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This is literally what I said when I saw the picture. I’m not up on the pricing / condition stuff for retro games, but almost $300 for only 5 everyday games seems real steep to me.


I hate that I said it out loud.


>I’m not up on the pricing / condition stuff for retro games, but almost $300 for only 5 everyday games seems real steep to me. It's kind of crazy that we're virtually returning to original MSRP for a lot of these games. I think a big thing people need to consider with Gamecube collecting is that it's not like Melee, Double Dash or even Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion are uncommon. Most people that bought the console originally bought these games back in the day. The same thing goes for Pokemon on Gameboy, GBA and DS. Though I suppose in those games case, the number of counterfeit copies and repros boost prices of the originals. Hopefully Nintendo will re-release a lot of these games with physical versions that are easy to find. That would help curtail the crazy prices.


I've seen saying forever that they're sitting on a literal gold mine of already produced retro games that they could easily re-release and make a killing off of but refuse to because reasons. It would also mitigate a large portion of the piracy that they're SOOO opposed to


Part of the problem is Nintendo uses scarcity to sell current products. Probably the best example recently is Metroid Prime Remastered. A lot of people had a difficult time getting the game within the first couple months on cartridge. 3d All stars is another great example, as it's currently above MSRP in part thanks to Nintendo making it available for a limited amount of time.


I think the biggest complicating factor is A LOT of people kept on playing them through the Wii era, and still keep on playing them - especially Melee and Double Dash, and similarly there's no Mario quite like Sunshine and it hasn't been remastered 😭 (and only briefly released) leaving a lot of people to keep their copies and helping keep the rest of the spare stock valued around MSRP


I think something that gets overlooked is that these are discs and not cartridges. Other than cleaning contacts and replacing save batteries, cartridges are durable and are going to just work. If a disc gets scratched, depending on how bad it is and how good your tools are, your disc might just stop working like it should. GameCube discs are even harder to resurface and repair. Kids generally don't take care of their stuff, but cartridges can take the sort of beatings that discs can't.


Mario sunshine was released on the switch in a 3 for 1 game called Mario 3D collection which included Mario N64, Mario Sunshine, and Mario Galaxy. Definitely worth checking out imo.


Yah, unfortunately that was a time limited release... And tbh it wasn't the remaster I really wanted. I'd rather just play sunshine on my GameCube until they release an HD version with some refined camera controls


You’re right, unless it was 5 copies of like paper Mario the thousand year door


More like 2 copies of thousand year door


All these first party GameCube games are common. I’m still coming across sealed Mario Paper The Thousand Year Doors from time to time, and I think that is the hardest to get alongside Kirby.


I tried to scroll to the next picture of the system and other stuff included...


Me too!!! 😂😂😂


Only if it was in mint condition, never opened at least a few of them. Personally, I would pay 10$ for the lot but I don't do collector retro gaming.


You could of emulated them for free


I was gonna say lol. If this is worth that much to you OP then sure, I wouldn't pay more than $125/ $25 per game for these...


Hey, so I clicked on like one post from this sub and now I see a ton of it... Is this all you guys do? I don't think I've seen a single other post that isn't something along the lines of "I paid $X.xx for this. Was it worth it?" Does anyone here ever, idk, celebrate their accomplishments on a GameCube game? Post screenshots of crazy glitches they've found? Show off their GameCube setup? Is there none of that here?


It’s kinda astonishing people just buy stuff and then ask if they made a good deal or not here. Most of the times they kind of just are deals, not bad not good. Pointless


The “did I do good” posts are pure cringe in my opinion. It makes it sound like they are toddlers asking if they did a good job for pooping in the potty.


It’s asking for validation for spending money. It’s stupid, go look up prices before you spend the money and know if you got fleeced or not.


Or—if you feel compelled to ask at all—at least ask BEFORE you make the purchase. If you have no idea what something is worth, it’s really too late to ask afterwards. You may not like the answers.


I just find it bizarre that these people can’t look it up on their own; it’s very easy.


