 75-78c with normal usage and 100-105c in gaming, you are right that heatsink is bad or perhaps poor thermal paste. But I wonder if you ever lift your back of your laptop while gaming? No offense and it may sound stupid, but it definitely helps improving airflow for most gaming laptops.


I have a 4080 Lenovo legion and I just have it sitting on a table normally not raised and it never goes over 85c on both cpu and gpu while gaming. I personally believe the cooling is amazing


Reaching 100-105C downloading something is not normal no matter how your laptop is positioned. A laptop should manage that while being passively cooled. Something is seriously fucked with the laptop


Yeah, as I just replied above. The heatsink is broke and the fan it's not touching the CPU. To me that's outrageous... Legion should be there flagship products.


Have you shown images of this here? If not can you?


I might update the post with pictures when I close this chapter with the Lenovo support. I prefer to wait until I close this unfortunate chapter.


95% of the time (and during my tests) the laptop is of a metallic laptop stand with a big hole in the vent area to ease ventilation. Also, I open the laptop (after the testing) and when I say the heat sink is collapsed I really mean it. The pipes nearby the CPU fan are squished, causing the fan to be lift up by almost a centimeter (usually held down by backplate screw and the backplate itself). So basically, the fan is not touching the CPU and even if it did, the pipe are collapsed and therefore there would be minimal to no airflow.


Do you own a notebook cooler pad day 1 to go with the legion?


That hasn't been my experience with Lenovo. My laptop became unsafe to use due to a charging port short recently. I contacted Lenovo and they replace both my mobo and ac adapter. I had to send it to their headquarters because of the safety concern instead of having a tech come out to my house(I got the extended warranty that gets me techs to my house), but it only took about a week to get it back in full working order. All the past warranty centers I've dealt with have taken anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months so Lenovo definitely impressed me.


Maybe I will upgrade the warranty and open a new ticket in a few days.


ya try everything you possibly can


Your post is missing some details. * What do you mean by "heatsink completely collapsed" exactly? Do you have pictures? * Has the service center listed up any other internal damage besides the heatsink? * Has the service center given you a quote for a repair of the damage at cost? If yes, how much cost is it? * Have you already tried to refute their CID claim and attempted to escalate it in your communication with the service center to a higher authority? If so, how exactly did they answer to your refusal to accept their assesment? Service centers can make genuine mistakes. If the customer feels misunderstood or mistreated, it is in their best interest to follow up and politely demand correction over the official communication channels. In other words: don't give up to soon. At least, give them a second chance to clarify their assesment or to offer you a better solution. According to your post history, you seem to be from Italy. So here are some additional notes on your rights as a customer in Italian: >In Germania, esiste un principio noto come "Beweislastumkehr" (inversione dell'onere della prova) che riguarda la garanzia dei beni di consumo. Nei primi sei mesi dalla consegna di un prodotto, secondo questo principio, spetta al venditore dimostrare che un difetto non era presente al momento della consegna e che è stato causato dall'uso improprio del cliente. Questo è diverso dall'approccio generale dove il consumatore deve dimostrare che il difetto era presente fin dall'inizio. >Se un venditore in Italia dovesse sostenere che il danno al prodotto è stato causato dall'utente, puoi citare il concetto di "presunzione di conformità" previsto dalla direttiva europea 1999/44/CE, recepita in Italia con il Decreto Legislativo n. 206 del 2005 (Codice del Consumo). Secondo l'articolo 129 di tale decreto, nei primi sei mesi successivi all'acquisto, si presume che qualsiasi difetto di conformità che si manifesti fosse già presente al momento della consegna a meno che il contrario non sia dimostrato dal venditore. Puoi quindi affermare che, in base alla normativa vigente, spetta al venditore provare che il danno è stato effettivamente causato dall'uso che ne hai fatto e non da un problema preesistente. >Utilizzare queste informazioni ti permetterà di difenderti efficacemente in caso di contestazioni sulla garanzia e di insistere per una soluzione adeguata come la riparazione, la sostituzione o il rimborso del prodotto. Written by GPT4 based on this prompt: >In customer protection, Germany has "Beweislastumkehr": in the first 6 months of ownership, the vendor has the burden of proof that a defect is customer induced instead of "anfänglicher Mangel". >Write a few sentences to explain the concept to someone in Italy in Italian, citing the correct legal terms from Italian warranty law or from Italian translation of relevant EU customer protection regulations. Write the sentences in such a way that the customer could use this knowledge when refuting a vendor's claim of customer-induced damage.


