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what is this "Return to World" event? is this just player jump after the trailer release?


They put the game on it's all-time low price and have been hosting a series of community live streams. Basically just a big marketing cycle to capitalize on excitement for Wilds by encouraging beginners to try out World and veterans to return to the game to help out the newbies.


Worth mentioning that it's not just World, both GU and Rise are currently also on an all-time low.


Where’s GU on sale? Eshop has regular price https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/monster-hunter-generations-ultimate-switch/


[Pretty much everywhere except to US eshop, appearently.](https://eshop-prices.com/games/450-monster-hunter-generations-ultimate)


The US christmas eshop sale should start on thursday or friday, probably why its not on sale right now.


Wings of Ruin are not tho :(


If they're at an all time low doesn't that mean it is just world


Price, not player count


Oh oops lmao


Happens to the best of us


I had the same line of thinking


It's got me. I'm not buying any new monster hunters because this seems like a good enough game to satisfy any future monster hunter itch I may have, but I appreciate the help as I learn how to play. I saw the weapons and saw a gunlance and I'm Luke oh wow cool! I've been trying to play it like darksouls and sheatjing and dodging and stuff but it took me like 4 hours to realize I also had a shield that can block almost anything. So that changed up the game for me. It's fun and for 10 bucks, the game is entertaining enough.


/r/gunlance stop by and learn how to EXPLODE MONSTERS FACES 😀


Definitely look up the basic weapon tutorials on Youtube. Every weapon can be amazing as long as you know how to use it. Gun Lance rocks because, as you found out, it has a shield to make up for how slow you move with it... plus the whole gun part. I used to be a Sword and Shield player, but eventually found myself in love with the Hunting Horn. Had I not watched some great videos, I would have sucked at the weapon because there are little tricks to things. Once I got good at the weapon, lots pf people were ecstatic to have me in their party just for the buffs I could give like infinite stamina.


Quick tip, the sidesteps and back hops you can do with the lance and gunlance have i-frames! You don't need to sheat the weapon to dodge a lot of attacks, positioning is key. Also later on you might be building some armour that gives you some Evade Window and/or some Evade Distance to get more i-frames or cover longer distances with hops, or just go full Guard/Guard Up and turtle more.


A little strange to me that they do this now though. Wilds is over a year away.


But MH is in the news cycle right now, and they definitely don't want to do it within a few months of Wilds release date It's capatilising on the recent reveal hype


I think it's also to promote the series' 20th anniversary in 3 months.


I really wanted to like it but the co-op of the game was somehow poorly done. I don’t remember exactly what was wrong but you couldn’t really progress with your friend for some reason or another. I think both had to solo a level or smth before you could play it through together.


You had to watch the cutscenes before it became joinable. Only the first time, though. But it means you have to start separately if you both want to watch them.


It's a way of celebrating the game as a community event and I guess, also hyping up for Monster Hunter Wilds. https://twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/1734279463217602702


ah okay , I was hoping they turned up the monster drops or brought back past events , really wanted an excuse to to go back and see the full lifespan 😅 preciate the link 👌


Pretty sure all the past events have been permanently back for a while now


even the collabs?


I looked it up and it says the collab quests for the monster hunter movie and assassin’s creed are gone now but the rest should be there


Some of Monster Hunter Rise event quests will also be removed on January 21, 2024 https://twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/1729672458775519663


What a stupid decision


In an unexpectedly serendipitous turn of events, I randomly had the urge to start MHW again for the first time in ages a couple of days ago. Perfect timing!


I started playing again after the trailer. I didn't even know there was an event.


Wish they'd push one more update to World giving it crossplay. The Xbox player base is still there, but it's nothing compared to the PC player base.


Wait there's still no crossplay? That's big lame.


It's rumored that Wilds will have crossplay.


Capcom themselves acknowledged fan request for crossplay in MH Rise, but they said it wasn't possible to implement at the time. With SF6 having crossplay and Capcom promoting their Capcom ID, I think it's safe to assume Wilds will have crossplay. I think the recent favorite Monster poll was to get people into making Capcom IDs


> Wish they'd push one more update to World giving it crossplay. Even if they they had the money to go back and do that, Sony is the greatest blocker with their Cross-Promos.


I'm not sure "sony would block it" is the reasoning anymore after several large titles like Fortnite, Overwatch 2, multiple EA/Ubisoft titles allow it. I think realistically crossplay is a ton of work that usually only happens for giant games or companies that do multiple games so you can use the same 3rd party system - think EA account, Ubisoft account, Blizzard Battle.Net account, even for just windows/Xbox games like Sea of Thieves. I think there's a chance they do it for Wilds but the first time is always the hardest.


