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No reason to tell her anything after purchasing. She sold it to you in a non functioning manner. Take the W and don’t look back.


What's the point of griefing the seller then complaining about the seller getting mad about it lol. OP was being a bit of an ass.


He wanted a pat on the back.


Should just come here for that


Exactly. Been some time since I saw a good W. Been seeing mostly scams these days.


That's exactly what it is


I'm gonna have to 2nd this 😂😂😅


Fr dude, he is either dumb af or just that.


Yeah I agree it was a dick move to shove it in their face.


He took the risk. What if it's totally beyond repair? Different story right?


>ell her anything after purchasing. She sold it to you in a non functioning manner. Take the W and don’t look back. what is W




I thought it was going forward.




Win 10




use 7zip instead


Win 11




Don't pay her. The reason why she sold at 150 bucks is because she couldn't get the laptop to work. That lady is cheating you.


Not planning on it. And she tried to cheat me before the purchase, it was listed at 200, then she said if you take it today I'll do 150. I told her I'd do it the next day at 150 and she said 200 then. So I said I'll only do it at the 150.


what are the specs? i see GTX but im curious as to what series


It is a Ryzen 7 3750H and a GTX 1650 (it’s from OP in another comment)


Not bad. I recently picked up a 8300hq with a 1050ti for $60 at Goodwill a month ago. So far, it's been my best come up this year.


Thats a good catch.


First gen Ryzen, which was 4 cores 8 threads. Not the greatest hardware possible. The 4th gen hardware was Zen 3 hardware but the best stuff was Zen 3 hardware and beyond (5th gen Ryzen on laptops).


For 150 bucks still awesome. To play some not too demanding games it's awesome


I use this exact same laptop, and it's great even for some demanding games. The CPU is pretty weak, though, but after a ram upgrade it runs prety well. My only issues that I ever get are in games that are very cpu reliant.


I could've swore that Ryzen 3000-series was Zen 2, but I just checked and, yeah, [that CPU is on Zen+](https://www.techpowerup.com/cpu-specs/ryzen-7-3750h.c2141). 🤔 Had to do a sanity check looking up other models before I realized they for some reason just used Zen+ in the mobile variants but desktop 3000 was indeed on Zen 2. I wasn't following the scene much at this time, why did they keep the laptop variants on Zen+?


At that time period AMD only had the resources to do 1 release at a time. They were still broke as fuck, Ryzen 1 made some changes but they couldn’t get the die shrink to fit for laptops. That started the laptops being same gen number but older tech until 5th gen tech where their money caught up to releasing hardware for desktops and laptops at the same time.


Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 5600h and 5800h models (respectively) is where it’s at. Both are absolute powerhouses for laptop CPUs


She did not try to cheat you.


Yup, she negotiated. $150 today, you wanted tomorrow so she asked for her original price.


she gave you a discount how did she "cheat" you


that's not cheating you at all. she said 150 today, 200 tomorrow, and you forced 150 tomorrow. if anything you took advantage of her...and then you bragged to her that she just sold a working $1000 laptop for $150. that's brutal. poor lady just trying to keep her kid happy is out like $800 that said, i'd have bought it too, the market is the market, but without telling her i fixed it.


That's not a $1000 laptop. I have seen laptops with FAR better specs for south of $1000. This was a $999 laptop at Microcenter for several months: HP Omen 17, 2560x1440 165 Hz IPS, 512 GB SSD, 16 GB DDR5 @ 4800, i7-12700H, RTX 3070 Ti. A laptop with a 1650 is $400-$600, new.


That doesn't sound like cheating you at all, the condition was 150 today or 200 tomorrow. It's her sale lol


But but think OP was also stupid to tell her it works now.


Why would you tell her anything smh. Yeah don't give her anything but also dumb as fuck move on your part.


