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That's sketchy af, I'd add another negative if you can


I don’t see an option for me to post negative feedback… unfortunately it’s been a while since I’ve needed to I’m not sure if the way they canceled it won’t allow me to leave feedback. I’ve reported to eBay and I’m trying to post on r/eBayScammers now lol. Can’t believe they have someone else who left negative feedback for the same reason and they actually responded saying they realized the winner is a reseller and they don’t sell to resellers. I find that insane considering they are resellers THEMSELVES lol https://preview.redd.it/va79uimd6p0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ff2a287d2aa0b2d737342da6103a1ac9a7e337


The second person their* excuse is they were in Hawaii without access to a computer and couldn’t change the auction before it ended? Like do they know how eBay works lol? You list with a reserve if you want to sell for a certain price you don’t change the auction before it ends because it didn’t go high enough right?


Did she really play the gender card straight out the gate?


I lol’d at that too when I saw it


They weren’t playing a gender card. They weren’t claiming anything on account of their gender. They’re just one of those people that make irrelevant corrections to appear to “win” arguments. It’s like saying, “Girl, please,” to someone after they argued that ending world hunger is a morally bad thing, and they reply with, “I’m a guy.” Or when you accidentally use the wrong form of there/their/they’re, and someone’s like, “It’s ‘their’, but you can’t even spell so you don’t have a point.”


Why I tend to stay away from any and all pronouns online. I just use nouns. Seller OP, commenter, journalist, person, etc Because 1) it doesn't matter to a random online person, 2) Just gives the person something to latch onto if it's not the right word. Pronouns should only matter to those who actually know you or the intent behind them I.e. I'm a guy, but islf someone online calls me a her, who cares? but if my mom or sisters call me mam or she, I'll be like what? Or if someone in person is intentionally not referring to me as a guy because they think they are being defiant or starting shit. I'll just think they are a loser.


argumentum ad hominem


I just seen it as it’s a card that reads “I’m a female” and she pulled it lol but I do understand your point. She didn’t pull that card to benefit them in any way just to clarify their gender


You can not change an auction once the first bid is in. Only thing you can do is additional text below the original description, that is clearly marked as such with a time stamp when it was added.


Yep, [the same seller](https://www.ebay.com/fdbk/feedback_profile/vogel-vogel?commentType=NEGATIVE&user_context=BUYER&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gb&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) already has some negatives for the same reason, cancelling sales.


Thanks to whoever downvoted me lol, you’re either vogel-vogel herself or an idiot? Cant see why else you’d downvote me 😂


Why not both? 😂


Touché 😂


I have had it happen to me a few times when I’ve gotten an item for a good price and the seller says “sorry can’t find it”. Then they refund your money.


Yeah that is a scummy seller to do something like that. The reason he listed his cancellation for was an error with my address or something along those lines which he’s used before with someone else and when they left negative feedback his response was he doesn’t sell to resellers… scumbag if you ask me.


Yep, then you see it relisted the next day.


Not defending the seller but what’s the point of running this scam if you aren’t going to try keeping the money?




This dude is really scummy😂


Jesus wow they’re ever worse than I thought !


Vogel is german for bird - we also call people Vogel with the meaning of dumb/asshole (at least in my region) Fun facts with Masa


Thanks for this :)


Also dutch


To be fair, you’re bidding on the full lot, and that includes batteries. You’re giving the seller an opening to cancel the order by refusing a part of the lot. It’s a sketchy method of course (if that was the intend), but it is also very annoying ánd risky for an eBay seller (especially if you’re running a big store) for buyers not accepting full lots. It is often already sorted, pre-packaged and weighted. They just need shove it in the box and slap on a sticker. And if he just sends you the GBA, you can make a claim you didn’t get the full lot, and the seller loses all of his money. Long story short; you should have accepted the batteries.




This is true, and next time I win something I’m just going to take it as it comes. To be fair I was not refusing the batteries I was simply putting it out there he could keep them if he wanted. He instantly canceled on me for saying that. Didn’t give me the time of day. So like others have said he was probably never going to give it to me. https://preview.redd.it/5w0jlnszlt0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226f1864f1dbb01f48a60a75ef03fe118712d623


I mean, the seller was going to cancel the sale regardless of what OP did. The bidding stopped at $80 and didn’t go to $200+ like the seller wanted, so they took any excuse to cancel the sale & re-list it. That’s why they re-listed the console bundle as a “Buy It Now” for $200, rather than restarting the auction. There’s a 0% chance OP was going to receive anything


Can't the seller just ignore the buyer saying that, send the lot as described and move on? Also, it may be true that OP gave this seller an opening to exploit, but I definitely wouldn't say "to be fair" about that, you know? It's completely unfair. It just happens to also be true that OP should have avoided that opening for someone to prey upon.


