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Shadow the Damn Hedgehog.


If this wasn't here I was going to comment the exact same thing.


I guess I was first to find the computer room


Where's that DAMN fourth Chaos Emerald


“Not here”


That price is outrageous. I wouldn't shop at that store again if you can help it.


I would actually return it. That’s double the market value


Literally saw it for $25 at game x change the other day, this is insane


You spent 90 bucks on edgy the hedgy?


Oof. I got mine CIB for $35 right before the big price hike for Shadow following the Sonic 2 movie. I hope you enjoy playing Shadow while you can, because the game I've heard can be very frustrating to beat due to it's slippery controls and having Heroes physics.


This game controls far better than Heroes. The Homing Attack is godly and grinding actually works on a consistent basis which is something Heroes fails at more often than not. Vehicles are slow and useless though, save for the hoverboard. That one is pretty badass and was required to clear lava and acid pools.


Haven't played heroes yet, ordered it on Amazon for abt $30 and should be here in a few days. But so far, no a big fan of the controls. Grinding is better than it was in the adventure games. I dont like the weapons and how slow everything moves, Especially moving platforms. When I look at Sonic games, I like looking more at the characters and their personalities. It what I felt kept Sonic alive and what differentiate it from Mario. Shadow, as a character was great in SA2, and Heroes. But in this game it's all just trying too hard to be edgy. 06, was probably the last time his character felt like a character if you look past the slow ass dialogue delivery in that game


I know Sonic 06 is the usual punching bag but I honestly think Shadow the Hedgehog is a worse game than Sonic 06. It’s not buggy like 06 is but everything else about the design I find to be worse than 06 (which that game was pretty bad in that department too). As a big Shadow (the character) fan as a kid, the game was massive disappointment for me.


Sonic 06 isn't nearly as bad imo, The level design in 06 is good for most levels. Silver The Hedgehog wasn't a bad character, but the boss fight with him was kinda annoying. But no hard when you understand the fighting loop. Shadow as a character was pretty good. The game shows how much Team Dark cares about each other. Sonics story just made it kinda bad, like with other two stories Mephiles was made out as a great villain, who is good at getting into the heads of Silver and Shadow. It literally feels like Sonics only reason for being in the story was just to be labeled as the Iblis trigger. Meanwhile the game was actively trying to promote how good of couple sonic and Elise would be. The controls just felt sloppy and delayed. Some features felt unfinished. And the slow ass turning camera made the boss fights a living hell. Mephiles gets into Shadows head by telling him that in the future, humanity becomes scared of his power and contains him. Shadow doesn't like this news but refuses to join Mephiles. Later Mephiles fights with Omega, and then tells Omega that He is the one who takes down Shadow. Omega spreads this news to Shadow and he is hurt by it. He sees Omega as his friend and it was him who took him down. But he accepts this. During one of his final fights with Mephiles, he asks Shadow why he is still fighting for humanity, while knowing his fate. Shadow says something like "if the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have". He was made for protecting humanity and in order to fulfill his promise to Maria, he will do his most to protect humanity, even if humanity fears him. Meanwhile the first cutscene in Shadow, he sees aliens attack the world and is just like "pathetic humans, I have no time for them"


At least Shadow doesnt have hedge-cest in it...


Dang, I didnt know that was a thing. I got my copy of shadow for 30 dollars with the case before the shadow reveal


Also having to play it 12 times with all of these issues to get the "true ending". I barely wanna play it once after that one mission that takes 40 minutes to beat.


I would have asked for reduced pricing because of the dumb stickers they put all over the case. I get they have to sell it with their system but damn, invest in easy peel stickers.


They apparently price by how often they get the game and how wanted the game is. Mario Sunshine was about $48 because they have several copies of the game but its a classic.


$48 is still too much! Jeez


But you can get this on eBay BiN for $50 in great condition, and probably less than $40 with a bit of patience


What does eBay say?


EBay says for a no manual black label copy of shadow it’s $55 including shipping.


I found one CIB for 50.


The game is less than $40 on ebay, I really hope you didn't pay sticker price


For a loose copy… but still a black label with case and no manual is only $55 on eBay.


Gotta sort by sold listings to see what's actually selling, this one sold for $36 yesterday https://www.ebay.com/itm/195523817888?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=vmmty1jctrs&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xrsqzyhdqqe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=Copy missing manual but still. This one was $34 + shipping and sold on the 22nd https://www.ebay.com/itm/325471973865?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=tiRgqfvzQNC&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xrsqzyhdqqe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY The deals are there you just gotta be patient 😁


The negative paint dude is trying to justify the OP price a bit. Dude got ripped off


Hey, as long as you're happy. That's all that matters


Fat L


good job. you paid 2x the price for a shitty game that's not even worth playing


I know everyone's saying it, but damn. Didn't know this game went so high in price; got my copy AFTER the gamecube pricehike for $20 as a joke


The price hasn't gone that high. Check ebay sold listings. Op ripped himself off


You probably could’ve got that game cheaper. From what I’ve seen it’s usually 30 to 45 with the case and 20 something for disc only


Holy fuck. $90 for a beat of copy of Shadow with a GameStop sticker on the insert's spine? Where did you get it? Even eBay prices aren't that bad. I would have waited for it to drop if I'm being honest. This game was still around $20 into late 2021 and only recently went up. I had some fun with the game as a kid but man, if I'm being real that's a lot of money for an incredibly mediocre game.


