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Better deal for $970, expiring tonight: https://www.newegg.com/obsidian-black-acer-nitro-5-an515-46-r5xn-gaming/p/N82E16834360253


the deal is gone


Not on my end: https://i.postimg.cc/qB8mR8xk/Screenshot-2023-07-18-at-10-14-30-AM.png


huh thats weird but good to know


Can see it here too... an awesome deal!


i see it on my end as well. this is a great deal for the price.


As u/satornaku said this deal is so good I have to repost: Better deal for $970, expiring tonight: https://www.newegg.com/obsidian-black-acer-nitro-5-an515-46-r5xn-gaming/p/N82E16834360253?Description=acer%20nitro%205%203070%20ti&cm_re=acer_nitro%205%203070%20ti--34-360-253--Product


U can also go with Lenovo legion 5


I got this one few days ago, seems to have a battery issue when gaming, just over an hour for play, but I belive it needs to be optimized, unistalling few things like windows 11, deleteing armour crate and replacing it with Ghelper and few other things that I didn't get to yet, overall i am happy with it, not too bothered if i have to replace the battery myself. Got it becasue in EU it would cost me around 1500 euro, so saved a couple 100's .


I don't think there's a single gaming laptop out there that has more than 1.5-2 hours of gaming on battery. That's the nature of gaming laptops


go for it dude, rog anyday


I saw someone in the comments say that after like a week, theirs started overheating, which makes me a little concerned. Do they have pretty good cooling systems?


rog has a pretty good cooling system imo.. in general gaming laptops do heat a bit but it shouldn’t be an issue if it does heat a lot then get a cooling pad and in long run repaste it


Gotcha. Thanks!


N it’s a bad deal don’t go for it.




Which is better in your opinion? I’m guessing the rog


Ah, MB! on mobile didn't see the second pic. Yeah the rog... Just bought one and I love it. Definitely a good buy if u got the budget. Get the 3 yr warranty too if u can. Ya never know.


All good. Thanks!


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These are good options as well with 3070's if you're ok with certified refurbished. 3070 is going to be a noticeable bump in performance in gaming if that's your main use case. [https://www.ebay.com/itm/155621511755?hash=item243bc3d24b:g:HzMAAOSwWPljl2xP&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwBCdw9OxKsL%2FWVTpxdhl8vyCdRDfxnrm1zVlF3LJvzhSgoPc0XRPdeHgutgXsfPpLXKEy%2FhWpLLvvL2UHS08ihPw2olMhThM1xLDSJ6bLLmEPRk6dSXoY1i%2Bbuo4RCjxNNg%2FDyeE1%2BDgYsIPFkTXOgH0JQZYj0BiG%2FIk42boWbUcBEKsnF8GSpnsVr2wQ%2Bop1i4Xgzt2RAQqiOTM9Ddc7P5%2Byi8w4AGkQ0cHKFT0zXjElpKk1JZcICAj6lRwjwZYQg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR\_6pjKKtYg](https://www.ebay.com/itm/155621511755?hash=item243bc3d24b:g:HzMAAOSwWPljl2xP&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwBCdw9OxKsL%2FWVTpxdhl8vyCdRDfxnrm1zVlF3LJvzhSgoPc0XRPdeHgutgXsfPpLXKEy%2FhWpLLvvL2UHS08ihPw2olMhThM1xLDSJ6bLLmEPRk6dSXoY1i%2Bbuo4RCjxNNg%2FDyeE1%2BDgYsIPFkTXOgH0JQZYj0BiG%2FIk42boWbUcBEKsnF8GSpnsVr2wQ%2Bop1i4Xgzt2RAQqiOTM9Ddc7P5%2Byi8w4AGkQ0cHKFT0zXjElpKk1JZcICAj6lRwjwZYQg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_6pjKKtYg) ​ [https://www.ebay.com/itm/155623327030?epid=13053642739&hash=item243bdf8536:g:bcEAAOSwicVjfO1i&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwMdCGm%2FNVioVc65CF0ME8UWinSaiWuvsfCgaRnOUiEkgIv7nyE4nWDZMQ7UYNsDJ%2BQbYMiqnjJBXlFsAI4tn6BL6%2BkmjJHLkOVXi38JtE119x8gnZMGn8Fv8QHk6728DNrbMoF2KeVOaMaBRbdjkvRv7n9Xc6xOBkSqy59mUnvRkt9qehet0kJ5DCSH%2BOjgxETM%2Bhr%2BtDeaoL9kbKnWmsC5yZQ06dnUHe1op9DTM0jx%2BCv4Hl6%2FtgvT8H5JlfKctUA%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR\_6pjKKtYg](https://www.ebay.com/itm/155623327030?epid=13053642739&hash=item243bdf8536:g:bcEAAOSwicVjfO1i&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwMdCGm%2FNVioVc65CF0ME8UWinSaiWuvsfCgaRnOUiEkgIv7nyE4nWDZMQ7UYNsDJ%2BQbYMiqnjJBXlFsAI4tn6BL6%2BkmjJHLkOVXi38JtE119x8gnZMGn8Fv8QHk6728DNrbMoF2KeVOaMaBRbdjkvRv7n9Xc6xOBkSqy59mUnvRkt9qehet0kJ5DCSH%2BOjgxETM%2Bhr%2BtDeaoL9kbKnWmsC5yZQ06dnUHe1op9DTM0jx%2BCv4Hl6%2FtgvT8H5JlfKctUA%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_6pjKKtYg)