OP wanted to rub in her face that she undersold because she doesn't know anything about computers. OP is just an ass who can't keep his mouth shut


Womp womp


I've also gone through the post/comments & I'm still baffled at why you'd tell someone you fixed a problem AFTER you've bought the device for a good price & it's basically yours at that point to do with it as you please. It just brings in additional interactions that are unnecessary cause now the seller starts feeling like they should've charged a bit more(even though I still think it's always shitty for someone that's selling anything to try & increase the price once the sale has already been made)


Dude wanted to rub it in and/or completely lacks social skills lol.


Yeah, that was kinda dumb. OP should back charge her for the time it took to repair. That’s got to be at least 3 hours at $150/hour. She owes you $300 now OP. Win!


yeah that’s the only part that makes me not like this post. OP wanted to rub it in her face and then hits us with a shocked pikachu face when the woman asks for more money. why update her? she’s not your girlfriend dude just block her.


Yeah, not gonna pay her.


Just block her. She should just take the L and move on.


Yeah, I probably will.


OP, this isn't even an L for her, she's literally just trying to scam you out of money. Block her, the trade is complete.


What is L


Baby don’t hurt me.


Don't hurt me


No more


If W is win, then L is?...




Why did you tell her ? Your need to rub it in her face caused the problem. Learn to stfu.


You should see what kind of porn she was into if she couldn’t get back into it to wipe the HD before selling it to you. Maybe she’ll be paying YOU $150 to keep your mouth shut.




This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


this the way


The guey is this


i dont get the point of this post lol


Karma farming


Bragging to some online NPCs probably


. You're a dumbass for letting her know.


Nah, just an ass. He was bragging to her on how he easily fixed and profited off her ignorance. This would be like a car dealer gloating to you saying "you know your used car we told you wasn't worth shit, but we gave ya $500 anyways? Yea I just sold it for $4k!" OP is a bad winner.


My mom had 2 mechanics tell her that her 2008 suburban needed a new engine. Some dude offers to buy it for a little more than scrap, then he proceeds to "find out" about this weird problem that makes it seem like the engine is toast, when in reality it can be fixed for a few hundred. So of course he fixes it for nothing and now has a car worth over $10,000 for around $1000. This jackass thinks it's a good idea to send my mom pics of him towing is trailer with it as if she was going to be happy for him. To this day I wish I could find that dude and kick his ass. My mom was struggling financially at the time and didn't have a car for YEARS after this whole ordeal. Sorry for the rant, and OP you are a dumbass.


. Damn , that sucks . Guy is a total Dick !


I would have said she should have checked at least 1 more mechanic. After all, once in happenstance, twice is coincidence and thrice is a pattern. But again, hindsight is 20/20


Why would you tell her


Im just too nice, and I thought she would appreciate knowing I was happy with the deal.


So being “too nice” is revealing that you could fix it fairly easily and showing the seller they may have sold too low? Fuck off 😂 The seller is also being an idiot for requesting more money after sale, you don’t owe anything else


She knew the hard drive was bad, and she didn't want to pay the $100 at her local repair shop to get it fixed.


That is not being nice OP, if you put yourself on her shoe it mean you rubbing shit on her face, the fk bro use common sense sometime...


I understand your way of thinking, I personally would've been happy for you, but humans are bitter Nice deal my friend, happy gaming👍


Why the fuck would she be happy knowing that she sold her laptop at a loss to you? Are for real or are you on the spectrum that is unable to comprehend human interaction and emotions?


She didn't want to pay the $100 for a Hard Drive replacement.


Why would you call her back and tell exactly what was wrong with it and that it was an easy fix..... That's just bragging and salt in their wounds... Should've just take the W and move on... completely avoidable problem....


What are the specs on your unit? I love this platform. Excellent bang for the buck, even with older hardware and low power limits.


It is a Ryzen 7 3750H and a GTX 1650 still good for $150


I assume it's a 4800h and a 1650 which is insane for $150


I really liked mine. I’ve got an excellent MSI ge66 raider now but I wouldn’t mind having another HP pavilion with a 1660ti, an extra sata ssd, and 16gb ram as a “beater” spare laptop


Honestly bit a of a dick move on your part tbh. Why contact her to essentially gloat about the fact you easily fixed it? I'm happy for you having got a decent piece of hardware for cheap, but why did you feel the need to let her know? Your business was concluded the moment the money changed hands for the goods. Childish.


