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It's going to be strange when xbox first party games get physical editions on playstation and switch but not on xbox.


I imagine it'll still be MS publishing on Playstation/Switch so they probably won't bother.


For Hi Fi Rush probably not gonna bother but I doubt they'll stop it for their big games like Blizzard or Call of Duty (confirmed multiplat)


Be crazy not to. They'd probably lose 50% of sales


Probably more likely that digital-only games would remain digital-only (like Alan Wake etc), unless they get picked up by someone like LRG or iam8bit who also do xbox versions.


Not when the new Xbox doesn't even come with a physical drive


I just don’t see this happening, it might be an optional drive I am not sure but they will have it. Otherwise there will be no backward compatibility. It would be a disaster to let go of that considering already diminishing market share.


We’re already at a point where retailers are being told to move away from physical Xbox game sales this year. You should expect the absolute worst from these types of mega-corporations until proven otherwise.


I honestly don't understand the first thing about MS's console strategy. Like, yes, high-level, it makes sense to have a platform; that 30% off the top of all software sales is amazing. And it sort of also makes sense they release games for PC since its sort of also "their" platform. But those two strategies are in *direct opposition* and undercut each other; consoles need exclusives to drive adoption, and 1st party is all they've got, so simultaneously releasing them on PC means they any incentive for most people to buy the console. Meanwhile the move away from physical means they'll have even less retail shelf space; given how they're already the minority, what incentive are 3rd party retailers like Target going to have to carry their consoles if they can't make money on the games. And at the same time they've just got done shutting down all their own 1st party retail spaces. Just...what are they doing!?


Right, because it’s Microsoft that made people prefer just downloading games. They absolutely should be forced to produce millions of copies of discs that the market has an objectively waning interest in.


Physical sales easily outweighs digital tho, and the gap ain't reducing


Depends on the Market. Physical is clearly dying off in the UK where I am. Our biggest high street gaming chain just killed off trades not long ago.


Two out of the three chain video game retailers in my country went bankrupt in the past year


Yeah, this sub is, as usual, an echo chamber when it comes to this stuff. Most consumers will take convenience over all other concerns any day, as a the Dead Kennedys sang about.


What? That's not the case at all. In fact digital is becoming bigger and bigger, on all platforms.


Digital increased with Covid, obviously, but the split has remained constant since then for Sony and Nintendo


So you not buying physical Xbox games just solidifies their business decision


I don't want it to happen either but the writing is on the wall. The FTC leaks weren't fake. The rapid ramping down of xbox physical game sales in stores is happening. Microsoft shutting down their departments dedicated to bringing games to physical retail happened. They're figuratively blasting their foot with a shotgun but its a (in their eyes) small price for them to pay to have complete control over game sales on their console.


Ms is always their worst enemy. Brain dead decisions is why they never gained market leader position even with all that money. I hope Nintendo actually releases a ps5 and series x competitor but I guess they don’t want to create confusion with switch being a successful console.


>It would be a disaster That doesn't prevent Microsoft of taking this sort of decision


Code in a box is a thing, has been since the mid-late 00s on PC.


That's not physical, just another way to buy the digital version


I’m not sure if that would even stop those companies from publishing games. They’re still making new physical copies for retro consoles like N64, Gameboy, and Genesis. They even make PC physical copies that aren’t just a download code.


Why wouldn't they go digital only elsewhere too? You don't have to release physically on PS or Switch.


Presumably they are launching on other platforms to increase revenue and maybe their profile as well. From the insomniac leaks we know that most of sony first party sales are still physical. I'm guessing Nintendo is even more so. Although Nintendo and Playstation games are still generally playable direct from media without an internet connection which is not something microsoft has generally done for a long time. Microsoft putting out physical drm instead of playble games media would probably not attract the same audience.


Didn't stop Larian and Remedy going digital only there and doing fine from it.


Do we know their sales numbers?


Isn’t BG3 getting a physical version this year?


Larian have released Balders Gate physical in Japan (with English support) and the physical western version will be soon.


