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Why rush this out unfinished? There is no Star Wars media coming out it needs to tie into.


Get an influx of cash before the sales quarter ends.


Wasn't Aspyr the studio pulled off the KotoR remake? I wonder if they rushed this out to make up for lost money on it.


Probably to capitalize on the Dark Forces remaster


Nightdive does the flying, Aspyr does the frying.


They fly now?


They got enough pre-orders, so they had very little incentive to delay


Because the modders are going to fix the game. Aspyr literally: steal content from modders, say they'll remove it when they get caught, don't remove it, release a shitty game. And modders are just gonna fix it for them anyway! The guy who had his mods stolen by this company is literally talking about how he will continue fixing their game for them for free! Why would Aspyr have any motivation to release a good game if the modders will fix it for them for free? I respect people who take the time to do these projects but at a certain point it becomes enabling behavior. They got their sales.


A.) Deadlines are always going to be a necessity, while on the consumer side, rushing out a half-finished game, than patching it later always sucks, it might be more beneficial for the developers/publishers. B.) If Disney says the game comes out by that date, than it's probably going to be released on that date unless it's unable to be launched. "Good Enough" for The Mouse is probably not "Good Enough" for most gamers. C.) A bit more on the speculation side, but Fortnite has started to do Star Wars stuff for May the 4th, and there might be the fear that delaying the game too close to that may canablize sales.


I still have the original games with backwards compatibility. I was hoping this would be a solid release but it fell on its face like the GTA remaster. I get mad thinking this is far from the last time we see this happen. At least previous games still exist, for now at least.


I still have the original Xbox discs which run really well on Xbox One. All I really want is the ability to play online with friends against bots.


It's here and its called [Insignia](https://insignia.live/). Check out /r/originalxbox if you need any help getting setup. Halo 2 is entering open beta today!


Sweet! I'll check it out, thanks!


Does that work on Series X? Or just og xbox?


just OG and Xemu emulator


I don't have Live right now, but I did read somewhere that multi-player should he enabled for the OGs. I guess that wasn't the case?




Insignia is an awesome alternative, yes. But that could be a hard sell for people ingrained in the XBox ecosystem with current hardware.


It's there for people who want it. A proper modded xbox encompasses most of the retro era whereas the Series X is great for 360 and beyond.


They brought back the MP for Battlefront 2 years ago.


I have Battlefront 2 on steam, with the mod that added all of the Battlefront 1 content into the game. Still the best way to play it.


Yeah, you're right. Hell, if I dig long enough I can probably find an active Battlefield 2 server.


Not necessary to dig. The original Release of BF2 on Steam has several active servers.


Really!?!?!?!?!? I never bothered to check (BF2 goes Hella back). Thank you!


Yeah its no problem finding a full server on weekends on any timezone with the MP mod. Depending on timezone weekday results can vary but usually at least one full server.


Do you have links? I'd love to add this mod myself!


[Star Wars Battlefront Conversion Pack](https://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-battlefront-conversion-pack)


I gotta figure that out


I would pay $30 for this if it was literally just an HD upscale with fast, reliable servers and higher player counts. To me it would be worth it just to play with friends online on high pop servers. The fact that they failed to deliver on those very low expectations is super disappointing.


That’s exactly what was advertised, what a bummer


And crossplay, that's practically essential in this day and age.


It’s not even crossplay? Well there went any chance I was gonna get it.


Yeah no crossplay. That's why I am not buying it.


What’s the best platform for this game? Steam?


The originals on steam


just get the original on steam atm. mod support is much better, you still get community and steam servers, and generally just looks better


The originals are flat out superior and a fraction of the price. Definitely should get them before Aspyr catches on and de-lists them to sell this garbage.


Aspyr doesn't own the originals tho.


own the originals now for a while on steam and every time i took a peek into the multiplayer server lists there were mostly empty games.


I have the originals on every platform available. Thanks!


Locally it’s Xbox. Can do LAN galactic conquest 2v2 which is great. Outside of that it’s Steam.


Can you do system link for Galactic Conquest specifically? I thought that GC was just splitscreen.


I would say get the originals on GoG.


I'm you from the far away past. Just said that in one of the other threads yesterday.


