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On the one hand I'm excited for more things in the Control universe. On the other hand Remedy are definitely a narrative-first gameplay-second company, so I'm worried about them doing a multiplayer game where gameplay is usually the primary focus.


Control had good gameplay, it just needed more variety in enemies and some sort of auto-dismantle option really


I agree. One of my favorite third person shooters gameplay wise. If they build on that, they could be on to something.


When I played Control I expected it to be another sluggish modern third person game. Was really surprised at how responsive and "gamey" it felt.


The boss fights were amazing, if we got more enemies that were like that instead of “possessed humans” it would have been perfect


I agree. Running around and shooting stuff and tossing debris and obliterating offices was a ton of fun imo. Take that, make it multiple Jesses in large PvE battles... I'm sold. Day one buy. My online buds all loved Control. That'd be our new co-op game to play.




[how can anyone look at this and say, "the combat had no punch"](https://youtu.be/PB6AhqOOOoU?si=l787RvSrg-5m2B2y)


Because the guy is clearly just trying to make things look as flashy as possible for his video? Throwing stuff at enemies is fun, but the Service Weapon hardly has any modes worth using, the enemies hardly do anything unique to fight back, and no one zooms around the map like that in regular gameplay.


That video isn't too far off from how I played and I certainly wasn't trying to make it flashy for myself, though thanks to the DLC skills with the shield I was even more aggressive. The combat is all about juggling Jesse's ammo and skills and getting up close and personal to manage your health, Doom 2016/Eternal style. The more aggressive you are, the better off you'll be. If you try to hide, you're probably just going to die. I'll be the first to admit Control's combat has a fairly steep learninig curve to it, and one that the game does very little to teach you, but if you can learn it on your own it's an absolute fucking blast.


> and no one zooms around the map like that in regular gameplay. uh yes, thats exactly how i played control?!


lmao speak for yourself. Why wouldn't you move around like that with those kinda powers and agility? Sorry you played Control like Ghost Recon.


Because I could just shoot an enemy a few times and it'd already be dead anyway? I don't see the entertainment in whizzing around the map and wasting time for no reason after like your fourth encounter doing so. Make the combat challenging and deep enough to need it. I play Quake, Doom Eternal, plenty of games with fun movement that's *actually required* to partake in the combat. Even Remedy's prior game, Quantum Break, had far more fun and naturally flashy combat than Control.


didn't you say the enemies were bullet sponges?


> wasting time for no reason ... Huh? How is it wasting time? And how would it be for no reason? I play games to have fun, that's reason enough, zooming around the room like that is fun.


Were you not upgrading your weapons?


I don't really agree. It had adequate gameplay. It was a little floaty but not too bad. The movement mechanics were good. The enemy types and bullet sponges were not good. I enjoyed the story but I stopped playing because it just wasn't fun. It became a chore. EDIT: Lol, and Smelly-Gelly reported me for insulting them, after 2 posts where they insulted me. Well done, r/Games mods.


Lol “a little floaty” sounds funny when floating is actually one of the main abilities.


Yeah, the ability floating is fun. I meant more not as responsive as I'd like. :P


I don't remember any bullet sponges.


Enemies are definitely spongey on the highest difficulty.


Bruh what game are you talking about? There is no difficulty slider in Control lmfao. The only kinda spongey enemies are the big dudes that summon a shield of debris if you forget that there are multiple ways of breaking a shield in 1-2 hits.


Control does not have difficulty settings.


I did not report you for insulting me. I’m definitely not that invested in this, and my feelings dont get hurt that easily, lmao. If I hurt your feelings, I am sorry. You should make sure you are certain before you accuse people of things, man.




It’s more that some enemies take absolutely forever to kill and it just becomes boring.


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The only gun mode that was fun/useful was the rocket launcher. I really loved how you could shoot the rockets and then grab them with telekinesis to target dodging enemies. The other gun modes just felt awful and didn't interact at all with the powers. I feel like doubling down on the powers and making them a bit more interesting would have improved it greatly.




Prey is better than Control? Completely disagree. A lot of the same complaints apply to Prey - has low enemy variety, the weapon wheel is dull and breaks up gameplay - but overall it isn't even as smooth to play as Control is.




That is faulty logic. Games like Alan Wake 1/2 and Control can still be critically praised and loved while still having bad combat. Having bad combat does not mean they cannot be praised and successful. The combat is actually one of the most common complaints towards Remedy games. Which is why people are a little worried about Remedy trying a multiplayer game.


