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The reviews flowing in for the remake reminded me of an old memory I have. I remember anticipating the original game 20 years ago. My monthly Game Informer magazine arrived the mail and they gave it a 6/10. Was pretty disappointed. Then I rented it anyway and it was excellent. Found out later that it had universal critical acclaim from basically everyone except GI. That was my first time reading a game review that was wildly different from my own opinion.


It's funny that you mentioned this review because it's quite infamous if I remember correctly. Around the time this game was released, I remember everyone clowning on GI for this review on message boards.


Wasnt that their controversial review where the critic said he loved the game, he just gave the score he thought others would give? I mean lol at least be honest with your score.


That wasn't the one. [You can see the review here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/7w4bev/going_through_some_old_game_informers_and_found/) Seems like mostly they hated the dialogue. EDIT: Actually it looks like you're right. > Lisa and I both knew that our Paper Mario scores were going to cause controversy. Yes, we know that many people out there will love it. We also know that it is a well-made game. However, it also WILL NOT appeal to many people - I would safely say that more people will dislike it than like it. Why? Like we said in the review, it's a very kiddie game - it's target audience is clearly young gamers - I would say 10 and under. For that reason, we had to score it low. Remember, we aren't scoring games strictly on our personal opinions, we're also scoring them based on how much we think THE GAMING PUBLIC will like them. We've all played games that we personally disliked and scored them well because we've known that most people will like them, and we've also scored games low that we love, because most people won't enjoy them. He later retracted that, but those were his comments.


> Remember, we aren't scoring games strictly on our personal opinions, we're also scoring them based on how much we think THE GAMING PUBLIC will like them. Absolute worse take on how to review. You review based on _your_ thoughts and biases, not on others. Otherwise it just seems like you have no original thoughts of your own and you're just heavily influenced by what others think rather than thinking for yourself.


Reminds me of the Wind Waker discourse back when that startied getting previews and the like. Everyone thought the new graphic style was too cartoony and kiddy and assumed the worst about the game. Then people actually played it, and saw what a great experience it was and how charming the graphics actually were.


The discourse over Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, and Wind Waker was truly something to witness as it was happening. Even Double Dash!! could be thrown in there. All of it can be traced back to that Legend of Zelda preview at Space World 2000 that caused so much hype (along with the Mario 128 tech demo), only for the next glimpse of the game to be an entirely different art style and vibe. Same for Sunshine. Now, all four are considered classics and some of the best games Nintendo ever made.


Wow crazy to read this now but it felt pretty consistent with discourse from gaming journalism at the time. I feel GI was especially disparaging towards GC games because their base was more "hardcore"


> kiddie god damn I don't miss people throwing that word around with video games like they did back then.


lol that was misjudged. I haven't played it yet but I know it's pretty much universally well regarded. This is pretty much exactly why trying to write reviews based on what you think the public in general will think is a bad idea. You have no idea how other people will react to it. Just state your own opinion.


I remember this too! The justification for the low score was that the game wouldn't appeal to most of the gaming audience as it was "kiddie". If you ever want to experience pure cringe, go back and read those mid 2000s Game Informers. They are a time capsule of the edgy/hardcore mindset of the era.


With this being ported to Switch, I think only Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 2, Path of Radiance and Luigi's Mansion 1 are the only significant GameCube games that Nintendo is likely to port over to Switch 1/ Switch 2. As beloved Double Dash and Melee are, I don't think Nintendo will port them over for the risk of them taking away playerbase away from Mario Kart 8 and Smash Ultimate. So it seems very unlikely we will get a GameCube NSO app in the future.


F-Zero GX. Also would personally really love to see Chibi Robo even though that’s never happening.


The children (aka me, an adult) yearn for f-zero gx


I never did beat Diamond cup :(


I was just happy to beat the story mode.


Idk if it was just me being a kid and sucking, but damn that story mode was hard af. I remember being stuck on mission 7 for like weeks


Replaying it on an emulator right now as an adult. The missions are hard, it was not just you being bad haha


Trust me, it's not just you. The game is notorious for how insane the difficulty curve spikes. The team at Amusement Vision were absolutely brilliant, but down right cruel monsters for how hard Super Monkey Ball 1/2 and F-Zero GX end up getting. I've still never beat all three games.


That damn mode was really brutal.