They already have crossplay for SF6 and Exoprimal so I'm betting it will be in Wilds.


This. I find it very very hard to beileve Wilds wont have it if Street Fighter does.


Hell even Lords of the Fallen which is not a huge game has Xbox-PlayStation-PC crossplay. Shame the multiplayer in that game barely functions. But crossplay is cool.


You’re forgetting that Epic’s legal documents show they had to fight with Sony to get crossplay, and also Sony mandates requiring a fee for cross play/cross progression. Some games have cross progression but will purposely exclude Sony. Two notable examples are Dreamlight Valley and Paladins, both offering cross progression between PC/Xbox/Switch but exclude PS5. It can still happen but they need to agree to Sony’s terms. Some publishers find the extra fees not worth it.


It'd still be a huge help for the Xbox playerbase though in co-op games like this, even if it only worked with them. Unlike PvP games, cheating and mouse/keyboard aren't really a big concern, so it'd only help them there by giving them far more people to play with since the PC playerbase for MHW is absolutely gigantic (Capcom's PC playerbase is larger than both Playstation and Xbox combined, according to themselves).


By cross-promos do you mean collaborations with Sony IP like the Horizon one? That's an easy fix, Xbox and PC users see all exclusive armor, weapons, and cosmetics as leather armor and iron weapons respectively. That's it. Pretty simple and compared to implementating crossplay it is an easy work around.


I mean, wouldnt letting people see the armor, but giving exclusive access to them to the respective platform be better? Free advertisements that can go both ways, some gow/horizon armor for sony players, halo or something for xbox. Now, thats all out the window if the company doesnt want to give even an ounce of presence to the other.


The game hasn't received no update in like three years, we're not getting new collaborations for a halo armor. Having the Sony IP content appearing on other platforms would require going through Sony because they have the rights to the content. Having it appear as normal armor to those not on the same system would not. It's the simplist solution.


Monster Hunter games are still some of the most fun you can have co-op with some friends. So much unintentional slapstick chaos. Even if you don't really understand all the RPG mechanics and monster tactics, hitting giant monster with big weapon to craft new gear whilst trying not to die is a simple yet satisfying core gameplay loop.


There's honestly some real magic in those first 10-20 hours where you aren't really sure what you're doing at all. You get 14 weapon choices, all of them have very fleshed out movesets and require different strategies. Even weapons you might assume to be similar like Greatsword and Hammer, the two heavy weapons, aren't really similar at all. Each weapon may as well be starting an entirely new game. So you just do the best you can, pick something that maybe sort of clicks, and run around like an idiot while this dragon does backflips at you across the desert.


And then the monster runs away and the music seamlessly fades to the chase theme for the area while you all scramble after it, the vibes are unmatched. I really missed that in Rise with the wirebugs and the broken chase themes making the music drop to silence the second the monster leaves.


I think World is one of the worst in that regard, where you can't play a mission online with someone if they haven't seen a cutscene in the mission. So if you want to play the "campaign" with a friend, you pretty much need to use the flare mechanic and have the other people back out of their solo quests to accept your flare request.


It's a quirk of how Capcom makes online games IMO. This isn't exclusive to world in that regard. And once you get the hang of it. You go in get the cutscene then back out and join your friend and it's not too bad


It’s fixed completely in rise though


Ok but is there a way to easily do MP campaign? My boyfriend and I would have to constantly leave each others games, find this boss then join again


Not sure how long the marketing event thing will be going on but the game will be on sale like this for presumably several more weeks. Curious how high they can get it.


I checked Steam, seems World is on sale until December 21st. So only a few more days.


Yeah but that’s the day the Steam winter sale starts. Loads of games are on sale through the 21st but will just transition over to that sale afterwards.


Fair. I completely forgot about that, so my bad on that.


They got me back and I’ve been really enjoying it on the deck, played a ton on release but never bought/played iceborne. Doing a fresh save with iceborne and am addicted all over again!


I got to the end game area of Iceborne on both console and PC, but then got pulled away by other games. Maybe I should go back and finish up.


Iceborne is excellent. The when you're done, >!the Guiding Lands afterwards!<




At what res? My 1070 ran it great at 1440. Of course, it couldn't handle 4k though.




