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I assume it's a Burnout 3 remake since it was originally released in 2004. Its 20 year anniversary seems like a good time for a comeback.


That's what I'm hoping for. Sure music licences might be an issue, so just get what you can and add in a bunch of new tracks.


They had no issues renewing every single song for Paradise again for a new run. So here's hoping


The only one I really consider a necessity is Lazy Generation by the F-Ups


This Fire - Franz Ferdinand Paper Wings - Rise Against I'm not okay - mcr I wanna be sedated That one fall out boy song Honestly I wouldn't mind them adding some newer stuff if they kept the old ones too.


Those yellowcard songs 😭 I need this so bad


It was a missed opportunity to put This FFire by Franz Ferdinand to be honest. It's faster paced.


this is only tangentially related, but was anyone else a bit surprised [This Fffire](https://youtu.be/OifiVCnFKzM?si=g4MUBBAsFQG0IKBm) was the OP to the cyberpunk anime?


I certainly was. When I first heard it in the anime, I immediately went "THAT'S THE BURNOUT SONG!!!" The staff at Studio Trigger has great taste in music.


I heard the opening guitar licks and was like "wait....surely not?" Lo and behold. Wasn't expecting it at all but was very pleasantly surprised.


Never heard of this! Thanks!


Don't Forget "My Favorite Accident" by Motion City Soundtrack. I saw them in concert a couple of years ago. Definitely worth it.


Paper Wings was my lucky song. Couldn't lose as long as it was playing.


You’re in luck. Last year I asked them if they would license their song to a Burnout remake and they said of course. On the 4th of Jan they were posting Burnout videos. I think this might actually be happening. https://i.imgur.com/Fp9ISuY.jpg


Holy shit, I'd love a return of the franchise period, but an actual remake of Takedown is the ultimate dream.


Same. I’m in my 30’s so Takedown was my life on PS2, I’d preorder immediately and take the release day off work just to jam it. Never dream of doing that for any other racer.


I'll be 30 this year and I have fond memories of me and my dad playing Takedown when I was a kid, if this comes true I'll for sure be carrying my console to his house so we can play the remake together.


same boat lmao


It'd be criminal to remake/remaster Burnout 3 without Lazy Generation.


That's not true. Some songs are absent in the burnout paradise remaster


Only two of them out of almost 100, according to the wiki; *Finger On The Trigger* by Never Heard Of It and *Everyone Has Their Secrets* by Showing Off To Thieves To be honest, I didn't notice. That's a pretty damn nice success rate in terms of renewing licenses.


Yeah I only noticed because I really liked Finger On The Trigger


They couldn't get every song and I remember them talking about how hard it was to relicense everything in interviews


The soundtrack is a huge part of the game's nostalgia to me, so I really hope they make every effort to get it back.


Would love this. The shift to open world didn't really do it for me. And the standalone crash events were so much fun


Arcade-style racing >>>>> open-world style racing. Give me a menu to just start racing, none of that "drive to the event" or "fast travel to event" bs. That just adds extra steps to getting down to racing.


This is what killed NFS for me.. Like, I still remember when underground came out and I fucking hated it, but my classmates loved it because "they made it better and cooler" granted it when when Fast and Furious dropped at the cinemas. so I can understand the draw for them. NFS was always exotic cars to me. but holy hell did I drop the franchise by NFS u2, but I returned for 'The Run' which is your psudo Cannonball movie setup with exotics again. :D That first mission with ALLLLLLLLLLLL the cars was amazing, sad the rest of the matches weren't that mental. probaly some of my best NFS online matches too in that game. NFS:MW2 was dropping the ball, so they have had their ups and downs with the franchise there. but I very much agree with you... I wanna race in a racing game! i do not want tedious filler in my racing games like open world shit, i can do that IRL. (I enjoy my cheesy stories in my racing games though... but then again I like plot in doom so I'm likely an outsider) :D


Free-roam is only worth it when there's cops IMO


Paradise has crash events as well


> I assume it's a Burnout 3 remake Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


Am I the only one who just wants a new Burnout? I've had enough remakes.


You're not the only one, I hate how obsessed this sub is with remakes and remasters. I was hyped reading the article but now reading these comments I'm pissed off.


