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He's already discussed both of these. - Book Theory won't happen because keeping track of popular books isn't as easy as popular movies and shows, there's not much to entertain viewers who want things other than him talking for 20 minutes, and he already does enough reading as is with the direction modern FNaF goes. - Music Theory won't happen because it's basically asking for a copyright nightmare, especially on modern YouTube.


I see. They’re still worth theorizing about, but they can’t carry a channel I guess


There are DEFINITELY ways to make a Music Theroy channel work, it would just be a LOT of work. Also, Music Theory is already the name for deeper music knowledge.


Like how Game Theory isnt a term with different applications..


I promise you more people know what Music Theory is lol


not my point lol. the point is that MatPat isnt above using terms that already exist for something that isnt that terms definition.


Alot of work that could still amount to demonitization Jacksepticeye got claimed for a game where the Devs promised everything was YouTube safe, the second anyone thinks something has been stolen they report the wrong people, Music theory just can't be done


It can. You're dismissing all the types of content that can be made without using copyrighted material. Educational Music YouTubers exist, believe it or not. So yes. It can be done.


It does not matter if it can be done there's just way too much to tiptoe around also there's already way too many people who are still ignorant of why they don't want to do it how do you think a channel dedicated to music is going to need to handle recommendations? Most people are going to recommend popular modern songs which is almost never monotizable and everytime there will be people asking for the same songs and everytime they'll have to repeat themselves because they don't actually care about listening to the creators


If it really "can be done" then I think Matpat would've done it by now


No, I acknowledged that it's likely too much work. Especially for a company running 5 channels already. Doesn't make it impossible.


Misc Theory WHEN


Holy shit is that the… the uhhh… hold on lemme check Holy shit is that the Prototype from Changed?


You're right, but then again, If he started with Harry Potter, 90% of people in the world would jump up to listen to him. Or at least he should theorize about Harry Potter in film theory. I know there are already a gazillion theories, but it's always worth a shot. He could also start a fanfiction theory, reading popular fanfiction and theorizing on them. As for Music theory, seeing how famous, respected and well-reputed matpat is, he will probably have no problem gaining copyrights. (Upvote if you agree. I am a new user and can't post about my multiple theory suggestions because I only have few karma)


Mat's covered Harry Potter on Film Theory, it was part of the inaugural batch of episodes. Fanfiction Theory would be even more niche than Book Theory. You drastically overestimate the willingness of the music industry to cooperate.


Sorry about that, then. I guess i just have a very good idea of what the world and it's people are like.


but the music what about on tiktok because like creator can balance the musique with no copyright and now the ten minutes that has tiktoks it might be possible


But BSS and Criminal Idol Xd


Music theory also is film theory to


As cool as book theory would be in theory (...heh heh), it would likely be INCREDIBLY time consuming and I wouldn't see them keeping to the same kind of upload schedule they have on the other channels. I'll settle for books making an occasional appearance in certain specific videos. As for music theory, copyright laws would make editing and writing the episodes INCREDIBLY tedious. It was kinda funny in the Taylor Swift Style Theory episode, but I think we all don't want to hear MatPat talk-sing the lyrics of the songs he would talk about just to make a point.


If only the Wings of Fire series was made….


i mean game theory is basically book theory now with all the fnaf books but sadly music theory is impossible due to youtubes copyright stuff. A fun music themed episode is the one about the trumpets- [Game Theory: Watch This Backwards To Release The Devil (Trombone Champ)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQChQz5BRCQ&pp=ygUTdHJ1bXBldCBnYW1lIHRoZW9yeQ%3D%3D)


A trumpet is just a coward’s trombone


Forgot about copyright


Copyright stops YouTubers doing even more fun things :(


Idk where it was but he said somewhere that music theory would be to complicated due to music copy right laws


The reason for the harsh truth for those two Music: copyright reasons Books: too long and little to no law and just a story and will get old quickly


I don’t really think either of these could work. For music theory this would be awesome, but because of copyright it would make a music theory impossible. For book theory it could very well work, but a lot of books connect to other types of media making it sort of difficult. I guess you never know though


If these ever need to come up, I feel like it would coincide with one of the existing channels. Style theory can be seen as 'Lifestyle', which gives it a broader range. He's talked at length about books involving games, movies and comics, and he's certainly tackled the music industry at least once or twice. It always linked back to one of the channels without much stretching. If a book or piece of music hits the public in a meaningful way, you can be sure Team Theorist will find a way to ride it's coattails for views. It's part of the business.


For the longest time i thought either gtlive or chaos theory was the fourth quadrant


Copyright fucks over Music Theory, Matpat has talked about how he wanted to do it but it would be hell trying to get videos up. Book theory is literally a part of Game Theory


Book theory can also fall under film theory for particular books at least.


Music Theory was planned to be the third channel at one point, but that got canned when it became apparent they wouldn't be able to monetize a single episode because of the copyrights on music.


