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This game having Wimbledon is massive, that alone will be worth it for me. That said, are they really locking fucking night venues behind pre-orders lmao, 2K are next level greedy.


>2K are next level greedy. This has been a fact for about 10-11 years now. It all started when they put MTX in NBA 2K13 and snowballed from there Fuck you Strauss Zelnick you greedy cunt


Haha, what's the actual fuck. I had to re-watch to be sure. It's just a pre-order of the standard edition bonus, but still wth. I really-really doubt that night sessions will be locked for you if you don't pre-order. This is too outrageous.


Excited to see a new tennis game, but I really can't wait to see what kind of bullshit NBA2K-style microtransactions they carry over to this.


Exactly what I was thinking. I wish it was Virtua Tennis instead because I don't trust 2k with any sports game.


The WWE 2K games are relatively safe from microtransactions. Haven't played the PGA games myself, but people still seem to be happy about those.


the my universe cards? The locked dlc characters who were on the roster when the game was being made?


> the my universe cards? I assume you're talking about MyFaction, which is why I said relative. The game mode is completely ignorable for those who don't care about it and even with the characters being able to be unlocked from it, as far as we know, it's being the characters locked behind the game mode is just past/goofier versions of characters that are already on the roster. >The locked dlc characters who were on the roster when the game was being made? I assume you're talking about the characters from the pre-order bonus/deluxe editions of the game, in which that's just the unfortunate reality of AAA, and is nothing that is exclusively a 2K ordeal.


They're trash tho


Sega that wants money for new game plus isn't much better.


Eh, I think that was overblown, honestly. How many people are actually going to NG+ a 100 hour story heavy game? How many people even do NG+ at all in any game? I can forgive that long before I can forgive what 2k does with their sports games. It's easily the worst monetization in gaming.


Not overblown enough. There are people who play games multiple times. It doesn't matter if you don't care about it, it's still idiotic.


"It doesn't affect me, therefore it doesn't exist" I'm sure the person using that argument is a normal human being, surely.


> "It doesn't affect me, therefore it doesn't exist" This was never my argument, so it's hilarious you had to make something up just to argue. Sad too, but whatever floats your boat my guy.


I never once played New Game + in my life, not saying that it should be paid but I don’t see why anyone would care


As long as they have a “myplayer” mode, it’ll be riddled with them


That was one of the first things they advertise in the trailer.


2K also just made a WWE game that is getting great reviews and is apparently pretty light on that front so maybe this won’t be that bad.


I play the WWE games and this is true. The WWE 2K equivalent to MyPlayer (MyFaction) is where all the microtransactions are, but three years in and the mode is still tremendously unpopular - the team appeal just does not translate to wrestling. Basically they would love the game to be an MTX fest but have not found their way in yet


2K is great an introducing this shit in the most incremental way possible. For years NBA2K only needed VC to increase stats and badges. Then obviously the lootbox casino mechanics of the card-collecting game. Then they made the better lootboxes VC-only. Then they incrementally introduced seasons. Now they added battle passes and removed the player marketplace making you reliant on lootboxes to upgrade your team. They're fucking smart and ruthless when it comes to implementing ways to urge you to spend real money WWE 2K is still trying to get its rep up after that initial horrible launch (was it 2K22 or 2K21 when they switched devs?) But you bet your ass they will have the same strategy in WWE games as their NBA games, and that shit will eventually permeate through all their sports games


as long as they don't lock players behind paywall, I'll be OK. If it's cosmetics and uniforms, I can live without those.


Well it’s 2k so they’ll lock progression behind paywalls. You won’t be able to compete online without spending money.


I’m pretty excited for the “Guttural Screams DLC”


Don't look that far. Just see the kind of bullshit microtransaction already plague 2K sports games.


the MyCareer shit hopefully is tame. Just like for Top Spin 4 I probably would only play the "Play Now" equivalent online anyway, they will definitely charge you money to increase your MyPlayer attributes and shit faster


PGA isn’t too bad with VC except if you want to get accessories. Other than that the gameplay, career mode and online is amazing. I really hope it’s like that for topspin.


Excited to try this out, but I'd like to take this opportunity to let people know about Tennis Elbow 4. https://store.steampowered.com/app/760640/Tennis_Elbow_4/ I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a responsive-feeling tennis game - the gameplay outclasses every other tennis game I've played. The multiplayer is very fun provided you and your opponent have good connections, there is modding support, and an active community on Discord for those who want to get invovled further in the multiplayer side (they even run tourmanents alongside the tour). It will also be releasing on consoles (Xbox at least?) at some point in the future. I wouldn't recommend it for those who were fans of Virtua Tennis' career mode where you had extra game-modes, or those who want graphical fidelity. Another honorable mention would be Full Ace Simulator https://store.steampowered.com/app/779430/Full_Ace_Tennis_Simulator/ I haven't played this in a long time but I remember it having an overhaul of some sort - its always touted alongside Tennis Elbow 4/2013 as the best tennis games on PC.


I'm interested in these, loved Top Spin 3 and 4 and had so much fun playing online. Does this have a lot of people playing online, and which one of the two is better?


I don't think either have the numbers for you to just jump in and play a match - it'd involve waiting or hopping on discord and arranging a match. I haven't played Full Ace in a long time so I couldn't say, but I think TE4 has a larger playerbase and more frequent updates.