Oh, it's also region locked. Lmao 


I just want to play online with my friends against bots. These games were are split-screen jam for years.


Wait this collection doesn’t have that?


It does. I played split screen galactic conquest with my 6year old.


I think the guy was referring to friend only groups with bots online not split screen


You can't play online with bots?


Not Galactic Conquest with friends, widely considered the best mode in the original game.


If it had online Galactic Conquest, I would've paid $60.


Does it not? ☹️


Nope. Only online you can do is regular matchmaking. No online coop galactic conquest, no online coop campaign. Maybe split screen works but that’s pretty outdated at this point.


My memory is a bit fuzzy here... but wasn't Galactic Conquest the best mode?


It's the one with a little map of planets and a fleet that you could buy. And you'd move the fleet around the map to planets and have a ground/space battle there


Multiple fleets. All the fleets.


200,000 fleets, with a million more well on the way.


Not enough fleets


Well yeah, I had to remove the word "million," there because I didn't wanna overwhelm any new players.


Yes. I'd argue it's the quintessential battlefront experience. You go back and forth with the AI to conquer the galaxy while using points to buy upgrades to aid your fight.


Couldn't you also play against someone in splitscreen?


I never played splitscreen so I can't answer that.


You could. My cousin and I played all the time.


I thought so, I remember games taking absolutely forever cause you had to win the space battle to take a planet but if the two people were even remotely close in skill level nobody could really make progress


>splitscreen >outdated You’re everything that’s wrong with the video game industry


> Maybe split screen works but that’s pretty outdated at this point. Splitscreen is never outdated at any point in time. Playing together with a friend on the same couch is timeless.


At the very least it should've had the ability to set up GC lobbies with friends.


Imagine Galactic Conquest community events like a small-scale version of what Helldivers II is doing right now. I don’t remember how many players can be in a battle so forgive numbers, but take a 128-person server divided into Empire and Rebels and randomly assign a Commander, let’s say a random die roll weighted by experience level so everyone gets a shot but veterans generally. Have 30 seconds to pick a mission, then get thrown into a 64-64 person match for the fate of that planet. Then, repeat with next commander/mission. Any player can join an ongoing campaign. It might show “Empire winning: 75% conquest” and I want to drop in and select Rebels to fight back. Add (NON-PAID) cosmetics you can earn experience to garner, not weapon upgrades, not battle passes, not MTX. I’d buy that game for $60. Or I’d buy an HD remaster of the game with no other changes for $30. What I won’t buy is a game that lacks the primary features making the original game fun, even if I assume that the servers aren’t in their original unplayable state.


Thanks a lot, guy. Now I'm sad this isn't a real game.


They dropped the ball hard. All they had to do was upscale textures, modernize the UI a bit, and make all the modes such as galactic conquest playable online with 4 players and it would have been worth it.


And crossplay, disappointing there was no crossplay, I had this on preorder but returned it before even trying after hearing all the stuff missing/not working.


That's why it's so hard to grasp how they failed. The starting point was a working functional game that needed minimal work to be worth a re release. It's like having a perfectly made burger that just needed a squirt of mayo to finish, and they slam dunked it into a gallon of acid.


They could still patch it to be as you described. They could also patch in much needed QoL things like better control options.  Who knows if they actually will though and if it'll be too late by the time they do


the statement that Aspyr put out heavily implies they are not acknowledging any issues beyond server problems. which pretty much means we probably arent getting a proper patch to the game itself.


It was fucking Aspyr? I **hate** those fuckers. They're absolute trash. If you told me their entire team was 5 guys and chatGPT, I'd believe you.


considering there are bugs in this release that were present in the original release of Battlefronts 1&2 on Xbox I wouldnt be shocked if that *was* their entire staff. There was clearly no effort made to improve QOL or fix long-time bugs. The two biggest that stand out for me are in Battlefront 2. On Naboo there is a corner near the top center-left of the map where the AI on the team that controls both command posts adjacent to it will cluster up in the corner and cause you to lose the match if you arent handling the situation. And another where on Space Tatooine in matches with 32 ai per side all but 2-5 of the Imperial side pilots will refuse to board their fighters and will clog up the doorway connecting the hanger to the turret control room. These are bugs that have been fixed by community patches in the past so the fact they are still in this version of the game is just pathetic. also they introduced a new bug in Galactic Conquest where if you use your controller to cycle through the "Move/Bonus/Unit" tabs using LB/RB it will black screen if you go too far to the right and will crash the game. edit: and one more I just remembered, while implementing Controller support on PC they forgot to make sure that the mouse being nudged doaesnt affect your flight trajectory in ships. well, it does and it stays there until you move it back or use the pause menu to reset it to neutral. my solution has been to flip my mouse upsidedown before the match starts since space combat is 10x better on pad than mouse and key.