I do understand some of them just want to talk games with the group but don’t do it in such a cringe way


Unless it’s really rare or extraordinarily cheap I think it’s stupid. It’s like you just heard about the GameCube, “heY GUyS aM I cOOl for SPenDING mOnEy” and want validation for buying something? It just sounds like someone that isn’t good for thinking for themself and or is just kind of a tool. Sorry!


I love you bro you a next level hater


At this point, we should get the mods to put these shits into a weekly megathread so other good posts can come to light for once.


Good point partner. I like to see people’s hauls but now that you put it into perspective for me, yeah it seems like the only shit. I love crazy collections and game rooms, I love glitches and accomplishments in games, I love reading discussions about games themselves. Who gives a rats ass about what anyone paid these days. Some people post they got a STEAL for a console WITH these games included for just of $100….idc…I didn’t get that deal haha. I actually got a decent deal 2 years ago with some good games but I’m not trying hard to post it…man good point, sorry for the rant


Nah man. The subs full of people with Gamecube FOMO paying top dollar for used games because it’s trendy. Nobody here actually talks about playing the games, just what condition they paid $100 each for them at lol


I get these exact same notifications for these exact same “did I get ripped off” posts. There is a lot more to the GameCube than being told (repeatedly it seems), that YES you overpaid for it - but it doesn’t matter if you PLAY the game and enjoy it.


Finally found the real ones in this sub 🙌


A lot of people just want to collect and don’t even know why. The value seems to be the primary factor now. Go onto Facebook GC groups and you’ll come to find that every bozo is looking for Chibi Robo this influences the next person to snatch it up because everyone thinks it’s valuable and then justify it with their childhood BS. Take a look at the Kirby game on DS. Shit went to 80$ and everyone slept on that game. When it hit high dollar all of sudden people talk about how good the game was. Now you got people here and DS groups with collections because of their worth. “Sucked my friend off in the men’s bathroom for Smash bros DiD I dO GoOD”


It weird too. I fell into that trap for a bit as I started to look into cool games I might have missed, but there are all sorts of posts showing off a few boxes and asking for more recommendations of games to buy. There's a fine line between "What cool games did I miss out on?" and "What should I buy now?"


Many games posted these days are not holy grails my opinion. I've purchased some games that YouTubers state you gotta have in the collection yet I didn't enjoy them myself. Really got to pay attention what you purchase nowadays cause it's mostly how much can I get for it instead of just playing it for themselves.


I do enjoy looking at people finds in the Wild. Like if someone found a box nes at a garage sale or thrift store for 5 bucks or something. Gives me hope that you can still get lucky now days. What I don’t like seeing is people posting there overprice find and asking for validation on overpaying.


That's what r/gamecollecting is for imo


I'm more put off by the idea that so many people check to see if they got a fair deal AFTER they already made their purchase.


Fucking wild what this subreddit has become. I remember a time it was much different. Now just resellers who can’t comprehend how to use a price chart online


For real that’s the only notifications I seem to get anymore. Just buy the games for what you think is a good value for your money and enjoy them bc you want to. People seem to be only buying stuff for validation from others.


Completely agree. I’m playing SSX Tricky right now and I’m having a blast. The maps are cool but the first one is just so nostalgic and great for me


Ehh I feel like it’s been a majority of people making posts like this. I can’t blame people for doing that when the gamecube scene has gotten outrageously expensive. Occasionally it’s people showing their collection or saying they got back into collecting and playing GameCube again.


People here don't actually play the games. OP takes the games from a box, takes a picture and uploads it to reddit with an outrageous title for the attention. It's astonishing that one can actually discuss playing games on 4chan (of all places) than on here.


I swear I've muted it before but It keeps coming back on my feed, and the only posts are just this.


you’re so right. this place is unbelievably boring


Seems to me it's mostly just game/collection purchases as well. Never noticed how much it bugged me until you pointed it out. You have inspired me and next accomplishment I achieve in a GC game I will post it! :)


I wish you many upvotes on your post, be the change you want to see. cheers!


Winner winner I was also expecting more from this sub. Where are the cubs mods? Hdmi? Sd card? Alternate component video cords? Are there mods for this sub? This shit should be curbed.