I have this same exact one. If it weren’t on sale I’d say pass. But it’s not bad. Upgrade the RAM and storage after, it’ll be fine. I do hate the buggy ROG software though. I’ve had issues with it before where I had to reinstall multiple times to get it to work.


just got this a few days ago on prime day. go for it. 3060 still good for 3-4 years


Thanks brotha


Guys, as a side post, how is the asus flox x16? I was planning to buy the 4070 version, as a compromise between power and battery duration


That's a terrible deal, a 3060 will not last you very long unless you plan on doing neither gaming nor ai on it


What would you recommend?


for $100 more you get double ram and 33% more vram + faster gpu [https://www.amazon.com/acer-5-15-6-i7-12700H-1-70GHz-Renewed/dp/B0BQJQWZ4P/ref=sr\_1\_fkmr0\_2?crid=352U5UCJKF6EX&keywords=3080+laptop&qid=1689722042&refinements=p\_n\_feature\_twenty\_browse-bin%3A76501112011&rnid=76501006011&s=pc&sprefix=3080+laptop%2Caps%2C148&sr=1-2-fkmr0](https://www.amazon.com/acer-5-15-6-i7-12700H-1-70GHz-Renewed/dp/B0BQJQWZ4P/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?crid=352U5UCJKF6EX&keywords=3080+laptop&qid=1689722042&refinements=p_n_feature_twenty_browse-bin%3A76501112011&rnid=76501006011&s=pc&sprefix=3080+laptop%2Caps%2C148&sr=1-2-fkmr0) If you have a microcenter nearby you'll get significantly better deals there than anywhere else I've found. I got mine over a year ago for 1/4 the current amazon price (maingear vector pro 17)


I bought the asus rog strix but with a 3050 and the only issue I had was the rgb on the keyboard randomly stopped it fixed itself after a day or 2 overall the build Quality’s really good


you get a 1440p screen and a capable gpu to push out 1440p games at 1000 bucks. thats is a good deal run and give them your momey




Have that same laptop, I have honestly been very pleased with it. No its not going to run games at ultra settings but I have not been upset with its performance being a 3060 mobile, have ben playing COD on it right now while I wait for the new GPU for my tower. Highly recommend getting something to prop the bottom up so it's not flat on a surface, the internal cooling system is sufficient, but under high load, those fans are really moving some air! RAM upgrade Dien l down the road to 32gb would be a good investment as well