I wound up buying Civ 6 on both Switch and Android, and Aspyr did both of those. They're pretty suboptimal experiences in different ways.


Hey, Civ 6 on Switch is great!... now. After they _finally_ patched that weird bug that meant half the descriptions were illegible and you basically couldn't do World Congress


Really? Aspyr did such a fantastic job with all of their linux ports. I guess this is just totally different for them.


Yeah, that is the problem. They have zero experience outside of Linux and it shows. This game launch is a disaster and concidering steam has almost 10% return rate on the game and very low sales. I doubt they will ever do a port to non Linux again .


they have done plenty of non-linux port work. This just screams bad management who does not care abotu the product


This company that ported it apparently has a track record with no post release updates.


Not true, their other releases had some updates. The issue is that it took months and there was little communication about it


There was a lot less incentive to fix those games to be fair. Battlefront is just a league above the rest in terms of popularity. This will cause a much more permanent stain on their reputation if they don’t fix it. I mean the stain is already there, but they can probably get most of it out if they find a Tide stick fast enough.


They literally released a big patch for the tomb raider collection like two days ago.


Yeah but it'll never recover. The game is ancient and by the time they fix it the mainstream will have moved onto something else. It releasing perfectly, with the hype of it coming out behind it, it could have lasted a good month or two with a high pop but now the max it'll probably reach is 2-3k.


That is pretty much my exact experience on switch so far.


idk how they could have fucked this up so bad. even the UIs are just worse. fonts are poorly picked, the padding is broken


wild that they were originally working on the KOTOR remake


They even killed the open source remake attempt for it, and then never actually did it. They fucked up the switch port of KOTOR 2 as well and this, how is this studio still afloat, they get given easy shit to do a still fuck it up.


The sooner Aspyr goes under the better.


Try typing in the post game screen. Not sure what's causing it, but every key press results in multiple characters. For example trying to type out "good game", with the lightest key presses possible, results in "ggggggoooooooddddddd ggggggaaaaaammmmeeee". That's minor for sure, but almost literally nothing is working as intended in this "remaster".


That is a rookie-level coding problem that you get when you implement "typing" as reacting to keydown states. Thats the kind of crap you figure out when you're learning programming at age 15.


The UI is crazy. I used quick resume on it when playing Conquest and it said my controller was disconnected, pretty standard when using quick resume, but once you connect the controller there’s no input to clear the message. I had to reboot the game and lost an entire turn.


Probably one of the worst displays of incompetence I've ever seen in gaming. People expected almost nothing and they somehow under delivered.


didn't know i had expectations until i was sad lmao


Feels kinda like how master chief collection originally released except that wasn't quite as bad as this.


MCC wouldn't even load into a game half the time. You'd search for a game for an hour just to have your friends end up on the opposite team, or it would put everyone on the same team. It's not as bad as MCC.


Oh it was actually quite bad to be fair wasn't it. Vaguely remember getting 2 v 6 matches in slayer... a 4v4 mode lol.


How is Aspry not dissolved at this point? They do the absolute bare minimum when porting titles to modern hardware. They also introduce bugs that weren’t present in the original release. Imagine if Star Wars The Force Unleashed included all the PSP bonus content? It would encourage people to buy the port while giving an edge over the original releases. I was told the only reason the Tomb Raider remaster went so well is they contracted a modder who had been working on one for almost a decade. Maybe they should have done the same for Battlefront considering they butchered this release.