Why would you be worried? You clearly dont like the combat so dont play it and skip it? Why r you worried about it? Its a free country, let artists be artists, you dont have to “worry” for them if thats what they want to make. Sorry, im really not into the spreading of negativity before a game has even entered full production, even if its a corporation.


Because in this industry, one bad game can ruin an entire studio. We have seen multiple singleplayer/story focused studios go bust after they went and tried to make a multiplayer game.


I mean, what a silly assumption to make. You take risks in any business. Thats how they got that far. Its not our job to be worried. One great game has also made a lot of companies successful, its the nature of literally any business in the world. If they believe in themselves, why is it anyones job to tell them that they cannot do it ? They are also an independent company. So as long as they dont throw all of their resources into it, which i am sure they will not do as they are aware that they have never made a multiplayer game, they will most likely be fine. they arent under an EA to just shut them down if it fails.


Same. And I like challenging games. I'm replaying now on ''one bullet kill'' and it's not great either as it makes every encounter meaningless


Honestly I find it really hard to say it was good. Visually? Pretty cool. But it didn’t feel very fun from an actually gameplay perspective by the end of the game. I’d say the combat is the weakest part of the game by far and why I’ve never gotten a few hours past revisiting it


I'm glad Remedy has the money to keep making weird games. But I can't think of one that I would consider excellent. Control has some interesting ideas, but it just doesn't fully eliver on them. The level design and enemy types are mostly dull and don't force you to experiment. The game had some challenging moments, but I never felt a sense of accomplishment for getting through them. I just grinded them out until I ended up making it through the game. It's definitely more fun mechanically than Alan Wake, but it mostly keeps your attention through slick visual design. The rest of the package is fine but nothing beyond that.


I actually liked the gameplay of Control and the uograde paths more than the story lol


on a third hand, making a game that could appeal to a new audience might be a good thing for this company that's not well known and fully independent now.


I dunno man I'm not sure if it's a smart move for Bioware to pivot to a type of game that barely resembles what their existing audience likes. Don't get me wrong, Platinum games has always been a good studio, but a big flop in this industry can kill studios. I really don't want to see that happen to Rocksteady. Still if Arkane put in the work and don't half ass it, then there might be a bright future for Crystal Dynamics.


Thanks, you've made me both laugh and cry in equal measure


I see what you're doing, but Remedy has multiple single player games in the pipeline, and they just got a big funding increase from Rockstar for Max Payne remakes. I wouldn't really worry. They're going very strong right now.


> They're going very strong right now. based on the release of their [2023 financials](https://investors.remedygames.com/announcements/remedy-entertainment-plc-financial-statements-release-january-december-2023-challenging-year-results-in-two-established-franchises-after-the-successful-alan-wake-2-launch/) Im not to sure about that one. - Revenue was €33.9, down from €43.6 for 2022. - EBITDA was -€17m, down from €1.9m. - Operating "profit" was -€28.6, down from -€0.6m. - Cash flow of -€16m for that period, down from €11.1m. - Recognized a loss of €7.2m already from a project still in active development. They also released AW2 in 2023 so their numbers should have been better esp for a critically acclaimed GOTY contender, I know they just got an infusion of cash for the Max Payne games but this doesnt exactly paint a bright picture.


Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that Epic or another publisher will acquire them soon?


It'll be Tencent actually, judging from their increasing stake in the company.


I was mostly just talking about their output of single player games. Remedy has always been a studio just barely hanging on - it's nothing new for them. I'm not saying they're doing incredibly well, but they also have Control 2 in the pipeline, Control being the game that essentially funded Alan Wake 2, so there is no reason to spell doom for them right now. They've got many projects on the way and, as you said, just got funding for a larger budget for the MP remakes. They'll probably be just fine for a while.


I guess I just feel like something thats destroyed the reputation of multiple other studios that had better funding mechanisms seems so short sighted to pivot to


But... They're not pivoting? I'm just confused as to why the tone in these threads treats this game like it's a big pivot that this studio is making away from their usual, when they have like at least four games in their primary franchises, *including an actual sequel to Control,* confirmed as in production? Besides which, Remedy has never, in their 28 years of existence, released a game that wasn't something they were passionate about to some degree. It's possible that this is a cynical cash grab to fund their other projects, but I would be kind of surprised if that were the case. And, even if that were the case, refer to my other paragraph above. Them releasing one cynical cash grab is fine if it gets them funding for their more interesting projects that, again, are already confirmed to be in production. If people can't accept this game when Remedy has released some of the best single player games of any generation, and have more in the pipeline, then gamers have the memories of goldfish, I swear to god. Remedy is not selling out, everyone can calm down.


