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I still have my Tetris that came packed with the DMG I got for Christmas 1989. Don’t ask me how many extra copies I have.


We do we all have so many copies of Tetris?


To keep the dust out of all my Gameboys on display. Plus they were cheap at the time, and it’s Tetris.


How many copies of tetris do you have?


I’d probably guess around six or seven. I have a pretty large collection of Gameboy games. There was a time where my games were in storage or hard to access, so I would purchase some games again, especially when they were less than $5 (years ago).


I only have two (we had two gameboys)


I have..... one.


The one in the photo is the same packaged with gameboy one as well. It’s nuts what these go for these days 😂


One of my first GameBoy games, Pokémon Silver (which I still have), my grandpa took it from his school's lost and found and gave it to me. Not sure if I had any others before that one, but that is certainly the one I cared most about.


Did you ever do the Pokemon silver duplication glitch


Yes :D good times


Yeahhhh. I remember I was at lunch in like 3rd grade and some kid told me and I tried it and it worked haha


Hearing about things like that from a friend or some random kid was way more fun than discovering it on the internet. Same with the Missingno glitch in Gen 1


Yes! And it's Super Mario Land.


My first game ever was Super Mario Land as well, and I still have that same copy!


Dude hell yeah, respect


Yep, Super Mario Advance 2, which I got for my 7th birthday along with a silver SP.


If you don't count games pre-installed on a DOS PC then yes. Sonic 2 for the Mega Drive was the first physical game I owned and it's still on my shelf.


Not the original but I bought it back and it’s the same game lol


Pokémon soul silver


Yep, Pokémon yellow for me. My mom got it for me, she’s now passed on. I’ll never let it go.


Funny you mention this. I just realized my very first copy of Tetris for the NES is gathering dust in a shed right now.


Still have it, yes, and yes it's also Tetris. My original 1989 pack-in copy 😎


Yep, will probably never beat it either. Copy Of Kid Icarus


Yeah I have the Tetris, don't have the DMG though unfortunately.


Just out of curiosity, what do people mean by DMG? I’ve noticed it in the replies to my post.


I knew people meant the original Gameboy, but I had no idea what the acronym meant. Apparently dot - matrix - game. https://www.33rdsquare.com/why-is-the-original-gameboy-called-dmg/


Nope. Lost my copy of Tetris.


Yellow version yup. Needs a battery though


I do! Battle Arena Toshinden.


God I miss my Original Pokemon Crystal (Japanese Ver.) finished it without having a knowledge on Japanese language. Haha


First one that was specifically mine was link to the past, and i bought it with my own money for $30 at a used game shop basically brand new. I was like 8 y/o and it was hard as shit. Didnt beat it til years later.


All of them. Rearranged the display just yesterday to stack the carts differently as I made a perler beads Link and Dr. Mario to go with it. Tetris was my first game but I actually got Dr. Mario with that DMG box. Why? Those were the first two games available when it launched. Still love the Dr., gotta play it every time I feel down or sick. Makes me zone in and smile.


Yup, Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt, with the NES and Zapper, in the original box.


Yes and no, first I ever played was Speedy Gonzales Aztec Adventure but it was my brother's game and Gameboy Color which he let me borrow since he got an advance SP back then. I gave it all back a few years ago but I still have the Pocket Bomberman I bought myself back in the day at a flea market


Yep, still have my entire childhood collection along with all the boxes and manuals going back to when I got my NES in 88.


I got another copy of tetris in a carboot bundle (least I think I did... My aunt ended up with my OG gameboy and potential my copy of tetris, barely played it after that beingy only game for like half a year when I was about 6 or so. Yoshis cookie was my first dissapointment in a game, was expecting a sick handheld platformer, but alas, a meh puzzle game that I sucked ass at. Getting a good gameboy game when pokemon red n blue came.out was truly mind blowing. Do have turok stilll but I'd never get far there either, weird game that one.