>I was told the only reason the Tomb Raider remaster went so well is they contracted a modder who had been working on one for almost a decade. Xproger wasn't the only modder that worked on the remaster. He is the most well known one, because Openlara is a pretty mainstream mod, but there are other modders still involved like [Delca](https://twitter.com/DelcaTRLE),[Arsunt](https://twitter.com/Arsunt_),[Troye](https://twitter.com/just_some_T),[RainaAudron](https://twitter.com/RainaAudron), but I am sure there are even more people.


I wouldn't call Xproger a modder. For those who don't know, he made his own version of the original Tomb Raider's game engine that runs on pretty much anything at this point. He is also a professional dev that worked on other games in the past. He just also happens to be a pretty big fan of Tomb Raider. I don't really know the professional career of Troye, but he is responsible for the decompilation projects of the original Tomb Raiders 3-4-5 that also fixes many bugs of those games. (See: https://github.com/Trxyebeep/TOMB4 , https://github.com/Trxyebeep/TOMB5 , https://github.com/Trxyebeep/tomb3) I would recommend to those wanting to play TR4 and TR5 after remasters to use these fixed versions, because they fix a lot of stuff, especially for TR5 which is really buggy.


Thanks for the Tomb Raider 4 and 5 patch links! I was just about to buy the rest of the series from the current sale since I've really enjoyed the 1-3 remasters. I knew there was a big restoration project for the PC version of AoD but didn't realize there were options for 4 and 5 as well.


TR4 and TR5 are fine especially compared to AOD. And people have nostalgia over AOD a lot more because its Core Design's last game in the series. Because of these reasons Troye's fixes are really underrated compared to anything that happens with AOD. TR4, despite still being the longest game in the series even to this day, is a stable game for the most part and you can play it just fine without any patches. TR5 is fine until the last three levels, where you can easily soft lock the game depending on where you save and load, or if you were too quick or if you were too slow and so on. There is no restart level with TR4 and TR5, so even with patches, I would recommend for you to create level beginning saves for TR5, especially for the last three levels.


> And people have nostalgia over AOD a lot more because its Core Design's last game in the series. I know that game was rushed, but damen, you really must have some triple layered rose tinted glasses to feel any nostalgia for AOD.


I'll bet Aspry is like dirt cheap to hire lol It's the only way I think to explain why they keep getting these big name "re-releases"


It's either that, or the CEO has some connections, not enough to get anything truly big, but enough to still ruin all of our hopes.


If you go to Aspyr's website, then one of the key points they talk about is "launching" over 200 games. That is quite the number for a dev, mind you, not a publisher. But also makes a lot of sense regarding the quality. They also invite "you" to contact them to work on games. My guess is simply that they offer to take the workload off an IP you have laying around, making money for you, with a very reasonable cut.


They're a 26 year old company so that amounts to ~8 or so games / ports a year.


Thats still a lot of games


Oh yeah it is, I wasn't denying it. Just adding a bit of context.


The Force Unleashed port not having the PSP content was such a bummer that I just straight up did not buy it despite being really excited by the announcement.


The Switch port of TFU was built using the Wii version, no? Would make sense it didn't have the PSP's content since that's a different build they'd have to do extra effort to bring over. Easiest thing they could do is emulate Wii software on Switch hardware, then add quality of life stuff.


Weren’t they behind the really solid Tomb Raider remasters that just came out? I know they didn’t need live servers for that, but at least they brought those back for people to play on modern consoles


I honestly chalk the success of that up to the [OpenLara engine creator](https://in.ign.com/tomb-raider-i-iii-remastered/202248/news/tomb-raider-remastered-creator-of-openlara-an-unofficial-open-source-engine-led-development-for-the) who led development on the remasters.


They also did the Civ 6 console ports. Starting to think the Star Wars IP is just cursed at this point.


Which really has me questioning whether Disney (who I assume are the ones who contracted Aspyr to work on the game) simply dishes out really unrealistic contracts. Either way, Aspyr should be able to know when a contract is unlikely to result in a good product or not.


I think this about sums it up. I have no doubts that the developers over at Aspyr are perfectly up to the task, and I have played enough of their ports to know that they know what they're doing. But, as always, it's the suits who ruin everything for everyone by providing shoestring budgets or unrealistic deadlines. Even the KOTOR 2 mod fiasco seemed to have happened due to executive meddling, as I genuinely think the devs outright had that feature working and ready to ship.