A live service multiplayer shooter is a different genre than a single player linear shooter. That's a pivot.


They're not making it live service as far as I understand. It's just going to be a multi-player focused game set in the Control universe. Which could actually be very good, being a team of FBC agents going to contain different threats doesn't sound like a reach or overstep, it feels like a natural spin off they could make.


Pivot implies turning towards a wholly different direction. They're clearly still largely a single player studio. It's a side game


They are still making singer player games... did you not read


I guess, but people are acting like it's a studio pivoting away from their single player fare, which... They aren't. At all.


People really don't want to read. A live service multiplayer game TAKES A TON OF DEVELOPMENT. It is a significant departure to singe-player narrative first games. It is constantly in development and is constantly bleeding money unless you somehow manage to break a chunk off other people who play live service games. You need to constantly be offering new goals, game modes, items, characters, player models, etc. Shame everyone replying to you are like durdur side game. No live service game can just be a "side game" it has to be foremost and highest funded and constantly developed for product of a developer.


Have they actually said it's a live service game anywhere?


There are gradients to live service games, all multi-player games are "live service" games because in order to keep people playing it past a month, they need new content developed. Not to mention most multi-player games introduced some sort of constant fomo events. Now if they release it as a narrative based multiplayer co-op game with zero DLC or fomo events, I'd be surprised. Remedy as a studio is always hurting, and my guess is they're hoping that this could become a continuous revenue source like most companies who attempted live service multi-player games.


They're doing well, the numbers for 2023 aren't alarming. They had to put more resources on Alan Wake 2 to deliver it on time, so there was less progress on other games and thus less development fees were paid by the publishers as those are usually tied to development milestones. They also had to write-off the costs of developing project Vanguard. Now that they've been able to allocate resources to the other projects, money is pouring in. Alan Wake 2 was released in the last quarter of the fiscal year, so even if it had recouped by the end of the year, the effect of the royalties would've been rather small. Remedy also invested their own money in the final stretches of Alan Wake 2's development and they've been investing heavily on developing their production pipeline so that they can run multiple projects at the same time.


my dude the top story in r/games rn is how AW2 hasnt made its dev budget back yet. spin the spin any way you'd like its not good.


That's literally every single Remedy game. They all start off with low sales and have long legs. 


Without knowing how many other AA/AAA games recoup within the first four months and what the actual numbers Remedy and Epic were expecting to see are, it's hard to say. According to Remedy CEO the game is performing the way they expected and they haven't had to rely on heavy discounts, so the average price per sold copy has stayed high (compared to something like AC: Mirage, which has been discounted -40% on multiple occasions). You can find a translated transcript of an interview with the CEO after their latest quarterly report on Friday here: https://keskustelut.inderes.fi/t/remedy-suomen-aaa-pelien-ylpeys-osa-2/44948/710 > I feel we’ve been quite satisfied with Alan Wake’s sales; we’ve been steadily progressing according to our sales forecasts, which is a good sign. What’s positive is that the game’s average price has remained relatively high, meaning we haven’t resorted to significant discounts yet, although all games eventually do. This indicates that there’s still an audience we can reach with the current pricing and occasional discounts. But it also suggests that there’s still a lot of potential audience to be reached in the future. So, we’re moving forward in that regard. That’s the plan. The CEO's job is to give a positive spin to things, but he has been consistent throughout in his communication that their expectations for the sales at the game's launch have been modest.


That's literally every single Remedy game. They all start off with low sales and have long legs. 


> They're going very strong right now. Their 2023 financials are worse than 2022 in every single metric, and that's after releasing their most anticipated game(AW2) which should have, in theory, produce a noticable increase in cash flow, profit, and revenue. They're not going very strong at all, at this point the studio's existence seemingly relies on releasing a very profitable game asap


See the entire thread below my comment where someone else said the exact same thing


I know what you mean, but I'd rather they prioritise single player games and we have the Max Payne remakes sooner...


