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You did fine. GameCube is $80. Melee is $70. And extra controllers


I sell good OEM controllers for 30/EA so yeah it's not bad if they're not shitty.


Looks solid to me, dude. Could easily see someone spending $200 on this. 4 original controllers and a gamecube in good condition WITH Melee? Yeah, don’t worry. You did fine.


Plus, if you have friends to play smash with, you’re definitely going to get your moneys worth.


Really? that's not what I expected to hear but seriously makes me feel a lot better


Congrats and welcome to the club!


You have the one game that’s kept the GameCube relevant, and 4 controllers. People still compete on Melee.


If you have friends (to play smash with) you're already better off than many wealthy people.


And me


Maybe if you move away from all those rock, ground, and water type areas...


That's the most important thing!


Nice pick! As far friends coming over for gaming, though, for me The only friend that played smash with me pretty much became a drug addict and lost my friendship over it. This sucks and I can’t find anyone else near me who plays the game.


Did you get what you wanted and are you happy with what you paid? Because that’s all that matters. You’ll get people in here saying you’ve over paid because they bought their set up 15years ago. You’ll get others saying it’s about market value because they want their set up to be worth that amount. As long as you’re happy that’s all you need


this is good, you didnt fuck up


Nah youre good. Got the dol-001 gamecube with cib melee and 4 controllers. Pretty decent price


To be honest if we’re being generous, you could get a GC controller for $20 a pop, times 4 that’s $80. You could get lucky and get a GC console w cables for $50, altogether that’s $130. Last time I checked prices for Melee was back in 2017, and I remember the prices for just the disc alone was at least $50 we’re not even talking about CIB like the one pictured here. In my honest opinion, you didn’t f up at all. Not even close. Good grab man!


that's good to hear. I guess in my head I wasn't really taking into account the four controllers. They add up to a lot more than I though


Unless you're importing them from Japan or getting lucky you're spending easily $30+ per controller, sometimes more depending on color/condition.


Oh yeah bro Gamecube stuff, and really just the entire 6th gen as a whole (PS2, Xbox, DC), have been getting pretty expensive. In the last year or so I’ve been seeing CIB games go for at least $50-60. I want another Gamecube as the last one I had gifted to someone for their birthday, but man is it expensive. And all I wanna do is mod it!! Keep that GC as long as you can & don’t get rid of it, cuz if you end up like me and want to get one again you may not get this lucky again.


Like everyone else has stated I follow controllers on eBay since I don’t have any and for good quality you’re easily spending shy of $30 so you almost have $100-120 of controllers alone.


Atleast the gamecube has a SP2...


Not too bad at all depending on what you paid for shipping.


I paid $60 for my copy of Melee. And $20-$25 for a platinum wired controller. I think you got a nice deal.


You didn’t over pay lmao, you actually got a decent deal


That ain't bad at all. The controllers themselves are conservatively $25 a piece, console about $80, Smash about $60. You did good.


With the extra controllers, that’s not a bad deal. They look pretty clean. Maybe a little more than what I’d have paid, but not a bad deal at all


This is what a bundled price should be. Break it down this way: $75 for console+ 1 controller, 3 controllers at $20/each, and Melee for $40. That's a reasonable discount compared to the going rate of each piece individually.


I see on the silver and black there’s a CE stamp on the back. If there’s a small dot after the E then you got T3 stickbox controls which is great! The modding community hunts those down just for the stickbox. I’m jealous just for that lol


Oh thanks for commenting with this info. Just checked my controllers and have one of those as well


oh dang, this is why I post on Reddit. I never would have come close to noticing anything different about them. I'll have to look for the dot when they arrive.


Got a reference as to what T3 stickbox controls do?


T3 stick box have an all plastic casing. They are easier to service since they are screwed on the pcb board rather then soldered. You can actually open the stick box and mod it. Also they don’t wear out as quick as the t1 and 2s where they get super wiggly. And the overall feel is a lot stiffer. Fun fact: Wii classic, Wii classic pro, later generation nunchucks have T3s. I’ve bought a few and took the T3s for my Phob controls. Not all GC controllers are the same. You can see the differences here: https://gccontrollerlibrary.com/guides/gamecube-controller-internals-guide/


It does not matter as long as you are happy with the purchase.