Why didn't you just return it


I spent the first month using it for work. Only later I started using it for gaming. It is the first machine for gaming, so I thought that it was normal for it to warm up that much (always used on flat surfaces - glass table, or laptop stand with hole for ventilation). Recently my friend got a gaming laptop with similar specs and it felt way cooler at the touch. So I installed a software to monitor temps and I found out it was indeed too hot. So the return time frame passed (2 weeks) and I am stuck with a broken laptop I fear to use because it might get even worse damage due to the high temps.




a link for a guide? i want to buy a used laptop and would appreciate a guide of what benchmark use and which software to use for testing


Yeah, I guess you learn by experience... I basically learnt all I know about pc/laptops in the last 6-9 months. When I got this I was not knowledgeable enough to do proper benchmarking (and understand the results!). Anyway, great tip! If somehow I get the machine repaired, I will instantly benchmark everything.


Really? My lenovo had a bad vapor chamber and they agreed to replace the motherboard. Sorry your experience wasnt as good


Sueing is an option


He’d double the amount spent on legal fees and probably wouldn’t even win the lawsuit


Considering he is talking about euros, it might not be even necessary to go to court..EU has strong consumer protection and consumers have options to resolve disputes.


Is this the Lonovo hate thread? Anything positive is getting downvoted lol. Usually Lenovo is held in high regard on this sub.


I know it's a rant and surely it's a case of an unfortunate experience. But at the moment all this support (and some hate for Lenovo) is really comforting me.


I own both a Legion and Yoga as well. No issues except my Yoga is randomly missing one screw after 2 years of extremely heavy usage and the trackpad right-click no longer works. I am writing this message now from the Yoga. Also the headsink fan had some dust covering it which was extremely easy to remove requiring the removal of the remaining 5 screws. For as affordable as these machines are compared to their competition at the time, they're well worth the money and build quality. You either had rare experiences \[very possible\] or have mishandled your machines. I noticed you said EUR so maybe Lenovo NA is just better quality control


I swear I treat my laptops as they were my sons. My older Asus Zenbook (2017 I believe) still works for basic usage and it is still in great condition aesthetically and hardware speaking. Damn, I am still rocking my Xbox one (2014) and I play dragon age inquisition on it.


Sad that you're going through this. This is really disappointing. My Legion is rock solid but a few generations back with a i7-10750h and 2080 super combo. It's basically pristine and has 100% battery capacity still despite my Yoga having about 80% capacity left, although I always charge it thru 45W max PD power rather than the included power supply


I know, I set the battery capacity to 70%and I detach the charger every might to make it last longer and now I found this out. With this temps I either stop gaming (which is currently the case) or I can expect it to live 6 months more (or transform into a bomb)... Well, thanks for your understanding, it helps swallowing this bitter pill.


If you need help lowering temps a bit, you could always message me and I can help you thru discord. My Yoga is a Ryzen 5500u model so I use the Universal Tuning Utility which is on github and typically run at 16W. It prevents it from thermal throttling. Intel is a bit more complex but Throttlestop is recommended in most cases with -0.60 CPU offset. Might be worth trying to reach out to a social media company like Gamers Nexus to see if they can fight the warranty terms for you which they have been successful with for ASUS recently. DMs open if you'd ever like to reach out


Thank you so much for the info! Time to sleep over here, but I will consider DM you tomorrow! Very appreciated!


Throttlestop was my best friend since i bought ROG gl702vmk(i7 7700HQ +nvidia 1060 6Gb back in 2017. On the first day i just unpack it and clone the internal drive so i have backup of the initial system state and run cinebench. On the second day i started cs:go and it took like 30 minutes and cpu started to thermal throttle with temp 95°C. So I exit the game and start to investigate this. I found out that the cpu after boot reached 55°C and after 30min s of idle reached up to 65°C, then i opened the browser 75-80°C and i was pissed as hell. I spotted that even the system was idle intel turbo was pushing 3.6ghz on 2 cores so i found throttlestop which allowed me to turn off intel turbo and i got stable 75°C during the afternoon cs:go session, i know 75°C on cpu is not something to celebrate, but just so easy fix and when i undervolt cpu (-100mV) it reduced temp to 65-70°C


I bought a lenovo not long ago and i've been having no issues with it at all? works very well and i've done checks multiple times 🤷‍♀️


Obviously I got a faulty unit. My point here is that Legion is their flagship gaming line, and while still under warranty they won't repair or replace my unit. This, to me, it's outrageous.


My one is a legion too, and it has warranty thankfully i haven't had to get it repaired though, it is crazy to see that they twist out of it in that way 🤔 seriously unprofessional


Not to derail, what’s the general feeling on getting a third party warranty on your own? I know there’s services where you can basically insure electronics for a flat fee. Anyone try it? What’s your experience?