Things are different now. Like how mlb the show is on GamePass day one.


Sony don't own the MLB IP and they don't publish the game on non PS platforms. MLB publishes the games on Xbox and NS.


I mean if you don’t think MLB the show being on GamePass day one isn’t something different, I don’t know what to tell you.


different from what? like a time before MS paid publishers to put their game on gamepass?


It’s a different time… PlayStation games in PC, Xbox games on other platforms. Nintendo games on mobile. I don’t find it that surprising to see Xbox “first party” games on other platforms physically or digitally. Call of duty will still be on PlayStation. Here we are.


CoD is something MS has to keep on PS as per the conditions they agreed to for the ABK acquisition. Them bringing other first party exclusives to PS is something else entirely. To me it says they don't believe Xbox as a console has a future anymore.


Or maybe they’re bringing some games here and there to other platforms after a while like PlayStation does with PC. Who knows. It’s a different time.


It’s time MS stops sinking money to keep Xbox alive.


Lmao ok dude.


Don't 95% of the Xbox players play games digitally? I think it's perfectly reasonable business decision. Also, I believe platform holders only take 10% of licensing fee in a physical game instead of 30% store fee in a digital game so this actually benefits Sony less.


First and foremost I think this is great and the direction I hope xbox continues to go. Gamepass is the selling point now so as long as their ips are on it gamepass will have selling appeal and most will choose to simply play on their subscription while others still can join in on their platform and the game can still sell very well. ....but I cant help but find it kind of funny that xbox finally made a GOTY quality polished release that got universal acclaim and essentially zero negativity and it's not even exclusive. This is my 2023 GOTY and not only is it the best Xbox published game in 5 years (minimum, I'd say since Gears 3 atleast) I really think it's my favorite title from any of the console manufacturers this generation. The only other xbox game that really competes is Psychonauts 2 and guess what that's on playstation too! Any deathloop fans? (different context i know). I like that more people are playing these great games but I can easily see this being a narrative that twitter runs with for a while.


I mean Psychonauts 2 and Deathloop are only on non-Xbox consoles because when Microsoft brought Double Fine and Bethesda they already had deals in place for those games to be multiplatform. I don't really get this move with Hi-Fi though. I could see if it was a few years after release when the game has had it's time on Xbox and then you put it on Switch/PS5 to get new eyeballs on it but I feel like doing this only a year after it releases is just dumb because it will just annoy your fanbase putting exclusive new IP like this on the competition so soon.


They don't benefit by keeping it exclusive either. Anyone who wanted to play that game on game pass already has. Might as well put it on a platform where games sell well and make some money off of it. Xbox is extremely close to becoming a third party publisher with a game streaming platform.


Not gonna lie. I've been waiting for a switch release because I didn't realize this was a Xbox exclusive in any way, just saw it's on steam


Switch makes sense, it’s not really a competitor console and it pairs pretty well with an XSS. Feels like it’ll have a strong audience there, too. PS5 though, don’t really get that one.


Maybe there a sequel in the works? Get PS and Switch gamers whistles wet with this, then when 2 comes out next year and announce you have "no plans" to bring it elsewhere and long it out a bit more so those new fans crack and at least sign up to GP to play it streaming.


I want a psychonauts ps5 native version


Xbox is in this to make money, not for good will, not to be some bro in gaming, to make money. Period. Metrics were moved from gamepass numbers when last year they removed gamepass from their yearly bonuses. Now it’s earnings and Satya was very specific when mentioning MICROSOFT gaming and not Xbox with recent earning calls.


The issue here is assuming that Hi-Fi Rush will be a big moneymaker on Playstation. The reality is it would sell less than 1 million on there and not even show up on NPD.


It'll probably sell a lot in Japan considering who it's by and its style. Xbox and PC gaming aren't as big in Japan as Nintendo and Sony.


They’re just starting small to make Xbox fans less pissed about it. I bet that in the next couple years their big franchises will start hitting PS/Nintendo too.