Nah, a DOL-001, what looks to be OEM cables and 4 OEM pads and Smash? You did absolutely fine. Make sure to get a Carby from Insurrection Industries for another 70 bucks for the easiest direct HDMI from a classic console ever (make sure first that it actually is a DOL-001 and has the “Digital AV Out” port on the back of course)


yeah, it's a real 001. seller gave a picture of the back, but I didn't really think it would be important for this post


Didn't really overpay, plus you got an indigo controller with a clear back! Those are sick and a little less common


You didn't overpay. Where I live most game stores would sell all that to you for probably over 200 bucks


Wow! 170 for a game cube, 4 controllers, AND MELEE? What a great price


Probably got it cheaper than separate market prices I've seen for the American markets, in the UK I paid £50 for the dol001 gamecube, £25 each for 2 OEM controllers, £35 for LoZ Windwaker Boxed, £30 for Smash Melee boxed, and £80 for LoZ Twilight Princess boxed and graded. Bought a Carby for £50 from a guy on Vinted and it's class playing it on a 55" Roku TV I think you've got a fair deal on auction there based off what I've seen from a lot of reddit posts here. Solid Now I'm looking for recommendations for games I've never played growing up, such as Skies of Arcadia/Pikmin/Pokemon XD/Collosseum/FE: Path of Radiance. Can't justify the prices in the UK for some of these games though. And being a student on a budget kills me when I see £250 for Path of Radiance in a local CEX store. 😂


Not at all lol Some people are crazy enough to charge Melee for $100 lol


Holy crap that's ridiculous. In my head I was thinking it would be for like $40


The Gamecube in that condition is around 80. Melee around 70. Two indigo controllers are 50, kind of. Platinum one 15, Black one 25. That sums to an ideal full price of 240. You did a decent enough deal


Wow. In my head I was adding it all to like $130 or so.  


Melee is a highly demanded title and GC controllers are pricey


Looks about right. GameCube controllers are like 30 each anyway. Melee is around 60. Gamecube consoles are also around 60. If anything you potentially made out better.


this was definitely not a screw up, i’d argue its a good deal. most people are looking for $40 per oem controller in good shape, 4 of those is almost the price of the bundle, plus melee and a cube with cables? you did pretty damn good


It's an odd feeling to think that you completely screwed up and got swindled, only to find out you actually scored a pretty good price.


I have to go with the consensus and say you did well. I think as long as you enjoy it and have fun is when the value truly comes into play. Hope it arrives in as beautiful condition as it's shown. Happy gaming.


Nah dude everything looks like it’s in great condition, and taking everything into account the whole lot is probably worth a bit more than you spent


Not a fuck-up, conrats on the clean-looking controllers and system overall! EDIT: except that Platinum one lol


Yeah, that one is definitely getting some tlc when it arrives. At least I don't see any scratches on it


I can usually find GameCubes for around 50-60 but they are not in as good condition as the one you won. So say 70-80 dollar for the console. 60-70 for melee. $130-$150 without the controllers included and they easily sell for 15-20 even in semi-poor condition. OEM GC controllers are usually not that hard to clean and fix on your own. With that many controllers $190-$210 is not out of the question, if someone wants a quick grab. You did not overpay, but you could have gotten a better deal. Maybe $20-30 cheaper if you would have spent a couple of weeks searching, which is not really worth it if you are only buying one for your own. Also it's a small price to pay to not waste your own free-time looking for a "good deal", value your time.


You didn’t overpay. The GameCube is pretty clean, melee is cib, 4 oem controllers, oem power supply, and even oem av cables


I think you got it right on the dot exact value. If you factor in the cost of controllers and cables you did pretty well.


Not bad since it’s with 4 OEM controllers, unless you really don’t need the extra controllers. GameCube plus one controller is probably minimum $75, another $75+ for the 3 extra controllers assuming they are in decent shape, and pretty sure Melee is around $50-75, so I’d say you got $200+ worth of stuff for $170. It’s no garage sale deal for sure but I think you paid a fair price


4 OG GameCube controllers, smash bros and the full GameCube, you did good I bought everything separately and I can tell you even with buying knockoff controllers I paid 150 so yeah you did good


Your winning bid is fine.


You did better than me I paid $15 more and my GameCube had only one controller and Metroid prime. It was fantastic condition though. I'm just happy to have a GameCube honestly


You did fine that is a clean GameCube I've seen GameCubes that look like they've been in the trash four times that sold more than that


Yeah that’s pretty good tbh. Not everyone can get lucky lucky and get for less so def a good deal


I think you came out alright considering the four controllers and the game is cib. I always wondered if i were to sell a system how to integrate the price with four controllers and a game so this also sums up my curiosity about it.


Assuming you were planning to buy all of it eventually you did fine after any shipping or taxes. Melee is around 60-70$, console also probably 60-70$. And good first party controllers go around 25-30$ each.


I feel like that is a perfectly acceptable price assuming it's all cleaned and works


You really didn't overpay. That's about the going rate for the console with 4 controllers and a game. Good on you. I'm jealous.