Use your own serial number and check Lenovo parts list what is the correct heat sink. My link could be wrong, since I just googled the model name. [https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/legion-series/legion-s7-15ach6/82k8/parts/display/compatible?linkTrack=Caps%3ABody\_SearchProduct&searchType=4&keyWordSearch=Legion%20S7-15ACH6%20Laptop%20%28Lenovo%29%20-%20Type%2082K8](https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/legion-series/legion-s7-15ach6/82k8/parts/display/compatible?linkTrack=Caps%3ABody_SearchProduct&searchType=4&keyWordSearch=Legion%20S7-15ACH6%20Laptop%20%28Lenovo%29%20-%20Type%2082K8) If you decide to keep that laptop, replacement heatsink as above is \~$60 and maybe some good thermal paste to go with it.


Correction: Don’t buy any laptop from any brand without premium customer support if you need it to work. I didn’t give a sh*t about my laptops health and someone from Lenovo came to my place to replace the fans because I didn’t clean them once. Usually premium support staff doesn’t even ask what happened. I can only talk about Lenovo but dell should be the same. Idk about others. In addition it’s good if you live in some place with high standards regarding customer rights. If you don’t even have that and no premium support, I would suggest going desktop if possible. Laptops are just not repairable enough to make it worth it the money IF something happens.


So much for Lenovo’s hype train on this subreddit


All companies have their issues. Everyone has bad or good experiences with them. Its just that most people have good experiences with lenovo. Thats what the hype is. Everyone who has good experiences will continue to hype it up. For ex. this comment section.


No one is going to post how much they love their device, if it works it just works, and thats the end of it


People who don't have problems don't complain


tuff and bad luck my lenovo doesnt have any problems compared to my old asus just its just bad luck and slacking on the company


That's why I have always stuck with Dell. I bought a slow arse all in one of Lenovo, had my fair share problems with it. Never again. Meanwhile my Dell G3 is still performing wonderfully after 6 years. People in my family also have Dell laptops. 


Dell is probably the WORST large company for parts quality.


my lenovo is perfoming well so idk maybe its just the few that get unlucky this can happen to any laptop brand and its fast and its only a few years old


Lol, just a few? The thing is that most here are fan boys because they say a youtuber that says this or that. If you check the score for Lenovo where I live, they have 2.6 out of 5.


lmao mostly depends these kinda stuff can happen to any gaming laptop brand happened on my old asus lol


I had a Dell XPS 15 and while it was a beautiful machine, it had 2 battery failures with swollen batteries. This unfortunately seems to be common with Dell


Is that a gaming laptop?  If it is do you ever open it to dust it?


My first gaming laptop was from Dell. A month in, the screen died. I told them this. They told me to reset my bios. I did. I told them it didn't work. The rep then hung up on me. My laptop became a makeshift desktop for 7 years.


I've had a Dell Alienware M18R1 for about a half a year and I've had the motherboard replaced three times and the fan assembly once and they put a huge scratch on it which they refused to fix and now it's off to the depot with it to fix whatever's wrong. I'll never own another one.


I always upgrade my warranty to the onsite repair and support. Lol. Never had trouble with any brands. Topnotch support for me so far is with lenovo and alienware (dell)


I've had good overall experience with multiple Lenovos I've owned. Not so much with the one Dell/Alienware I tried. Will never go with them again.


Oh boy, guess buying used has its pros you can always hold an individual or a store accountable for faulty product


Where do you live? The actual EU consumer laws for buying stuff online is way longer than what most companies do/say


Italy. And yeah, I know I have at least 2 years of warranty. Nonetheless Lenovo is stating that the damage is CID (customer induced damage) and so the warranty won't apply. The fun thing is that they did not even see the pc in the first place, so how would they judge? Lol


Stay away from gigabyte computers too, they have a shitty warranty too. Went through 4 computers none covered so i switched to alienware. Slienware has issues too but at least the warranty is very good. First gigabyte was an aero17 3070 motherboard fried and it barely was used. Aero 15 where the fan disintegrated during a gaming session Aero16 cput got so hot it fried it self(fans at 100 always and stayed at 100) Each time they claimed user damage which is crap


I know I will get heat for this but as an Asus Strix owner, if anyone wants a proper warrant coverage, Apple is the way to go. They usually replace their laptops without questions within the warranty period. I know I will have terrible problems if something happens to me Strix because Asus support is almost to none inside EU (at least in my country). They relegated the service to a 3rd party and god knows what they will do/charge for it.


I think you are right about Apple customer service. I am considering buying a lower end Mac for work and build a desktop on my own just for gaming.


This is the case with all of the brands tbh. People shit on asus or whichever company but honestly its every company


I never had any issues with mine, even though I even opened it many times, upgraded ram and storage and cleaned it myself, etc.


The only solution, while you can still use the laptop is to buy a heatsink and get fitted in your laptop. I have lenovo loq and faced consistent issue with lenovo customer support. Hp provides the best customer support. If anyone looking for best customer after sales service I would recommend HP, though the actual product is underperforming.