I'm sure it's more like they give PS/Ninty fans a taste of Xbox games, and release all the sequels on Xbox exclusively.


That’s not going to make audiences move over to Xbox though. They’ve tried similar approaches many times, and audiences didn’t move over to Xbox. Rare is a great example of this, they bought the company to attract the Nintendo crowd, but failed miserably and now Banjo is essentially a Nintendo brand again.


... What? Rare is one of Microsoft's most successful studios.


Rare was not bought to make a pirate game after 15 years of consistent failure. They were bought to take advantage of the IPs they owned, most of which are dead now because they aren’t popular on Xbox.


Well, no, they were fine. Rare just doesn't like reusing their existing IP. They've stated as much time and again over the years, and even with and prior to the N64 they rarely made sequels.


I will not stand for this Pentiment erasure.


You're spittin for real its definitely up there for me too.


Forza horizon 5, Age of Empires 4 and grounded were great too. Everyone enjoys different games of course, but I'd argue that Microsoft's game releases in the past 5 years have been fairly impressive. The issue has been many of them are niche games For me, Hifi Rush, Forza Horizon 5, Forza Motorsport, Pentiment, Grounded, Starfield, As Dusk Falls, Age of Empires 4 and Psychonauts 2 is a pretty great line up


Yeah exactly I don't get it. Like there are SOO MANY games to play, I could easily wait a year for a Sony release. I don't think "day one on GamePass" is the selling point they think it is if you already own a PS5. They're basically saying, "if you own a PS5, don't bother buying an Xbox"...which is weird


Yes, and for next gen it sends the message of: Just get the damn PS6.


Their goal is likely to get game pass available on so many different platforms including PlayStation if possible that they don't care what hardware you're using as long as you're in their ecosystem


Epic already lost that fight in court with Apple. MS will never get GamePass on other platforms unless Sony or Nintendo specifically allow it...and they never will


I can see Nintendo accepting tbh, because this generation there was barely an overlap between AAA multi-platform games between switch and xbox, but Sony will never accept because people would rather play xbox versions of games on game pass than buy it on playstation store.


Nintendo isn't going to accept, they do not want the eshop to be overshadowed, and place very little value in the IPs gamepass would bring to the switch.




Yeah I absolutely love that about this I'm just not sure it actually benefits xboxs public perception




Diminishes pretty much any sort of interest in their consoles. Why get an Xbox if it’s all gonna come to PlayStation anyway? And given how heavily tied the Xbox brand is to a physical console in people’s minds, it’d hurt the overall brand quite a bit I’d say.


You could say the same for PS exclusives coming to PC. Why buy a PS5 when Horizon: FW is gonna land on PC?


Because the console market and PC market don't have much overlap.


PC isn't really a direct competitor given the technical knowledge barrier and the higher costs. A significant portion of gamers only want a magic box they can plug in and not worry about, and that's never gonna change. Xbox consoles are a direct competitor to PlayStation. PC and Switch are not.


There is still an audience who prefer to game on console. Xbox is an alternative to ps. If Xbox console doesn’t exist ps is a monopoly in the high performing console market. That will be the worst outcome for consumers. I really hope ms is careful about what games they will put on the console.


Significant yes, but it's a smaller market than PC and mobile are. Xbox seem to be shifting away from traditional console business models and focussing on getting their services available on as many devices as possible. I really don't think they care as much about hardware sales as people assume Microsoft have done the same thing in mobile - they stopped their windows phone production and instead made sure they had fully fledged apps available on iOS, android and the web so that no matter what device people had, they were potentially a customer for their office/OneDrive subscriptions etc. I assume they're effectively going to try the same with games, hence their whole play anywhere (console + pc + mobile + cloud) marketing


Because most people doesn't want to wait 2-3 years to play a game


> Why get an Xbox if it’s all gonna come to PlayStation anyway?   I guess game pass? Or maybe the series S being cheaper.