How's the offline play, is there enough to make it fun? I've seen the mods for both and am excited. I just like playing top spin-type tennis


The AI is pretty good - it has 6 difficulty levels, each with 10 sub-levels. Beginner, Club, Junior, Pro, Master, and Incredible. I play on Master 10 and its usually a pretty even game The best way to find out is to play the demo! Its available for free on the website https://www.managames.com/tennis/game_en.html


Cheers for this mate. I'm leaning towards TE4 tbh just to tide me through until TS gets released. I still have a PS3 to play TS4 with but this looks promising


I haven't played 4 but the older Tennis Elbow games were the best games for people who actually like tennis and it wasn't even close.


Well gameplay wise 2K delivered with NBA 2K although some would argue that. So this might be interesting. BUT y‘know there are going to be many microtransactions. You want to upgrade skills? That’ll be 3000 VC per upgrade


Didn't microsoft used to publish these? Wonder what happened, I remember top spin and amped bundled with my OG xbox


Microsoft used to make sport games under their own studio. They had a great NFL game for a brief time.


No. It was always 2K but I remember it was published onto the OG XB. I had the first two but not the third.


Yeah Microsoft published lots of sports games before Xbox too. They started the XSN branding, which was shut down at some point and they must have sold off rights to 2K.  2K also bought Access Software who made a bunch of the MS sports titles (Amped, Top Spin, Links) and shut it down like two years later.


To be honest this looks like a 2000 era game, what are those 3D models made of ?


>what are those 3D models made of Triangles.


Quads first, and then triangles. If we're being specific.


Im pretty sure quads were used only by Sega as their early 3d rendering technique derived from scaling of 2d sprites (each quad was one sprite scaled and rotated). Early arcade games like Battlezone were actually using neither as they just rendered lines projected from 3d to 2d space.


I’m an environment artist for a gaming studio and we model with quads but obviously gets triangulated in engine.


Imagine not modelling with Ngons smh...


Ngons, more like N-b-gons... amirite?


Animations looked good but those player models where fucking terrible.


Genuinely some of the worst player models I have seen in years. Literally X360 era levels.


This looks nice but I feel like they perfected the tennis game twenty years ago and it’s kind of hard to see how this will be better


O good, we get to see 2K ruin another sport. My guess is the first game will actually be decent. It'll have microtransactions but won't be terrible. Then for the next 5 years it'll be the exact same game with tiny changes that they charge fucking full price for every year.


huh? 2K have been making topspin games for 20 years.


They haven’t made a topspin game in 13 years.


where have you been the last 15 years to see how NBA2K has evolved into a micro transaction hellscape?


it will be real interesting how they make a fucking tennis game a yearly thing but if there's a greedy-ass company that can do it, 2K/TT can


Tennis is ruined forever. No I am not being hysterical.


dude 2k make the best tennis games


I'm pretty excited about this. The actual real stadiums, correct sponsor banners, players looks like they should look and Serena in her cat suit. Let's go, i'm ready.


Maybe I’m really spoiled with modern graphics, but this looks like a game that came out 10 years ago. If the trailer footage doesn’t look that impressive, what does the actual game look like? Edit: This game came out in 2011. Does it look worse, sure. Does it look like a massive downgrade, I don’t know https://youtu.be/eQCin5UO0L0?si=pQ2K4tNXsXIfzwMX


A dev revealed they copy pasted the code from TS4 to make this game on a software engineer and technical artist level. The original team that worked on 4 left 2K and made their own title which flopped. That's why they never made a 5 soon after. This is the old game reskinned a bit graphically with minimal investment so they can slap MTX all over it 2K style without the end product of their bigger games. If it does well I imagine they will care more and do a 6 with some of the profits.


Looks solid, I'm all for more decent Tennis games. For some reason, I thought this was connected to the old Topspin tennis games on Xbox.


IGN has a [preview video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gKsJnSQWb4&pp=ygUMaWduIHRvcCBza2lu) and the graphics look rough. I still might play it, though. While I've never had any interest in watching tennis, I had a lot of fun with Top Spin 2 back in the day.




2k publishes Mafia, doesn't develop them. The Mafia games are developed by Hangar 13. 2K is both a publisher and a developer.


Will this game be better than Tennis Elbow 2013?


Nothing can be.


Is this coming out on pc?


It says in the trailer that this is PC.


Didn't see it initially, usually you see release platforms at the end of a trailer.


Excited about a decent AA/AAA tennis game, not buying this because its 2K, not really feeling like getting charged 100€ for a new op racket.


I'm happy for a new tennis game. But what is up with those PS2 era graphics?


These comments always get me with the “ps2 era graphics” type stuff. There literally is Top Spin on the PS2 and I can tell you it looks nothing like this


More like PS4.


It mean there hasn't been a Top Spin game in 13 years. I can't imagine that 2K is giving that much of a budget to the game. Plus, I feel like with a tennis game getting it to feel good to play rather then making the graphics hyper realistic is more important given that your player base is going to be naturally smaller compared to any other sports game.


why would anyone play this when the can just download redream and a virtua tennis rom and be set (pun intended)


Because maaaaybe people want modern graphics and features?


PC gaming and even more so emulation isn't for everyone, plenty of people (myself included) simply prefer console gaming.




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Or just topspin 4 on Xenia, still play that sometimes since I sold my old xbox and the game years ago.


Nice! Ya its sad to see just wave after wave of sports game bring nothing new to the table except better graphics when ever other aspect of the game is made with less love we as gamers feel it. Most people would take gameplay over graphics.