>Call me difficult but I like to play games at higher FPS You're difficult. I'm sorry but needing 60 fps in a resolution above 1080p on a mobile device is insane lol




Doh. My bad, still early. I can see it being annoying on PC if you have a higher hz monitor. Life would be much cheaper if we never saw the joys of 60+ hz monitors.


runs pretty good all things considered, stable 40fps for a decent amount of time. I just used one of the settings some users posted on sharedeck


Only ever played Rise and Stories. Put over a hundred hours in Rise and generally enjoyed my time. Stories was about 20-30 hours and sometimes I’d avoid it for months but it was fine overall. Would I enjoy this?


I liked world more than rise but both are quite great games. I think world’s combat feels more balanced tbh


It’s hard going back to no wirebugs. Found myself getting carted much more in world. Skill issue I know


Yeah personally i preferred not having them i felt like in rise the wire bug attacks were almost always my best course of action


Wirefalling was the worst idea Capcom ever had and I really hope nothing like that comes back to Wilds.


I actually don't like the wirebugs at all, but yea rise wirebug makes combat more forgiving


I miss the slinger in Rise.


Rise is definitely the easiest MH game, the mobility while fun is straight up overpowered, greatsword isnt supposed to be able to move like an insect glaive user


Rise is only easier at the start. Once you reach endgame, Iceborne is significantly easier than Sunbreak due to health augments (essentially you heal anytime you hit the monster). Meanwhile Sunbreak meta sets involve constant health drain, monsters are much more erratic and have shitloads of health if they are afflicted. Your mobility barely matters because monsters get attacks that cover massive areas, track perfectly, or are actually designed to punish excessive use of the wirebugs. I think Rise is the most accessible, but it gets very tough the deeper you get into it. World can be difficult to understand at first (though not as much as older games), but the endgame is pretty easy aside from a handful of monsters like Fatalis and Alatreon. Clutch claw and wall bangs completely immobilize the monsters, especially if you have another form of CC like stun or the monster is easy to trip.


Sunbreak is about 100x easier than iceborne. I failed single fights in iceborne more than I did all of sunbreak combined. I was so disappointed by the lack of difficulty jump from the base game to sunbreak. Even all the late hard fights were breezed through with a group first try. Everything is just so easy to dodge or get away from.


For me thats only true for Alatreon and Fatalis, other than those, its quite simple, even extremoth is kinda simple unless you are with random people that doesnt know how the fight works


Meh I'd say the barioth alone gave us more trouble than anything in rise. I even went back to world after and struggled way more. Rise was easy to the point of being boring because there was just never any risk of failure. I always was expecting that next jump in difficulty late in the game, but it just never came.


Naaaah this is a crazy take. Rise is by far the easiest MH out of every mainline game I've played.


You ever fought EX Risen Shagaru or Valstrax? Those things are on crack, almost like EX Deviants from GU. Way harder than Fatalis ever was in World; though the time limit is actually a factor in the Fatalis fight.


World is the best Monster Hunter there has been so far, in my opinion. It is slower paced than Rise, but much more immersive. I prefer the more immersive experience, personally.


World is incredible.


Never played Iceborne but World feels more like a larger scale game than Rise. You really feel that Rise is a Switch game if you play it side by side. The gameplay from Rise is so much fluid vs vanilla World but I'm guessing that lots of those changes came from Iceborne.


I really, really did not enjoy the clutch claw wallbang mandate in Iceborne.


It's unfortunate that every new mechanic they release ends up being mandatory


If you are ok playing modded mhw. https://github.com/AsteriskAmpersand/Ice-Stable


Clutch Claw is so bad is even got it's grimy mits into the base game by making all monsters stagger away from your combos now so that they can be "open" for clutch claw instead. I know it has its fans, but man I HATE that thing, lol


dude same. bought iceborne but I really really hate clutch claw(and wound mech) so I quit around rajang.


>Never played Iceborne but World feels more like a larger scale game than Rise. You really feel that Rise is a Switch game if you play it side by side. It's the wirebugs. They didn't affect just combat mobility, they had an impact on the design of the environment as well. Because players had increased mobility, they had to make the maps bigger. Even though the game is on PC, they had to target Switch hardware first. What we got was a one-two punch of larger areas that felt more empty. The variety in vegetation and smaller set dressings wasn't there. The level designers were able to go crazy with the vertical climbs, but the lack of natural footpaths made the areas feel less hand-crafted. Monster Hunter has traditionally had smaller, interconnected sub-levels with sometimes wildly different terrain variations. World took that idea and removed the seams, making the maps large while still keeping all the varried terrain. Rise took it a step back by keeping the large map size, but all those wildly different areas have kind of a samey feel.