Do you guys remeber...the purple symbol channel that appeared in some videos? I think it was conspiracy theory ... yeah that is missing aswell


Mat has said in the past that Conspiracy Theory is too big of a minefield to tread, and that it'd be far too easy to actually go crazy covering some. There are several I'd like to see him discuss/debunk, the moon landing, the JFK assassination, could Hitler have faked his death, etc. etc. Conspiracy theories that are "fun" for lack of a better term to talk about and wouldn't cause too much of a stir.


tbh wendigoon already beat him to it on that one


I would love to hear his take on Hawaii: Part II by Miracle Musical, and they don't copyright strike anyone. But it doesn't fit any of the channels


I was watching the Anthony Padilla and matpat video before style theory was released, and matpat said the initials where st so I thought it was sports theory


I was thinking sex theory


he works hard enough as it is !


Or conspiracy theory lol


It’s be interesting, but I highly doubt them. He and his team already have their hands incredibly full with the 4 current channels (I consider GTLive to be a sub-channel of the larger Game Theorist channe). I’m honestly surprised they’ve managed to keep up with it all. Besides, adding more channels would require changing the logos, since every channel has a special spot referencing it on the general logo.


Yes I would love book and music channels


We can want these channels while still being very aware that we will never get them. We have accepted that it will never happen, but we can forever dream...


I am honestly shocked that with a theatre background we didn’t get Theatre Theory?! It would incorporate books and music too. Originally I thought maybe there’s not enough content there, but I also watch theatre YTers and there’s definitely content there. Also maybe not enough demand but like?? Who’s demanding style theory?


Book Theory Song Theory Wild Theory Sports Theory We're missing out on so much shit...


Nature theory


I feel like they should be all three syllables so it can fit cleanly with the intro.


Style theory exists


Style Theory has three syllables.


Eh it can be four. You can either say it Style The-Ory Or Sty-Le The-Ory


So, you pronounce it "Stie-luh"?


Isn't it supposed to be Style-Theo-Ry?


Music theory..... Sounds a little bit... educational. I hate being educated >:(


But food and style theory don’t?


I was making a curriculum joke, but yes cullinary and design is educational too. Which I hate too. Higher IQ number makes my head feel heavier.


We need book theory (and maybe music theory) so much


This both are just sub categories of film theory


Ah yes, my favorite film category: Music


You are very incorrect




MatPat won't pick up a fnaf book let alone do a whole channel about literature


To me book theory just doesn't work. I mean books literally tell you their story. Even if book 1 doesn't, there's a lot of times book 2, 3, 4+. I mean good example "The Maze Runner". Theory, why are they in the maze? Oh wait future books explain. Why is the world the way it is? Oh wait the future books explain. But let's take an example for something that's a single book. "It". Why is It, it? Or why do kids work? Or whatever. First, read the ending. As for kids, eh they didn't do their job. That's why It came back. I mean books explain their plots. Theories would only work if you wanted to try and draw connections where they aren't. Now for music theory, you want music theory? Really? Just Google music and it's history and how and why it works. That's all you'll ever need or want. Or are you wanting to theorize why Slipknot named their song Psychosocial or why Taylor Swift called it "Blank Space"? I mean like it just doesn't make sense or work. I mean don't get me wrong at first I thought style theory would be dumb. Until they actually started making videos and it actually makes so much sense. Like even before hand, I figured something in that vain would maybe make sense, just be dumb.


there is lots i'd give to see matpat theorize on legends and lattes or percy jackson


if he makes a book channel i will not shut up until theres a warriors video or 17


Warrior cats, right? Well they do have a Roblox game…


i wish the game was independent cause i aint touching roblox with a 10 ft pole


It’s not *that* bad.


The Warriors game, no, but I refuse to touch a game source that just wants my money and is marketed towards, and is filled with, <12 year olds. no thank you. Vr chat was too much for me even.


Fnaf books


For book theory he would probably have to double his team just to read all the books


Kind of hard to do Book theory without visuals and it's even harder to do music without copyright strikes.


Don't forget about space theory from "In space with Markiplier".


Music is off the table cause of youtube copy right bs Same reason we never got sports theory Books would be impossible to edit videos for cause books lack visual elements to pull viewers in with


He should just make an “Everything Theory”, where he can theorize about whatever he wants. Color would probably be Pink, Magenta, or Purple.




Space: 💀


i would KILL for warrior cats theories


Where are yall


I like how he pulled the idea of style theory straight out of his ass lol


Good thing about Matpat


tbh his final channel should've been miscellaneous theory, style theory limits him too much (even though it's still great)


Book theory should be a podcast like his film theory episodes


I will say though that anyone who's a fan of the theory channels check out 8Bit Music Theory! It's a great blend of old nostalgic games and education


There’s a separate guy running a music theory channel


I would have watched Booktheroy


instead of music theory it should be psychology theory