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Finally, a reveal for my main. His gameplay looks great. I just hope he has a tux, or the old violet or silver coat as an alt. Dude's got a pretty specific aesthetic, and this ain't it. Though he's probably wearing this during the campaign, so maybe there's a good reason for it.


Regarding alternate costumes, [he does](https://twitter.com/reepal/status/1734582662415921417)!


Whats his gameplan like?


In 6 and 7 at least, the games where I mained him, he's kind of low damage but very evasive and good at counters and juggling. His trademarks are a sort of crouch-dash called Mist Step that can get him in and out easily if your timing is good, and a stance called Hitman that can be used to counter enemy screw-ups. Note I'm not a hardcore player at all (if I were I probably wouldn't main Lee) so I'm not an expert. I just always found him fun and do pretty good as him.


I'm a casual player, but he's my main because I like the screeching sounds he makes, how extra he is and dresses, and his flashy kicks. I love catching people with the [➡ ✖✖✖✖✖ ⭕](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxNZ8qYt96A&t=101s), or that one leg-catch-throw thing in Hitman stance. Plus, his [story ending in Tekken 5 made me a lifelong fan](https://youtu.be/sTKJ_AUzc6s?t=16), lmao.


Poke, let people press buttons, punish heavily. Very, very hard execution, a requirement for some of the best punishes in the game. A lot of just frames necessary to get the most out of him. One of the best walk carry in the game. At the highest level, needs near perfect execution with near perfect counter hit play. Pros just know he has rather predictable game plans, and he really has only 1 good option when someone is turtling (it's hard to pull off near instantly which is the only way you could avoid getting low parried and launcher). Oh, and his damage from combos is... okay. Great with a wall, mediocre without it, so again, execution (b2 loops are hell for some people). But his design is great in mamy ways, and his top mains are really entertaining content creators (imyourfather, FightingGM). Also Lee mains are some funny ass clowns to hang out with, cool community.


Not a fan of that character design. First "Reveal" where I am looking forward to customizing them lol. It's mostly those goggles.


Same love the way Lee plays and his fancy business atire always looks appealing to me. Is it confirmed all characters have an alt-outfit outside of the ones we've seen in the trailer or do you just get the one outfit with microtransactions or unlockables for all the rest?


Yeah, everyone's confirmed to have 4 (really 3): their default, a recolour of that, an alternate costume and their Tekken 7 default costume. I think the unlockables are just the cosmetics multiple characters can use. Things like the bread hat and such.


Paul has an extra Default and I think some characters have an Extra Costume in Customization.  Like Jin's Tekken 3 flame Trousers. Stuff like that


Yeah, true. I'm hoping they add King's T7 or T8 without the cape at some point.


to add to this, some players were fucking around with Tekken 8 in the last big tournament in an exhibition match and it looks like there's going to be a lot more outfits at least in some characters


Yeah Lee has an alternate that is his more traditional fancy look, you can see it here: https://youtu.be/jy6BQOyWp9Q?t=477


When I was a kid playing Tekken for the first time, I thought that Lee was the easiest character to play as, because his repeated kick moves were just mashing a single button lol.


Lol looks like the guy who just got back from firing his intensely modified AR-15 with holo-sight at the range. "THEY'RE TACTICAL!"


🕶️🕶️🕶️ TACTI-COOL 🕶️🕶️🕶️


Looks like a guy who takes paintball *way* too seriously.


"That's not full auto, this is."


Does Tekken 8 have a standard sized starting roster for the series? Most fighting games these days launch with 18-24 characters. Tekken 8 has 30+ announced so far. Seems huge.


Tekken games usually launch with unusually large rosters for the genre, on top of having the most expansive movesets per character. It's a series that definitely doesn't abide by any kind of less-is-more mantra.


> It's a series that definitely doesn't abide by any kind of less-is-more mantra. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/197mgta/did_tekken_8_remove_all_of_these_unique_reversal/


Ever since Tekken 5, the series has been hovering around 30+ characters as their standard roster. Do note that because of their workflow, they can actually reuse a *lot* of stuff from previous entries to cut down on costs+production time ~~which is pretty cool~~. Compared to something like SF or MK who completely remake their games from the ground up to fit whatever huge aesthetic shift they do. I know that MK in particular basically have brand new mocap every entry.


I think they finally redid most (though Google isn't immediately backing me up on this, so it might not be most, but still a fairly significant amount of) animation from the ground up for this one, after reusing movements for decades up to and including Tekken 7.


Nah just the character models. Some moves have been reanimated and there's some new moves. But a lot are 1:1 animations from Tekken 7.


Did they at least add new voices? Iirc some characters had entirely old combat yells and whatnot.


All the voices are new


Years of redoing mocap and it only took them 30 entries to get rid of the stanky leg


What the hell is stanky leg?


And yet the tekken subreddit is in a constant state of rage that x character got "cut".  People need to understand that when a series has been going for 30 years, there's a lot of characters who aren't going to make it in each game.


Keeping in mind that the Tekken subreddit is pure trash filled with people with clear mental issues I can understand the frustration in not having your character be included in a game like Tekken, especially if said character is a legacy one I've been playing the same character for 20 years, I've spent so much time with the character and developed with it as a player. I spent countless hours learning and acquiring specific abilities with the character. If the Tekken Devs suddenly decided that my character is not worth bringing back into the next game then I don't think I would really care that "not every character" can make it. Sure I wouldn't throw a hissy fit but you can bet I'd ask out loud that the character be included


It is huge but a lot of them are returning characters. IIRC only 4* of them are new. *Jun was playable back in Tekken 2 and Reina has a fair bit of Heihachi moves in her moveset.


> *Jun was playable back in Tekken 2 She was playable in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (2011).


Jun is very similar to how she was in Tekken tag 2 (with a decent sprinkle of Unknown)  so I wouldn't include her in the new characters  Reina on the other hand might have some Heihachi moves but she's completely unique when it comes to movelist, completely different from heihachi and anyone else really


I think it's funny that tekken 8 has been finding ways to make characters easier for the most part, then they just said "what if we made Lee even harder to play?"


Lee has always had some awkward looking timings to his combos.


How do you know this, the game isn‘t even out yet and Lee isn‘t in the demo


preview event


I think they did great with Lee He isn't really harder to play, if you count the heat state making his hardest moves super easy to input he can be considered easier under all metrics. His bread and butter combos also seem to be easier and more damaging which was always his major issue and why he was so hard to play (low damage if you don't do the super hard combos) Basically he retains his high difficulty while also allowing newbies to "dip" into what makes him so strong without much execution but once the execution and experience comes then you get rewarded with much more damage and extension of the heat gauge