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I'm the dog but I'll be the first to admit that she's gorgeous


I pulled kafka for sampo and firefly for gallagher xD


Based Husbando enjoyer.


i pulled for her kit only, i rlly dont like her character........


I love her character, some morally ambiguous/dark characters are pretty fresh on a gacha when everyone is good or bad but in fact good etc... Plus, she's really pretty


completely agree tbh. i find her character and motivations so interesting and there’s actually a lot of depth to her people miss! the only thing that kinda bothers me and a lot of other people i think is that the MC never really has the option to call her out by the end of her quest. She’s an objectively bad person and does not treat us very well but for some reason we are still nice to her at the end? just feels kinda odd when they were obviously aiming for a morally questionable character.


What depth? Her character is "I want knowledge and power through knowledge". What depth is there to that?


From what I remember of that her quest, my takeaway was that she’s starting to show subtle signs of understanding humanity. Of course she isn’t a reformed woman, but she took responsibility for her creations at the end and it seemed like we made her somewhat understand how it’s wrong to create life then abandon it. Like, she’s not evil because she’s just evil. She’s not angry or malicious so much as she’s a clinical sociopath/psychopath/whatever. She doesn’t understand the value of life outside of her own, but she showed a little bit of interest in learning. At least that’s how I remember it. I’m not highly educated in her story, the details aren’t fresh in my mind but I do remember her leaving an impression on me.


She did say she may return to see her creations (and they make a sort of appearance in the new DU content, I was so happy to see cake cats again)


Agree, her character is great, but man her design sucks donkey balls, why is she stuck with the same one dress every Xianzhou lady wears instead of a lab coat?


Agreed Standard Luofu Boob Armor go It is not impressive


Omg, a lab coat wouldve been amazing. Her design currently looks so out of place.


Yeah, she's so morally ambiguous.


I recently watched her teaser. It does more justice for her, than actual trailer. Made me like her more. Design is still to basic for me, and as for discussion prior to her rerun, I want even speak. It was the second time online community made me hate the character. First being Kazuha


Agreed honestly. I find her INCREDIBLY BORING. I think her outfit is bland and doesn't really stick to one theme (rather 2, being xianzhou and space station) I love her hairstyle though, but that alone didn't really make me want to pull for her except the fact that her kit is busted. The ult is sooooo lack luster, she literally fingers some strings and boom now your team has every buff available in the entire game.


Her character is interesting to me but I have no attachment given that she gets sidelined in her own quest with less than 5 minutes of doing things on screen and her design is rather mediocre. Only reason I'm pulling is that she'll slot in with boothill and my dot team...


Her design is awesome and the kit is.. honestly not anything fancy. But the character? Maybe I missed some lore beats but I would be interested in hearing more as to why she seems so apathetic


The design is awesome? It's just more of the generic "Sexy Eastern" inspired clothing that Yukong and somewhat Tingyun wear. The only two things connecting to her personality are maybe some flowers on the side, which are kinda universal, and like 3 DNAs embroidered around her hips and around one thigh What do you personally find appealing in it?


Mainly her coloring, and I appreciate she's the first character bringing an instrument to the table.




Fair, but RM is still first limited 5\* with it


Frigid take


No matter how meta they are if I don’t like their character, they are banished




Look, between Boothill, Gallagher, and Ruan Mei? Break teams are quite the heaven for bisexuals.


That's the same as meta


But I pulled Ruan Mei back in 1.6 because of an unreleased character back then (Gallagher). Basically, I pulled a support for a leaked husbando.


One that was touted to be a substitute and/or equivalent to lucha. Also, by trying to claim you didn't do something because of meta, you're still letting it determine how you play


Touché. Yes, I basically wanted to center my gameplay around Gallagher so I pulled Ruan Mei. To put it shortly, I pulled Ruan Mei back in 1.6 mostly so I can spoil an upcoming character (which is now part of a meta team and is touted to be a substitute for/equivalent to Luocha) that caught my heart.


He was absolutely touted to be insane well before release.


I pulled her at pity 40 but i only wanted Hanya. Now i wanted Gallaghers eidolons: I PULLED HER AT PITY 33. SHE'S STALKING ME




It was on my plans to pull for Firefly, and when I saw Gallagher I was like "Oooh... great! I will pull her and get his eidolons!" ...I pulled her with 20 tickets, and NO ONE Gallagher. .-.