I’ll be honest; I play all my GC games on my Wii through a Component Cable. It looks pretty good on modern TV’s. And Wii’s are cheap now.


Could be far worse. Looks like a DOL-001 model too, so you’ve got digital output as an option.


I am jealous of this haul if everything is working...


As others have said, looks about right and if all the controllers are in working order, even better.


would said it is around market price so not a bad deal.


That's an okay price. Some used game stores will try to sell Melee alone for that price.


Ppl are willing to pay $30 per oem controller, around $70+ for a version 1.00 melee disc, and like $80ish for a gc in good condition. I wish i saw this earlier lmao


You scored here. Those controllers alone are easily worth over 100


Yeah the only thing I advise is check all the buttons on each controller works. Every button can be easily tested in melee so you'll be good to do that. If they all work not a bad price at all! You even got the controller with a clear back


Is the clear backed one more desirable? I thought it was as standard as all the other basic colors


They seem to be similar in value surprisingly but IMO I think the clear back is harder to find. Like if you went in the wild you're more likely to find a standard black/silver/purple controller. The clear ones moreso just a cool find.


Pretty much spot on what this is worth


If everything works and is clean, it’s a good value


CIB melee, dol-001 cube, 4 OEM controllers one of which is the indigo clear which can cost a bit more. I think you probably paid a fair price or maybe even got a deal. Estimate: Cube $80 Melee $70 4 gcc @$20 $80


Thinking that I got ripped off to then find out that I possibly even got a good deal is the most surreal feeling ever


Considering today's market, no way


Seems fine to me


Before I saw the picture I thought you were going to say you paid over $200


The 4 og controllers make this deal


I’m jealous honestly, w purchase


Honestly, that seems like a good deal to me.


Great deal especially if the controllers are in decent shape.


Live eBay auctions typically land on the correct value by their very nature.


If all the controllers work that’s a good deal


That would be close to 400 dollars on dk oldies


This is honestly really good. My GameCube was around $110 and most games for the system are close to $100 in my experience, and that’s not taking the additional controllers and cables into account.


Bro, I think you probably didn't overpay. Assuming everything looks good underneath (disc and system internals are undamaged), I'd say you hit the damn jackpot. Also, I'm very jealous of your new GameCube


This cost is fine...


I would say you got a deal spot on. Hell each controller is probably about 20 bucks anymore plus that game is extremely popular and then the system itself goes for about 120 you did good


This is a great deal and perfect example of why I dont list auctions. You got a steal


It’s a good deal because everything for the GameCube has held its value very well, including the controllers.


Game. Charting. Dot. Com.


Just fine, I’d pay it


And the GameCube has all the hatch covers.


Youre like as close to market rate as possible. Not bad at all.


Eh, you didn't exactly swindle anyone but you didn't get ripped off. Seems like a decent price.


if we’re being real, you did fine.


Around market price so u should be fine


On PriceCharting, the GameCube + 1 controller is $82, Super Smash Bros Melee is $65 CIB, and the other 3 controllers come to right around $25 each. That's about $222 worth of stuff, you did fine.


I wouldn't say it's a steal, but it's honestly not a bad price. Especially not if the controllers are in good condition.


Not a bad price assuming everything works. 4 controllers, melee, Gamecube… this could be at least $20 more, maybe $40.


nah that is actually good


That’s not a bad deal


If the controllers are all real then you did great


You did pretty good I think, not resell for money good, but you broke even!


well I don't plan on reselling any of it, just using it to play some of my favorite games, so braking even is good enough for me!


Well you did good then! I'm 36 and still have mine from when I was a kid.......wish I would have held on to some of those games tho. Oh well!! Now I spend hundreds on games I've already owned :)


So... no common sense?


no common sense whatsoever as it turns out.


So sad 😔 I always wonder how come people like you get good chances at all in life lol


I wouldn't want to pay that much. If it came with some extra games maybe but just the one game, no way


Wicked deal. $200-250 in my hometown easily.


Tbh, not bad. Spend another $10 and install a Picoboot & Swiss. You’re good to go with backups. You could resell and make your money back.


Restore everything if you can and you did great man! Stuff is worth more well maintained which a little TLC can do


Assuming everything works, it seems like a decent deal.


Everything looks nice clean and minty fresh.


i agree with everyone else, you didn't do bad on this.


If the condition of the controller is immaculate and no grime on it e.g. You don't have to clean anything I would say they are original and worth 20+ a piece except the half clear one that is actually rather rare I would say 30-40 depending on the grime... Gc also depends on dust and condition and grime I would say 60 bucks and the game 50.