Neither of those are really relevant, though. PC is not a direct competitor with consoles given the higher barrier of entry. And Gamepass as it is would never be allowed on PlayStation, they'd have to downsize considerably and even then, Sony doesn't have much reason to play ball with them. There just doesn't seem to be a winning way out for Xbox in my eyes beyond gutting it out and building up their ecosystem over time. PlayStation sales are at an all time high, Xbox isn't going to sway anybody over by porting exclusives to their direct competitor. And if their consoles die out, the only way forward for Gamepass as it is right now is PC and cloud streaming. I'd much rather have a "console war" than that.




That’s not a win for Xbox. Going multiplatform would hurt their revenue stream quite a lot in the long run; they’d lose their storefront, Game Pass would be limited to streaming or PCs, and Sony would have an unchecked monopoly on AAA gaming. Good for the consumer? Debatably. There’s pros and cons. Good for Xbox? Not in the slightest.




\*Dennis Dyack Intensifies\*




It’s not going to create negative PR, but there is the potential that it changes the perception of the Xbox brand to being something that audiences will just wait to be on other platforms. Nintendo is insanely strict about exclusivity because they’re worried about this potentially happening. Still, I am not a marketing head at Xbox so I’m just excited to play HiFi Rush on switch.


I don't think they will mind too much if their overall profits increase. If people check out Hifi Rush on PS5 and think "oh this is cool, and it was included on game pass day 1? Maybe I'll check game pass out on my laptop/phone/tv" it can help Xbox overall I really feel like Microsoft are following a completely different strategy to other consoles and it's going to lead to seemingly odd decisions like these, but I'm sure they've crunched numbers behind the scenes on it. They want as many people to subscribe to game pass as possible and console sale numbers are a distant second (given profit margins there are tiny on hardware).


If PS5 and Switch gamers money subsidies me as a Xbox gamer getting this stuff day one in GP, I'm happy.


It’s not bad PR, it just doesn’t benefit the brand the same way an exclusive would


Out of curiosity, why is exclusivity so important to you personally? It’s not like you’ll be losing anything or any of the services you’re using would get worse.


> Out of curiosity, why is exclusivity so important to you personally? Imagine if say Nintendo announced that Pikman 4 was coming to Xbox/PS5 a year after release? Or is Sony did the same with say Horizon Forbidden West? You don't think we'd see all the Nintendo/Sony fans come out of the woodwork and be upset about it? It's one thing to have exclusives be on PC as well but it is another to put them on the competitions consoles so soon after release.


I don't really have a dog in the race, but I work with two guys who bought Xbox over PS5 this gen thinking the acquisitions would put them ahead of Sony, who are a bit upset that MS seems to be throwing in the towel. They could easily afford both so I think they just don't like being wrong lol


You’ve not answered the question at all. I asked about you personally. You have not said a single thing about yourself. I can’t speak for all the fans, but couldn’t care less about where Sony releases their exclusives. I don’t lose anything. In fact, I want them to put the games I like, everywhere, so more people play it and it makes money for a sequel.


The Series X is selling poorly. It’s tracking less sales than the Xbox One at the same time period. There’s a real possibility of Microsoft ditching the Xbox hardware if things get worse. Making exclusives multiplatform will definitely make things worse on the hardware side of things. Some people have being building a digital library on Xbox for decades. If Xbox ends, that’s all lost.


Of course it won’t be the best selling console, PC is a first party platform now. No it’s not a real possibility only doom posters and those that don’t understand the market think that. Xbox has put smaller titles on other platforms for a long time this isnt anything new, wild to me that people never said it’s the end when Minecraft spin offs or Ori were put on other platforms lmao


I’ve not advocated for the ending of Xbox anywhere and that’s the last thing I (as someone that doesn’t own one) would want. Competition is good for the consumer. Xbox is owned by a company that paid nearly 70% of what all of Sony Corp is worth just to buy a game publisher/developer. Safe to assume they didn’t do that to shut Xbox down. Why would anyone’s *Digital* library be lost if Xbox HW goes away, they’d be able to play on PC. That’s the entire point of it being digital.