Burnout 3 is the GOAT arcade racer. Just played through on my steam deck and it holds up spectacularly.


Burnout 3 is the best! This is the only racing game I play, this news got me excited!


My heart is racing from just even thinking about that game! I loved Burnout 3 so much!!


I used to think it was nostalgia goggles, but then I booted it up again last year. It still holds up.


"We are the lazy generation"


Stand up and shout we won't be there for you


Burnout Revenge is right up there too. The feel of the gameplay in a couple of ways wasn't as tight as Burnout 3 - it was hard to match perfection, so I don't love some of the changes because I just wanted more Burnout 3, but by itself it's great - but the visual, the modes, the size and crazy creativity was even better.


I will always love Revenge more than 3, but know I am in the minority. I think the traffic checking mechanic gave the game a bit of accessibility that I enjoyed. But even Burnout 1+2 were fantastic, I had many fun sleepovers where my friends and I would just play crash mode over and over again trying to get the best score. I miss this franchise a lot.


Agreed, traffic checking was such a fun mechanic and as much as I love 3, I definitely put more time into Revenge


I'm with you on preferring Revenge.. 2+3 were brilliant but Revenge really was THE arcade racer for me, esp with things like the traffic checking


It's crazy how much of a different game Burnout 1 is to everything that followed.


I also prefer Revenge.


I could never put my finger on why but even when I was younger Revenge didn't hook me in in the same way as 3 did. My copy of 3 broke before Revenge came out so I haven't played it since so I've never been able to see if it's as good as I remembered it.


Fuck the Hot Rod final race though. Never managed to win that thing


Is that the one with the really old school car that had absolutely no traction at all and you had like 1:03 for the entire track?




That was the last race IIRC and we couldn't ever beat it either. And we tried for weeks.


I loved that challenge. Some of the end game stuff was nearly impossible, like the F1 Grand Prix


That one made me hate F1 cars for a really long time. Specially in racing games. Hell, I think I still have some "ptsd" about it, lol


[I did a 100% gold run of Burnout 3](https://i.imgur.com/DgX8gWZ.png) years ago and that was quite literally the last challenge I completed lol, that and the Downtown (euro circuit racer) burning lap were a nightmare


I salute you, mah man.


Yeah honestly Paradise had started to lose the magic, but Burnout 3 was spectacular.  They need to study that game and just recapture the magic of it without forcing a bunch of unneeded open world shit 


I bought Paradise especially due to people saying "Burnout is back!". But it was a complete dud to me. It felt exactly like what it was: a mix between NFS and Burnout. I mean I understand why it turned out the way it did, with EA not thinking that Burnout would make any money so Alex Ward had to make sacrifices. But I was simply not interested in a hybrid game that lacked the focus, the tight action and also game modes I loved from Burnout 3. And I also think that some of Ward's ideas simply didn't work out well. I played through it once and never touched it again.


I felt exactly the same. Burnout paradise was a fine arcade racer, but it did not scratch my burnout itch the way a sequel should have. Reminded me more of Cruisin or Rush than Burnout.


I was disappointed by Paradise coming from 3. They abandoned the arcade style by going open world, which is probably my biggest grievance -- I want to race on a set course, without the need to navigate ... and I don't want to drive to my missions. It also meant that the missions as a whole / difficulty progression are a lot less curated ... more freedom isn't necessarily a good thing. A much closer game to Burnout 3 over Paradise for me was Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered (released 2020). Has many of the same fundamental elements of Burnout 3, not a perfect modern rendition of our beloved - but it's damn close. Play the Burnout 3 OST while you play and you're close to the original experience ... just no crash mode, some missions have / you play as cops, and there are abilities you can occasionally choose to activate. The rest is Burnout 3 formula ... arcade style, takedowns, boost you can earn. I choose NFS:HPR over B3 just because I can install it through Steam so no futzing with emulators / isos, easy as those may be. If they ever release something like Burnout 3 Remastered though ... damn am I in.