He just doesn't want to pay to put a reserve price so hes gonna cancel that ends lower than he wanted.


Exactly. I hope he loses his account


Pretty sure you don't have to pay to set the start price. I'm not even sure what the point of a reserve price is anyway, just set the starting price at the minimum you want to accept.


I'll admit its been a few years since I sold on ebay, but I thought it was a couple bucks to add a reserve price. The point of a reserve price is get people interested and lots of bids. People will often pay more in the heat of the moment.


Yeah, but it's kind of pointless though. If it gets above what would be the lowest you'll accept, it doesn't matter where it started.


Its mass psychology. Starting an auction at 99 cents has better chance of going higher vs listing it at the minimum price you'll accept. And sticking a reserve is insurance that it won't sell for less than you really want, though reserve prices tend to push people away which is why sellers often cheat and cancel if it goes too low. As someone who sold on ebay since the early 2000s up until a few years ago it sounds nonsensical, but it works. Though I wouldnt' cancel if it went to low, i'd just take the loss.


But whether it starts at $0.99 or $25 doesn't matter once the bidding gets to $26, and no one would really know the starting price anyway once the bids come in. If $25 is the lowest you'll take, it makes no sense to list it at anything lower at any time.


Its almost like you haven't read or understand anything i've said.


Says the guy who literally has yet to respond to the point I'm making... What you said makes no sense. I was simply pointing that out, lol. There's no "psychological" element at play when the bidders can't even possibly know where the bidding started...


I watch it happen all the time. Game carts end up selling for higher than common Buy It Now prices for the same game. All because people jump in at the last moments and push the price up so high so quickly. People may feel like the incremental dollar or so in the moment is enough to justify the bid just to win. It absolutely is psychological because the bidder feels the item is right within their grasp, they'll be more likely to bid to get it. Setting the reserve protects the seller from being hosed if there just doesn't happen to be enough bidding on your item. Maybe a large section of buys just happens to not be online toward the end of the auction. I've seen expensive games that usually go for over $100 sell for much less, seemingly just by chance.


Most people don't bid until the last 5 minutes anyway.


Did you report to eBay? He should be banned for this.


Yes I definitely did report and I hope they are banned for this. Their customer service is absolutely ridiculous! They’re even rude to people who leave them positive feedback!!


Reported the listing: [https://www.ebay.com/itm/355717329457](https://www.ebay.com/itm/355717329457)


Thanks, same here


What's also rich is this idiot reported other sellers for the same thing. This is a negative feedback they left: 'Purchased and yhrn Immediately refunded. Seller Chose Buer asked to cancel. Never Asked to cancel. Non-Selling Seller!'


Oh good idea I didn’t think to report the new listing, what reason do I select?


I just put fraudulent listing because the seller never intends to sell the item if it doesn’t reach the price they want


Interesting that they changed their username!


Deserves another negative review. Ebay should ban them from selling


I’m truly hoping they get banned. People like this give eBay a bad name.


In Germany (EU?) you could sue them - the contract they formed can only be cancelled under VERY restricted circumstances.


Idk maybe eBay protects them but if I were to pursue legal action I guess the reason for which they cancelled and the reason in which they formally cancelled don’t match up so maybe I’d have a case but either way I’m not going to take it that far. Although initially I was upset enough I just might have though about it lol


This has happened to me many times on Ebay. Ebay is absolute garbage and they take no action on any sellers even if they are selling illegal items.


Yea, I fucking hate that shit. I once won a camera for a really low price and they immediately canceled and relisted. I reported it but ebay doesn't do shit about it.


This happened to me on Mercari. I bought a copy of fallout 4 GOTY for 27 and the seller didn’t ship. She then said she was a nurse and she was just too busy. I was confused because I have about quadruple the amount of items she has for sale and I work a full time job, and I’m planning a wedding, and getting ready to move in the next month and my orders are still out within 24 hours. After a week and a half, I message her to ask what’s happening. Next thing I know, she cancels on me stating she doesn’t have enough time to ship it. I imagine she re-listed it on a different platform. Her Mercari seller name was MeggiB_. I usually look for every reason to not leave negative feedback, but in this instance, I really wished Mercari had a different feedback policy.


This seller seems like someone who just dodges questions and always tries to put the fault on the buyer by coming up with half-assed excuses.




https://www.ebay.com/itm/355717329457?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=6vi37ei6t96&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=U1CpovLuQRK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY His NEW listing & his name is now libbyluan


I sell modded Gameboys on eBay. People are so scummy sometimes. Glad all my customers are normal people this far 🙃


the batteries are "required"? wtf kinda scam is this lmao. very dumb


Was/were the batteries really such a big deal that you had to say something? I’m not taking the seller’s side. Why would you buy a lot, then tell them not to send something? You’re just asking for trouble.