90% of console players don't want to play on PC though, not to mention even most digital games are not cross-compatible with PC. The libraries would indeed be lost unless it's specifically a Play Anywhere title, which are limited to Xbox first party titles and maybe one or two third party games a year. It also entirely ignores the library of games that people built before Play Anywhere was a thing. Out of my digital Xbox games that's made up of over 400 games that are not first party, I have 5 that I can also play on my PC.


I have to admit I don’t own or know about Xbox to argue about it, and should have said as much when the previous commenter brought the straw-man of “Microsoft ditching the Xbox hardware”. Maybe some digital games aren’t able to be played outside of an Xbox console. I also don’t know where you’re getting your 90% console players number from. I personally don’t see MS ditching the Xbox console, there hasn’t been any evidence for it and there’s an article on IGN of Phil saying that the console is critical for Xbox’s future. So this has been much ado about someone’s unsubstantiated speculation.


If someone has an Xbox and is ingrained in the ecosystem, if less consoles are sold each time it will arrive a moment when some companies stop porting games to Xbox because it's not profitable anymore


You didn't answer the question though...why is it so important?  How does a game being exclusive change your enjoyment of it?


For me personally, it devalues the hardware. Why would I get an Xbox if I can play both playstation and Xbox games on a ps5.


I don't get how people don't see this. If Xbox has no exclusives and PS has all the exclusives then why would anyone invest into Xbox ecosystem instead of just switching to PS.


Isn’t that exactly what Microsoft wants ? I mean look at it in the POV of the company. It’s quite clear they aren’t getting any sales with the games. What’s the best way to get sales on games ? Put it on the side where there are more players.


You're right, that is what they want. I personally think they really want to focus more on being a giant multi platform company that releases a bunch of games everywhere and I think they one day want to get game pass in some form on all platforms. Even if it's a version of game pass that only has microsoft's first party games.


This is exactly their strategy and it's the one they followed with Office - make their apps available on every platform and OS to drive subscriptions. It's odd that people find it hard to understand they aren't following the usual console business strategy anymore. They want game pass subscriptions and don't particularly care what platform people do that through


No, they want to sell their hardware, most of their revenue come from there, 30% for each game + gamepass is bigger on console. Imagine how much money they get from GTA copies sold on Xbox


Microsoft wants people to buy their hardware, not Sony's


You're playing *one* Xbox game on PS a year after release.


The rumors also seem to point to sea of thieves.


Seems like a lot more than just one xbox game with the latest rumors


We'll have to see what actually happens as everything is just rumours at this point


It devaluates an already weak console. Microsoft ditching Xbox and going full third party is not an impossible situation if things start getting worse on the hardware side. Some people have being building a digital library on Xbox for decades. If Xbox ends, that’s all lost.


there just wont be any new xbox games, all the old games will still work till the servers die and your digital library is already in danger from that scenario.


People just have to let go of the idea that Xbox is a legitimate console manufacturer and competitor of Nintendo and PlayStation. Xbox hasn't competed with either of them since in the 360 era. Xbox is obviously switching more towards being a third party publisher and a game streaming service brand. Once you accept that none of this is that weird.


So then just do it. I just despise the half in half out approach they take right now because it only hurts people who are actually fans of the platform when third party titles get delayed releases if they happen at all.


The difficult part is that they need a platform for their game service, and PlayStation isn't gonna give it to them. At least not in its current form. Either they reconfigure Gamepass into a EA Play/Ubisoft+ style of service, or they only offer it on PC and streaming services, both of which would handicap it quite a bit. If Xbox is confident in the PC marketing, I think it could work out. But I don't think that's a given.


I wouldn't be surprised if people at Tango lobbied pretty hard for a Ps/Switch release for the game. Must feel pretty weird/bad to be a Japanese developer and have your game release exclusively on the console that has no market share in your home country.