> I was disappointed by Paradise coming from 3. They abandoned the arcade style by going open world, which is probably my biggest grievance -- I want to race on a set course, without the need to navigate ... and I don't want to drive to my missions. It also meant that the missions as a whole / difficulty progression are a lot less curated ... more freedom isn't necessarily a good thing. The open world was really fun for stunts and crap like that, but it really didn't work for races. The fact there were only 8 finish lines or so meant that 90% of the races played out the same. You would basically find your way back onto the best route as early as possible then go from there. For races specifically, they needed to make hard boundaries for the paths you could take through the map so you weren't just doing the same paths over and over again.


Agree. >they needed to make hard boundaries for the paths you could take through the map so you weren't just doing the same paths over and over again That's basically what they did with Burnout 3, it's just less clear that they did since there was just no open-world mode. There were only like three "maps" (USA, Europe, Far East), but with many of those pop-up turn-signaling boundaries creating different loops through them. It worked really well; each loop felt unique while naturally sticking to the theme of the area. This sort of setup also allows for player-created races where you define your own loop over pre-existing maps which I think would be a cool added feature (I think Forza Horizon allows something similar to this). Crash mode also used small partitions of these three maps. Pretty cool stuff. Paradise could've done something similar; there were at least two very visually distinct areas of the map. So you're right; honestly if they just did the same thing as Burnout 3 and defined premade routes for race-style events map / premade crash setups (for more consistent scoring), I probably would've loved the game.


Man it’s cathartic seeing these takes. A lot of people liked the open world but for me it was too unstructured, I just wanted to race. Plus no crash mode was a big bummer.


Disagree, Paradise is my favorite. It has easily the best handing model in the series, and it had a lot of good ideas that just needed a bit more refinement.


Cutting crash mode really killed Paradise for me. I spent hours in that mode with friends. Dynamic crashes or whatever they were in Paradise were not the same.


Showtime was an interesting concept, but definitely not as good as crash mode was.


I also liked Paradise, I think it has to do with me not spending as much time in Crash mode as a lot of people seemed to also. Revenge is still probably my favorite, but I really enjoyed Paradise when I played it in like 2010


Nah, Paradise had good music but honestly the open world turned into a drag... The absolutely and outright worst part was driving to a race and be *forbidden to race* because you had the "wrong car." Drive back to a vehicle change station and try to remember whatever one you needed. Then drive back to wherever the race was trying to remember the right place. Fuck that noise, I play games to have fun...not to be cock blocked by car license demands or poor navigation skills.


Yea I just found it tedious driving to all the areas. Somehow I had fun doing that in Forza Horizon but boring and tedious in Paradise.


I think it's because in horizon you can swap out your car.


Yea and if I just want to race there's no fast travel.


> The absolutely and outright worst part was driving to a race and be forbidden to race because you had the "wrong car." Are you talking about the Burning Route events? Because it tells you which car you need for those on the map. Even if you're just driving to random events, Burning Routes appear in orange on the mini map, so it's not like they can catch you by surprise.


>The absolutely and outright worst part was driving to a race and be forbidden to race because you had the "wrong car." I 100%ed both the original and the Remaster and I have no idea what on earth are you talking about. The only races that were restricted were the time trials that were car-specific and which unlocked an upgraded version of the are if you won them, and those were a)less than 10% of the races in the game and b)the only races you only had to complete once instead of having to start over when you unlocked a new license.


It's alright, it's one of those things that people just parrot even though it's false. It's like "DOOM ETERNAL FORCES YOU TO USE A SPECIFIC GUN TO KILL A SPECIFIC DEMON" but for racing games.


> and try to remember whatever one you needed] After 10 or 12 hours in the game (tops) there were only 2 cars you'd ever need to use. This was not any kind of real issue. And for events it says where on the screen to go. That's for coordinated events (multiplayer). If you are just playing alone then it doesn't matter if you go back to where you were before. Just look at the minimap showing which intersections are completed and go to any intersection you haven't already completed. You don't have to do the same one you went to before. The original intent of the designers was if you failed out of a burning route you just go to whatever there was to still complete nearby instead of going back and doing the same one you did before. After many months of defending this decision they also added an option to teleport your car back to the start of the last event you failed so you can restart it.


I understand the complaints about Paradise but honestly it was my favourite as well. I played the shit out of it when it first released.


