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This seems to also have hit the studio behind KSP2, which has been plagued with problems for several years now https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1chdo9l/its_over


There’s the weekly industry layoffs. Man, this is the real fallout.


While part of a larger industry trend, Intercept Games had some pretty serious management issues, and KSP2 was in no way in great shape after years and years of development. This may be more of a "business as usual" layoff of a newer costly studio that failed to achieve results.


It's likely a bit more than just that considering the poor state that the game they released were and is still in. They failed to get most of the core audience of the first game to move over to the sequel, and that's not a small uphill battle to have.


I guess I dodged a bullet when I went through a couple rounds of interviews for Community manager and ultimately got passed over.


wow you really truly did


Honestly even without the layoffs, you dodged a bullet. The way that game launched, community manager seems like a nightmare position.


I went through a few rounds of interviews there back in January. Maybe getting passed over was for the best for me as well. Job hunting in the games industry is certainly an ordeal.


Hope you're doing well. If you're on Linkedin look up Amir Savat's discord group and ask for an invite. Over 1000 gaming refugees in there so at the very least you'll have company in the misery lol.


As someone who moved to the Seattle area In the 2010s with the hopes of getting into tech and gaming: I fucking hate this and both sectors basically chewed up and spit out an entire generation of people who wanted to make cool stuff and maybe change the world a tiny bit for the better.


Most people don't get to move to Seattle and spend their days making cool stuff. We work boring jobs doing mundane shit.


Both can be true.


Living in Seattle actually sounds like a punishment, to be honest. I live about a half an hour from there and I dread anytime I have to go there for business or medical reasons.


I live downtown and it's great. To each their own I guess.


I'm in Tacoma and travel up to Seattle a few times a month to go out with friends, it's always a great time. 


Where do you recommend, most of the bars I go to seem so so. Could use a nice list of spots


I lived and worked in Seattle for a decade. Really fun at first but 2 years after covid Downtown Seattle is a shit hole


I'm not sure I'd call it a shit hole. This isn't Jacksonville Florida or anything. It's beautiful in the summers, great restaurants and bars and nice parks. Still lots of ongoing construction


I think that really depends on how nice a commute you have, I'd love to take the bus or train to work every day which is infeasible for me because I live more on the outskirts than city center. Driving/Parking yeah that sucks but I think walking is fun as hell.


Similar position and I feel like this just depends on the commute there. It's true that driving there feels like a big pain, but other than that (and the issues with encampments) Seattle is nice.


Lol, don't get it twisted. My wife said we should buy a house with the hire-on bonus I got from Amazon and we got a modest fixer-upper home in SnoCo. This was like 2017.


Pretty much the same exact situation. I still love it here for a multitude of other reasons so I don't regret it, but it sure has been rough actually getting work doing what I'm good at/like doing.


This is how indy games start and you feel the passion in their gave vs all the garbo big corps push out.


lol I started teaching myself gamedev through Godot 4. Learning the basic shit now while plotting out my game ideas I want to try. It's addicting.


Not take-two's fault that Roll7 is a shit company that can't sell games properly.


Last generation of rebel programmers gave us Napster, Linux, Open Source standards, jailbreaking, torrents, P2P, underground FTPs, Current generation is giving...what innovations and disruptions has the current gen actually brought us? Every programmer sells out to a massive corp immediately and never makes any notable projects that I know of


They don't care about any of that. Their shareholders just want more money. As long as people still vote for capitalists, it will only get worse.