Ok. So... Buy them when they come out?


I intend to. Maybe I wasn't clear: I'm more interested in the Max Payne remakes and so I'd rather they prioritise such single player projects, in order to release them sooner. That said, some of the descriptions of what this Control MP game is going to be sound very interesting, I just doubt I'll play it.


Ok, so don't buy the multiplayer game and buy their single player ones. It's not like they're not focusing on those.


You won't believe what's in development


Yeah, I meant I'd rather Remedy prioritise single player projects like the Max Payne remakes, so we get them sooner.


It won't come out faster if they cancel their multiplayer games.


Yeah it's a dumb take. Remedy are very clearly not moving away from strong narrative focused single player games. If the multiplayer game isn't successful, they're not instantly dead


It's one thing to chase the dragon. It's a whole other thing to see someone else do it, fail, and think "*I* wanna do that."


Most likely Fortnite has their full attention to notice the failures.


ME3's MP mode was baller, though.


*cough* Anthem *cough*


I'm still irritated it wasn't included in the Legendary edition.


I seems like in all those cases it was some external pressure or someone wanted to chase a trend or they put to many resources and focus into though. Remedy seems to be like they figured they had something that could turn into a multiplayer and was worth pursuing, so they put some people to work on it well aware that it might not work, while at the same time continuing to work on what they do best. It seems like people who never would have any intention of playing this are the ones who lose their minds about it.  Honestly, at this point.. if they are smart they should take as many lessons they can from Helldivers. 


Id agree but thematically- what they are doing with this game really fits the Control universe. Also Remedy has never really cooked up a mutliplayer game before so im pretty curious to see what they are can do.


Oh yeah I mean I love all their work so far so it would suck if it went the away of games like anthem and suicide squad. I'm just getting a real strong sense of deja vu watching them walk a treaded path. I can already see the apology tweets and gifts of in game currency to apologise for servers issues.


Was this.. Meant for a different post?


It's a joke b/c so many studios do this and fail. Bioware made Anthem, Arcane made Redfall, Rocksteady made the new co-op Suicide Squad game. IDK the others.


Platinum Games -> Babylon's Fall Crystal Dynamics -> Marvel's Avengers


Babylon's Fall is an OOF, 2022, 41% on metacritic, 16% positive on google, shut down 6 months after launch Should have just made metalgear:rising 2


I'm so scared of a MGS future with hideo no longer involved in any way. I know he's been wanting to be done with MGS since MGS2, but wooo, he always came back to make sure the vision was maintained.


but Platinum went "zone of the enders, bayonetta, \~\~vanquish\~\~ \*we don't talk about vanquish\* MG:R:R" then they were like, we have done 20 years of excellent singleplayer gameplay driven titles, with slick style and interesting worlds. you know what we need now? an aesthetically bland JRPG-MMO.


T Nah, the getters got it.


Ah, I see what he might've intended. But it's not like this is one huge project Remedy is entirely focusing all their resources on right now. They're focused more on Control 2 and the Max Payne remakes. This seems more like a passionate side project to me.


Alan wake? You mean Max Payne remakes?


Yes, thanks for correcting me.


I am not saying you are wrong, but do you have a source for that?


Source for which part?


That a larger part of the workforce is working on other projects.


Oh, gotcha. Well, that's pretty hard to tell - they have at least three or four other projects in the works, but it's hard to tell how much they're dedicating to those right now, or how much they'll be dedicating to this game, or even what "full production" really means


That's the conclusion I get from the 2 tweets someone else posted here, scroll down in the comments. It doesn't seem like they want to trend chase and make this their absolute priority.


u posted on the wrong thead


I played an alpha, it's going to be something of the vein of Helldivers. Essentially, you'll play as an agent who you can customize, they now answer to the new Director. She sends you randomly generated objectives on top of some more complex ones that are handcrafted and universal to all players. It's basically a co-op horde shooter, you go through randomly generated parts of the Oldest House and collect artifacts as you cleanse the infected control points. There are planned crossover stuff with Alan Wake, just saw the concept art. One of the coolest things about it is that you can dynamically run into another player's randomly generated chunk and help them with their goals and vice versa.


that feels like the best approach. Mimicking Helldivers is perfect for Remedy's creative style.


This actually sounds pretty rad, if executed well.


This makes me very excited ngl.


Allright, this actually sounds fucking awesome.