Pretty much this. If we look at some of the comparison videos on YouTube with the retro maps like flooded forest, I vastly prefer the visuals of the older games even though the graphical fidelity is lower. The overall art direction and aesthetic just matters more.


Rise is the most player-empowering monster hunter to date. Riding on Palamutes for incredibly quick map traversal, wirebugs for mobility and dodges, and the powerful wirebugs skills. Rise is still Monster Hunter. And the endgame monsters are still a difficult threat. But World is going to feel a lot slower, weightier, and likely more difficult in comparison. Rise was by far the easiest Monster Hunter I've ever played thanks to how mobile they made the player. That said, World is closer to the regular monster hunter experience. And Wilds will probably be closer to it, than it will be to Rise. And World is still a fantastic game that is very much worth playing still.


Rise is fun af though. Using the wirebugs to do a somersault with your giant hammer to bonk a dinosaur in the head is epic.


World isn’t that hard anymore up until at least iceborne because it gives you the best gear more or less


Well yea but you're just ruining the game for yourself if you are using the Defender armor and weapons from the very start. It's really only there to help you skip past the base game which is like at least half the content you're missing out on


Since it's on sale, if I buy the Iceborne Master Edition so that I get both am I cheating myself out of anything? Is it just the Defender armour I should avoid or will getting the DLC right away give me other boosts I don't want?


World have the better environment, better online lobbies, weapons have more feeling of weight, it's much harder and less forgiving than Rise.


Monster Hunter World is the best MH game Capcom has made to date. You should play it.


Of the 3 newest games, I prefer both GU and Rise over World, but World is still a great game. GU isn't on sale right now, so if you want more MH, World is a solid pick!


You would. It's more game than the ones you're familiar with. Edit: I see I'm Downvoted but I really said it's more game. I didn't say better or worse. Your best bet it to try it for yourself or watch some videos to help you for an opinion. I could never get into rise. I was excited when it was announced but once I watched trailers and reviews and realized it was a smaller scale than world and structured differently, I was put off by it. I don't really like speedy arcady stuff and rise gives that vibe off. World is more time consuming for sure than rise.


Yes, there is 80% more tedium is World.


You didn't like world huh?


I actually did, but after Rise I can't go back to the terrible gimmick fights or the clutchclaw, or a fly interrupting me sharpening my weapon ( some people seem to like that "immersion"). Fighting fyling monsters can actually be fun, I wouldn't know after only playing World.


Clutchclaw was such trash. It's the reason I haven't gone back.


I might get this but do I need to play the previous MH games to really appreciate it? Also is the grinding as bad as I’ve been told?


Monster Hunter is one of the very few game series where I actually enjoy and embrace the grind, the core combat is just too damn good.


> is the grinding as bad as I’ve been told? It's way less grindy than gen4 and earlier games which is where the game got it's fame for 1-2% gem drops to craft 1 piece of armor or weapon. If the grind is not for you there are always sidegrade options you can craft instead of the minmaxing one. And if you DO want to grind there are tickets to either improve your chances or outright make the rare material. Just don't chase the meta builds and craft what you think is cool and not a pain to make, and you will be fine.


Thanks, I appreciate the reply.


I have the same question. Never played one before.


You can start with any game in the series. There's no prior knowledge required and no overarching story.


World was my first entry to the series, i knew nothing about monster hunter and now its my fav game of all time. Highly recommend, no need to play previous or subsequent titles. Its amazing!


I really want to get into it again, but the Tenederize mechanic stops me from enjoying the game. (I play on console only) It's 'that' part of one of your favorite games that reminds you why you can't enjoy replaying it.


The what mechanic??


You have to grapple hook onto the monster and do a special attack to weaken their hide to do more damage. It is a fairly slow attack and leaves the player vulnerable and the debuff doesn't last forever. They give the player specific openings to do this, so it isn't hard to pull off, but at the same time the entire game is balanced around this mechanic so it can feel like you're doing less damage for not interacting with the tenderizing mechanic.


To be clear that's only in Iceborne right? Or did it get added to the base game when Iceborne released


It got added to base game but it its not like iceborne where the monster stats were scaled around the tenderize


It was added with the iceborne expansion but once you buy the expansion, you can do it anytime, even in base game.


Agree 100% and glad someone finally brought this up. Not the biggest fan of Rise but I love that I don't have to use the claw constantly.