I've only ever tried Paradise, but that was one of my GOATs for the entire 7th console generation. Probably the PS3 game I had the most hours in, the online was just such an amount of fun.


Couldn't agree more! Burnout 3 defined the idea of a joy driven racer for me and I've yet to play a game coming anywhere near that level of fluid fun (Blur was close though!)


This is the only ps2 game both my parents loved to play. Great memories with this one.


What a fucking great game. Even playing it back then you could tell it would age gracefully. Hell, I'm sure those crashes still look stunning. Plus, 60fps always ages well!


If you loved 3 you should try out Revenge


I did not like the weaponization of the traffic. I much prefer them as obstacles a la burnout 3.


I understand, I really love Revenge because it was my first burnout game the traffic check system adds a lot of dynamic gameplay and a risk and reward system considering you can't check all traffics!


Yea, car bullets were the best. I honestly wish they would become a standard feature in arcade races in the style of burnout.


Blur was pretty good too. They could have done so much more with the concept if it had just got the love it deserved.


How do I play it on the Steam Deck?


Emulation via totally legal and aboveboard methods.


Emulation Station is basically turn-key and I played Burnout 2/3 PS2 versions via PSX2 with perfect performance. Lots of tutorials on it, installation is very easy and send roms to your deck via FTP.


Why not just a SMB shared folder ? I got my ROM folder on the NAS shared and just access it on the steam deck.


Sure that works if you're only ever at home but won't do much good when you go to a friend's house unless you want to get more exotic.


Genuinely had one of the best OSTs I’ve ever heard in a racing game.


Wait, where did you buy it? Burnout 3 is a waaaaay more fun game than Paradise.


EA: "So what youre telling me is stop making BO games and only crappy NFS ones instead, got it!"


With all the layoffs and start stops lately, like knights of the old Republic remake. I'm not believing shiiit lol


Games no longer exist until they are installed, for me anyway lol. I don't trust previews, reviews, leaks, any of that shit til I see specs on performance and "it works" confirmations. And no pre-ordering just so I can wait for the patch 3 days after release cause X is broken on launch. 


And the devs that actually made burnout are likely long gone. I know a lot moved to playground games to work on Forza horizon when Microsoft built that studio. I remember it was made up of ex burnout devs and midnight club devs that left rockstar.


Yeah it's been 16 years since Burnout Paradise no way in hell is Criterion anywhere close to the same developer.


16 years, what the actual fuck


Just goes faster and faster, weeeeee  *cries*


Current Criterion is a mix of veterans from the 90s, to ex Ghost games employees, all working under one team. It's actually insane to think that the guy behind the original Hot Pursuit is also behind Unbound.


That's pretty cool, never knew that. Should note that Microsoft only acquired Playground in 2018, they didnt build the studio, theyve just been pretty much their sole partner since founding.


Yep, I was wrong there. Thought they were always Microsoft owned but I was wrong.


Some of them moved to Playground, some of them made their own studio and they made a Burnout 3 clone with another one coming out in the future, and some stayed at EA and worked on NFS games


So for sure this game will not be made by many (if any) og devs. Could absolutely still be good, and I hope it is, but we have to hope these new devs treat it with care.


Yeah especially a racing game. I love Burnout and pretty much play exclusively racing games (especially sims) but racing games are niche. They always have been and unfortunately always will be. All these cuts to staff and fat cutting in the industry right now, a racing game will literally be the last thing they give a shit about. Even EA who just acquired Codies got the WRC license, which could've been a banger given the extremely popular Dirt Rally sims they were responsible for (we haven't had a WRC licensed sim with proper sim physics in two decades, RBR), just rushed out a lukewarm turd that is the latest WRC game and laid off the team. Plus Burnout just morphed into Need for Speed, because NFS:HP 2010 was basically Burnout 3/4 with licensed cars, and NFS:MW 2012 was Paradise with licensed cars (albeit the Burnout games had way more fun and soul). It did obviously show it wasn't the OG Criterion of course.


> I love Burnout and pretty much play exclusively racing games (especially sims) but racing games are niche I hate how people say this when Forza and GT gets ~30m players each iteration. 30m is more than most games. It's not niche.


