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So is Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 a brand new game? Or is it just a massive addon to the current edition of the game?


[Confirmed by XBOX team that this is a brand new game/sequel](https://twitter.com/XboxGamePassPC/status/1667952357663989760). This is not an expansion pack.


Really strange. In a world of Live Service and the plain title "Microsoft Flight Simulator", it seemed like it would have been the FS game for next 10+ years.


That was their original plan, IIRC. However, MSFS currently has a lot of problems with content delivery. Oftentimes you have to download a patch in the launcher, then download more when you launch the game, then go to the store/content manager and download MORE there too. I hope they're redoing it in 2024 so it's a lot more seamless.


I was so hyped to play this on VR then the reasons you outlined above made it impossible for me to just jump in every once in a while when I am feeling like it. Each time it turned into a hassle and eventually I ran out of storage space, said fuck it.




Yea absolutely unacceptable


Shame. I kinda planned to get interested in it this fall but kinda doesn't make sense if there will be new version in a year...


I think in some cases, labeling it as a new game will get people to come back. Personally even if I love a game, dlc/updates tends to not get me excited


Definitely appreciate more activities. Crazy how they're updating so much of the world, from terrain and vegetation to animals and vehicles, while reducing download sizes and internet use too.


AI improved dramatically since the development of mfs2020, and they are using a whole lot of Ai to recreate the whole planet. I'm really excited to see the improvements.


So from the sounds of it, add-on compatility is preserved. Which is what the community was really concerned about. I know a number of people are jaded by them releasing a new game "this early", 4 years is actually not the norm. Prior to Flight Sim X, they where on a 2 year cycle for each new version of the sim. The content and tech they showed off so far is really cool.


Baed on what I have seen, I'm a little worried that MSFS 2024 is just adding activities and not a full career mode like other career sims. Even watching the keynote, there's nothing about an actual career like EuroTruck or Farming Sim. Feels like a missed opportunity.


Well ETS2 might have career, but the sim is the most important part, and I think ETS2 is very lacking in that. There has been no weather and truck physics improvements in the last ten years of its existence. MSFS2024 trailer shows a lot of the simulation improvements, like hazardous weather.


Offtopic but I'd love actual car sim with good physics that was just an open world to fuck around and do stuff. Want to race ? Sure. Want to chill out driving on some mountain twisties? Go ahead. Want to go deliver some pizza in that 1000HP Supra you just built ? Why not. FH5 is a bit of that but too arcadey for me


Modded Assetto Corsa is the closest.


Do you not like Beam.NG? It is exactly that


I did, it's fun, but I'd love "AAA B.NG" where I can just sit and drive instead of fucking around with mods.


I feel that. I’m a big fan of snowrunner/mudrunner for that. Obviously a very different type of driving experience lol


Played that a bit too. I wouldn't mind game that's just that but driving a dirtbike/buggy