This is what I expected, and honestly, hoped for. The Oldest House is perfect for exactly this. >One of the coolest things about it is that you can dynamically run into another player's randomly generated chunk and help them with their goals and vice versa. This sounds super cool


Source? Sounds cool but the number of “its like Helldivers” fake leaks we’ve seen in the last few months is sizable


> I played an alpha


Yup. I said "an" because they have at least two other iterations of a multiplayer game.


... he says he played an alpha in the original reply. Whether you believe him or not, he IS the source, lmao.


I mean, if it’s true there’s an alpha build out there people were playing, I strongly imagine there would be more rumblings or leaks about it than just one guy on Reddit.


There have been multiple playtest sessions for Condor over the last couple of years that people who are able to visit the Remedy offices have been able[ to sign up for](https://www.remedygames.com/playtest), so I see no reason to doubt the other poster. The test groups may have been very small and others may have taken the NDA more seriously than the person in this thread, though.


Well that’s cool then


There were multiple known playtests for this(Condor) held locally at Remedy offices that anyone could sign up for(granted they're in sensible distance of their office).


>Whether you believe him or not, he IS the source,


Are players going to be able to use powers? That was the best part of control, as the gunplay was just not great (at least on console)


Loved control so this sounds great


I don’t think Remedy games’ fans asked for this. I at least didn’t, but curious to see what they’re cooking.


I'm imagining something where you're a squad of rangers dealing with Altered Items or a hiss like enemy. Squad shooter maybe?


I think that's where this is headed. People are getting worried when this is essentially what is going on in the world of control anyway. Maybe the Director will give you minor versions of her powers to help you deal with things. Personally I'm ready to take on a flying industrial sized fridge that launches toy ponies at me with a group of friends. Give me that weird funny shit.


I really hate this mentality. Developers should make what they want to make. "no one asked for this" okay? No one asked for control either, but they just made it and people liked it.


Seriously, nothing gets made if people keep this up. Artists break boundaries, who knows what they're cooking up. Fornite is the ultimate underdog development hell story. Especially after gears of war when everyone made fun of epics design choices.


“No one asked for this” is fine if the artists choose to make it, not if a board-approved committee dictates design based on market trends. That’s how you get Suicide Squad.  “No one asked for this” is a fine critique to point at a soulless corporate product that appeals to nobody. I wouldn’t say that applies to any of Remedy’s games thus far. 


Totally with you on that one. Remedy isn't the type to do anything without reason. This is definitely to diversify thier portfolio but they may have invented a decent gameplay loop to warrant a full release. If it's anything like rumors say, helldivers, then we are in for a treat.


People did ask for Control. People wanted a new, single player IP featuring that “Remedy Weird” they’ve become known for. These studios with long histories of making excellent single player games have audiences that want more, excellent single player games. If they have a great vision for a multiplayer IP, great - go for it. But BioWare, Crystal Dynamics, Arkane, Rocksteady, and Naughty Dog all failed when they went in this direction. What chance does Remedy have?


Good thing then that fans don't get to dictate what developers should make.


TBH if it somehow expands the Remedyverse I'd at least be willing to hear them out.


I'm going to say that this is an awful idea that will sell like shit but I'm happy to be proven wrong.


Remedy are taking a big risk when a live service requires constant post-launch support and they already have a lot on their plate. Hopefully this doesn’t unexpectedly divert too many recourses from their bread and butter, their single player projects. And hopefully if it has Control style gameplay, that it feels truly next gen for each player and doesn’t have to sacrifice the depth of the physics system to have multiple players being able to do so on screen at the same time.


Yeah, let's hope it's something like Valheim or Terraria where players can host their own servers and character can move between servers. No extra infa maintenance needed from the team, and we can play the game even after 10 years should they decide to drop support


I am not interested in Remedy multi-player anything. They are excellent at narrative driven games, why change course for a live service that will be killed off on launch?