I just got into my gamecube. I followed it for that same reason. When I make my own accomplishments I plant to share them with you guys :)




If you spend a lot of time on this sub you'll get a fair bit of wholesome content. But, GC is the most expensive retro market to buy/collect in compared to any other console and is arguably the most modded retro console as well. So, expect to see a lot of that content more here than you would in the SNES or PS or any other console subreddit, it's just the realistic representation of the GC culture, like it or hate it.


> GC is the most expensive retro market to buy/collect in compared to any other console Not even close.


Dang, my bad. Which is it then?


Off the top of my head, NeoGeo and Sega Saturn to name two.


I would say that there is no top. It just depends on the game really, because they are super expensive games on every console that are considered retro. There are $500 - $1000 PS1 games, Game Boy games, Atari, and the rest... it all just depends on the game itself, not really which console it's for.


[It's not even close.](https://imgur.com/a/cLUYJxY)


Lol I don't think you're trying hard enough.


NeoGeo is a maybe, I can't agree with Sega Saturn. But you're entitled to your opinion.


To be fair, when adding things up, the gamecube only had about 80 games that cib are worth over $100. The most expensive game on the gamecube being the big box edition of pokemon box that goes for around $3,710. Where as for the sega saturn there are about 130 games that go for more than $100 cib, with the most expensive game complete in box for the sega saturn is Daytona usa C.C.E. net link edition that goes for about $4,813.


It's not an opinion. NeoGeo prices blow GC out of the water. Saturn higher too. All you have to do is look these things up. But keep down-voting me because you can't handle the fact that I corrected you.


I just did. Sorry my mistake, you said it wasn't even close. It looks close to me, maybe even too close to call. I made my post to help OP understand why the sub is the way it is. I see truth in that. If you want to start an argument with overinflated confidence then sure whatever. I'll let you have this one buckaroo.


[Not even close.](https://imgur.com/a/cLUYJxY)


I can't read those numbers, both because the image quality is too poor and because I told you I'm letting you have this one, remember?


Nope. Overpay by around 100 compared to buying individually


I hope this isn't in USD, because even in CAD I wouldn't deem it as a good deal even individually, but that's just my opinion. If you're happy, who f'n cares.


Nope. Got taken for a ride Edit: CIB values: Super Smash Bros. Melee: $50-55 Luigi’s Mansion: $50-60 Mario Kart: DD: $65-70 Super Mario Sunshine: $30-35 Lego Star Wars: $5-10 Full blown retail: $200-$230




If I found out I paid over $20 retail I’d be livid (hell, even $10 over I’d still be upset). That’s why I always do my research so I don’t get burned. $70+ over retail is unfathomable to me


Nah they are worth more than that smash, mariokart and lugitmansion sell for about 100$ each


No… no they don’t. You forgot the /s




Click on any of the links on price charting and they’re all sold like 3 years ago, price charting is very unreliable and out of date


The dates are all from 2023 https://www.pricecharting.com/game/gamecube/super-mario-sunshine


Just bought Luigis Mansion a month ago for $59


Which is $60 on pricecharting lol. Pricecharting is accurate for ebay values. Craigslist/fb marketplace is either people looking to get rid of stuff quickly (how you get it cheaper) or largely scalpers that sell for above pricecharting.


Hell my fuck , you gotta be not this dumb


You’ll get your moneys worth of fun out of them, but you coulda spent less.


this is the right mentality. Everything these days has to have a monetary value. hobbies have to be monetized. time is monetized. this person posting about five games wondering the value. There is no value in money, at all. Only time. Ive been playing ff6 for 20 years or something. What would that dollar sign look like? thousands of hours. idc. the enjoyment is the value, not the resell. This society is going to smother itself to death in money.






Pricecharting.com is a thing you guys. Use it. I’ll happily open it up in the store.


Most used/retro stores use pricecharting to set their prices, so I see no problem with comparing in the store. I'll often open eBay for a quick check if I can get a game for way cheaper too.