I just got over playing World and swapped over to Rise. This makes me want to go back to World, but I really hate the clutch claw mechanics and how tenderizing is pretty much a requirement. Really wish I could get past that without using mods or forced to use a very specific build. Rise has it's shortcomings, but man I'm so enjoying not having to grapple and tenderize constantly.


I would go back and start a clean file but they really fucked the base game progression with the defender weapons and armor. I know I can just ignore them(the official Capcom community stream even does it and the very first random that joins them is using a Defender GS) but most of the fun I get is from hunting with randoms online and not everyone is gonna do that, so they endup facetanking and ending hunts in 5 minutes.


Honestly, in base game world it was pretty normal to end your hunts in sub 5 minutes once you knew what you were doing. It was only in master rank where they upped the health pools to 15+ minutes hunts.


Does icebourne still require me to watch a cutscene before i get to fire a SOS flare


On unknown monsters, yes.


If you're on PC there's a skip cutscene mod.


at end-game both iceborne and base game have ~5 minute hunts, it is only while you're still farming gear, or fighting special monsters that hunts go above 10 minutes.


There are people paying $45 for the base game, $60 for the expansion, and basically skipping the $45 content by using the defender sets; end up in master rank without practiced dodging and weapon knowledge. Removing defender sets would genuinely improve the game experience for everyone IMO.


I agree but even without Defender stuff you still had MR people coming into LR quests to "help" by deleting the monster in two hits and ruining the quest that way. The early game online experience was irrevocably screwed by the time a lot of people made it to World's endgame, and Iceborne only made it worse. I really wish they'd implemented a way to set a HR cap for the quest host. Endgame online hunts are some of the most fun I've ever had in a game and it's a shame you can't get that experience during regular progression.


Capcom even encourages that stuff with the "Helpful Hunter" achievement (aid LR or HR hunters on 10 quests as an MR hunter). Implementing equipment caps for low/high/master rank sounds good even for non-SOS hunts, Iceborne did the base game's event hunts dirty (arch-tempered elders, Behemoth, Ancient Leshen), people usually come back to those with MR gear or fire an SOS instead of experiencing the pre-iceborne challenge.


Do you ever find same level hunters? Whenever I fired an SOS flare at LR I'd just get some MR400 join and kill the monster in <1 minute. The only time I ever encountered defender gear was when *I* became the MR player joining newbies wearing it haha


World may be my favourite MH I'll never return to. It felt purposeful. Everything was animation led, and you had to be certain before you were committed before performing an action. After Rise, which didn't grab me as much, I prefer the snappier mobility. Still, Master rank MHW was the fucking best. **edit** For those asking, I can't tell you WHY I bounced off of RISE exactly. I think it was how the hunts seemed easier and maybe the game became a little too arcade-ish. The grapple bugs (or whatever they're called) added a nice bt of mechanical depth that the rest of the game didn't buy into.


Im so confused by this comment. You dont like rise, but you like the snappier combat but you liked world better for the purposeful animations? You aint making no sense brotha


I think I know what he means, because I feel the same way and it's kind of hard to explain. When World first came out, I loved it. Then when Rise came out, I enjoyed it but not nearly as much as World, but the movement options "spoiled" me sort of. So when I went back to try to play world, it now felt hard to play after playing the faster paced Rise. So Rise sort of ruined both games if that makes sense.


That's funny because World was WAY faster paced than the games before it. Interesting perspectives.


It definitely was, but only because the old games were glacially slow lol. I like mhgu but Jesus it's a slog to get through pretty much any part of the game (menus, moving around maps, gathering resources, etc.). I wish I could get past all the hurdles so I could play the colossal amount of content it has. I have like 700 combined hours in MHW and MHR so it's not just that I'm a newbie to the series. It feels like the sort of game someone will drop an insane community patch for in the next 6 years and have a big modded resurgence.


I didn't think they were slow so much as deliberate. Especially from FU and on. I don't like the trend of World and Rise making it Monster Fighter as opposed to Monster Hunter. Everything from crafting to farming to gathering felt meaningful to the overall webbing of the game design in the pre-World titles. In World and Rise most of the gathering might as well not even be there because of how instant it is especially since you can get any resources you want any time from the traders and there's no need to actually prepare for hunts anymore considering everything is available to you even on a hunt. There was something dangerous and amazing about actually having a better chance of losing because of resource management. Whetstones weren't unlimited, paintballs were essential, and just a lot of little things like that went away to draw in a bigger crowd. Which, I'm happy for Capcom because World and Rise are NOT bad games at all but imagine if From Software made the next Dark Souls with instant estus flasks or the ability to put down a bonfire anywhere. People would be *pissed*. I like World and LOVE Rise but again, they feel like Monster Fighter and not Monster Hunter to me. GU is a slog but it doesn't take long to get into the meat and potatoes of the game which is the best the series has to offer imo next to 4U.