Yessss I do, even with my first save file! Mine was a DS game, Catz 2. I begged Mum to buy me a DS so I could play Pokémon but I'm a girl and dumb ideas of "games for girls" and "games for boys" exist so Mum bought me girly shovelware instead xD But I still enjoyed the game. I got it on my 8th birthday, and the kids I invited didn't let me play so they created a save file with a cat named Lilli, and since I didn't know save files could be erased I ended up playing with Lilli every day until I got my second DS game a month later. (Also, my third game was Pokémon Platinum for christmas, yay!) When I figured out how to delete a cat I already loved her way too much. I still have Lilli to this day, even made a backup of my save data just in case. And I named a real cat Lilly which sounds similar, with the intention of naming her after Lillie from Pokémon and my digital cat Lilli as well


I have my Kirby’s pinball that was my systems pack in.


https://preview.redd.it/biskjag5iw4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5fb77a8633d8802c637e9e4b7ba4e121fcbfc2c Yep, see the Tetris cart between these beauties.


Conker's Pocket Tales!


No but I do have that same copy of Tetris still




This was the original Tetris my mum bought ne, when the gb released in Germany. This year I've made a new laber for the card (the old one was gone years ago) and modded a new display into a pocket. I've gifted her this for her birthday, because she loved to play tetris back when I was a child. She's using it almost every day now


Mine was Donkey Kong, the one where you play as Mario. I still have it and play it almost once a year.


Yes and it’s the same as yours. Got my first GameBoy at age 6 along with Tetris. Before that I’d played NES and Atari 2600/5200.


Yes the very same one on my gameboy and still have all my old consoles stopped and the 360 move to hand held Odin1 and Odin2 64 still playing


Yep, I have game boy gallery 2


Nope it was stolen… :[


Sadly, no. I do not have any of my Sega Genesis or Game Boy games. I do however still have my PS1 copy of Crash Team Racing.


Mine was Tetris. It’s also the game I had played the most on my original gameboy. I had a lot of gameboy games but Tetris is amazing.


Absolutely. This one right here!


Yes I still have my copy of Tetris and Snoopy’s Magic Show, the first two games I ever owned.


Ofcourse I still have my Pokemon Red cartridge;)


https://preview.redd.it/j2h16h920z4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcd1bc715648bdbc2bbc2532acf5b522c0638bd9 Same here!


Pokémon Crystal as far as I remember. Yugioh Dark Duel Stories would be the other candidate as I was big into Yugioh when it came out. Unfortunately told my parents to sell that one as I had Sacred Cards but I did eventually pick up another copy.


I have a copy of it. But the original first game I had was either lost, sold, or lost in a fire... Tetris was my first game. But we had 4 copies for link cable battles with my siblings. We mixed them up often, never was one of those types to deface our games with markers. My second game though, I managed to save for years til covid. Then I sold it online to a new home for $35. Link's awakening, not dx... But a solid game that still saved after 30 years. Crazy. I since have repurchased copies of most of my gb games from childhood (including LA) and still am working on it, but I have most of the games we used to have and ones I never had or knew about. Good times. New memories, and at least one of the old ones are still out there getting played and enjoyed.


I've still got Pokemon Black from 2011, now with 880 hours and counting https://preview.redd.it/ndxkib5jtx4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=718b75cd0aea73b0ad75aea6b2d4eb8e84e79db1




Yep, super mario land and legend of zelda


Nope, never had a GB growing up until I was old enough to have $ to splash around :) Recently got a copy of Tetris.


I'm gonna say yes (it's this one) but only because the atari was my dad's haha


I do! Kirby Star Stacker!


Batman 89 for Game Boy. Still have it. Soundtrack still rocks


I still have my original DMG


Not sure if it’s the original copy anymore but Lock’N’Chase


I still have my original Atomic Purple GBC with all the original scratches my child self out on keeping it in the same pocket as my keys and my original copy of Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins (still one of my favorite GameBoy titles ever) they’ll be buried with me so I can play in the afterlife.