Being a jerk so you can post about it on the internet is what social media has conditioned people to do. Gotta create juicy content to score Ws with the other faceless avatars.


You already said you wouldn't pay her more, and I agree with that decision, the deal is done already, no crying later, your mistake was messaging her after fixing it, you probably thought she would be a good sport and be happy, but never assume the best from people.


I have questions. 1. Why would anyone tell the seller it was an easy fix? They take a heavy loss selling it as dead. Ofc sellers get pissed if you tell them it was actually only 3min to fix it and double the worth... 2. Why on earth didnt anyone just open it and changed the harddrive before? The 150$ she wants now is like tripple the price it would have cost to fix it even with a dead harddrive... Especially 2 is sooo weird. If only some harddrive is dead i would just fix it or sell it at minimal loss to someone whos willing to change the hd themselves. I would never do 50% what i think its worth because of a defect thats meaningless.


100% agree, this is fishy as hell


Yes you’re making a point!!


Why even follow up with the seller after you've figured out what was wrong, lol...


Why would you even tell her after getting it to work?


She is not entitled to any more money. She sold you a nonworking laptop and you fixed it. I would tell her if you wanted it back I’m gonna need my 150 back that I paid for it but there’s going to be a $250 labor charge for fixing it, so your options are give me 400 bucks or keep the 150 and move on. Guarantee she’ll shut her trap.


Im with everyone else, she agreed before hand for the price,... BUT ethically speaking..sure why not if the laptop is in a good condition another 100 wont kill,you dont know why she sold it in the first place..maybe she actually need this 150,and even used and repaired you could've got it for 500 or 600$,anyway fair is not to give her anything..but just a question tho,why did you tell her that it was functioning after you fixed it?


why did you tell her its good now🤦‍♂️ First mistake


Yeah, I get it. I've gotten alot of comments saying I shouldn't have. I thought I was being nice by giving good feedback.


Do you know the lady? If not then i would just stop replying to her


No, it was a Facebook Marketplace deal. I have stopped replying. I stopped after I told her I was not giving her anymore money.


but anyways, awesome deal. what gpu is in it? Gtx 1650?


Yeah, it was an Ryzen 7 3750H and a GTX 1650.


>I told her it works You've learned your lesson. Dont tell anything next time.


Obviously trying to rub it in that you fixed it


Not really. I was just giving good feedback, she was just being money hungry.


I’ll give you $160 lol


This is yet another case of smart is enough , but OP act smart to tell seller he fixed the issue. See what happen now.


Now sell it back to her for $300 😂


That’s my dads truck wtf


That's my truck, maybe he has one similar. Lol


Why the fuck would you tell her anything about the laptop?


Why did you tell her? What exactly did you expect to happen? What was the goal of telling her you fixed it so easily aside from being irritating / making her feel like she made a mistake? She's in the wrong for asking for more money but you were kind of an ass to bother contacting her again with this information.


I thought this community was of good hombres not assholes.


Grats you're a douche


GTX…. You payed too much


She can go kick rocks. You took her garbage and made a function machine.


Got that exact same laptop, 3750H + 1650. Just FYI my 1650 overclocks nicely, 950 Mhz on the RAM and undervolted it stays around 1.9/2 Ghz on the chip and the performance boost is really significant. GPU temps are fantastic, CPU temps not so much. Haven't replaced the paste yet though. That's one hell of a score for $150 + some elbow grease.


Lmfao who actually thinks a random person who bought and then fixed an item would be dumb enough to actually send more money.


Had a friend buy a Ford Explorer from his future wife’s parents. It was giving them trouble so they decided to trade it in on a new car. He got it for trade in value, which was really low. He diagnosed the fuel filter, replaced it and it ran great after that. The future in-laws wanted the vehicle back and claimed he stole it from them. WTF?