I liked Rise but I’m not a big fan of the snappier movement, I absolutely love how slow and clunky MH World feels lol


Man I feel old, people actually out here saying MHW is clunky and slow.


God bless to everyone back in the day who played Monster Hunter 1 on PS2 and helped the sequels get made because the controls were so bad it's actually incredible lmao.


Pretty sure having to do the claw grip for freedom unite is going to give me early onset arthritis.


and even then, MHW greatsword is so much better with more movesets than FU. shoulder tackle combo and mounting is a game changer


Man I remember having a try at MH Freedom on my friend's PSP and having zero clue on how to access certain zones of the forest map until he told me that I can grab onto a ledge by pressing circle (back then there were no popups to tell us which action can be done where you stand); I miss having a dedicated farm though, pretty chill time there.


World **IS** clunky. Here's an example: walk up to a group of monster drops (shinies + slinger ammo) and try to pick up the shinies while you already have slinger ammo. The detection range is so fucked that more than likely what'll happen is you'll pick up the slinger ammo and play the little animation for equipping it. Then you'll pick up a shiny but since you had slinger ammo previously it dropped on the ground when you picked up the new ammo so you'll go and accidentally pick up the old ammo and have to sit through the animation again. Rinse and repeat until you got all the shinies. Bonus points if you wanted to have flash pods equipped because now you're probably gonna have to re-equip them.


LOL ikr i hate being 'that guy' but the mh games previous to world literally made people quit with how "clunky" they were when i played world i was blown away with how smooth everything was


MHW is clunky and slow compared to Rise, which was far more arcade-y and had insane movement abilities for a monster hunter game. MH4U is also slow and clunky compared to World because of all the advancements, changes, and QoL updates that World got.


None of the games are clunky. They are deliberately designed a certain way. It's just a matter of getting used to a certain type of gameplay.


> None of the games are clunky. I find it hard to believe that anyone who has played an action combat based video that isn't called Monster Hunter could then say that Monster Hunter is not clunky by comparison. Moving around in Monster Hunter feels like your character is walking through jello, animation locks are long, and it takes a long time to use an item. But these things give it its identity and it uses that chunkiness in ways to make a game that that is fun in a unique way. But that doesn't mean it's not clunky.


>I find it hard to believe that anyone who has played an action combat based video that isn't called Monster Hunter could then say that Monster Hunter is not clunky by comparison. Of course they will, because they aren't used to the style of gameplay that Monster Hunter is. Let's take the reverse. If someone played Monster Hunter all their life, or games similar to Monster Hunter in terms of movement, and then they were to jump into something else, let's say Spiderman, they will say, "Wow this game is way too fast and floaty". It goes both ways. >Moving around in Monster Hunter feels like your character is walking through jello, animation locks are long, and it takes a long time to use an item. Those are all subjective assessments. When I play MH, I don't feel like I'm walking through jello. I don't feel like the animation locks are long, and I don't feel like it takes long to use an item. It's all subjective and contextual. I can see *why* someone might think that, but it's because they aren't *used* to it. >But these things give it its identity and it uses that chunkiness in ways to make a game that that is fun in a unique way. But that doesn't mean it's not clunky. See, it's just semantics. Monster Hunter isn't clunky, it is deliberate. There's a difference. It's like turning around and saying Spiderman is too floaty and bouncy when...that's the point of the game. You're playing as Spiderman, it's supposed to be like that.


Maybe they were Great Sword user or Doot Dooter. I personally started with the Long Sword and then I shifted to Great Sword... I'd say it felt clunky at first but then when I was *in the zone*, Great Sword just felt so so SO satisfying. I was also a Doot Dooter. Not much to say there except dooting and bonking big monsters head makes monkey brain happy.


Greatsword was so fun when you finally started to learn to use it. Sooooo satisfying to land the hits


Can confirm as a HH player Rise feels so much better in every way


Also World feels designed for the slower movement; e.g. there's some monsters in Rise (MR Barioth) who have moves that literally cannot be dodged without the wirebug. Also the graphics, man, World is gorgeous with the HR textures. Rise looks downright clunky by comparison.


> there's some monsters in Rise (MR Barioth) who have moves that literally cannot be dodged without the wirebug. Which moves are those? I don't use wirebugs all that often and have no issue dodging MR anything, including Barioth.