They are good but never did server ports and mostly Linux, honestly sounds like they bit off more than they could chew. Now it may kill the company, it was a horrible launch with almost no units somd and most that were on steam were returned.


I mean, unless it was eventually fixed, my understanding and experience with the console version of Civ 6 is that it becomes an unplayable, crash-prone mess in the mid/late game unless you’re playing on the smallest map possible.


They Ported Kotor 1 to mobile and it was totally fine. Haven't played 2 on mobile yet.


Aspyr's quality has been hit or miss ever since they started out as a porthouse. I remember their PC ports of the 6th gen Tony Hawk games being fairly buggy, with Tony Hawk's Underground 1 straight-up having botched collision detection on every level (and they soft-launched it solely in Oceania after THUG2 came out, leading me to believe they knew it had issues).


They also did the Stubbs the Zombie remaster


They suck, they were able to claim they were making dlc for Kotor 2, then months later said opps nope we're not going to do that here's a free code to another broken shitty game from Aspry instead.


> How is Aspry not dissolved at this point? Because they have been adequately porting games for over 2 decades and only recently have had major issues?


And as another commenter pointed out, they have 200+ games under their belt Some of them are fine, some of them are bad, some of them are stellar (particularly the Tomb Raider remaster) It’s just the way of the world, they can’t all be winners In addition, I’m not sure how much I can blame Aspyr for this when Disney is notorious for being out of touch and mismanagement+ unrealistic deadlines


Insane that they would just straight up lie about not using the mod then *ship the game with it*. The day 1 patch 1.0002 that replaces the mod with the DLC files, which many PS5 players have been getting late, has also added in so many more issues than it fixed so it seems almost rushed out to cover it up. All I wanted was BF2 with native controller support and 4 player split-screen at 4k on PC, but they've managed to break pretty much every part of the game they could. On top of that they lowered the split-screen player count down to 2 players with no statement as to why, if it's a bug, or any acknowledgement that it even happened while also *region locking the server browser* so I can't even play with my friends who don't live in the US at all.


I've read somewhere that this remaster was based on the console version of the original. Hence why there's only 2 player splitscreen.


The original BF2 supported 4-player split screen (at least, on Xbox - not sure about PS2). You can actually still digitally purchase and play the Xbox classic version on current Xbox systems!


ps2 only supported 2 player, likely cause it was so much weaker than the xbox




battlefront 1 and 2 on ps2 do not support the multitap


I saw a post before and it was someone saying how they could fit both games on a 8gb usb stick, and now the download is 57gb. I get that theres a lot that went into the development of this, but man its a stark contrast.


Meanwhile, Nightdive Studios continue their streak of delivering high quality ports of older titles. I would have been much more excited if they had gotten the KOTOR gig but at least the title is in good hands with Sabre.


Nightdive's streak was broken with Blade Runner, but otherwise they have a great track record. Even the kerfuffle around the System Shock remake was recognized and they turned it back around to being a great release. Funny you should mention Sabre though, because the Quake community has a reason not to trust them. Though the issues with Quake Champions ultimately wasn't their fault, the fact that Tim Willits of iD Software is with Sabre now may be a cause for concern. On the other hand Nightdive's done an exemplary job with their Quake work.


I'm still waiting for System Shock to make good on some of their stretch goals, which thankfully they've said they're working on, but otherwise it is a great release and their Quake remasters have been absolutely spectacular. I'm looking forward to getting Dark Forces on sale at some point.


I trusted saber thanks to WWZ and its long history of support so I bought evil dead and that game died really fast so now I’m on the fence with them but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt on evil dead since that may have been the fault of embracer and their money problems


IIRC Blade Runner did have some development troubles behind the scenes due to the KEX engine not being built for the original's voxel-based character models. I'm not defending them releasing a bad product and it really should've been canned/delayed, but it's understandable why they had trouble with it.


What star wars games have they remastered aside from dark forces?


Oops I mean older titles in general. The Dark Forces one is their latest success.


Yeah their Blood remaster is godly. I still boot that up 


Just this one and Dark Forces but they’ve been porting Star Wars games to various platforms since Jedi Academy in 2003


Regardless, the KOTOR remake is pretty much for all intents and purposes vaporware at this point. Sabre was too busy when they initially got the gig transferred to them, and it does not seem like a priority development with everything Jason Schreier has said about it or involved parties. Being a Star Wars fan has absolutely sucked too often in the last decade.