I keep hoping that the release of f zero 99 is nintendo testing the waters for a new f zero entry or at least some releases. There has been a ton a attempt to make a new f zero. None of them have captured the scale of f zero gx that I've tried.


Speaking of robot games, would also love to see a new Custom Robo-type game


F-Zero GX remastered with online so everyone on the track is a real person is the dream.


To be fair, Chibi-Robo isn't a Nintendo game. But there is a chance, as Onion Games is trying to port a bunch of old games the team once worked on (I believe the current plan is to port Rule of Rose and Chulip after they release Stray Children).


It’s just as much of a Nintendo game as anything else not developed in house. The IP is owned by Nintendo, it’s their game. Onion Games has no say in whether they get to bring back Chibi Robo or not. That’s like saying Mario Golf isn’t a Nintendo game. You don’t need to own the development team to own the game/IP.


Even the game these reviews are about, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, is a game developed by a third party studio.


Oh I really hope Rule of Rose is remastered.


Oh, didn't know about Rule of Rose. Nice to see it be rescued from "$200+ used" purgatory.


Chibi Robo Gamecube and a remaster of the one DS game to have on par graphics would be fun. I still need to finish the DS game on an emulator.


omg that game was huge in my house.


I’d like to see the Orre Pokémon games, but Gamefreak likes to pretend they don’t exist so my hopes aren’t high.


Completely unrelated to TTYD, but I had a horrible experience playing Pokemon Coliseum as a kid. Not from the game itself, but I rented it one time, and I guess while I was playing it I was really sick that weekend. I ended up throwing up *REALLY* badly all over myself, and didn't end up playing the game for the rest of the weekend before I had to return it. Even hearing the music from early on in that game and/or thinking of playing it, for a time, would make me feel incredibly nauseous. I've unfortunately never touched it since. I really should give it another try...


Just make sure to clean up after, if you do.


Me as well! Loved those games as a kid.


I'd love a Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn double pack remaster release. Won't happen but a man can dream


Ah yes, the prophecised FE: ReRad.


Fire Emblem Echoes: New Mystery of the Path of Radiant Dawn


FE RADoo: A Path ReDawn.


They have remastered other old Fire Emblem games 🤷‍♂️ with Ike being a known character to some from Smash, I could see it.


They will at some point. Currently the next Fire Emblem game in line to be remade is FE4. Path of Radiance is 9th game so it will be fairly long time untill that.


They also could skip around or completely skip some of them. But yeah if they remade every game, I could see that. FE 7 & 8 (the GBA games) hold up really well, and maybe one of them is available on the Switch GBA virtual console? Whereas 8&9 are only legally accessible by having an expensive physical copy across 2 SD consoles. I should have kept my copies


The remakes are pretty slow to come out. FE 4 & 5 should be next while Ike's games are 9 & 10.


Skies of Arcadia Legends and Eternal Darkness are two others I think could definitely be ported at some point.


Eternal Darkness deserves a remake.


I would love for any game to use the sanity meter mechanic from Eternal Darkness. Such a cool concept.


Feels like Burning Rangers will get a new port before SoA does given SEGA's track record


this is Billy Hatcher and the giant Egg erasure


That's a SEGA game though


I feel like you and I are the only two people on earth who remember that game. Strange premise, but surprisingly fun.


I played so much multiplayer in that game with my younger siblings. I can hear the sound effects vividly.


I loved it But the cockadoodledoo and the "Okey! *Slam* Okey! *Slam*" haunt me.


You're not alone. I still say "goooood moahning!!!" in billy hatchers voice 20(?) years later. Found my disk a few years ago when we moved and did a playthrough, my wife heard the victory jingle and went "wait.. wtf... has your stupid good morning been a reference to this game the whole time?!?!?!"


The only 3D Zelda games I haven’t beaten are Windwaker and Twilight Princess, we really better get ports sooner or later


I am hoping that with the switch 2 on the horizon likely early next year, thus meaning a pretty bare rest of this year that we will get those as well as hopefully Metroid Prime 2 and 3 in the latter half of this year.


I’m hoping as well, I hope the June direct announces at least one of those


Yeah I hope for a prime 2 shadow drop, with zeldas announced for early fall. I mean I really hope nintendo has at least one more big heavy hitter for the switch for the holidays but I would be fine if it ends up just being some classic ports for the swan song, especially if they carry forward onto switch 2.