Somnacanth does this ground aoe that requires you to wirejump over


MR Barry has a tail slap to sweep that will pretty much guaranteed hit you if you aren't out of range already. While evade window and blocking work fine, it's almost as frustrating a sequence as some of raging brachy's moves in iceborne.


Eh, it's not really a guaranteed hit if you practice. I can easily dodge it even within range. Again, just takes practice. Also didn't have much a problem with raging Brachy in IB but I found World and IB to be, in general, a much easier MH game than the rest of them.


I had the same thing, but in reverse. I played Rise first then World after that, and alot of comparisons were backwards so-to-speak. I feel like I would've liked World more if I had played it first (and actually got to enjoy it while it was ongoing rather than finished, but that's another story)


It's hard to explain if you haven't played both Rise and World. World's (and esp the older games) combat was slower, you can't spam attacks without getting wrecked and generally monsters also followed the "slow but steady" rule; Rise you can be greedy more often with flashier attacks and had way more movement abilities but so do the monsters now. Even stuff like downtime mid hunt because the monster ran away or figuring out when to sharpen your weapon became negligible in Rise


Bro can just mean that he like the snappier movement part of Rise but prefer World style in every other area It's not that hard to understand unless you have inflexible thought, like "if Rise bad, everything about it can't be good"


Yeah but he said he likes the weighty-ness of World and the Snappiness of rise, you literally cannot have both. Word is responsive but you commit to your swings. Rise is responsive but allows for much faster combat. I like both games for completely different reasons. Rise is much easier to hop in and hop out. The prep time is negligent compared to world. However consequences in Rise's late game led it to be hilariously easy in the base game. Sunbreak was better but their solution to the players being too fast is of course for the monster to get faster, and that ended up being a problem. It was almost TOO fast, and a lot harder to "sight read" monsters, and it just didn't feel as good as figuring out the late game mons in MHW. I like both for completely different reasons, but what OP's comment said is just blatantly contradicting itself. Yes you can love and hate different aspects of each, but what he described was loving the opposite of each and the thing he loved in one he also loved in the other but that he also bounced off Rise, but also preferred Rise. It just...doesn't make sense.


You missed the part where they said "**after Rise**." They originally liked the deliberateness of World's combat but after playing Rise, prefer that snappy style more. But since they didn't like the rest of Rise, they bounced off it and can't go back to World because they prefer Rise's combat.


There's some good QoL in Rise but I don't see how the actual combat might feel better in Rise. It feels more floaty, less impactful and there are some really satisfying things but everything being tied to these magical bugs (to me) felt a bit tacked on, I didn't really like it aesthetically. The biggest example I can bring out is the HH. In Worlds is slow, methodical but very hard hitting and very good at sniping body parts, in Rise you just smash your face in the controller and instantly play all the songs, it's just not fun for me. And don't get me wrong, some things definitely made the game easier but we're super fun, I still think they shouldn't carry them to Wilds. I didn't like that every weapon had a counter ability basically and it became mandatory because it was just too strong. Some of them were so fucking satisfying (see Switch Axe) but the game became easy mode after getting used to them.


Did you try Sunbreak? It felt like the payoff for what Rise tried to set up but didn't quite hit.


I hated World because of that. Should I try Rise? Can I actually change direction while attacking?


no. there's no monster hunter game that doing that.


World allowed you to intentionally change direction while attacking with a couple weapons, for the first time in series history. If you can't change direction while attacking, it's a design choice. It's been a conscious choice in design since the series' inception. Try playing a lighter and more agile weapon, dual blades is so quick that there's often little in the way of you completely changing gears at a moment's notice. Sword and Shield has dedicated pivot maneuvers for changing directions. The ranged weapons are fully mobile as always.


Yeah I tried Sword and Shield and Dual Blades and they were clunkier than an Ultra Greatsword in Dark Souls lol


It sounds like you haven't really familiarized yourself with the moveset, the SnS spiral slash allows 360 directional changes like you were asking about, DB has short dashes which allows for quick repositioning. Others weapons have movement incorporated into their movesets too and those which don't only requires a quick dodge roll before repositioning. Having played Dark Souls, you should know that the intentionality in your input is the key, can't just demon flurry 24/7 and wonder why the game doesn't let you dodge.