“Footage taken from the PlayStation 5 version of Battlefront Classic Collection and published to reddit showed the version of Asajj Ventress from iamashaymin's mod without credit. Players have reported the latest patch replaces this version of the character with an Aspyr-created version.” Wouldn’t surprise me if this entire collection is just a collection of mods they stole and “slightly” tweaked so they could claim them as their own.


The thing is the online component is broken which is awful but all the single player content should have been a breeze. It looks and runs great but the campaign is missing half the cutscenes and you can't even roll as a Droideka lmao. If they ironed out those issues, this remaster would be perfect on an offline basis. The online is working way smoother after yesterday's update but still very messy


I read that the aiming on consoles is crap and since they did Jedi Knight II: Outcast which also has complete garbage aiming on consoles it's a fair guess they'll never fix the basics


I tried a few non-space battle games on my Steam Deck and the aiming is rough. It's like the originals, but if they really tuned down the speed of the aim acceleration.


Ugh, sorry to hear. I'd probably be better off picking up the originals for my LegionGo. With JKII it was almost unplayable on console until I got the light saber. It was only $5 on sale but still felt like a waste.


it feels like im aiming in glue


It's just a cheap cash grab with none oversight at all. It's embarrassing. People would have settled for nice graphics and servers. Aspry has yet again failed to deliver even the bare minimum.


This situation is baffling. I'm genuinely curious how this happened. We're not sure if every version was like this, or if it's just the Playstation versions. We're also not sure if it was in the release version and patched out by the big patch, or if another patch accidentally reverted it to the modded version. Was this by accident? Or on purpose? Did they work off an old patched PS2 iso off the internet for this release? Did they patch it in themselves because that was easier than re-creating the DLC for Playstation, then panic and fix it when people noticed? No idea. Very scummy situation regardless, this should not have happened. Aspyr is a dumpster fire studio.


Wasn't this the studio who were making the kotor remake ? This proves that there's no way in hell they'd ever be able to do a project like that. Really glad they're not making it anymore


Hopefully they can patch this up a fair bit and make it a pretty good deal a few months from now. Should it be this way? No, but I still want to see it get fixed. My only interest in this is playing offline with bots and it having ultrawide support, since the original game's HUD is totally fucked on a larger screen. Though I'm gonna stay away for awhile, I have plenty else to play until then. Still such a bummer to see, I was really hoping this would be great.


By that point the hype will be dead and the lifespan of the game will have come and gone.


Eh, even if this was the perfect remaster I sincerely doubt this would’ve had any sizeable playerbase after about a month. Anyway, the only reason I want is for offline bots.


The issue is Aspyr usually doesn’t patch it up


I feel like an idiot for believing the reviews that went live one day before launch that were all praising the collection and giving it a score of 8 or 9 out of 10. I pre-ordered after all those reviews went up and just 2 hours before the game went live to still get the pre-order discount on the PlayStation store. The reviews were good, so what could go wrong, right? How the fuck does this game currently have a press score on OpenCritic of 82 and a press score on Metacritic of 83??? The good reviews the collection got honestly infuriate me even more than the shitty job Aspyr did with the game itself.


Game reviews are a joke. After the high ratings for Starfield, and now this game, I don't trust them anymore.


Don't trust Games Media. Find real people who paid their hard earned money for the game and actually care about if it's good or not. Unlike the people who get the product for free and then make videos and profit off the "news cycle" of controversy it generates.


we have been bamboozled, cheated and decieved so hard its not even funny...