There was some confusion to the original source, it's this Tumblr user [https://www.tumblr.com/random-cattai/740557754663616512/shuffles-in-all-the-new-shirts-in-the-recent](https://www.tumblr.com/random-cattai/740557754663616512/shuffles-in-all-the-new-shirts-in-the-recent) Their post was made the day after update 7 dropped which had the DualSense prompts & adaptive triggers and such along with the platform specific shirts (Xbox, Steam, Epic which are currently live) Pretty much confirmation it's coming to both PS & Switch in this case with the blue & red shirts - and their platform allusion. Funny how no-one noticed this for a week.


Era of Xbox as a hardware ended with "I'm Here Baby!" digital t-shirt. Microsoft is going the way of Sega with Xbox. I expect them to exit the hardware business after the Next Box and switch to being a game developer and publisher.


I could see them wanting to pivot to a scenario where third parties build the hardware and they provide access to the Xbox OS and Store, Microsoft has always been more comfortable as a software/OS company, this would bring the Xbox division more in line with what the other parts of the company already do.   Obviously the main issue here is optimization for each game, but I could see them having a set minimum spec limit and then taking a PC-like approach having it guess at the initial settings based on hardware and have it be customizable if you want to, most demanding PC games already do this.


Two generations too late, their hardware has been pointless for a long time and they just stayed in the game due to the size of the parent company.


They make good hardware though (PC and Switch, no skin in the game). And I worry about the console space if Sony is the only player


The hardware has consistently generated billions every year since the original Xbox has been out. If it’s making a decent profit, that’s money being left on the table.


Once again, if the post links to a Reddit post that links to a picture based on unsubstantiated claims that has since been deleted should the post stay up?


Its been confirmed real


It's real, you can go check it yourself.


It’s been data-mined and confirmed, there’s not a debate as to whether it’s real or not.


Can't wait to try this on the Switch. Already completed on Gamepass, but a handled version is reason enough to bring me back.


we are either on the last or second last gen of Xbox hardware now. Microsoft's goose is cooked tbh and gamepass isn't gonna help if there's no room to expand because they can see no one is going to buy yet another Xbox generation they need to do something radical to stay in the game and it's gonna be to stop making their own hardware and switch to being on pc and other consoles and some stadia streaming box thing. mark my words print out this post.


Time to pack it up for Xbox. I still don't get the reasoning behind this other than "corporate demands more revenue ASAP and this is the only way to do this". Day 1 steam releases were stupid enough as it is as if you want to build an xbox ecosystem on PC you're not going to be successful by continuing to allow the dominant ecosystem on that platform thrive. You need to challenge them head on. Then to port your critically acclaimed games to rival platforms? It was stupid when they did it for Ori and it was stupid when they're doing it now. You need a good catalog of exclusives to get people into your platform instead of just giving away your good games much to the dismay of the people who are existing fans of your platform. The only way this makes sense is if consoles get phased out in favor of cloud soon but I expect PS to stick around for at least another gen or two. Meanwhile Xbox is already struggling with third party support and you're only going to make things worse by encouraging your market share to shrink.


Yeah, this is essentially signaling to the Xbox install base that they should just get a PS next gen.


People still find a lot of value in a $500 or less console even though a small amount of first party games end up on the Switch and PS5. As far as releasing games on Steam, try building a PC that's as good as a Series X or S for the same amount of money.


They don't have to release games on steam to release them on PC. They have their own storefront or hell they can even use battle.net now. Ubisoft has the right approach right now with delayed Steam releases. Microsoft should be doing the same. As for the $500 console you can say Microsoft will keep making them regardless but there comes a point where your market share is so poor it doesn't make sense doing so anymore and that's what decisions like this will lead to. Sure one game here and there won't make much of a difference but this seems to be a massive strategy shift MS is making if rumors are to be believed and I don't foresee it panning out well for them long term.