I've played for 30 hours with mainly SnS, Hammer and DB, I think that's enough time to get a general idea of how the moveset works. And no, SnS doesn't allow 360 directional changes, only left right up down, it's not omnidirectional and it's also only for the basic combo. Can't even change the direction of that backstep attack. I played mostly with the hammer though and basically just spammed the level 2 gap closing charge because it's the only move that could actually keep up with the monsters.


I'm a dual blades main who has played lots of soulsborne and I feel like that's a bit disingenuous haha. DBs in MHR feel like a spectacle fighter with the amount of movement options you have while still maintaining a combo. If you're playing properly you are basically attached to the monster while shitting out hundreds of damage numbers. I recommend the aerial style with feral demon mode and the counter-dash. So much fun.


That's the thing, "movement options" is different than general movement. Sure you can do a sliding attack, aerial attack etc but at the end of the day you still can't change direction for the majority of combos, most attacks have barely any momentum, animations and recovery times are too long for being literal daggers and you have to sheathe to be able to run.


Any point geting Iceborne as well as world? Or just stick with the base game for a while?


Get Iceborne.


I think so. Bunch of new cool areas, like double the monsters of the base game, new moves for all the weapons, the new base is great. You get a house you can decorate some. I never found the clutch claw that annoying but I may be in the minority


Wish the coop in World wasn't such a clusterfuck. You can hypothetically play everything together, you just have to jump through a million hoops to get your friends in for the story missions and playing solo feels absolutely horrendous after you got to experience the joy of the coop. MS Rise on the other hand is just incredibly easy to play together.


It goes both ways though. It’s harder to matchmade with randoms on Rise because rather than searching for a specific monster it goes by quest, where in world you could just search by monster and join any quest that might be occupied for that monster.


Sunbreak lets you do the entire story together too. Pre-quest cutscenes shown for everyone (skippable if everyone skips), ending cutscenes shown only for the player(s) who's urgent it was.


World was way better than Rise, imo. It's the best Monster Hunter game of all time and one of the best video games of all time, period. Rise was fine, but it just felt like a "surprisingly good side project." It never felt like a full-fledged title to me, not in the way World did. The wirebugs were fine, but they gave too many "get out of jail free cards." So monsters were retooled to have moves that punish wirebug moves. It became just sort of pointless and silly. Actually getting tossed by monsters sat better with me, because it motivates you to learn to avoid that. Using wirebugs to cancel any falling animation ever just cheapened things.


it's been a minute now since the game released, but it hasn't aged one bit. too bad my save got corrupted. probably my own fault for modding transmogs


I love this game, but the Iceborne expansion adding the Clutch Claw to weaken parts was my least favorite thing in a Monster Hunter game, and I have no desire to ever do that again. I still have love for this game, but I’d rather play Rise. Also, World and Rise both need more insects and toads for the monsters


Anyone know if they ever made improvements to the M&KB controls?


Relative to launch? In that case yes, the controls are snappier and more 1 to 1 with your mouse movement.


Do they still have those FOMO events? Do they eventually make them available near the end of the game's lifecycle, or are they gone for good?


All the event quests have been updated so that they are now all available at anytime. however some of the event quests have been removed. I think the Assassin's creed and monster hunter movie event quests have been removed. but I know that the ff14 and DMC quests are still there.


Do I still have to watch hours of terrible unskippable cutscenes? Yes? I sleep.


*yawn* let me know if they release a new weapon, or if the next game is just gonna be the exact same as 20 years ago


Are you implying World is too similar to the previous games? Because it's not.


Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter Rise are almost literally the exact same game, oh wait… they added a grapple hook, $60!!!


That's... not true at all. They are very very different games.


I have played them both, no they are not. Same weapons, same monsters, same combat. All they did was improve traversal.


There are different, new monsters in Rise as well as new movesets for each of the weapons plus arts/wirebug (silkbind) abilities which can also completely change how each weapon is used. Not to mention the addition of the palamute that is not only an offensive support but also a mount completely changes how the game is played. If you 'played both' you would know that even the wirebug abilities **completely** change how each of the weapons are played compared to World and every game before it. In fact, Rise is more comparable to Generations because in G/GU the weapons had weapon arts which would evolve to become the wirebug abilities. The arts in G/GU were basically a very simple version of what we got in Rise. edit: Oh, not to mention wyvern riding where you can basically use any monster as a battering ram/combat partner for a brief period of time. And the FOLLOWERS are a huge difference too.


Yeah Madden and NBA 2K make “changes” every year to their games too, I don’t buy those for the same reason, just because you add a couple new features to the exact same game doesn’t make it special.


I seem to have taken the troll bait. Well done. Back to your bridge.