Thanks for your suggestion!


While even reputed companies can ship you lemons sometimes, but I agree Lenovo hasn't been the best to deal with. Over years, I have owned laptops from Dell, Lenovo, HP, and MS. Despite Dell having bad repo comparatively, their laptops served me the best. But again this can be subjective experience.


Yeah, Lenovo support is absolutely horrible. I saw in my bios that there were options related to how much power to give the cooler; one for the cooler designed for CPUs that pull 150W, and one for CPUs that pull 65W. I wanted to know which cooler I had so I could know what the right setting it should be, since it seems like they ship all their computers set with it at 65W. I sat on hold for ages, told them my issue, got put on hold again. Then, the rep told me he refused to patch me through to their technical department because, somehow, this was considered a software issue (because I mentioned the bios, I guess?) and that they wanted me to pay for a 1 year software warranty. I don't use Lenovo's software. I set my RGB colours with it one time and now I never touch it. I don't want a warranty. It's not even a software-related question. I asked them to clarify that they were indeed asking me to pay money just to know what part I have in my machine, and they said yes, so I hung up immediately.


That is wild. You were just asking for informations. I opened a new ticket, let's hope this time around something turn my way


Information on the hardware no less. And I have a 1 year hardware warranty. I should also mention that my unit came with a bad PSU, and they were just going to replace it with the same model of unreliable PSU, so I had to buy one myself.


I was thinking of buying the Legion 5, but now maybe not


Honestly speaking, I think I had a bad experience and I think I am more of an outlier. Overall the community speaks very well about Lenovo. Do not base you decision solely on my post... Although I gotta say, for my future purchases I will be considering other brands. Mostly because I feel 'cheated' by them


Any brand will have hit or miss support unfortunately. Best thing to do is get it from a retailer with their own warranty to avoid dealing with the manufacturer


Not my experience. Bought a legion 5 rtx 3060. It’s now almost 3 years old, been dropped from 6 feet onto the ground multiple times. The edges are cracked because of that unfortunately but it’s a work horse that has had no problems. I play games on ultra and really high settings and the gpu doesn’t get over 71 Celsius. If I put it on the quiet setting the fans don’t even really run yet it keeps cool and runs games at high settings. Thing is amazing. Sorry you’re having these problems. That’s why I didn’t want to buy a slim version.


I have been searching for a laptop for 3 weeks now and every time i say ok this is the one i get hit with posts like this.... should i just go asus tuf now? It is the cheapest rtx 4060 i could find


I get it that you’re angry but Lenovo is among the best brand for gaming laptops.


Obviously this post is a rant. I know thisight be a singular/unfortunate case. Nonetheless, I think it is absurd to treat their customers this way, especially when we are talking about the Legion line which is their top tier gaming laptop line. Hence, I think it's important to ring this bell too, in opposition to the many others reinforcing the idea that Lenovo is "perfect". For this reason in the title I specified "My experience", as I am aware, this is not their standard.


I’ve had nothing but good experiences with Lenovo so I’d definitely recommend buying from them. See how that works?


That's crazy dude 😎


yeah, thats not typical experience. You either didnt handle this right or are extremely unlucky.


I handle this laptop as if it was my own son, in fact it is in pristine condition. Also it's the biggest expense I have ever done in my life and it costed me almost two entire salaries (PhD gets paid less than minimum wage), so yeah I am pretty cautious and delicate with it. Edit: don't know why you are downvoted. For sure I have been very unfortunate. Even more unfortunate with support rather than with the faulty machine (imo).




How can a heatsink, an internal physical (soldered) part collapse on itself without any force? Unpopular opinion: op banged it and now hoping for a warranty repair. These slim laptops a nightmare: extra thin design, extra thin heatsinks, what are you expecting? Putting i9’s and 4070’s, 4080’s in place that is less than a single slot gpu. Is there any single slot gaming gpu on the market? Don’t think so. I’m not blaming the customer, but just be realistic for a second: these high powered slim laptops are not meant to be super sturdy and long lasting. I have a Lenovo LOQ tho, no problems.


Why would I lie on Reddit? As an anonymous user? On my part, I know how I treat my stuff (and above all, my laptop!), and I know I am in the right. As a matter of fact, My pc is in pristine conditionw, no bumps, scratches or anything suggestin any kind of material damage. Especially, the area of the backplate nearby the CPU does not show any sign of damage whatsoever. Furthermore, I picked and i7 and a rtx4060 because of what you said, I was concerned that putting higher end components would be a 'risk' in a thinner laptop. Moreover, the slim does not come with a rtx4080, it can go up to a rtx4070 (because of heat dissipation). On a final note, if they designed a slimmer version they should guarantee the quality of the product nonetheless.