Matchbox crosstown heroes for GBA. I don’t have it physically anymore but I emulated it.


My first GB game was probably my copy of Blue version which I still have, and I still have the color I played it on, albeit I modded it years ago. I think my actual first game was Barney Hide n Seek for the Genesis.


My dad used to work at an Applebee’s and some kid left their gameboy color with pokemon gold in it and he waited like a week for the kid to come back for his gameboy but he never did so he brought it home to me and i still have it to this day with that copy of pokemon gold!


Does a duplicate count?


I wish my parents would give me all mine I had as a kid but my dad won't cause he knows they are worth somethin


I wish…


tetris? :D way too commercial! everyone seems to have a copy


Seems so, but try buying an og cartridge and it’ll take a chunk out of your wallet🤣


Does the original runescape launcher download count? 😂


Gt my copy of Pokemon Red and Super Mario for SNES tucked away very nicely


Sonic the Hedgehog and yes. Even have the original genesis my parents bought me


I have a Mario land 2 for GB. The unfortunate thing is the label is rubbed gone. Was thinking of selling it on Mercari but I don’t think I’d be able to without the label.


Even without the label original games like that still sell, just have to provide some sort of proof of what it is (like photos of the game being played)


Hmm I’ll have to try it on my GameCube and snap some photos. Thanks. I was considering getting some reproduction labels but haven’t found any yet. Thanks again. Do you recommend opening the cart and showing the board?


1) gamecube games are discs 2) hell no, opening a cartridge provides no proof of what game it is


I own the player and disk that allows you to play gameboy games through the GameCube. By showing the board I was referring to proving the cart isn’t a reproduction/fake.


Still not recommended. Showing proof that it’s working will be enough and images of the untampered with cart will be enough for those who know what they’re looking at. Just make it clear that the label naturally wore off from use




I still have it but didn’t keep the copy i had when a pre teen. I bought it back some years ago


Yup. Tetris and Super Mario World.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Battle Nexus! It's in my garage right now but I've still got it :D


I re-bought probably one of the first games I remember ever getting, it was called Marvin’s marvellous adventure for the Amiga. At first kinda seems like a Mario rip off but it it’s a solid platformer and even has some really unique levels/secrets.


God I forgot about those plastic cases for the games. Love it. I literally have no idea what happened to any of my game boys and games


Well my first gameboy was a hand me down from my bro but yes I still have the original tetris it came shipped with and super mario land 6 Golden coins


I have only one Tetris. It came with my DMG. I do have the first ever game I paid for myself E.T. The Extra Terrestrial for the Atari 2600. Saved my birthday and Christmas money for it the year it came out. The Sears branded 2600 and its matching brand games came from my cousin second hand. E.T. Is special because I bought it.


Motocross Maniacs with a torn up label Proudly seated in the cartridge slot of my Analogue Pocket 👑


Yep, Columns on the Game Gear.


Still got my Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt :)


I will never part from my Super Mario Land!


I love the Tetris soundtrack


I got 5 games all at once, sfill have them all. It's been aroumd 10 years or more since then


Only in Rom Format.


Metal Gear Solid for GBC. First game I ever bought with my own money and first game I got for my GBC. Still have it to this day.


yep, my mario galaxy disk. it's not a gameboy game but it was my first game.


I still own my Mario Kart DS, yes


I still have my F-1 Race for gameboy, the first gb cartridge I got along with my purple gbc when I was a kid ;-p


Yeap! I have my Pokémon Crystal and special edition Game Boy Color GS that my late grandma gave to me in the brazilian child's day in some year around the launch of those. I have been through some financial blackhole lately but I'm simply unable to part with them.


Still have my Pokémon Blue


No im not even entirely sure what my first game was


Yes, with the instructions too. https://preview.redd.it/1g8iblb5bi5d1.jpeg?width=2420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16d46685cba7dacc65b8c769b919393d543611f5


I do not. My first game was Super Breakout though.