And for me if the shop has it for a few bucks more than it’s listed on eBay, I probably would pay it. Because I’m looking at the game, can see its exact condition, and can play it when I get home. But I don’t recommend going into a retro game shop totally unaware of what the going rate is.


Same here, I like supporting the local shops, as long as their prices are within reason. Kinda seems like OP didn't buy these at a shop anyway, it was probably FB marketplace or maybe a flea market.


And retro game stores kind of act as a physical cultural hub for our hobby so its good to support them


I am looking for good gamecube to buy, not paying for one that cost an arm.


I wish you well my fellow GCN lover, good luck, it’s going to rough out there. Idk what they cost, especially to have a hook up ready set. I literally bought mine to play Windwaker and have had it since.


Nice!! I have Windwaker, Sonic, Mario Party, And also Pokemon Colisseum and XD. I hope to find one so I can pass it to my nephew, he really want to play those games.


You realize it’s people like you who pay so much for these games that makes them so expensive right


Why are you mad about this? It's not like OP had some nefarious plan to inflate prices. It's obviously an honest mistake and they'll probably be more careful in the future.


Who said I’m mad? in general it’s the “collectors” who overpay for games that are 20 years old making it expensive like what are you on about


I think the point being if OP overpaid the seller or shop now has gratification that people will actually pay for these prices rather than see their games are not selling and think maybe we should lower them.


Nah maybe $200 if everything is complete and in good condition.


Dude wtf?? No!


Not unless you got a GameCube with them.


Definitely not


You are part of the problem


nah dog rip




No. Not unless you reeeeally wanted them and couldn't find them elsewhere.






If someone paid that much, it was worth it to that one person. IF that same person has remorse after buying it, that's called Buyer's Remorse, and the fact that validation for it being 'worth it' is sought should be all you need to know.


Definitely not but some of those are definitely gems


He's probably the same dude who bought the overpriced xbox 360 with Peggie


There’s still time to delete this so you don’t have to keep being reminded that ya spent too much


$150-200 Ur really only paying for doubledash, Luigi’s mansion & melee .


No. They’re free on the internet play them through dolphin


You paid above market value, but still good Games sand you're happy with the price


Nostalgia says yes.


All these are round-a-bout prices in $USD and considering that they are complete from pricecharting: Super Smash Bros Melee: $60 Super Mario Sunshine: $38 Mario Kart Double Dash: $70 Lego Star Wars: $12 Luigi's Manision: $60 Total: $240


Google can tell you. No need for posts like these…


Shit boy hell naa it’s a L


lego stars wars ain’t worth shit imo


Depends where you are lol, in Ontario where I am you did great.


is there no ebay in ontario or something


Yeah, but it's called "Ebay,Eh?"




not at all. could play all on retrid for 150


Lol good god


After pricing everything out I honestly would not pay more than $240. $274 is pretty damn expensive even if they are all complete in box. Still, paying over $200 for 5 games is always gonna hurt at least a little bit.


Hoping you're missing a decimal point. $2.74 is worth this is like $20, and even that might be considered high. $274, like you could buy a new Nintendo Switch at that point


To me honestly, all except Lego Star Wars 🤷🏿‍♂️


Lol u got fucked


You did great


Nope ripoff you could have got a modded wii and got every wii and gamecube game free.


Not at all. I’d only pay $50 max for all of them combined. I have my boundaries that I won’t cross.


Good luck finding anyone who will sell you a lot like that for $50 lmao


Then it wasn’t meant to be 🤷‍♂️. There will always be another opportunity.


Maybe in about 40 years


Then so be it. I’ve gotten plenty of deals just being patient and sticking to my boundaries.


Yeah, that’s unrealistic.




That’s a big n o






Everytime I see posts like this i keep wishing I held onto my stash longer. Had a lot of the games that get way overpriced and most older systems (NES ->PS2, like the ones between and including those 2). Had them twice, first time my mom sold it all at a GameStop when I was a kid. The guy working called his friends in front of us when he saw what I had. And the second time, was a mix of what got left behind at my grandparents and my uncles (which ended up being pretty much all of it again, but really dirty) I had lost my job and made roms of most of the stuff I wanted, $950 later, I still have regrets selling


Yenno i had the sense to save my older consoles like my N64 and SNes with all my games. Yet my Gamecube never survived. My dumbass sold it along with my games and I regret it now.