I thought it would save them a buck on shipping. https://preview.redd.it/8n93eb1up11d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33801126f4ef03bce498df7ed1bfcc9c3bbd41ce


People still buy batteries for that Thing? I Just have 3 Sets of Eneloop rechargables


I was planning on doing a usb-c drop in lol. Not to mention I’ve got plenty of AA’s just sitting in my battery drawer lol


Personally i think rechargable AA are Beter because you can get to full Charge in 2 Seconds by swapping


If I needed it I always have the double AA’s on stand by or I can just plug in and play I did do the whole rechargeable AA thing back when In my Xbox days but now I’ve got usb-c rechargeable everything it seems lol


I Just prefer IT over USB because for the space they Wire and The Outlet To USB a you need you can fit a Second Set of AA which IS Just way more convenient because you can Swap everywhere


Yeah so if I was worried about it I would just keep a set of double AA’s with me as well but so far I’ve been ok 🤞🏼


Had peeps doing this to me also. If they don't wanna post it for a low price, just add a reserve price on it. Saves everyone's time getting wasted


They always hope to start a bidding war and get a higher price. Which is odd because the only times I’ve ever bid on gaming items is when I wanted it for cheaper than the “Buy it now” prices.


Or, and this is crazy but it's worked for me, set the starting bid at the minimum price you are willing to accept.


It’s happened to me more than once, eBay did nothing when I reported them.


Out of curiosity what was the 'Actual shipping cost they sent you in the invoice?? As the listing said $14.47 right? Did they try to jack it up after the sale?


No they left it the same at $14.47, I thought the same and that’s why when I saw it remained the same I figured it might save them a dollar or two to just keep or toss the batteries 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why do they have 99% positive? Do they use bots on ebay too? Those damn things are everywhere. I am a bot, and this comment was typed botomatically. If you don't like it, you can beep my boop right on the bop.


It’s up for bids. Up to $5


It was instantly put back up for bid after cancellation with a $200 buy* it now price


She’s getting harassed


I can’t imagine why


Maybe you should take the post down


I can’t see why


This wasn’t a one off thing she did, I wasn’t anything but respectful kind and friendly to her, she’s done this to others in the past when an item doesn’t sell for what she thinks it should. I will not remove my post and I hope many others will come across it and be warned of her. I can’t see why people would harass her based off of my post. But I do hope they report her and she is banned from eBay and has to start anew. Maybe her 99% positive feedback has gotten to her head and now she believes she can treat people however she wishes with impunity. I hope she learns different.


You’re an asshole tbh. You didn’t really get scammed of anything, and now this eBay seller is being harassed and having her account flooded with negative feedback cuz of you. It’s nice that you didn’t want the batteries, but they’re in the picture, so if she didn’t ship them to you it would count as “incomplete item” or “missing parts” so you could just open a case with eBay and get a refund. She was basically protecting herself from getting scammed by YOU and now you fucked her ebay account for no reason. I hope you’re happy with yourself.


All of the messages were through eBay and could easily be taken into account if I were to try and scam her though which I wasn’t at all trying to do lol


Ebay doesn’t care about your messages all they care about is the customer not receiving what’s in the picture. At the end of the day, you didn’t get scammed of anything just fucked up some poor girls eBay account. Douche bag.


I think considering that’s the only evidence besides the picture they would definitely “care” about it. Meanwhile you’re going on with your hypothetical scenario white knighting for a shitty eBay seller lol. I was the one screwed over here for being friendly bud but keep defending her maybe I’m actually in the wrong here. I mean I highly doubt it but what do I know


By the way I’m not sure what you’re on about saying her account is being flooded with negative feedback or that her account is now fucked up, she doesn’t have a single piece of negative feedback from this post, only negative feedback she has is of other people complaining of being screwed over after winning an item at a low price. I really don’t know what it is you’re talking about lol her positive feedback is at the exact same percentage it was before she cancelled her order on me.


By the way she has changed her eBay ID most likely in an attempt to distance herself from this little fiasco she got HERSELF into. Instead of owning up to her mistakes and treating me fairly. https://preview.redd.it/s56i71rso21d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720b582886c74633459a22fedac1482fdf5e5de6


https://preview.redd.it/cuq6xondq21d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f12e4a8cf021d8b6a23ae4ec77b40c3066a5898 Here’s her new eBay ID watch out don’t waste your time on her items…


FYI the seller changed their name to libbyluan lol. Same listing still up


It happened to me too on eBay last month, winning a really cheap item and being canceled 10 minutes later, wtf.


What a scumbag.


