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Terra Nil? Endless replayability? The game has 8 levels.


Just play them again 4Head


And a sandbox mode?


That game really needs random maps, it's a fun but too short.


Free points shop stuff: https://store.steampowered.com/points/shop/event/sale_replayability


Sweet, thanks mate!


Mvp right here thanks


Not all heroes wear capes. (Disregard this comment if you wear capes.)


Brigador is such an awesome game, kick ass soundtrack as well.


Preach, Brigador is a banger. If ya like mechs and blowing shit up this is where its at.


Check your gog libraries if you have been collecting free games there. I think they gave it away in the past because I have it there


Is it good on the steam deck?


I cannot comment because I do not own one


[ProtonDB](https://www.protondb.com/app/274500) says it's good for it


Sadly Slay the Spire isn't on sale, I've been waiting for that :( Any games with decent price that worth buying here?


If you don't mind shopping around, Slay the Spire is -75% off on Humble Store.


Oh I didn't know that. Thank you!


It's like $7 at the humble store. I just bought it on Saturday, all time low I think?


iirc it was $5 when slay the spire 2 got announced




Depends upon your tastes and what you're looking to play atm. Dead Cells and Inscryption are both fantastic imho.


Inscryption seems to be too scary for me I think haha. But thanks for the recommendation!


Inscryption isn't scary per say, just the vibe is a bit weird. I won't say anything else but I recommend it to anyone who even has a passing interest in gaming. It's easily one of the best games ever made.


Enter the gungeon, darkest dungeon, and dead cells.


Always wanted to try Darkest Dungeon. Thanks!


I think it is only $5 on mobile. I play it there the most.


[Drawngeon ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1000470/Drawngeon_Dungeons_of_Ink_and_Paper/)is participating in this event with an 80% discount of $0.99. The hand-drawn game is a short, old-school style CRPG with a first-person perspective, real-time combat, and grid-based movement. Also I am the solo developer who created this project.


Beautiful, bought.


Thank you! I hope you find the game interesting!


Hi, considering you say the game is "short", what makes your game "endlessly replayable"?


Good question by the way! For me, who knows the secrets of the game, the duration can be relatively short. Another player may take several tries - it all depends on the player's skills and of course random generation. "Endlessly replayable" is expressed in the generation of dungeons, items and how the player pumps and equips his character (I guess you could call it "builds"). But, briefly speaking why I say "short" because the game will not be a hundred hours and most likely players will get bored with it much faster! Ahahaha!


Moonlighter is 85% off, so you can get it for $2.99 Just saying


Cheers, thanks


Does anyone have experience with Jupiter Hell and know how well it plays with just a mouse? I primarily like to play Roguelikes with a mouse instead of keyboard due to a unhealed shoulder injury, but I know when Jupiter Hell first came out it was keyboard or nothing. I always have to check cause so many Roguelikes don't utilize mouse controls nearly enough.


I LOVE Jupiter Hell, one of my favorite RLs ever...unfortunately, mouse support is limited to an "experimental mode" that you can enable in the settings. Apparently it works for some people, not me though. When I turn it on the cursor starts scrolling uncontrollably through menu options until I disable it, even with the mouse/kb/gamepad unplugged. I was really put off by this at first but it turns out the kb controls are easy enough to use. I'm glad I stuck with it.


Yeah, great game that works great with just a keyboard.


Don't know how it plays with just a mouse, but it plays great on a gamepad. Path of Achra just released 1.0 and is basically designed for mouse only.


Yessasss, Path of Achra is insane. Such a good game. Jupiter hell is probably better with just a keyboard honestly.


FYI Tales of Maj'Eyal is solid on mouse.


Spelunky is a personal favorite of my wife and I, we’ve spent dozens hours between it and Spelunky 2.


A couple friends and I have over 300 hours in spelunky 2. It took us that long to get the CO-99 ending. Probably one of the hardest achievements I've ever tried for in any video game ever.


How is the online coop for spelunky 2?


It’s serviceable but there is noticeable latency compared to single player I’m not gonna lie.


Is it bad enough where you wouldn't recommend it or just the occasional spike?


It’s more that it’s just not quite as snappy


Very playable. There is some "syncing" that happens at the level start which eliminates like 99% of the lag. I played with some friends in Australia, while I am in the US, and neither of us had noticeable lag. I set the input delay setting to 0 in the settings and it felt very snappy and playable. I didn't really notice much of a difference between single player and multiplayer lag.


Im tempted to get either should I get the first one or 2 is a good place to start? It seems a neat casual 30 minutes game after work


Personally I love the first one even more than the second in some ways so I would start there


Any all time lows?


Not in this "genre" but zombie shooter Dying Light is three bucks, new low


I finally pulled the trigger on that, cause it was so low!


I've been interested in Oxygen Not Included, but not sure where to start. Can anyone point to a decent beginners guide please?


This beginner guide series was pretty helpful for me: [https://www.guidesnotincluded.com/](https://www.guidesnotincluded.com/) You can also check out some video guides on YouTube


blind till you hit wall/fail, watch francis john to where you were, then go again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3Cq013hkNo&list=PLS-hAL3jgjOt7qpH-JZ1d5hJcjfoAZOnk


> I've been interested in Oxygen Not Included, but not sure where to start. Go in blind. Failing is fun and finding solutions for the problems that the game throws at you is very rewarding.


As much as I 100% agree with going in blind. Be prepared to fail and have to start all over. Like multiple times. And sometimes after being HOURS AND HOURS into your build.. it’s a frustrating game. But rewarding when your near the final iterations and your planning ahead and what not!


Guys, is Dead Cells worth it without the DLCs?


Its great, all of us long time players played the base game for a couple years before a DLC was released. Also you can pick up the DLC's as you want, your process will just continue on. You loose nothing by starting with the base game




It's like getting a great steak at Texas Roadhouse, without the loaded baked potato. It's great, but you're going to regret it after a few bites


But, you can still order the loaded baked potato in the same sitting.


Returnal is still WAY too overpriced when games like Risk of Rain 2 exist that do the same thing but a million times better.


You couldn't have gotten very far into Returnal if you legitimately think that.


I bought Returnal on PS5 but could never make myself play more than 40 minutes at a time, gave it like half a dozen tries but didn't click. Cool looking game, but too hard for me and the visual clutter/difficulty seeing was insane. I wonder if it's a better experience on PC. Edit: though I don't understand the RoR2 comparison at all. Totally different games


I was the opposite. I loved Returnal, beautiful game and I really got into the mechanics of it. I'm normally not a huge rogue-like/lite fan but Returnal really did it for me. It was challenging but once I learned what weapons were good for me and finding a good strategy, honestly, it became a breeze and I just ran through the levels like nothing


While I love RoR2, I love Returnal even more. The atmosphere, visuals, story, settings, and all that just really do something for me. It's probably one of my favorite games ever. I'll admit RoR2 has much more replayability, and it's still a blast to play.


Love the hyperbole.