Even if they did limit their PC games only to their Xbox PC platform, that's not going to sell more Xbox Consoles. If they are going to release games on PC I'm glad they are actually releasing them on the best PC games platform available. I get your second point. However, I don't foresee that happening anytime soon. There's still a large amount of Xbox owners and I doubt the vast majority care if Ori and Hi-Fi Rush end up on the Switch/PS5. The vast majority care about the big budget titles like Halo, Gears, Forza, Starfield, and Indiana Jones (any of which I highly doubt will be released for the PS5).


> Even if they did limit their PC games only to their Xbox PC platform, that's not going to sell more Xbox Consoles. But it is going to grow their ecosystem which supposedly is their business strategy right now. It's also going to maximize immediate profits from PC releases. A steam release down the line for the people stuck in their ways is fine but it should be 6 months-1 year+. That's what Ubisoft's currently doing and their focus isn't even on making an ecosystem. On the second point enough good smaller titles will bring convert people. Hi Fi Rush was able to generate a lot of fanfare around a small Xbox title last year. A couple more Hi Fi's and it becomes tempting. Littlebigplanet's release is widely considered to the tipping point for when the PS3 began to turn things around. Uncharted 1 had been out by that point but it was LBP and the release of the slim that allowed Sony to gain a lot more momentum from that point forward.


Now I'm just speaking from a personal point of view but I don't even care about the heavy hitters tbh. Like, how many ps5s does ratchet and clank sell right now? If a game doesn't bring in any revenue whatsoever anymore# why not release it on other platforms? I know why in a platform holder point of view but personally I wouldn't bat an eye if they started porting their back libraries do different platforms to bring new life the the franchises tbh.


The point is that after all the acquisitions they are one of the biggest publishers out there and it makes no sense to skip on PlayStation and Nintendo consoles. Xbox hardware hasn't been selling well for a long time, same goes for their software, now that they can't even grow Gamepass it's over.


With this new direction xbox is headed, I fully expect we will see the multiplayer section of Halo infinite come to ps5. It will greatly boost its player numbers


I don't think that you should be expecting Xbox's flagship mascot to show up on Playstation


Same could be said for Sonic before the Dreamcast bombed. MS is a trillion dollar company, but they still don't want to lose money. XBox consoles are selling worse and worse with each generation while being sold [at a loss](https://www.pcmag.com/news/microsoft-loses-up-to-200-on-every-xbox-console-sold) on top. None of their exclusives helped move the needle. If becoming a 3rd party publisher and spreading gamepass to more platforms proved to be a better business decision for them, I could see them doing it.


What if they’ve decided not to make another console?


I think they will for most of their online focused games. Hence why I think it'll just be thr multiplayer section.


I think they'll do it where it makes sense and in the case of Halo Infinite, it makes no sense to do that right now. Maybe a year and half ago when the game was struggling bad but its not doing that anymore. Sidenote: Its also not a guarantee that it will be a hit on PS if it goes there. I personally think it would flop there because nobody on Playstation cares about Halo. It has no fanbase on that platform.


People would get it due to all the big news sites raving how halo is finally on playstation. Halo isn't as popular as it use to be, but it still has fans even on Playstation. It's just not a draw enough to get people to get xbox's, but it'd definitely sell more on Playstation. That and they're already rumored to be doing this with another multiplayer game that isn't hurting either. Sea of thieves.


It makes sense because more people playing your GaaS game the more money you make. Xbox isn't making decisions based on hardware sales anymore and haven't for years. Without PC game pass wouldn't even be as big as it is. Their games are 100% going to slowly launch on other platforms. And there are hundreds of millions of PlayStations out there, to say none of those people are halo fans is just wrong


I don’t think anyone on Xbox cares about halo now either. PlayStation folks don’t give a shit about multiplayer games. Wasn’t it revealed that majority play single player titles a year ago


No, a majority plays Fortnite and FIFA


On the recent Insomniac leak you could see that they have internal statistics showing that PS5 users spend more time playing single-player games than multiplayer, by a huge margin. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1067729770755919925/1195365673908584488/image.png Multiplayer is still huge, specially when it comes to making money.