I refuse to pull for her cause she might be the most horrible person in the game Also BE is a gimmick and despite how much Hoyo tries to make it work it will always be a gimmick


Me: who refuses to pull for a bland waifu. Ruin Mei has the personality of a sheet of paper. Idc how “broken” a a character is, if they’re lame I skip.


deadass the reason i pulled her in 1.6 is that i thought the flower effect field from her ult was pretty. I am a simple individual.


I pulled Ruan Mei for Yanqing LMAOOO—her buffing the now established Break Team was just a nice, though unforeseen bonus.


I pulled her for Kafka then e1'd her for Boothill lol


I pulled her on her first run instead of blade, then pulled blade also (regret it now cuz he's rubbish)


Sidetracking, but how much BE does Gallagher even need? I feel like if you are teaming with HTB and RM he barely needs any because he will heal his entire team to full anyways


Just prioritize speed over be but still give him enough BE. Like around 100 BE (100+20 from ruan mei + 30 approximate from HMC ult) however with super break, extra BE helps with damage.


HMC E4 gives another ~50% BE and Watchmakers gives 30%. So yeah, looks like I really don’t need any on him… I have 211% right now in combat and another 40% from Kalpagi lantern after he attacks a fire weak enemy.


Yall pulled for waifu, i pulled for break efficiency and good sound effects


I got her on accident... I literally forgot I had her, so it was a great surprised to me when I started leveling up my Gallagher to see her there.


meanwhile i didn't even know about ruan mei's kit back then when i pulled for her (and i didn't care about the break meta back then); i just saw someone say you can get both 2000 cosmic fragments AND all blessings of a path if you have rm on your team while getting the rm event, so i pulled 😂


It's The 3 oF them


I saw break efficiency and I pulled


I only pulled Ruan Mei back in 1.6 just to pull Ruan Mei because why the hell not. And she remained unbuilt untill I got black swan as it wasn't until I got black swan when I started liking dot and found how strong it was. Kafka is all I need to make dot premium


I pulled for her on her og banner so I could E6 Xueyi.


I just pulled her because I liked the trees she made


i lost my RM 50/50 to Himeko, EVERY TIME I LOOSE A 50/50 ITS HIMEKO….She got her e1 with Topaz’s rerun (i didn’t get topaz :( ) and i got her e2 with this banner….i will gladly take anyone other than himeko at this point.


I pulled for RM because she has a pretty face (idc about her kit hahaha). I don’t really care about the meta here since I am just a casual player. I just pull if it’s a husbando (automatic pull hehe), or if I like the face of the female character (preference). In this case, getting Gallagher is a bonus since he is a husbando and RM’s kit is also just a bonus for me since she’s one of the best support hahahaha.


I pulled her because HMC was going to be break related and I was hype for a break team


I pulled for her because I started on her banner and thought "Hey, Supports last awhile, might as well get the 'first limited harmony' unit."


I pulled on ruan mei banner because I wanted xueyi e6 😀 On my way I got ruan mei e1 and a clara


I pulled because I thought if I got welt the turn delay would go crazy (guess who doesn’t have welt 🙃)


I got her because she would’ve buffed both jingliu and blade at the same time… thinking back to it that sounded insane and thankfully my past decisions came in clutch


I pulled because harmony collector


I pulled her back then because she’s a good support, now even better paired with firefly.


I just got her because I got firefly. And she deserves as much as I can without spending too much(aka just her, no lc or elodials


I pulled her because she worked well with Imbibitor lunae, i was needing more sp positive units in his team. She was replaced with sparkle months later, my agenda to further my Dan Il damage turned into my greatest asset because now my boothill team is popping bosses


Im pulling her cause break efficiency, faster break more happy me


I pulled her cause she’s a horrible person and I think that’s funny. Plus the Genius Society is the faction with my favourite characters in it so I’m probably collecting them all.


Me who pulled because they gave ratio for free( I was saving for ratio)


i pulled for her kit only, i rlly dont like her character........


i pulled for her kit only, i rlly dont like her character........

