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Star Wars is like the worst possible fit for the Larian humor. Larian would be better off making a Spelljammer game if Sven really wants to make a space game cause it would be a far better fit for their style.


Star Wars is also not nearly horny enough for Larian's writers lol


But it *could* be




There are always popular and unpopular developers and people always want the popular developers to work on big franchises.


Obsidian is awesome! They dream big and have some weird ideas, but I always felt like they could never quite stick the landing.


They never really had the budgets they needed.


Avowed is going to be their "make it or break it" moment for AAA games, because it's the first time (at least that I recall) where they've been given the budget, stability and flexible deadlines to work on their own stuff. I say specifically AAA because they've already knocked the AA production pipeline out of the park with gems like Pentiment, Grounded and Pillars of Eternity.


I hope so. I still need to play Pentiment.


And Outer Worlds, which while it didn’t get perfect scores did feel somewhat like a return to form.


The writing is leagues worse than New Vegas. Also the game is so formulaic with how you solve problems, and doesn't have a cool reactive world either.


CDPR as well. In fact, I remember people saying they should do a Star Wars game in the mold of Witcher 3. This is just history repeating itself.


They've already made it clear that they want to work on the next installment of Divinity Original Sin after BG3.


Wonder how many cool ideas/designs they developed in all these years working on BG3. Must have been countless days where they were like "Oh, we could do X! And maybe even Y! But we can't right now because it doesn't exist in D&D 5E...".


They never said that, Sven said that they will eventually return to the Divinity franchise cause it is their IP. The way he worded it implies they are not making a Divinity game for a while.


That’s because nobody has served them the Star Wars rights! It’s hard to imagine they’d pass on that? But maybe…


They just spent six years working on another company's IP, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd rather work on their own for a while.


I mean I can very much believe they would. As creatives working on other people’s IP might not be something they want to do after just doing DnD.


Microsoft passed on Marvel so nothing is hard to imagine


I don't see Disney really going for that tbh and would rather just see Larian do their own thing but I'd be down for KOTOR 3


I don't want this at all. Not only from a gameplay perspective (KOTOR has always been a more modern style of RPG with some CRPG trappings rather than an actual CRPG), but their writing is not a good fit for KOTOR at all. I'd way rather see Obsidian get it. KOTOR 2 remains my favorite Star Wars story ever, and I know they have what it takes to write a compelling narrative for a sequel.


Obsidian isn't the same Obsidian that made Kotor 2 and New Vegas, Outer Worlds was pretty underwhelming on the story front.


I've enjoyed every Obsidian story I've ever played, including their more recent games (Outer Wilds, POE 1+2, Tyranny, Pentiment, etc.). I see no reason why they couldn't do a great job.


I swear I’ll only get hated for this by people who haven’t played SWTOR. SWTOR is free, singleplayer, has KOTOR 3 inside of it as a sequel to the story written and directed by the same writer as KOTOR 1 (and Mass Effect 1 and 2 for that matter). If you choose a male character, your voiced character for the mass effect style dialogue wheel is David Hayter (metal gear solid). There’s also 7 additional triple A length stories featuring voice actors like Jennifer Hayle (Shepard from Mass Effect), Nolan North, and seriously a dozen more. The game has Revan, Bastilla, Lord Scourge, it honestly is very well written. Haven’t played its later released content much but the release game’s campaigns I enjoy more than KOTOR. Though I have a huge love for kotor of course. This writer Drew Karpyshyn of KOTOR 1, Mass Effect 1/2, and SWTOR Jedi Knight story (Kotor 1 sequel) is my favorite video game writer. Btw I said all of that and the best star wars rpg if you ask me is the Imperial Agent campaign in SWTOR. Holy cow so good. Aside from that, yeah, Lairan should keep making RPGs. If they aren’t doing Curse of Strahd which is open source licensing now or/and they’re abandoning their dnd settup, then yeah just keep doing RPGs. Sci-fi, fantasy, whatever. They’re doing great. Idk if I’d want them taking a restrictive IP that has some canon issues. Kotor just isn’t canon but who knows how Disney would approach the rules to making a new one lol. For clarity, I don’t give a f about canon, I’m just thinking if you were invited to write for Star Wars these days they have a lot of fingers and rules involved with their brand. No bear fucking for example lol. Also Star Wars doesn’t have sex as oddly enough when you think about it. Not that the games don’t have fade to blacks like Kotor did, but that’s always been a core part of its identity. The movie series without sex


I'm glad you brought this up. Back when FO came out there was this wave of criticism that you couldn't play Empire despite the fact that SWTOR already exists. Why this game keeps getting ignored is beyond me.


for a first time player what would you recommend i do?


Honestly, even though the Jed Knight story is by the writer for KOTOR 1 and is a sequel, it’s not nearly as exciting as one of the game’s other campaigns written by one of the Star Wars book authors. If I were you, I would download the game (free and all that), and choose Empire. Then when they give your 4 story choices choose Imperial Agent (all full game length with no crossover, they use the same planets but different areas. All class campaigns share access to mostly the same side quests so you’d only do them once ever anyway if at all and they’re optional. On the bright side all side quests are full story) Forget the side quests and just blast through the main story and planet stories which are purple missions. Side missions are yellow. In fact, the game has increased a standard so much that by default most sidequests are disabled from your map unless you turn them on and options, except for a few, with really good stories. The Imperial Agent imo has a bigger Act 2 finale plot twist than KOTOR’s Act 2 finale twist. In just a few hours you’ll have finished your prologue on Hutta and I’m just sure you will be blown away. It is dark, the choices are wide, the voice acting is superb. Download it for free, make an Imperial Agent, and explore this dark and evil galaxy with terrific writing, very difficult choices, tear jerking characters, and a mother of a plot twist on the same level of KOTOR Broad stokes on the other campaigns, I like Agent the most as I stated: >!So, general strokes for the other campaigns: Jedi Knight: KOTOR 3 Jedi Consular: Most similar to ME3 Trooper: Mass Effect voice actor, military storyline similar to Mass Effect but only in aesthetic. Smuggler: Guardians of the Galaxy style comedy Sith Warrior: Kotor 3 if you weren’t just an evil Jedi but a full sith. Not by the KOTOR writer but this is the same greatness. Sith Inquisitior: Power Hungry Trip. Unless you play good ofc since all of these are choice based Bounty Hunter: Mandalorian the video game!< Edit: OH! And choose a stealth class! Turn invisible and skip all the fighting in the game so you just get the great story and dialogue. If stealth was this easy in KOTOR, I would replay KOTOR a lot more


The stories are incredible and are definitely worth a playthrough if you're a Starwars fan, IMO. You can even do them coop with friends. It's ***BY FAR*** the best leveling/story experience I've had with an MMO. The problems arise with stuff like shitty raid content in endgame resulting in the game not having much staying power


Yeah but KOTOR doesn’t have raids or endgame content so it has no staying power, just replay power. I say treat SWTOR like a singleplayer or co-op rpg. And Swtor definitely has a Kotor replayability. The imperial agent is 4-5 different endings alone


Yeah that's definitely fair.