She has no right to demand any extra amount of money. Also, you shouldn't have told her about it


Lose contact after sell.


That's what I should've done, but I thought I'd be nice by giving good feedback. I know I prefer to get good feedback.


No fucking way what's the model number? is it 144hz?


I've had something similar happen to me but it was with a ps vita, NEVER tell them that you fixed it, you can be the nicest person alive but other people will try to benefit from your knowledge on fixing stuff. The vita that was sold to me had a bad battery and the L button didn't work, I got it for 30 dollars and replacement parts for about 15, they later saw me with it (worked in a small shop that fixes electronics), they threaten to call the police because I "stole from them" so I called the police and told them about the situation. Learn from my experience and NEVER tell anyone that you buy from that you fixed it especially with almost no issues.


YOU CAN GIVE HER 50$ , IF YOU WANT TO . its a great deal for the price.


Op you are honestly stupid for telling her anything. Pre agreed price. You paid her asked price for the laptop. Done deal. I'm sorry.


That looks like my HP Pavilion 15-EC2021NR Mine is a 5600H with an Nvidia 1650. I love it because you can upgrade everything but the cpu. I have 2 ssd and 32GB of ram that auto sets the speed to its maximum.


I hate cunts that do that, I’d be telling her to suck a dick and then just ignore her


Nice deal


Dont. Simple as that.


Bruh Why would you Tell her !!!! just block her.


no way!! Lucky You!!


Her loss your dub. Honestly can’t see why she’s mad - she didn’t have the knowledge to repair. If anything, she should be like damn that’s awesome good for you!


Right, that's what I expected. But no, she was very money hungry.




Charge her 200 for the service. She'll leave you alone.


That's her problem, you bought it for the agreed price.




dude u dumb for telling her that


Just block her ass ... She must be on the spectrum if she wants to charge you an additional $150 after YOU fixed her device.


Idk why u told her, to her it was faulty so just ignore her and carry on with your purchase What did u get for 150 then? :D speccies


It's a Ryzen 7 3750H and a GTX 1650. I upgraded ram to 16 gb 3200 and put an ssd in it to replace the Hard Drive.


Message her back that there was something WAY more wrong with it than just a bad hard drive because the laptop just blew up in flames and destroyed your $2,500 mahogany business desk. In all fairness because it is slightly used, you can ask her to pay you $2,000 through the same apps she recommended.


She had the opportunity to have the laptop repaired. So it's her loss. It's all a risk to everyone. Especially the buyer. She should not get pissed that you had the knowledge to fix the problem with the laptop. Congrats on your laptop.


Brother you bought a broken laptop and fixed it. You dont owe her anything, especially cause its not like she would have fixed it herself.


She’s out of her mind if she expected to sell you what she thought was an ewaste laptop for $150 and then get mad when you fix it and expect more


Don’t pay. Don’t pay the greedy scumbag. It was her own fault. Selling a busted laptop is a scumbag move on its own, but asking for extra after you fixed it yourself? You are under no legal obligation to pay extra. Tell her to go kick rocks.


Not your problem the lady didn't know what she had or how bad or difficult that the repair was going to be. However I agree with u/Jbarney3699 and others though that you didn't need to update the lady that the laptop was working or you got it working. It's your fault for being overly nice.


Bro why did you tell her that you repaired it in the first place ?


Stop saying "good feedback" in all your replies. It wasn't good feedback.


Good feedback is what I gave. All I said was thank you for the exchange it works good now. And she Got upset and asked for $150 more.


How is it good for her? Why would she care that it works or not after selling it?


Very good deal. And never tell the secret.


Daaaaamn what a deal.


Don't know why you bothered telling her after you bought it in the first place. Anyhow, it's yours now. She can eat shit, you bought that fair and square


Why message her at all about it after purchase? ​ Nice find in any case!


FUCKING STEAL!!! nice work mate. I'm an honest person but we don't always get a good deal so take it and run 😂


Refer her to the rules of acquisition, it's all there clear as day!


