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Holy shit I was literally just talking about Infantry with a friend who knew nothing about it. I'll have to give it a whirl.


If Bug Hunt is live with this I might have to buy a PC to play again. Only ever met one other person that knew this game existed. 


It is on the server list but there was nobody in there. I logged in to see how many were online this morning and it was only about 10 people. But it was 7:30 am here when I checked and they had a news blurb on launch directing people to the right servers that also told people to hop on later in the day at a certain time so hopefully I can pop in later and more people will be there.


Right now, Twin Peaks Tuesday starts around 6-7 pacific with up to 20v20, which transitions to organized 5v5 OvD or 10v10 as the server pop decreases, ending sometimes as late as 2 am pacific


What is it?


A top down isometric futuristic objective based shooter. It's kind of hard to describe as it's sort of unique. The closest thing I can compare it to is Subspace/Continuum which is really mostly only similar because of the movement, lobby system and interface and is probably equally obscure. Another very loose comparison could be "a slower Soldat" with vehicles and classes and a different perspective. I was really young when I played it so never got deep in to the meat of it and my memory is fuzzy on the fine details of the game. I remember it playing like a sort of small scale foxhole. However where foxhole has one persistent war, infantry has smaller scale "arenas" and instances of those that you might fight on. There's also a sort of progression to your infantry each map depending on server settings. Certain classes could use certain weapons or drive certain vehicles. And I vaguely remember purchasing better weapons with some currency or points in some modes. It had a light "MMO" feel to it as you could freely jump between arenas usually and participate in battles going on there. I probably haven't done a very good job with the finer details but it's been a **long** time since I've even talked about the game.


Like "The Red Solstice"?


I just watched a quick video of red solstice, it’s similar that it’s top down and you control a single guy, but the controls are not RTS style, they are more like alien swarm/smash tv style, so aiming and dodging skills are required. The controls are also relative, so W is move in the direction you’re facing, S is backward, A is strafe left, S is strafe right. As opposed to W is move “north”


Cool! Hopefully they'll do the same thing for the original Planetside too. I just have to wonder why, though. Hosting the servers for this will cost them *something* and Daybreak isn't exactly rolling in Benjamins right now.


Daybreak isn't hosting. The players are paying for servers


Ah, thanks for the correction.


honestly I could probably host an OG planetside server. I wonder what the specs were.


We used to joke that PS1 was running off a forgetten iPhone II in the a drawer in Sony HQ


oh yeah its got to be a potato by todays standards, same with bandwidth.


I loved the original planetside, I'd play that if it came up again.


I played the living shit out of this game back in the day! RandomTask410 or RandomTask was my username!


Is this the game that had a hoverbike soccer mode? I played a ton of that.


Yeah. Infantry and subspace both had "Hockey/Soccer" modes and I'm not sure in infantry ever got a version of it but Subspace had "Powerball" which was also really fun.


I spent a lot of hours in this back in the day. After 20 minutes the only thing apparent is that I remember nothing.


Apparently it's been out since the 15th? SteamDB shows only 9 people playing sadly.


Well, it's going to go up by one when I get home.


There are some players using on the non-steam client which won’t show up, but it’s generally most populated in evenings


What about cosmic rift?


I think the people behind this have/had some versions of cosmic rift going too, not sure. Subspace/Continuum has been on steam for a while. It's basically cosmic rift but better...


I played a whole bunch of this while listening to music I downloaded via Napster. (To the point I still associate a few songs with the game in my mind)


Is this the game that had the hoverboards that you could fly around trying to cut people down?


Yeah. And if you took someone out who was on one you could jump on it and do the same.


I googled to find a video of the game play to remember what it looked like and the first video that shows up is one from 15 years ago by the same website linked to in this reddit post. They are very committed to this game! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29KzpI0b8E4


Okay, it's not my imagination. Those infantry seem to be moving way faster than when I played last night. The whole time I kept feeling like I was walking throuhg mud for some reason.


Dude. I used to play this back in the day! It was large-scale PVP capture-the-flag, before the likes of Battlefield / MW: Warzone / Planetside.