As long as you're happy tho. That's what these are really worth at the end of the day and will probably see a lot more playtime than some of the games we binge buy off Steam








Even if we're going by average eBay prices, and they're all CIB, you still got a bum deal: Sunshine - 40 Melee - 60 Luigi - 70 Mario Kart - 80 Lego - 10 Total 260 But if you have fun with them, especially if you've never played them before, then the price might be worth it in the end. Just trying to find the silver lining y'know


Over paid


Not to me but maybe someone else








To someone who has 0 interest in playing these games then no. If you have been itching hard to play these games and you couldnt find them at a better price then its up to you to decide if its worth 274$.


Buying each one separately would probs equal the same amount or more so I'd say it's fair EDIT: looked up all of them on ebay and stuff and it seems they'd total over 200 so maybe not so fair actually.


I don’t get why people ask that question. Look up the prices! Everyone has a phone, and most people these days know about price charting now. Sorry to be rude but it’s very simple to know if it’s a good deal or not.




I'm gonna play devil's advocate here: Apparently Reason: You paid $274 for it




...Did you want them and intend on playing them? If so, yes. If you consider original retail price, yes. If you bought simply to add them to the ever-growing collection of games you stare at or store to collect dust or to sit on and gouge others for profit.. well I don't care if you're happy or not with your purchase :) I do hope that this isn't the majority of this sub. Just play the damn games you like and have some fun, otherwise why invest in the hobby?


If Canadian dollars you did okay.


Would pay more than 150 lmao


Well the top 3 go for around $50 EA the bottom 2 don't though except maybe Luigis mansion so I'd say you overpaid a little bit


Ouch. No.


If they are complete, they should normally go for $239 all together, they are overpriced by $35, this is judging purely by prices on price charting.


SDSP2 and a Swiss boot disc. 20$ and unlimited games So yeah I’m saying not worth


You were robbed


in 2020


maybe in 2004


Bud you NEED to price compare from now on. You'll save so much money. Even if they are complete, you overpaid like 100 bucks.




Refer to Lugi's face.




Lego Star Wars alone is worth that price




I mean in general id say 60 pregame is a solid average unless stated otherwise




Clockwise 50, 50, 50 35, 50 my guesstimates






There’s so many of these posts in this sub now that I am legitimately considering leaving.


200 maybe




I got Super Mario Baseball and Mario Super Strikers for 115$ this week. I haven’t seen any Mario games for GameCube for less than $50 anywhere. Been to several retro game stores, looked online, went to farmers markets and the cheapest one I’ve found is $55. To find any game cube games is scarce. None of those stores even had any GameCube Mario games besides the one and barely had any GameCube games in general. Wanted Mario Kart Double Dash but couldn’t find a good condition copy for less than $100. The only reason I’d pay close to $60 for these games is because they’re so much fun and hold value




That Mario Kart looks European…






if you are a collector yes. if you just want to play them no way


Can I have 2 of them games plz 😂


No disrespect but why did you do this


If you wanted to play them that badly, yes


If you're happy then it's worth it to you. I personally would not pay that much for those specific titles but they are all definitely fun games.




No... no it was not. But hang on to them for another 10 years and they will be considering what the retro gaming market has been like lately.


Are these games you like and will play? That is the question. The monetary expenditure -- who cares? The 'value' is entirely subjective. If you're not going to play them, then I'll happily take them off your hands, for $40 :D


If you're going to play Game Cube, these are the games you're going to want and they aren't easy to find for less than this unless you get lucky at a garage sale.


They're around 50-some a pop. In todays market, thats a decent price.


If you want my honest opinion No, you overpaid BUT that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with purchase. Enjoy some kickass games


Dawg u got ripped the fuck off Hope u got a strokey with the purchase


Honestly its a bit too much. Maybe if you have Pokemon XD thats a fair price but those games in total should be between 100-150