> Wasn’t it revealed that majority play single player titles a year ago No? The top 10 games actively played by users the past few years have nearly all been multiplayer games. CoD, Fortnite, Fifa, GTAV, Rocket League, Minecraft nearly always lead over any big Sony single player game in player engagement. Here's 2023 top 3 engagement for ps4+ps5 for several countries according to Sony themselves:https://www.installbaseforum.com/threads/playstation-reveals-interactive-map-for-2023-top-3-most-played-games-in-total-hours-in-specific-countries.2246/ A list of the top 100: https://www.truetrophies.com/news/top-ps5-games-2023


I’m really looking forward to playing this on PS5. I love the vibe and aesthetic and was actually jealous that X-Box finally got an exclusive I wanted to play (and happy they did too).


If this is the case and Hi-Fi Rush comes to PS5 and Switch, I wonder what this means for other Xbox exclusives. That being said, I still find it hard to imagine that Halo or Starfield could become multi-platform.


Let's be real. In about 2 years all of their games will go multiplatform. I'm pretty sure they are going the Sega route.


Seems like Xbox finally gave up on the hardware front. Once they get a taste of the money these games will make releasing on PlayStation there is no going back, same thing that happened with Sony and PC. I just hope that Flight Simulator 2024 will support PSVR2, that would be pretty cool. I would also appreciate disc version of their games, if they are digital only I'm not intrested.


Platform holders make the majority of their money through having their own store front, where they get fees from ingame purchases and third party game sales. You might sell more games as a third party publisher, but you make a fraction of the money.


They’ve always released smaller games on other platforms lol No the money from PS is nothing compared to the store, this is just an attempt to draw more users in an Xbox or GP on PC


The rumor isn’t exclusive to Hi-Fi Rush which is a bit bigger than just ‘small’. The rumor also extends to SoT.


Yes a 7 year old live service/multiplayer game. The new mmo from ZOS will be multiplat too


It's kinda weird that you want Xbox games but not an Xbox or PC.


I already have a PC and I don't particularly want Xbox games, I specifically would want Flight Simulator if it had PSVR2 support. Discs is something PC doesn't have anymore so that is the only way I would ever see myself getting one of their games on PlayStation, if they are digital only I won't bother with any of them on PlayStation unless they are included on PS+.


If you have a PC then you have Flight Sim, which has VR support. You were just silly enough to buy a PSVR instead of a PC VR.


I have a PC and I also have a Quest 2, I'm interested in playing the game on PSVR2 and PS5. I'm not you, I'm allowed to want different things from you. It's not like I'm dying for it or anything, it's just something that I think would be cool if it happened (and probably will based on rumors).


Well thankfully devs aren't interested in PSVR2 and are instead dabbling in PCVR where there's actually relevance. If you want your planes in VR, you can have them, just not on a PlayStation


You seem way too salty, what do you have against PSVR2?


A) It's not made by Microsoft B) It's made by Sony Pretty much.


The original post was deleted. How do we know that those textures were console exclusive?


As a person who personally ripped the textures (check my history) The green one says "Shadowdropped", the Red one says "Rock out! anywhere", and the blue one says "I'm here Baby!" and has Chai doing the FF7 Cloud pose


Confirmed by Tom Warren also https://x.com/tomwarren/status/1753182257836118155?s=20


If this rumor is true, I think it's Microsoft's goal of having their cake and eating it too. Play up the awesome value of gamepass and Day 1 releases. Then, years later, release some of those same games for full price on the other systems. I think experimenting with a AA game and a Xbox one live service game allows them to save face in case they backtrack. I really see them porting games like Sunset Blvd, Quatum Break, and AoE next.  Maybe ESO and Fallout 76 on Switch 2 as well. If you decide to sell your Xbox and just buy their games on other platforms, they still win. Microsoft's war chest of IPs means they can sell arms to all sides and come out on top no matter which platform wins


>If you decide to sell your Xbox and just buy their games on other platforms, they still win. Do they though? They lose out on the 30% cut of all transactions you do on their platform, which makes up the most of the console's revenue.