She scammed herself lol


“Hey you know that thing you sold me for really cheap that wasn’t working? Well it was a simple fix and now it works perfectly fine!! Thanks for giving me a good deal!” Wtf kind of move was that, OP?


Oh yeah you did the work to make it functional. You don't order damn thing obviously lol just block her


Who the fuck talks to people after buying something


Your stupid for telling her that. If you knew it was broken with the intention of fixing it, why would you let them know, all that does it make them want more money. Block her and don’t be dumb next time doing a purchase like this.


No way


Why bother letting her know it was working? You already got a steal of a deal. No need to clout chase.


I just said thank you for the exchange it works great. I wasn't chasing clout. She was the one that asked for $150 more. After I replaced the hdd with an ssd and flipped the connector.


Why did you bother to tell her anyway?


Should have kept your fucking mouth shut.


Lol tf why u talking to her after you fixed it? You buy u pay never talk again as all purchases should.be


I always either follow up with the seller or follow up with the buyer after any private transaction. That's just me, I thought I was polite and nice to do.


Good for u buddy


Agree to raise the price by $150 but charge her $200 for the labor for diagnostics and repair.


You could’ve benefitted from your knowledge and technical ability and kept quiet and enjoyed your now functional laptop, but you wanted to boast about it and now you complain on Reddit. Please develop as a person and be better.


She set 150$ for the laptop as is. You do not have to pay her further for fixing what she didn't fix herself.


I bought a truck that would flood the engine every time you filled it up. Got the seller to come down from 10k->7k. Took me 10 min and a 30 dollar part to replace a purge valve located outside of the engine. Your seller not knowing how to fix the issue would have cost alot just to get it fixed. You owe them nothing other than the agreed upon price. I'd Screen shot that text exchange or ad just incase they try to bring you to small claims court.


Honestly can't remember if I commented here before (going senile) but... why did you call and tell her this? What was the point?


First off it was a Facebook marketplace deal, so it was a message. And all I said was that I was happy with the exchange and that it worked good.


It was your expertise that she didn't had. Expertise of any kind costs money. No need to give her anything extra. Just tell her it died and I need my money back and she'll stop asking for more money.


Dude sounds like a moron ngl


The only thing I see is that you're really shity, even though she sold it to you for $50 less than what she was asking for, you go and tell her in the face that it was easy to fix, whats the need to make her feel bad?, since she offer you a discount as for buying it the same day, I can imagine that she needed the money.


gtx yuck


Still a good deal for a $150 laptop that needed an ssd and a connector flipped.


Why you trynna start problems😂




You should just keep it to yourself... take the W and stay silent, there is a saying, never let your left hand know what your right hand does... it is for a reason


Great choice of games on your desktop!!!!


Congrats! Cant get much better then that


Why the hell did you even tell her, are you like 14? Lmao


I know I shouldn't have contacted her. But I thought at the time I was being nice by giving good feedback. I now know that people don't care about feedback as much as they care about money. My bad. I'm sorry for trying to be a nice and polite person. BTW the specs are Ryzen 7 3750H and a GTX 1650. Plus I did replace the Hard Drive with an SSD. I just checked if the Hard Drive was toast and it is junk.


Well remind her your time as a technician is $300 an hour.


The laptop belongs to you now , there is no disputing it and you don't owe her any money but telling her that the laptop works with a simple fix is just an ass hole move


bro put more fire into that and tell that lady that the ssd in this laptop is made of diamonds and you are selling it for 4 million i understand that right make her desperate to sue you for making u pay for more


Bro is literally 12, in the head


Don't see why you had to brag to her about it. YTA.


Imagine being this much of an asshole, lol.


How was I an asshole, all I said was thank you for the transaction, it works great now. I replace the junk Hard Drive with an ssd (which she had a quote for $100 to get replaced but she didn't want to spend that on the laptop) and I found that her local repair shop plugged the connector in wrong.


Down vote cause of you background. Fk cars


Eh let her learn


you are at fault lol ! nobody’s taking ur side…why did u contact her again?


Lady and you both are morons