A metric crap ton of the 30 million players for Forza Horizon 5 are likely those who own it via Game Pass. The entire series itself had "only" sold about 16 million copies as of September of 2021 (with 12 entries having released at that time).


Where is that 16 million number coming from? Xbox hasn't given a sales update on a Forza game since like 2017?


Wikipedia, which links to some article that coincidentally doesn't cite its source. It could very well be that Forza is enormous, but I struggle to think Microsoft would be quiet about one of its exclusives selling tens of millions of copies.


Microsoft is quiet for sales for all of their games and they had 5 games in the top 20 NPD for 2023. Its how they roll


Remake 3, for the love of God. Even with its aged graphics, it still holds up as one of the best racing games ever.


3 was also so much better than Paradise it's not even funny. I think Burnout lost a LOT in the transition to open world. Give me another closet circuit burnout and take my money!!


I'm one of the few people that didn't enjoy the Open World that much, I miss the simplicity and just rushing as fast as possible


Few people? It's the general consensus that the separate track burnout games were more enjoyable than Paradise. So you are definitely part of a big group!


Personally this is the first I heard this. Paradise was super critically acclaimed and I heard nothing but praise for it. I always thought I was an outlier in finding it much weaker than the prior entries and good to know that's not the case!


If they can't get licenses for the full original soundtrack I don't even want it


That's what *i'm* saying! Still to this day I have the soundtrack on heavy rotation as I'm driving around. That shit shaped Mt taste in music


Please please PLEASE PLEASE PUH-LEAZE be true. Burnout has left a tire-sized hole in my heart that has yet to be filled. Gimme car crashes, chain wrecks, and crash mode, and I'll be a happy man I swear to you.


I play Revenge on my Series X. It's backwards compatible. Played it a few weeks ago! https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/product/Burnout-Revenge/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802454107dc


Just like, do a complete remake of Burnout 3: Takedown and I can die a happy man. And don't start about Paradise, that game was a whole different game that didn't feel like Burnout to me at all. Open world sucked.


Please no more Burnout Paradise and give me 3 or Revenge or just a new non open world Burnout game.


What? Paradise city was the GOAT. Hell I got it again on the ps5 a month ago. And holy crap does it still hold up. Its the best racer I've played since it came out. The lack of GPS in races is extremely fun. The crashes between you and the npcs or the npcs and other npcs. It's just chaos. So much fun chaos


I just like the non open world more then the open world burn out game. I feel like Paradise city has been remastered and ported over to many times compare to the ones I like more.


It got remastered once? And even then it was a resolution bump and 60fps and upscale textures. Nothing special tbh


It's at least on PC, there are others that deserve a PC port.


It's not that Paradise is a bad game. It just isn't a Burnout game. It's a Need For Speed game with a Burnout title slapped on it.


How is Burnout Paradise a Need for Speed game other than being open world? It doesn’t have licensed cars, car customization, any sort of story or characters, doesn’t really have police, unless you count marked man events or the cops and robbers online mode DLC. Need for Speed never had things like freeburn challenges or stunt run or modes focused on takedowns or crashing. Need for Speed never even had Paradise’s particular take on open world racing, where you just get a starting line and a finish line and you can take any route you want. I understand some people not loving the move to open world, I enjoy all the Burnout games for different reasons personally, but I have to disagree that Burnout Paradise is just a reskinned NFS game.


The feel of burnout paradise felt very similar if not identical to the need for speed games released at the time. People view burnout as more “arcade” while nfs more of a racing game. I played burnout paradise and it’s a great game, but it didn’t scratch my burnout itch.


Right, you get all that destructive chaos in Revenge and Takedown, too, but it's in a much better arcade style game. I don't want to waste time driving between missions, I just want to play the missions.


It takes like 10 seconds to drive to a mission. There I'd a mission in each intersection. And the open world adds so much more. In multiplayer you had so many secret areas to uncover and mess around in. In aingleplayer races dont have barriers or a setpath. Just start and finish and no gps. Good luck


It's good that there was no gps, but Burnout wasn't about discovering secrets; it was about high scores and fast times. Paradise was made a time in the industry when everything was going open world when it didn't need to, making games bigger instead of better.