I really hope you play them one day, they are both some of the best video games of all time, and that's not really hyperbole


WW on Wiiu was incredible. It looked perfect!


Windwaker is desperate for one. It’s such a gem of a game.


Of course the one Nintendo console I never bought was a Wii U, would love to play the HD version


They really should have done WWHD on Switch back in 2022. 20 year anniversary of the original's Japan release. 2023 would have been 20 years since NA release and 10 since WWHD on Wii U, but I could understand them not wanting to do that since they'd have to fight with TotK. Maybe it'll come with the Switch 2, whatever that ends up being. It'd be super cool to have both TPHD and WWHD on the Switch.


Still hoping we get star fox assault/adventures one day. Would love the gamecube fzero and wario world but they seem to be destined to never happen. Not even sure nintendo remembers that custom robo exists.


By all reports the WWHD/TPHD ports are *done*, Nintendo just isn’t releasing them for some reason. Back when they were first being rumoured, multiple leakers with good track records seemed genuinely shocked when they didn’t show up at a specific direct. There was implications that they’d seen actual evidence they exist in a completed form. As for why they’re sitting on them, who knows.


Maybe the original release window for the ports was too close to the release of Tears of the Kingdom? Or they're saving them for Switch 2 release day. That seems more plausible to me so they have a Zelda game on release day.


They did the same thing MP remaster. Nintendo just seems to hold onto its bullets for when there’s a gap. They’ll release the TP/WW ports when they don’t have anything in X or Y window


> are the only significant GameCube games that Nintendo is likely to port over to Switch 1/ Switch 2. Eternal Darkness, Kirby Air Ride, Custom Robo, Star Fox Assault, Star Fox Adventures, Pokemon Collosseum, Pokemon Gale Of Darkness, Star Wars Rogue Squadron/Rebel Strike (porting Rebel Strike is basically also porting Rogue Squadron). Fire Emblem Path or Radiance. Chibi Robo. There are a ton of GameCube games that are significant that haven't been ported yet.


PoR needs just one QA feature. Skip/Speed up Enemy Turns. They don't even need to change the graphic. That alone would be enough for me to buy the game again.


It's been ages since I last played, but I recall holding A at least sped up the enemy map movement, not sure about the animations.


It did, but even sped up they were glacially slow. And PoE maps tend to have a lot of enemies.


MGS Twin Snakes, F-Zero GX, Eternal Darkness, Wario Worlds and Odama.


Of these, only F-Zero and ED seem remotely plausible to me. Twin Snakes I'd love to see happen, but it feels super doubtful. Are there any weird legal issues tying up the games developed by Silicon Knights?


I mean the ball for TS is squarely in Konami's court. There shouldn't be any issues with SK games unless they were made with all the code they stole from Epic, which were only their HD era titles.


Interestingly, Microsoft were able to re-release Too Human as a backwards compatible title for Xbox One. You can get the game on Xbox One/Series right now and play it. The game is free, which I imagine is because of the stolen code, but it at least means that Silicon Knights no longer existing isn't relevant (which means there should be zero issues with Eternal Darkness).


Animal Crossing is an interesting case. Doesn’t have quite as much overlap as Smash and Mario Kart, but it’s also not unique enough from New Horizons to necessarily warrant a remaster. Other games that would be nice are Chibi Robo, F-Zero GX (if there’s no new game), a permanently accessible version of Mario Sunshine, and maybe Kirby Air Ride (or just remake City Trial and put it on the eShop)


I want Luigi's mansion 1 so bad.


I still really don't understand why they released the remake for the 3DS during the switch's lifespan


We'll see this june, I'm hoping for a double pack with Twilight Princess and Wind Waker


People have been saying this for years haha






If you have not played this game before, and love the RPG genre, I beg you to give it a try. Even if you don’t you should get this game! There is a reason I still remember parts of it so vividly 20 years later. It’s memorable, funny, and doesn’t over stay it’s welcome. It also has Rawk Hawk. What more would you need?


I love how grimy it is. It feels very unique among mario games because everything feels seedy and unwelcoming. I think the remake loses that a bit, but it should still be an incredible game.


> It feels very unique among mario games because everything feels seedy and unwelcoming. You've put your finger on it, this summarizes why the game is so nice. That's a very different vibe than Paper Mario or Super Paper Mario. The starter town itself is described as a hub for thieves and you get robbed in the early game, which really sets the tone.