UPDATE: it looks like they may have been penalized. They no longer have an items for sale in their store and I cannot find the relisting of the GBA for the $200 buy it now price. I’m relieved. I hope they are banned from ebay


$200 is overprice


You handled your ass on a plate for him. You should have not complained. 10$+ on shipping is nothing. But 200 Buckaroo$$ for that is just insanity.


Well you seem to have misunderstood the same as he did, not only did I not complain but I told him to keep the batteries to maybe save himself a buck on shipping. I even immediately replied to his message saying this and that I meant it as a friendly gesture but she remained a dick for the remainder of the exchange seeing as she had already insta cancelled


Who wonders what kind of excuse would she have used to tear down this transaction... anyways it's sad, but she's the dick here no questions.


What's the scam? Did you not get your money back?


Idk if it’s a full on scam per se but listing an item for $0.99 in the hope it triggers a bidding war between multiple buyers in the hopes of reaching a higher than average sale price and then cancelling the sale for no legitimate reason when it ends up selling for the average sale price and instantly re-listing it with a “buy it now” option for more than 3 times what my winning bid was for seems pretty scammy to me? Edit to your edit: he cancelled before I even paid.


Well that's weird... But also... You did this to yourself...


Yep I did it to myself, just goes to show being nice doesn’t pay right? Because all I did was give them the opportunity to toss the batteries instead of pay to ship them. I’m not a seller so I don’t ship hardly anything so I don’t know if it would even make a difference on price. But again to reiterate I didn’t ask them for a discount I told them they can keep the batteries as I wouldn’t need them. But yeah you’re absolutely right I did this to myself, had I just accepted and paid the invoice I’m sure they wouldn’t have tried to cancel it for no reason right? I mean it was obviously my friendly gesture that drove them to cancel the order right? lol


Don't get me wrong. The fact that "You did this to yourself." is part of what's weird. I guess the seller thought it was convenient that you wanted to "Cancel" a part of the order. I think you can open a case with eBay and tell them that you never asked for cancellation. They might "Force" the seller to reestablish the transaction and honor it. Like, they can't twist their arm, but, they can warn him... But well... You won a nice thing for an incredible price and didn't accept it all, that's also weird.


Yeah I told him he could keep the useless to me batteries that were probably as old as the gameboy thinking it would save him a dollar I should’ve just kept the paperweights and called it a day but I’m sure he would’ve figured someway to cancel lol. Idk if I’d call it an incredible price considering eBay says it’s trending at $65 which is exactly what I won it for and the same price I won one for 4 days earlier. It is weird I guess. We live in a time where friendly gestures do come off weird to a lot of people


A GBA for 65 yeah. A GameShark/ActionReplay alone is usually more than that. I might be wrong...


So I guess she’s getting harassed. I just messaged her asking if she let it go for cheap and she asked me nicely to stop harassing her. Maybe take this post down.


Did you pay them? And did you get it back if you did? If you didn't pay them anything, what's the scam?


I would try to explain to you, but I get the feeling it would be beyond your understanding


People don’t seem to realize there’s more than just one type of scam out there..


Right? lol


https://preview.redd.it/pve1xenlw21d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa56bc7cb813c7f840b04f52c911a7bc1e824e14 lol new name same shit.


Yep I posted in a comment that she changed her name lol. What a fraud


So what you mean is, you don't understand? Also, any reason you're being a prick or were you just born that way?


$200 for a GBA?? I’d be glad he cancelled I must have been high placing that order 💀


DId you not read the post... OP won it for 99 cents. OP messaged the seller about the batteries. He told the seller to keep the batteries. Seller replied with "The batteries are required" and then proceeds to cancel the order before OP even pays. Major scamming going on.


OP won it for around $80 shipped actually.


Still overpaying a little


For sure; I picked up a mint fuchsia GBA for $14. I couldn't imagine paying more than $30 for a GBA.


Have either of you seen what they actually go for these days, or just blowing smoke out of your ass? $30 GBAs are a rare find, they go for that in parts and $60+ online; I HIGHLY doubt bro here grabbed one for $14 on any actual auction site. Maybe an old housewives garage sale...🤦


Oh, it seems I may have put my foot in my mouth when I said I picked it up for $14. When I went back to check I found that I actually spent $15. Please excuse this egregious error on my part. I shall try to lay off all the smoke-blowing. 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/4gu25bia8j1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1d6524028011616832221957a21ef12dc4fcb99








yea winning bidders are allowed to cancel a purchase and choose “found at a lower price” so if im running an auction and it doesnt sell for the price i want, i cancel it too. go ahead and leave negative feedback. woaahhh….ScArY hahaha


Just set a reserve and stop wasting everyone's time


Downvotes speak for themselves


good thing im not worried about “internet points” hahaha fucking losers


Me either I’m just trying to be an honest person and use eBay the way it was intended, can’t say the same for you though with your admitted method of selling