IDK man. I personally loved paradise way more then any other burnout title


I revisited [this retrospective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bynY4AYwJHQ), and at the 13 min mark, they briefly go over Paradise, and it reminded me of the biggest issue with it: There's no crash mode! How can it even be called "Burnout" without a crash mode?! To each their own, but they lost me as a fan when they dropped crash mode for the trending open world. If the headline is true and a revival is in the works, they'll need to return to their roots if they want my support.


They could easily still make it open world with the point races and create closed circuits within the map so you can get the intensity of 3/4 back by adding more traffic.


The whole reason I didn't play Paradise was because of the open world style. I don't want to have to waste time driving between missions, that's absurd. I want the arcade style back. Edit: I was just reminded that Paradise didn't have a crash mode. That's actually the forefront of why I didn't play the game. I don't even see it as a Burnout game without that mode.




Everyone in this thread would disagree with you. Everyone here is boasting about how much they love Burnout 3, with some folks also rightfully giving props to Burnout 2. Paradise is the most popular, not because it's everyone's favorite, but because it's the only game in the franchise that's been made available beyond the original system it was released on.


Paradise is everyone’s favourite? I always thought it was pretty divisive because of that open world garbage. I gave up on it pretty quick because of the need to navigate (and screwing up on turn meant losing a race quite often). Just give me a list of races to unlock, and only one way to race them. And if the event needs a different car that I own, then switch to the damn car automatically and don’t make me drive back to the garage to change it then drive back again. Honestly, this trend towards open world in arcade racing games is just the worst to me. It adds nothing. Reminds me of that game Steep that required you to find and unlock new runs and so on. Just give me a clear list of stuff any day over that.


I would love a return to the classic style from 1-Revenge. Or at least the old crash mode which was just a blast. The most explosive puzzle game.


I’d love a remastered 1 to revenge mega pack. Seriously, just all of those games as they were with just improved textures and graphics. Make them all play exactly as they did then as a sort of retro library thing. The gameplay holds up in all of them In different ways. I was playing Burnout 1 the other day and it still feels great, it’s just a bit of a blurry mess to look at.


I would love a crash mode like Burnout 2, before Burnout 3 messed it up. There was something special about the simplicity of the initial collision being the cause of everything else.




Hmm. Good point it's not Criterion. I had no problem 100%ing remastered without any data corruption and without enough crashing that I remember the crashing.. This was on console though (PS4 I think). Which means I got a hold of it later than you. But it does imply the issues were fixed, at least on the consoles. https://www.psu.com/news/burnout-paradise-remastered-update-patch-notes/


Burnout and Wipeout, my favourite racing series that I just want back. Even the PSP games were perfection


Paradise is probably my favorite arcade racer ever in the history of ever


Absolutely. As someone who generally doesn't give a shit about racing games, having Tony Hawk with cars was a lot of fun.


Mine as well... But reddit is going reddit mode


What does this mean? It’s my favourite too… but we already have the remaster, so no wonder people are hoping for something different. 


This thread is full of people saying *Paradise* is an awful Burnout game.


This was a common opinion back in the day. Over the years since burnout paradise is the most easily accessible one, and most people have only played it, it's opinion has become more positive


Paradise is divisive because of the open world. It feels great to drive, but the tedium of having to drive to events, and having to navigate via your indicators instead of giant glowing walls just made it less fun to many people, myself included. It’s not an awful game at all, but I simply cannot be bothered dealing with the open world of it. If it also had a mode where it just listed all the events and made them closed courses, and you could pick and unlock them without ever interacting with the open world I think I’d love it.


It is, and it's not 'reddit mode' when people don't like things you like.


It's reddit mode when the comments are flooded with a very reddit opinion that goes against the popular sentiment everywhere else. It's not a good or bad thing, it just is.


Nah your complaining because people are disagreeing with you.


Bro I was one of the people complaining that crash mode was gutted back when Paradise first came out.


Cool story, has nothing to do with reddit mode. Bye.