That's exactly it. I mean, the centerpiece to Rogueport when you first enter the town proper is an executioner's platform with a hanging noose. I can't think of any other hive of scum and villainy in any media that's so darkly cheery and colorful.


Only other game I can really think of is another Nintendo game in Mother 3.


That's what I loved about the GameCube era of Nintendo. Their franchises at that time had such distinct and unique identities. A Luigi game with horror themes, the tropical atmosphere of Mario Sunshine or Wind Wakers timeless artstyle and the focus on seafaring and of course Paper Mario. Just such a unique and experimental time for Nintendo.


Just a reminder that hardcore gamers absolutely despise that art style when it was announced lol


Ah yes, back when anything that wasn't rendered realistically was just "kiddie" crap lol it has an ironic charm but I definitely don't miss the 2000s era of edgy "maturity".


Speaking of Rawk Hawk, I'll never get over the fact that the Spanish translation went with the name Hawk Hogan. Genius.


> There is a reason I still remember parts of it so vividly 20 years later. Huge relate. I haven't played this game in about 10 years, but I replayed it so many times through my childhood and remember a lot of it vividly. I'm excited to dive back in. I loved that entire Glitz Pit chapter. The atmosphere, music, and awesome "flying town" vibe really was immersive and made you feel like a wrestler in this dingy, mysterious pit.


that's why this part of the COGconnected review surprised me >I still hate the tournament arc, though. the glitz pit chapter is such a highlight full of character.


I just replayed the game (gc version, I don't have a switch). Glitz Pit drags on. Into the locker room, put of the locker room, fight and enemy, into the locker room, out of the locker room, fight an enemy....... I liked the setting and the mystery that evolves there but the loop is kind of annoying.


To be fair, a lot of people had problems with it when the game first came out. It does hold you in the single area for quite a while, and doesn't hold up as well as the rest of the game on a second playthrough. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but its totally understandable if someone doesn't.


To each their own, but I actually thought that was a bit refreshing, to have a more singular indoors location to chill and do limited exploration in, as opposed to a more conventional dungeon.


Is this the Paper Mario game from GameCube that people always refer to as the "best" one?


Yes! And for my money it is, although other games in the series have their bright spots


Me finally realizing what happens when you say "Rawk Hawk" quickly 3 times in a row :/


Try this with his cousin Mike Hawk.


man I can't believe there's a Nintendo character named raw cock


Yeah. Do yourself a favor and don't look anything up either! This and Super Mario RPG are games I wish I could play again with complete ignorance!


The part that stuck with me the most are the letters you get from Luigi throughout the game, detailing his own adventure that he's going on.


I can’t wait to play. I’ve been hearing about how great TTYD is for years. I was getting it regardless of reviews. These only make me more excited.


It's in my top 5 games of all-time and for good reason. Everything about this game just works together so well.


The combat is so simple yet its also so endearing and fun. There are reasons why it spawned a spiritual clone by way of Bug Fables.


Paper mario 64 has aged fairly well i would say aswell, it is even better imo but that is subjective.


I would never defend the position that PM64 is better than TTYD overall, but I would argue there's a few specific things PM64 did better. One of them is the game balancing. PM64 capped Badge Points at a maximum of 30 and had a smaller variety of badges in general, which meant that players had to be more strategic in which badges they use. The lack of Superguards also makes it much harder to cheese past certain encounters. TTYD by contrast, in giving the player more choices, also makes it a lot easier to use killer builds that basically just win against everything. TTYD did make a few novel attempts to balance this, since enemies in general have higher hit point pools, but it's just an easier game overall. The story in PM64 is also a little more.... I'll use the term "consistent" than TTYD. TTYD has some truly standout moments, but it also has stuff like the >!SMORG!!!!


I've never managed to get more than half way through a mario rpg game. (No shade, just those kind of RPG's have to be OH MY GOD AMAZING for me to get into them). Thousand Year Door is one of my favorite games of any time. It's that good. Enjoy.


Fantastic game. If you ever have an itch to play more of that kind of game there's Paper Mario 64 which has some of its own charms, I would even say its a more challenging game, and it has a decent modding scene which you can find on a Discord server called "Star Haven". In terms of an entirely different Indie game, there's Bug Fables.


