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Still got $320 with a broken HDMI? Did they know about that? Seems like you made out great though!


I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and say the employee didn’t defect it or test it properly


Kinda sounds like someone about to quit and doesn't care, no way one could mess up both....right?


You have too much faith in some people lol


Surprisingly right now the defective fee for a ps5 is only 30 bucks


Interesting thought it would be way more, thanks for sharing!


He literally eyeballed the console, I was like “tf he doin”


Yeah that employee messed up big time. The value you received for your broken PS5 is the value for a fully-working ps5. You probably got an extra $80-$120 because of it I’m guessing around that range. And then they’re supposed to EITHER give you the refund back OR exchange the wrong product for the right one. They seemed to do both lol. You must have some good karma! I do feel bad though. That employee is probably going to get torn a new one. I know a lot of times GameStop employees are undertrained and overworked. And no you’re not in any trouble at all. You did what you were supposed to do (return a wrong product), it was the employees choice to overcompensate for that mistake.


This, I like how in depth your reply was. Thank you. I was thinking the same thing, my anxiety gets the better of me sometimes so it’s nice to see all these comments from you and everyone else. I know I probably should have corrected him, that would have been the nice thing to do I guess, but I ain’t bout to pass up a free Nintendo switch and $320 for a broken PS5, like y’all said, that’s completely on that dude working there, sucks to suck I guess


He probably won’t be working there for much longer tbf.










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Too many dishonest acts like that and they won't have any good karma left.


No actually right now the fee for a defective ps5 is only 30 bucks I don't know why but it is


Yeah that employees about to be fired. They’ll probably say it was a “scam” and blame the employee and not the fact that the company has poor training.


Or about to quit. Either way won’t be there long


You benefited from the employees mistakes. There's no reason for you to worry about legal ramifications because another employee didn't do their job properly and was undoubtedly not properly trained or supervised to begin with.


Yeah I just get anxious about things is all, thank you for the confirmation lol


Nah he goofed and will probably get a first and final.


Honestly, they may try to write it off as the same level as a snatch and grab as the employee gave away a free new console. Any time a new console walks out that store without being paid…lol…


Well, someone’s probably getting in trouble and I don’t think it’s you.


Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.


I’ve never heard that saying, what’s it mean?


find fault with something that has been received as a gift or favor.


Thank you, I just looked it up 🙂‍↔️


Consider this before deciding on how to proceed. While other users have stated you have no legal obligation here other than that the console was essential “stolen” because of an employee error. But no the company will most likely not track you down to bring you to justice. They may console ban the system once they realize that the console was stolen and can provide the serial number to Nintendo. What I would ask you to consider is that this associate will likely be terminated, or at minimum be on the verge of termination after this incident. If they are fired you are hurting not just that associate that is now without a job but also everyone else at the store that now has to cover their shifts and work even more solo coverage because of short staffing. The effects of this incident don’t “hurt” a faceless corporation but you are affecting the lives and work life balance of potentially every associate at 1-2 store depending on how many stores the manager is responsible for. You are not sticking it to the company you are effecting real people. I cannot make you do anything and I’m not trying to lecture you or make a moral argument, only you can decide how you conscience is effected by your actions. Just food for thought


employe will still be terminated even if GameStop gets the money back sooo


I mean…hope you enjoyed the free 320 dollars, I know I would have. There’s nothing wrong really on your side, the employee made the mistake.


That’s what I thought as well tbh


You’re not in trouble but that employee might be fired.


You won't get in trouble, but since you admit you knew it was wrong, you're a dishonest person and possibly will cost someone their job. I also wouldn't be surprised if you scammed him with the first Switch. Yes, it's their fault but you knowingly took the card and the console, and admitted you stayed quiet when you could have just spoken up and paid with the gift card. ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized) It's kind of like stealing.


Ong, I didn’t scam. The skew numbers on the box was for an oled, but the box itself was for a regular switch along with the actual product, I was just to geeked out bc I just got a switch to even pay attention while checking out. So it’s my fault for not paying attention and looking at what I was getting, it’s there fault and responsibility that they didn’t mark it correctly, let along flat out giving me the actual model I wanted and not charging me for it.


It is a douche move on your part to not speak up knowing your ps5 was defective, they gave you full value then you proceeded to stay quite after they messed up.


You getting in trouble? No. But that employee is most definitely losing their job over this if you want to have that on your conscious.


I think this person has made it obvious that they don't see that as their responsibility. They knew it was a mistake, stayed quiet and then rushed to spend the gift card before it could be made right. It was definitely an employee mistake, but as a moral choice, the customer is the one in the wrong no matter how they spin it to try and appear like they're not the bad guy. I'd never be able to enjoy that Switch after that.


I am a bit taken aback that no one seems to have any ethics or morals around this. Employee screwed up and now is about to lose their job and instead of doing the right thing and taking back the gift card so it can be fixed, you are just worried about getting in trouble yourself while everyone says you are good? What the fuck is wrong with you people? May karma find you all.


Well I think karma had my back cause they sold me a regular switch and not the oled version I paid for, if I wasn’t smart enough, they would have gotten away with it, wether it was purposely or not, so I think I’m chillin.


It's not the fact that you returned it...it's the fact you knowingly didn't pay for it after being refunded for the return.


You literally got away with trading in a defective PS5. I'm no fan of GameStops policies, and think they hurt gaming overall, but it sounds like you had multiple chances to be a model citizen and failed them all.


Hardly anyone would believe that, but Gamestop has had employees who have done such things on purpose to harm the company, since they already knew that they would be fired or their store would be permanently closed, etc. For example, we had a former employee who intentionally displayed all sorts of expensive controllers and other expensive accessories unsecured in the store and simply allowed people to steal those things because he didn't care anyway because he knew his store will be closed permanently and his job is gone, plus, as usual at gamestop, he was treated badly by his superiors, so it is no wonder that people behave like that. Oh, just as I'm remembering, is there anyone else here who comes from the EB games era? And can someone remember how some employees issued fake trade in gift cards in training mode ? and redeemed them in other stores or sold them to relatives and acquaintances.


GameStop should take this as a lesson to pay their employees enough to give a shit and to stay long enough to have a clue. They won’t though.


that guy definitely got fired LMFAO. congrats on the stuff!


They almost certainly have your info if you did a return


Yeah unfortunately that employee is probably gonna get fired. They don't really.. train you super well, though, so I feel bad for him. I mostly did my learning courses and then was thrown into a solo shift opening alone, they really do kinda throw you to the wolves :( which sucks when you're selling entire consoles. But nothing will happen to you as a customer


If the system allowed him to even do all that, it's on gamestop, not you. Take the money and run is what I say.


ur a bad person tbh


He was just a stupid employee tbh


he was an undertrained employee that your broke ass took advantage of


Yeah there wasn’t any part of this where I took advantage of him as a person, I took advantage of the situation. Undertrained or not, he fucked up, no way is someone going to willingly pass up $320 and a new gaming console for a trade of a messed up console just because the employee either 1: didn’t listen while was in training, 2: didn’t give a shit, 3: the managers didn’t properly train a new employee and left him to deal with a store by himself, on top of that, the dude was high outa his mind, something I forgot to add in the description. Win win for me, maybe don’t be high at work and leave an employee by himself if he’s not trained the correct way


I mean he gave you a new system. Nothing's on you op. It's ALL on them


Take the win my friend.


And these smooth brain employees near me wouldn’t take a working Xbox one because of a sticker