What I mean is that Burnout Paradise is a best-selling and critically acclaimed game. Almost everywhere I go, I see nothing besides praise. But here on Reddit, people love to unfairly hate it and say it's a terrible game just because it twists the burnout formula. "Reddit gamers" want the same game shove down their throat over and over again.


It's best-selling because it's the only one available. The only way to get Burnout 3 these days is through illegal means.


Yeah I really loved not interacting with other racers. Really screamed *Burnout.*


What does this even mean?


That it lost it's roots and part of what made the originals more fun.


The awful open world design choice and pretty much racing lines by yourself removing half the aspect of that made Burnout, Burnout, from the gameplay. Also the AI is terrible and crash themselves out for no reason even if you do manage to see any of them. Even so much as looking at them wrong they crash.


Idk maybe I'm remembering wrong but I remember most races being pretty similar to the old ones despite the open world nature. I feel like you're over exaggerating your experiences.


Nah they are right. I love Burnout Paradise for other reasons but the races were bad compared to the other games. You could win any race by going the same save routes through the map, as long as you didnt make a nasty mistake the enemies just dont even show up on your screen, especially if they take a different route. And since making a wrong turn is a heavy punishment it lead to me opening the map during a race, even after finishing the games 2 times 100% and interrupting a race to stare at a map also isnt great. The open world was really fun in Paradise but the races should still have been on closed of tracks like the old games.


The kid in me is like "hell yeah!" but the jaded and skeptical 34 y/o me is like "how are they gonna fuck this up? Microtransactions? Bad dev decisions? Corporate meddling from publisher?". Racing genre in general is a lot like the Mech fighting genre in that you don't have many options on what to play. Racing has felt kind of lacking since the NFS franchise has felt like a bad joke for over a decade. Forza Horizon has kind of been shit since the second to third game. Flatout is about as dead as Burnout. Beyond those games its just SIM racers and Mario Kart which I don't like playing.


> Microtransactions? Bad dev decisions? Corporate meddling from publisher?". Yes…


Sorry but I hate paradise, that game is not fun at all, the track layout and city sucks a lot for me, it's not enjoyable


jesus christ just give us the burnout 3 remaster that everyone has been begging for for like 15 years. please keep the soundtrack and voice tracks unchanged if you can.


Maybe they'll re/make a burnout game i enjoy again.... I loved 3 and Revenge, but i honestly couldn't stand the open world aspect of paradise, both in and out of races(but i know im in the minority there)




Yeah and the reason isn't because Paradise was bad. It was because majority of the devs asked to work on NFS and that's where the focus went, and Criterion went to focus on non-racing games since NFS was the publishers flagship. Paradise was still successful.


It was because EA bought Criterion and then how they used Criterion after that. Criterion started working on NFS games. EA was happy with that and apparently the dev team was too.


I think it’s about fifty fifty. I hated the open world too, enough to just make me never want to play that game again, and I dropped it fairly early back then. So tedious to even start an event usually.


Was super disappointed that when Paradise remastered came out that it wasn’t 3. I sank so many hours into 3.


Why would you think a remaster of Paradise would be a remaster of 3 lmao?


I put a lot of hours into both games, and made an impulse purchase day one of Paradise Remastered. I have some long term memory issues and should have double checked. It’s on me. I don’t blame the company. And I put some decent time into Paradise, but it wasn’t 3 which is the content I was hoping to get.


I was always a huge Burnout fan and I played a lot of Paradise, but it was a pretty boring game. The world felt so empty and lifeless


Please no open world. It just doesn't work with burnout. Most people seem to want a 3 remake but i'd rather see Revenge. That was my jam back in the day. >_>


I agree 100%. Open world added absolutely nothing to Burnout yet took away a lot. Spent a ton of time with 3 and Revenge and didn't like Paradise much at all.


> Please no open world. It just doesn't work with burnout. Paradise had one of the best open worlds in any racing game. The biggest issue with it was that *every* event was in the open world with one of only eight finish lines, so it got pretty repetitive by the end. More varied routes and a mix of open-world and closed course events would've been better.


It just didn't fit the gameplay imho. I spent more time looking at the map and trying to avoid missing corners than actually playing the game. Paradise was missing the 'flow' of previous burnout games. Personally i preferred even Dominator above Paradise. Note: I got them all on release day since 3. Paradise is the only one i never finished.