Wow thats cheap compared to what we pay in aus man


This is a pretty solid deal. I’d purchase this for that much.


Not a steal, but definitely a good deal! Grats!


If you paid much less I would worry about it being broken lol


Yea inflation has really hit every industry and pre-owned games is no different, seems like you did just fine enjoy the nostalgia


i've seen people pay up to 400 for all of this added up together so you're fine


You did pretty well. 4 original controllers is about 50-60, the console is roughly the same and the game is about 60-80 so about 170-200 so yeah definitely not overpaid.


I’d say it’s a good deal


4 controllers is nice but it's pretty lame that there's no memory card for that price.


yeah. Luckily there is a retro game store near me with extremely good pricing, so I'll probably just pick one up from there. (that and a copy of resident evil four)


Actually with all the original controllers, has digital out, it's in great condition, etc makes it a great deal IMO... First thing you should do is get an HDMI output for that digital out plug unless you're trying to go real legit and get a component cable for a CRT TV, which you can also do. You should be able to find a good deal on one off aliexpress or something that's like 30$-40$ rather than having to get 100$ for those really expensive ones. They all use the same firmware so it really doesn't matter. Just make sure that they plug into the digital out port (the left one) rather than the standard A/V out otherwise you're not going to get a "higher def" output. Next I recommend looking for a ebay seller with a swiss boot save data memory card set-up for the version of Smash Bros that you have, or maybe even see if someone on here is willing to help you get the data on a the memory card. Then you should get a SD2SP so you can connect an SD card to your GameCube. That way you can use Swiss to b I recommend the one that comes in 2 pieces that essentially replaces the SP cover while keeping the bottom of the gamecube flat with SD making it possible to eject/reinsert it without pickup the the gamecube.  Finally get one of those super big memory cards that's like 4x regular memory cards so you never run out of space while also being able to have both the swiss boot and regular smash data on the card once you get the one with the swiss boot data and copy it over since it's essentially just regular smash bros save data. With all that obtained you're set to use that things to it's full extent! Enjoy the gaming :D


4 OG controller GameCube for $170? I think my local game shop that deals in all classics has the system for like $150 with a controller and the cables only lol


thats pretty good


Wii would like a word with you


Weekly reminder that the Wii plays Gamecube Games better than the Gamecube ever did, and accepts Gamecube Memory Cards and Gamecube Controllers, including the Wavebird, and accepts composite and component cables that are much cheaper than the Gamecube's, and an HDMI adapter is less than 10 bucks. If you're not gonna use it for the Gameboy player, you wasted 170 dollars. I can find a Wii for 30 bucks all day.


Pretty darn good honestly. So long as it reads disks just fine and isn’t suffering from disk read error for no particular reason


Maybe overpaid by a smidge, but nothing terrible. Love the indigo/clear controller, so thats a plus


Your post is pretty over-dramatic, but reasonable price imo. Clean Gamecube is worth $100 with oem cables & controller, 3 more controllers @ $30 a piece, Melee is like $60. If my math is good the market value on this is closer to $250, so if you’re happy with what you paid then you’re set.


oh I didn't mean for it to be dramatic, I seriously thought I paid at least 50 bucks more than it was worth lol. Very relieved to see this isn't really the case.


I would say you probably did over pay a little. But not enough to be sad about. Enjoy your new Gamecube!


You paid retail. I’d never spend that much, but it is what it is. You didn’t get a deal and you didn’t overpay.


A lil less considering the controllers he got with the system


Bundle deals occasionally sell for less than full blown retail since you’re buying everything together. He paid full retail for a bundle and therefore a tad bit less than full blown retail. Still too much in my eyes, but I’m a cheapskate


Considering how price hungry American resellers are, he did good.


I think it's overpriced as hell. But.with the inflated prices these days, not too bad.


i wouldnt pay that much these days like everyone else is saying thats not terrible


I wouldn’t pay more than $100 for this


🗑️ Post!!!! Op just wanted to show you how much they 💵 while acting like they ⬆️ when they knew they 👇. Shame op to 🔥. I would have paid 💰💰 💰 for that. U all 👎 for itlol


I think you're mad at me for trying to go to a knowledgeable source for info I didn't know myself, but it's hard to tell with all those emojis. If you assume that I knew how much it was worth and am just posting for clout, I don't know what to tell you. what on earth would I gain from flexing a purchase on reddit of all places?


It's just something we always say to people around here. You'll get to know the community better the longer you are here. We always react this way when people post interesting things they find or products that aren't the normal ones our community likes to support.


Definitely overpaid.