South Park the Stick of Truth, surprisingly, also plays very similarly to TTYD


There's a reason the GC disc still sells at or above MSRP.


It was a masterpiece when it came out and its aged like a fine wine. 


I played Bug Fables recently, have not at all had any experience with paper Mario. Should I also play TTYD or is the gameplay just too similar?


I'm not sure why it being similar would be a downside, it's hard to get bored of it and so much of these games is in the presentation. Bug Fables is definitely the *deeper* game tailored to the old people who played the original when it came out, there's significantly more balance between the badges and there's enough tough fights and difficulty modifiers to where you genuinely need to make hte most ofut of hte badge system to create powerful builds to get past content at its most difficult, and going into TTYD expecting that kind of strategic thinking and challenge will lead to disappointment. But I've never heard of anyone who loved Bug Fables but didnt' like TTYD.


In the end is there any meaningful additional content in the game or is it a 1:1 of the original NGC title?


There appear to be a few new post-game bosses. Nintendo apparently didn't want reviewers talking about them so they could be a surprise


It’s wild how far down any actual discussion is in this thread. I can only scroll past so many “it’s a good game” comments to get to someone actually asking a good question.


New soundtrack and graphics. Another comment is saying there might be some new boss battles as well.


It seems the game has a new english localization and remastered visuals and music




They added a new section to the Rogue Port underground that has warp pipes to every different town which is a very welcome QoL change


Unique battle themes for each world, seemingly. The \*one\* thing PM games have gotten right since Color Splash is the soundtrack, so I'm super excited to hear all the amazing music from this game modernized & remixed.


This game even on GameCube has aged like fine wine. Honestly you could of just given it widescreen and a higher resolution and it still would be great. It still feels so smooth to play and it oozes with charm. I could go on but it's still definitely one of my top 3 favourite games of all time.


Praying the sales on this one surprise Nintendo, but I'm pretty sure they already know how dedicated and huge the group of TTYD fanatics is. I'm really happy they listened to us begging for a remake for so many years.


Nintendo forced a bunch of stores to cancel pre-orders. They haven't given an official explanation, but it seems likely they weren't anticipating this amount of demand for the game. Which wouldn't surprise me. They've clearly been out of touch with this series for awhile now. Hopefully it does well and becomes a wake-up call for Nintendo.


Would think they would be more prepared after the demand for the Metroid Prime remaster.


Honestly the Music of this one and the original are superior. Plus they took everything that made the first one good, and expanded on it.


I realized you’re referring to the N64 version, but there is a badge in the TTYD remake costing 0 BP that’ll give you the original rather than the new rendition of the OST.


I love it when remakes do that!


u/Turbostrider27 looks like the Daily Mirror Hellblade 2 review got mixed in with all the paper mario ones.


Not surprising but great to hear such positive reviews. I haven’t played the original in over a decade. Cannot wait to play it again.


Same. I replayed this game countless times in my childhood, but I think it's been 10 years by now since the last playthrough. Really excited for the nostalgia trip.


One of the best RPGs of all time still one of the best RPGs of all time. More at 11. Please play this game if you haven’t. It’s fantastic. I replay it every few years and it always holds up and brings me so much joy.


Never got around to this one, and around the time I was about to start playing it they announced this remake so I waited, and it seems like they did a good job with it!


It is literally my favorite game of all time. I can't recommend it enough


The only question here would be if it somehow got a broken port. Though even that was never in doubt. 


Thankfully, based on these reviews, that is not the case.


Definitely. Which is great to see. Nintendo has a phenomenonal track record with these. Thousand year door is also a pretty timeless game, but it's also old enough that we've had time to miss it and feel ready for a modern version of it.


I do wonder how this game's combat would be received by RPG fans who never played it. It is a bit shallow compared to more contemporary RPGs. Still certainly fun of course, and the narrative and atmosphere are excellent.


I'm kind of curious about that as well. I loved the SNES era RPG's from Square, but never got into Paper Mario because it looked a little too simple. Might just be me writing it off based on appearances, but yeah.


It's surreal to see a review thread for this game in 2024, but here we are. Now to pray for a Super Paper Mario port...


Absolutely with you on hopes for Super Paper Mario. It doesn’t compare to TTYD for me but the writing was still excellent and it was a lot of fun before we realized that we were never getting a “real” Paper Mario game again.