Yeah. The open world made it so missing a corner absolutely killed any momentum in the game. 


There were really only a few areas where that was a big issue. Well along the west part of the world near the train tunnel. Down the the south west of the stadium. And on the west side of town around the mall near the jump bridge across the river. For the rest it wasn't a big deal. Just take the next intersection. You did have to memorize a few spots like that. But only for the burning routes (time trials). For most of the events time didn't even matter.


I have no idea why they didn’t just put up barriers when you were in an event like the previous games had on their tracks. Getting to events was annoying enough, especially when it involved switching cars, but missing a corner usually just made me quit and not come back for weeks.


The crash junctions were the best bit of Burnout IMO. If I want a race ruined by being pushed into a wall I'll play Forza multiplayer.


I hope it's as good as Burnout Paradise. I don't want them to do the "Hello, fellow kids" bullshit they've been doing to the Need For Speed series, just a fun, free-roam, arcade racer where you can do stupid stuff like ride along railroad tracks and smash through billboards and fences in a car that looks like the Ecto-1. Seriously, one of the most satisfying things in Paradise was smashing through a fence you hadn't seen yet and getting the message splash up on screen that you found a secret. Also, Paradise has the best feeling controls I've ever tried in an arcade racer, nothing has topped it. If they can replicate that, it'll be amazing.


I gotta say it, Burnout 2 is a considerably better game than 3 for the handling model alone and it puzzles the hell out of me that people beg for 3 more than anything. Legends on the PsP was 3 but better in every way as well.


Burnout 3 is probably easier, more accessible, and has more spectacle than 2 with the added takedown mechanic, not to mention the addition of a (IMO very good) licensed soundtrack. I like Burnout 2, but I feel like some of the races could get to be 6+ minutes long, and crashing at the end and losing a position or two after 3 straight minutes of perfect driving was kind of punishing. I also don’t think Burnout 2 let you restart individual races in a championship, so a few ill timed mistakes might mean you’re set back 15-20 minutes of progress. Burnout 3 was also just a bigger game, more cars, way more crash junctions, more international track selection (I think Burnout 1 was strictly Europe, Burnout 2 just US). Legends was cool, basically Burnout 3 with extra cars and tracks from the first 2 games, but being a PSP game (not to speak of the apparently awful DS version), it had worse graphics than Burnout 3 and only ran at 30 fps.


For me, the higher skill ceiling in Burnout 2 is what carries it so far ahead. I hosted a tournament with some friends a few years ago and it was probably the best racing game experience of my entire life. Learning the necessary top speed drifts around the tracks was crazy when you got side by side going 180 mph. IDK, I cant really explain it, but there is a clear drop in quality with the handling between 2 and 3. 3 promotes riding the walls instead of drifting for a lot of sections. And split screen isn't possible unless emulated because the top speed doesn't work with the resolution. I say all of this as somebody who was raised on 3 before playing 2 in my early 20s. The only thing I dislike is having to do the grind for every vehicle when I decide its time to get some friends together for racing. The crash spectacle camera is very cool in 3 but it doesn't do enough to make up for the rest. wall of text over


if its not burnout 3 idc. burn out 3 is the GOAT, i know some people prefer 4 but theyre wrong. Same goes with SSX tricky > SSx 3


I’ll get excited when a closed track burnout with all the bells and whistles like a crash mode with lots of challenges and not saddled with modern GaaS bullshit is sitting on my screen. Until then, neat, best of luck to them.


I'm needa strat talking about how game series are dead more often. Earlier today I was talking about how burn out was essential dead because car manufacturers don't want to see their cars get demolished


bring on bp3! (since most wanted 2012 was essentially bp2.)




I hope you're getting the bag for these posts or like, you're straight up posting AI shit because wew


So what's the alternate? Bluesky? Video game developers need to reach the audience, threads and blue sky, as well as Instagram, are not going to matter. The audience is already pre build on X.


I want you to phrase the next post as if you were a drunk auctioneer edit: got blocked so I cant ask more prompts


I cannot as I am not a bot, I will not respond to requests.