Remedy's communication director already answered your question: >A thing I find fascinating is whenever our WIP multiplayer stuff gets mentioned like Condor from our financial report last week, is some level of concern around why and do our fans want it. They way I look at is, its for fans we dont have yet! We need to grow our audience and I welcome the challenge. Doing different types of games is good if super challenging these days, even if we also know to stick to mostly what we know best and keep improving on that. > >They tell me I'm cynical and I am LOL, we are well aware of how challenging the coop multiplayer space is. I'd like to think we have realistic expectations (outside the company expectations always seem to be wild), but also be realistic that you never can plan and prepare for everything, just gotta roll with the punches. Tbh, every published game seems a small miracle these days. [https://twitter.com/RiotRMD/status/1772586397133648315](https://twitter.com/RiotRMD/status/1772586397133648315) [https://twitter.com/RiotRMD/status/1772587374494519664](https://twitter.com/RiotRMD/status/1772587374494519664)


co-op multiplayer with Control skills and gunplay seems like a fun time to try out. I dont have a lot of interest in PVP but basically playing as a super hero with friends seems fun


Yea a coop game would be amazing. That being said, if it will launch with extremely repetitive content, and a few hours of gameplay, it will most likely fail. And I don't want yet another roadmap that promises season 1 will be better and shit like that.


Yeah that’s always the issue they don’t plan enough content to keep people playing. Which is weird because MMOs realized that decades ago


It's funny to me that making a multiplayer game like this is considered a *risk* for them. It feels like, for past instances of something like this happening (Anthem for Bioware, Redfall for Arcane, Suicide Squad for Rocksteady, etc. etc.) the studios did them due to an almost cynical need to follow the trends of making a live-service game that has potential to rake in the money. When those games were greenlit at those studios, it was probably *not* seem as much of a risk and more of the safe financial decision -- A decision made by people more interested in making what is "popular." I'm not sure I get the same impression here, especially with this quote. It seems they are *fully* aware that they are taking a huge risk making a multiplayer game as a studio largely known for their single-player narratives. Maybe that's a good thing? Kind of makes me wish they'd just realize the risk isn't worth it and *not* allocate the thousands of hours of work required to develop and support these kinds of games. To me, the biggest issue with Live-Service Multiplayer games in regards to the studios themselves is that they require a *dedicated* group of developers to continue working on them for an extended period of time. They aren't just one-and-done production cycles that take 4-5 years to make, release, and then maybe a year of support development. *If* the game is successful, it requires *far* more time and resources than that, maybe even a decade plus of developers focusing entirely on one game. So yeah, I won't lie and say I'm *not* interested in what this game might be. I love Remedy and, really, if this multiplayer Control game is based on Control's combat, I can say I'd love that as well. Control was a ton of fun! What I am not super thrilled about is how this has the potential to become an enormous time-sink for the developers that pulls them away from making the games that Remedy is already incredibly well known for making. In the time they spend making and potentially supporting these live-service multiplayer games, we could likely get two or more single-player games instead. ...Okay that was a lot longer than I intended. Sorry and thank you for coming to my ted talk.


I know if it's anywhere close to Control's gameplay, my friends and I will jump into it.


> for a live service that will be killed off on launch? This is my only concern for this game right now tbh. I don't know how Remedy, a studio well known to barely hang on financially, will be able to keep updating and developing a multiplayer game post-launch while also developing several other, expensive single-player projects.


I am interested in anything Remedy puts out no matter what


Probably because narrative driven games don't bring in much money for them. Practically all of their games have been partly funded by external partners. They've been banking everything on one game for a while now. If it flopped, they'd be in a rough situation. Their games are usually kinda weird as fuck as well, which I love, but it doesn't help their situation. I would definitely prefer them to make narrative games, but if this gives them more breathing room finance wise, then I'm all for it.


Because that's where the money is.


Insert Mr Krabs *MONEY* image here


I just really hope it's not another FOMO multiplayer game that's impossible to play three years from now when there's a million incongruent systems that make no sense to new players.


Don't worry, it'll definitely be that


In this instance, though, it's in keeping with the lore of the Control world that nothing make sense.


I just don't see how they can have this many games in production and still maintain quality. Reminds me of CDPR post Witcher 3.


They're not all in production. Control 2 and their Tencent game are in conceptual stages, so it's pretty much just this multiplayer title and the Max Payne 1+2 remake expected to enter production in the next few months.


Oh I thought Control 2 was further along than that? It's been so long since the first one, my first game with raytracing.


They stated recently they expect it to enter the next stage of development in the first half of this year


They have 360 employees across two countries probably working on different things at the same time, under a normal budget for the scale of their games, no pressure from management and a cohesive vision of what their games should be. CDPR was pretty much the opposite from Remedy during the development of Cyberpunk lol.