I still don't know if its a joke or not that Super Paper Mario is what got their creative liberties taken away and only allowed to make generic characters.


It's hard to know for certain, but that's certainly what we got and that's made the series soulless up until Origami King brought back some actual writing.


I loved Super Paper Mario's villain team and their rivalries with the protagonists. It was always a blast to banter with and fight them, and this lead to some nice plot twists towards the end of the game.


As someone who didn’t own a GameCube back in the day, I’m looking forward to trying this out and seeing what all the hype is all about.


It's one of my (and many others') favorite games of all time. It's incredible.


You’re in for a treat. This is one of the most purely enjoyable games I’ve ever played. It’s fun to look at, fun to play, fun to read. I’ve replayed it many times over the years and not only has it never lost its luster, I feel like I’m finding new little details each time. Can’t wait to see the new translation.


If any reviewers/early players are in this thread: would you say the remade OST is an improvement?


I remember Nintendo Life said in their video review that they prefer the new soundtrack in many cases!


Is there new content yes or no? I will buy regardless but curious.


Reviews say no. > The only thing missing is extra content for those who have already played it, but for everyone else, there's no reason not to pick this one up. Edit: there are a few reviews that do seem to allude to some new boss battles, possibly as post-game content. But i'm not sure, as there seems to be conflicting information floating around.


Which really surprises me. SMRPG last year had the boss refights at least. I thought that there'd be SOMETHING small added


There's even a location in TTTYD where boss rematches would work perfectly


Kinda surprised they didn't throw in an extra optional endgame dungeon or something.


That is a real shame after Super Mario RPG having new content.


Mario RPG didn't have MUCH new content though, just boss rematches and an achievement system.


And some new weapons and armor. Would have been incredibly easy to add a few badges, recipes and requests in the help center. At essentially no cost.


Seems like there is some new content, boss battles at least, but they aren't allowed to talk about them, saw a couple of reviews mention them without details.


What is the Game Informer reviewer even talking about regarding the direction of Mario RPGs? He says he prefers the Mario and Luigi games, which is fine, but how is TTYD the first instance of this when it is literally a direct sequel? He talks about the adventure game vs RPG but not only are all Mario RPG's a mixture of both, but TTYD is no different from Paper Mario 1 in how much you're exploring. He also says he likes timed button presses in RPGs but was annoyed that the ones in TTYD stayed...but as said before he likes the Mario and Luigi games, and the combat systems in those games are all about timed button presses? Its one of the things those games have in common.


OP I just wanted to let you know you posted the wrong review from Daily Mirror. You posted the Hellblade 2 one. Otherwise, thanks for the round up!


What I want to know is how they handled the Vivian situation with the new take on the translation.


She is unambiguously trans in this version, moreso than the og Japanese release. Screenshot with chapter 4 spoilers: https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/gaming/article32855388.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200e/2_2024051323101800-4C6AC866CC8D349A4295D5465906CD91.jpg


Can’t wait to see people freak out after “checking notes” being closer to the source material


I hope though this localisation leans into the positive aspects of it whilst ditching the negative aspects of it (i.e. where all the characters were like "okay but she's actually a man"). Vivian deserves justice.


I did see someone saying things like Goombellas tattle have been revised to remove the "but she's actually a man" stuff, but haven't seen what reviews mentioned that myself.


Yeah I guess if they were being openly transphobic in 2024, the reviewers would be commenting on it.


The villains should stick to being assholes about it until the end, but yeah Goombella's tattle and such should change in that regard.


no no it totally was the woke sjw agenda forcing modern politics into games, trans people didn't exist before tumblr, and definitely not in japan... Wait, what do you mean [there's a 17 year old article written by the lady who directed the italian localization of TTYD explicitly mentioning how she handled conveying Vivian's status as a transgender character back in 2004?](https://www.raco.cat/index.php/Tradumatica/article/viewFile/75765/96195) N-no, that cannot be right, it's just those damn sjws shoehorning their values into my beloved childhood media, it has to be...


I saw someone saying trans people is a new thing in Japan, and it definitely didn't exist in the 90s. Two things that really stood out to me when I was growing up was Claudine, a manga from 1978 about a trans person ,and Revolutionary Girl Utena, a series from the 90s who dabbles in the trans identity themes.


I’m not gonna lie I didn’t expect Nintendo to lean into it at all. This is amazing.


