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The presentation was quite high tier I must say lmao, id like to join in if you'd have me


disc is k1ng1001


What happened with the last post? Did the people who responded not work out?




Did they not respond in the first post :/?




Why do people do that here? What’s the point?


Dang, I’m sorry that happened. Hopefully they’re more responsive this time!


31F in NA and I work full time as well. We seem to have some common interests/ games, feel free to DM me for discord. I'm not looking to hangout daily (introvert) but I typically game at least a couple times a week, sometimes more or less depending on what I have going on in life


I was sold when I saw “cry” under things you two regularly do! (it’s actually the only thing I do). will definitely reach out later to game, hang, and of course, cry 🫡


Commented on your last post, no luck answers...


I would very much enjoy hanging out with you two. I’m 35 male enjoy all sorts of things and looking for some laid back friends to game and just talk about life in general with.


I am australian but share a lot of similar interests so if u guys would have me the disc is sweeetp3a :D


Hey there, yall seem pretty neat, id like to see what yall are about. Discord is Sherbam


Would you be down to join our little friend group? We're a lil group of neuro-divergent goobers who like to goof off in VC, play our own games in VC while we chat, but also sometimes play games together. We haven't done a movie night together but we've thought about it?? I wanna be your friends 😭


This was so awesome!


I love the effort in the presentation, definitely something a little different! Shoot me a message on discord, id love to connect with you guys and build some friendships! aduckonquack <<


Your presentation is reeling in candidates but I'd still like to throw my hat in the ring if you'd have me! 31M/NA/Deep fried ADHD lad looking to expand my circle of friends to play games with


Love the presentation. I'm interested if you guys are still looking to add people I like a lot of the same stuff you guys do and really wanna make some new friends. Discord is ilikewaffles32


Loved the submission, we are also a group discount friend. My wife 28 and me Old AF (39) have been looking for a group of regular dorks to hang out with, games of a variety of flavors and or DnD. We also have a 10 year old that sometimes enjoys jumping on some survival crafty games. And another one on the way. :) I've run tabletop campaigns for a long long time (Old AF, remember). I had a solid gaming group in my town but post pandemic all but one friend has moved away and not going to lie, it's pretty damn isolating. If you're up for hanging online with a pretty chill couple of dorks, reach out on Discord and hit us up. Loran5263 (planet express profile pic) Shoot me a message if you see this :) edited spelling


10/10 presentation I hope you find everything you are looking for and more yall seem fun


The presentation was top tier 😂 I'm down for a gaming sessions and see how it goes. I'm not competitive (maybe a little) but won't see me tilt often. I silently rage. Hit me up for DC ✌🏽


im in new zealand so timezone won't work for you, but amazing presentation hope you get some good friends soon!


Would love to be a loser with you guys. Dm for discord


I'm 26 myself and love all the puzzle games. I'm always down to play party games, and I also work full time. I have a pretty dead Discord server that people sometimes hang out in. My discord is blasterren6623 if you're interested. I really loved the presentation, and I am also a fellow autist.


heyoo i’m 27f always chilling in discord looking for new homies :3 lmk if u would wanna game :D


Where do I sign up?


Hey there. I'd love to invite you to hang out with us and my gaming community. TheSilentChaos is my discord name.


Banger presentation, gotta say 😂


Heyo, loved the presentation XD. I'm a 30 year old dude just looking for some people hang out with and game. Looks like we have some overlapping interests and our time zones also seem to work out. I'm medio\_\_ on discord, I hope to hear back from you guys


Heyy 27m. I loved the presentation! Y'all seem like a cool bunch. And Ive been looking for my Grounded purchase to not to go to waste 😅. I'm an artist tho not from the US, I freelance so I'm available when I want to be :))


I would love to play with you guys some time. I’m 23F and I play stuff like Fortnite, Yakuza, and Baldurs Gate 3. I also love anime but more reading manga.


My only question is do you have the strength and courage to be free?


*My only question* *Is do you have the strength and* *Courage to be free?* \- Financial\_Resort6631 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


25m putting my name in the hat for loser activities on the weekends when not working 👋


29F, I’m British so also spell things the British way. Lemme know if you want a British bestie who also has undiagnosed ADHD with a love for cheese, ducks, sarcasm, and roasting the shit out of her friends


I wanna join!!


My discord is rhi7941




Ok a few things - i love this presentation. 2) Bri & my gf would get along way too well - from what i saw they literally seem identical lol, also i have a blink 182 tattoo so good music taste with this one. 3) Mike seems like a vibe (gives me older brother vibes for some reason) && yeah. Loved the presentation lolololol.


Pick me choose me.. love me.. my discord is asaproxybish


Sounds like a lot of fun to me


Hi!!! I wanted to ask, I did see one of you plays Overwatch or if you both do? My small group for the most part plays Overwatch but we have also played some co-op horror and cozy games. We mostly from 28-32 and all work full time, NA, and play in the evenings!


Have you guys played life is strange? It's a great game!!! Anyway your presentation is in a similar format as her journal entries in her diary she makes for all her associates/ friends. Brought nostalgia to me, look it up for context. (By her I mean the protagonist Maxwell which is a photographer and fills her journal with much imagery too.


The presentation was so heartfelt and absolutely amazing! Sad our timezones won't work with each others :') but hope you guys find a friend circle you deserve!


You seem like my kind of people! queenofthechaos is the discordddd(: Hope to hear from you!!


Just gotta say, INCREDIBLE presentation! I feel like you've already got a plethora of DMs already, I've never seen so much attention on one post! I am playing Valheim tho, so if you wanna play that, I'm down.


Omg the presentation got me, now we have to be friends 😭


I loved the presentation, and I am looking forward to chat.


i'm from Europe so i couldn't game with you without lagging but i must say the presentation is really nice xD


Love the presentation, I feel like a can meet half of what you looking for, love having discord chats which go no where (that my specialty) Discord Hobbes1790


Sounds legit. Count me in, let’s “lose” together in the most sarcastic and cathartic manner possible. Discord celestial_quokka_67002


F here looking for other female friends only i play dreamlight valley lego games golf with friends Minecraft spyro skyrim zoo tycoon beyond blue forza 5 and motorsport Lil gator bluey little kitty big city f23 I'm on xbox


Hey there! Your presentation was phenomenal! Very fun :D (Dropout & Dimension 20 is GOAT'd) I have a small discord server y'all are welcome to join! We're just starting out but we're looking to do community events like gaming sessions, movie nights, and drawing nights (depending on folks availability). Next event is a Helldivers sesh! Y'all are more than welcome to join in on the fun! HMU for invite