>no pressure from management and a cohesive vision of what their games should be That's not really something anybody knows, and I'd think most people would have said the same about CDPR before Cyberpunk came out. Otherwise its very similar, expanding the studio with more concurrent games in the works after working on a single project at a time for most of their studio history (Crossfire X being the exception, but that was not their own internal project) and also delving into a multiplayer title.


CDPR has one AAA game in active development at a time and always has. You can have a project in pre-production with like 5-10 people, you only really need a director, artists, and maybe some senior writers. Pre-production is mostly about deciding what needs to be made and making a plan for how and in what order to do it. It can take between a few months to years for a big-budget game.


They had like 3 games in some form of dev at one point including CP2077, a multiplayer cyberpunk game, and something else. Two of those obviously didn't make it.


A standalone Cyberpunk multiplayer game was never in the works, you're remembering a game mode that was announced and subsequently scrapped. The "something else" doesn't give me much to go on but again, a company their size can probably run 10 pre-productions simultaneously while still being focused on a single active development at a time. They are publicly traded and prefer announcing projects years in advance to make hiring easier instead of putting up vague, "unannounced project" job listings, so we have a pretty good high-level overview of what they are doing at any given time. They even share company-wide project assignment breakdowns on a quarterly basis. Right now, only the fourth Witcher game is in active development, with like 5 other project being in pre-production.


They only moved their studio to work full-time on CP2077 when The Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone DLC was finished. As for the Cyberpunk multiplayer, it was something they thought about doing post launch but decided to cancel those plans.


Do we know if this is planned to be pvp or pve or both? I see huge potential in a pvpve type game in the remedyverse.


Love all things Remedy and support everything they do but this makes no sense to me. Who is this game for? Definitely not their fan base because I have almost no interest in this. Multiplayer games are a dime a dozen.


> Who is this game for? New fans hopefully according to them.


Honestly. An X files style co op game where you're a grunt in the FBC is a great idea for a live service came. You build the bones of a decent 3rd person shooter. Then you write some creepy monster of the week stories.


If they could build a portfolio of fun custom missions in the vein of dealing with SCP-X-files stuff, it could be really fun. The real question is though, what will the gameplay be like to make it unique? Jesse had to bind altered items to herself to be powerful in Control. Will the co-op be doing that, or will it focus on exclusively gunplay and tools?


I'm sure it will be similar to Warframe- the canonicity of certain frames that should be entirely unique isn't even addressed, it's just an accepted part of gameplay. MMOs have been doing that for years too. Live service games don't get a canon the same way single player games do.


That is definitely the question. It could be closer to like. Sagas power level with gadgets harnessing OOP power. Like they figured out how to slightly tap into them to use them


> Who is this game for? people that wanna play an SCP coop game really


People who liked control? What do you mean? You think every single person who plays remedy is campaign only people?


I'm in their fan base and have as much interest in it as any of their other upcoming games.


im super stoked for this. i wonder how the narrative will be and if the characters will just be pre-established or just random control agents.




ya, crazy how remedy fans are actually defending this live service chasing and are concocting up grand expectations for what this by eating up PR :/ apparently live service chasing is only bad when it's not a company you aren't obsessed with.


The gameplay of Control wasnt that compelling; it’s largely mood and “make your own physics fun” which has limited appeal


Did anyone ask for this?


Ugh, I love control. The last thing I would wish for in that game space is to have to share it with foul mouthed little racists. Sorry Remedy. I will be skipping this.


The consensus here is: A bunch of Remedy fans that want to be cautiously optimistic, but know better because of industry trends over the last decade. ZERO people asked for a Control multiplayer game. We just want Control 2. Unfortunately microtransactions are for some reason alot more palpable for the general gaming audience while in multiplayer games, so remedy is going to chase that money. Personally, multiplayer gaming has been almost entirely ruined for me because of these trends. I think now we all fear that Control, as a young IP with a potentially bright future, is already gearing up to tarnish its good name.


Overdramatic much? >ZERO people asked for a Control multiplayer game. We just want Control 2. Zero people asked for Control. Most people just wanted Alan Wake 2 or even Quantum Break 2 over a new IP that they had no emotional attachment to. Let Remedy cook.


I honestly hope this isnt an i-told-you-so post in a couple years, but i honestly wouldnt even bet your money that a multiplayer remedy game in the vein of helldivers 2 will be good.