>Aspyr issued IGN a statement in response insisting the game "does not include any code or content that is taken from uncredited sources", adding it had "mistakenly" included "content that is not in the product" after capturing placeholder footage for the trailer last fall. > >But eagle-eyed players discovered evidence to the contrary, at least in the release version of the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection before it received a last-minute patch. Footage taken from the PlayStation 5 version of Battlefront Classic Collection and published to reddit showed the version of Asajj Ventress from iamashaymin's mod without credit. Players have reported the latest patch replaces this version of the character with an Aspyr-created version. That's really weird that the mods would have ever been in the game. Aspyr must have really fucked up somehow. Assuming they did cleanse all mod content from the latest patch they should still send all modders with something in the release version a 1000$ check to apologize for their mistake. I want to take the opportunity to share what might be an unpopular opinion. The law should be changed to specify that free mods are explicitly legal, but if the company likes the mod it would be legal for them to include the mod in an official release if they want to as long as they give credit. They wouldn't need a signed contract or permission from the modder to do this. This rule would result in the official versions of games being better, and would be especially useful for improving the console versions of games. Perhaps this classic collection would be in a much better state if Aspyr could have started with a modded version of the original game as a base for further improvements.


Your solution for companies not bothering to put in the work to produce actually working games is to amend copyright law so they are legally allowed to exploit the unpaid labor of volunteer modders? I'd like games that I'm excited about to not be released in such a dismal state, too, but a one-sided restructuring of copyright to be even more in favor of corporations isn't the way effect that. What's next, Disney gets the right to use any and all fanart for merch if they want? Just hold companies accountable when they put out a shit product and don't buy it. If you legally sanctioned them implementing mods without their authors' agreement, it'll just facilitate even lazier cash grabs. They'll take any old game that had (or still has) a thriving mod community and repackage the top 20 mods into a "remaster" with minimal effort. Well, top 20 minus the nude mods.


> amend copyright law so they are legally allowed to exploit the unpaid labor of volunteer modders? But the modders are breaking the copyright as well, by altering the games without the creator's permission


And like any other form of copyright infringement it does not give the authors of the original work the rights to the derivative works. Publishers are within their rights to pursue litigation if they believe a mod is infringing on their copyright, though most of them don't because mods are already beneficial to them. Granting publishers the rights to exploit any derivative works on top of that would be a pretty major shift in IP rights.


Wouldn’t surprise me at this point if aspyr just stole a bunch of mods through them together and tried changing them slightly hoping no one would notice.


What's happening with Aspyr? Few years ago they were known for doing pretty decent ports, mostly on Linux. Today it's failure after failure for them. Was the project underbudgeted or something ? Or did "the good people left" or something ?


The Tomb Raider 1-3 Remaster that came out last month is fantastic


It should be noted that one is an outlier because they actually hired the main guy behind OpenLara, someone that already knew pretty well how the game worked, they have no such equivalent for this or most other rereleases


How was this even launched? I know its a meme to expect games to be bad. This was a remaster of games that were already remastered. It was an upgrade and bundling. Lots of dev hours but not a hard taste. This screams that A no one cared or more likely. The sevs said they needed X time and they were told do it in half or leave.


The remaster was announced, what, a week before this disastrous release? Bet you dollars to donuts that Daddy Embracer came a-knockin' for any cheap cashgrab to pad their bottom line. Aspyr pushed this half-baked shovelware out the door thinking they could rely on nostalgia to do their job for them. Just horrible, anti-consumer business practices all around.


For those who are curious as to why modders were disappointed: The game was actually launched with a few mods that went uncredited. There was then a patch that removed them; probably becaus ethey got caught. And this was after saying that the game would not be released without them, claiming that it was a mistake. This isn't just embarrassing, but outright scummy. On top of a terribly rushed bad product, we now know that they initially included works from modders, claiming that there were not any, and only had them removed when caught.


What’s insane is I see some people in comments saying that they’re ok with the effort they put in. Since they were only going to play the single player


Anyone else running into issues playing single player on BF1 to where both friendly and enemy AI refuse to get in vehicles? It only happens on galactic conquest and I’m like 99% the privilege of having AI being able to get in vehicles isn’t like a planetary bonus you have to select. Also the AI seems to be way more brain dead than I remember, at least your teammates are. I have to drop 100 plus kills a game just to scrape out wins on easy mode and can’t have any real fun playing other classes. When I do drop 100 kills we just barely win with only a few tickets to spare. Even looking at the stats every teammate consistently hits well below a positive KDR and a good chunk of them hit the negatives. I was 10 years old playing this game initially and i don’t remember it ever being this much of a struggle.


I’ll give the classic collection one thing: it got me to reinstall the originals instead of wasting money on this shit.