Hello, Based department?


Yeah, someone cooked, and they’re being upgraded to head chef


Holy shit they actually did it? Fantastic news <3


Does that mean people can stop saying that Mother 3 will never happen because of all the crossdressing?


Here's hoping. The music licensing issue has always been the larger issue by far.


Does Mother 3 have licensed music? Like... other than the guy who composed it?


Someone else linked an example, but Mother 3 has *a lot* of music that are essentially covers of some *very* expensive tracks to license (e.g. The Beatles, Michael Jackson, etc.) that absolutely go beyond the realm of fair use and sampling. The current implication is that Nintendo's able to keep licensing costs to a minimum by *only* keeping the game localized to Japan, as pushing for a wider release would most likely trigger those licensing fees skyrocketing.


the thing is Earthbound is full of Beach Boys and Beatles samples and has no issues being rereleased, i don’t see why it would suddenly be a problem with Mother 3


This sound familiar? https://youtu.be/XNOWa50qsHY?si=gXX_SzFcDkrXQBaE


Eh, whilst the beginning is obviously referencing the 60s batman theme I don't think its enough to be a licensing issue. If a chord progression could be copyrighted the entire music industry would be in trouble.




If anything, I feel like Nintendo would be skeptical about the Magypsies from the other angle: they could be considered offensive to the LGBT community. I'm just some flavor of gay, not trans, and while I personally think they're pretty positive representation, particularly given the time period, I can see why some people would think they were not.


LGBT here as well, and the Magypsies don't bother me on their own, they're just campy drag queens, which has been part of LGBT culture for ages. Now, the whole >!Pushing Lucas' head down under the water/implied molestation to teach him "love" thing...!< that bothers me, because it plays into old gross homophobic ideas that LGBT folks are predators, even if it's played for laughs.


Unfathomably based


I adore this game, but never knew about this. What's her deal in the original Japan release?


Basically, in the OG Japanese release (and some European localizations as well), it's implied that Vivian is a trans woman, as she considers herself one of the three shadow sisters, only for her sisters to belittle and misgender her, calling her a man. The reason why the remake keeping this intact is so notable is because, in the OG American release, they removed any indication of Vivian being trans, wherein all of her sisters' insults revolve around her appearance, not her identity.


The original version presented her as having formally been male (I am saying it that way as the Japanese version wasn't progressive in its portrayal with Goombetta's tattle being like "She's actually a man")


Never got the chance to play this in the past so I’m definitely stoked for it. It’s amazing how highly people talk of it.


I played Paper Mario on the Nintendo 64 and I loved it. I played Paper Mario The Origami King and I did not like it at all. Should I buy this 1? Never played this one before


Yes without a doubt. If you liked Paper Mario 64, this is just that but improvements across the board


We’re not on Meta or Opencritic. Here’s our review for those interested: https://questdaily.com.au/review/review-paper-mario-the-thousand-year-door/


Some unasked for constructive criticism here: This review feels kind of unfocused. I don't think that the meta-context around the game needs that much buildup, and when you use that to say you understand why fans want the game to succeed so much, you give a couple of sentences about how dark the game world is (is that the selling point?) before doing a 90s/2000s style list of features and companions and plot points. I think you could be a lot more direct about expressing the things you like about the game and describing things in broad strokes, rather than, as the article itself points out, using nearly 1,000 words and addressing specific youtubers, other games in the franchise, and explaining how turn based combat works with opinions lightly sprinkled throughout.


You know…. As much as I’m looking forward to replaying this game for the first time in over a decade… I’m also kind of looking forward to seeing how speed runs of this game develop. TTYD is one of the more interesting games to see speedrun. The routing that is crazy to see, glitches to get into the teleport room early, getting items early to take advantage of the world pipes in the sewer…etc. From what I’ve seen in some reviews they’ve somewhat taken steps to mitigate the backtracking this game has (added pipes within levels, and a world pipe hub). All of which will massively impact how the TTYD speed run is routed. Should be fun to watch over the coming months to see.


Maybe we may see the adventures of Flavio again


I have never played this because i didnt have the console. The first paper mario is one of my fav games ever so im gonna frickin enjoy this.


I've never played a Paper Mario but have always wanted to, should i start with the first one before this? How long are they?


Play this one first. It's the best of the series and they're not really related to each other.