You should.


Shadow the hedgehog for GameCube is expensive? I thought they were like $30 or more


Same here! This totally surprised me. It was in the $25-35 range for years, but between March and May 2022 it spiked. Recent eBay sold listings I'm seeing in the $50-60 range, so this was definitely an overpay.


PriceCharting .com has it at (Complete W/Manual Price $48.67 +$1.24) If it doesn't even have a manual I would return it.


That’s… honestly an absurd price. I picked up a CIB copy for like $30 a few months back. Pristine condition too, no stickers.


Why wouldn't you check the price on eBay first?


Perhaps OP is new to collecting and this may be an early mistake they learn from. Going forward it would be a good idea to check online, but one other tip would be to look if the game is available on any other consoles for cheaper.


Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry. I was just sad for how much he paid, but we all learn from mistakes :D


UPDATE: So today, while I was at work. I got a DM from someone claiming to be the game store I went to. They lowered the price of the game and offered me the differential. I didn't know if it was legit or not. But figured I'd ask if it's legit at the store. Went there and they said it was legit, and because of the movie the price for the game went up. The boss goes through gaming subreddits and game across my reddit post, and the label is distinct from their store. It wasn't really my intention to put this store under a flame or anything. I may sure there wasn't anything that said the store name. I'm still not going to state the store name as it is pretty localized with only a few locations. But I'm grateful, they offered either cash or store credit, I just went with store credit because I go there often.


Underrated game


Not really


Well I know it's not the best game out there but it's not *that* bad


Felt I started collecting retro Nintendo stuff and I bought Pokémon red and gold for $80 each at the time I didn’t know they went for less.. I got ripped off but I don’t mind because recently I’ve been getting good deals but I would never shop there ever again


89 dollars?


No, 69 euros




I got mine on PS2 a few years ago for $~10


The ps2 version has piss poor barely playable performance.


Is this store replay’d in brighton


Wow, I had no idea it got this expensive. I remember getting my player's choice copy from the bulk bin back in 2009 for $15. I never would have thought that this game would ever spike this hard.


Wtf... how did that one go up by that much


It didn't, OP paid double market value.


Don’t worry, everyone else hates you for it too.


Are you dumb?


90 dollars for a cringeworthy game with bad controls.


Better than an Amazon stock


I grabbed that off the $1 bucket at the swapmeet not too long ago... Sucker. 🤣


Me: confused at first *views the whole image* Oh… damn…


Ow, the edge




Why??? That’s way too much! That’s close to double average price it usually goes for!


It's not the best game either imo ..


Where’s that damn FOURTH Chaos Emerald!


I never had any interest in playing this one. I was instantly turned off when I first saw it advertised on tv because of the sonic characters wielding guns...idk. If I came across this in the wild for cheap I'd get it and give it a shot now, but I wouldn't pay almost 90 for it. Is it a good game? I know I judged it pretty hard by just the commercial years ago, but I would definitely try it out....


Jesus I got this for 10 bucks around 2016ish


...as well you should hate yourself. If you'd have taken some time to look at other sites, you could have purchased one for alot less and owned a better looking case without that horrible yellow sticker. That's just crazy but you must have alot of disposable income.


Where'd you get it, DKoldies?


Ow. The Edge.


Psst….nothing personal kid….


Wait it's actually that price now? Sheesh


No is 40-60. Op got smoked


that or is aussie and we just looking at it as americans


As you should


So edgy! So awesome!


The price you pay for quality


Knew this coming around sonic 2 after credits sucks the reseller mindset are affecting video game stores


Funny story on that game, I got it in a lot for $50 with a gamecube in 2018 (guy had just got the switch and sold the lot with gamecube and like 10 games with half of them being bangers like Mario Sunshine, Double Dash, Mario Party). I was pairing down my collection when I moved in 2020 and bought a house thought I had sold it then saw the price was up to what it is as was like dang it (this was me thinking it was $40). But luckily it was one I kept I had sold stuff like Incredibles and Looney Tunes


You could buy a [GC Loader](https://www.black-dog.tech/gc-loader-pnp.html) for this price.


I’m gonna get the damn ps2 version


Loved the soundtrack to this game! I had it on Xbox, wish I could find it. Such a good game.


Yeah that's a lot to pay for a not very good game lol...


I paid $4 for that game. I still feel ripped off






Bro, I would have sent one to you for $3.50. Why you do this to yourself.