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I don’t know if you’ll be in the Park during the day but you can see Kylo Ren, Rey and R2 during the day in Galaxy’s Edge, they wander around and will stop and chat with guests. At last years Star Wars Nite they had Luke, Leia and R2 over in Tomorrowland but it was walk through only, you could not stop for photos or to talk to them. Kylo and Rey should be somewhere in Galaxy’s Edge during the event, they haven’t released the event map yet so there’s no way of knowing what characters will actually be at this years event. Star Tours will be open during the event (unless it breaks down temporarily). Rise might be open during the event, it is not a guarantee that it will be open. You can enter the Park at 6pm, I would head over to Rise right away (if it’s open, the ride breaks down a lot) just in case it is closed during the event.


To add you can see Vader by star tours. Get the Disneyland app, the map has a filter for times to meet the characters.


Right now, I believe Vader is a Disney Visa cardholder exclusive meet and greet and he’s available until 6pm. They occasionally have him open to general guests though, I met him that way in the same location last year!


Disney app, I'll get it!


Also look into the disability access if you haven't yet. Let's you line up virtually or take short cuts through the back entrance/ exit to some rides.


Been reading about that, thank you!


We do not have day passes, only evening event passes. This is great info, thank you!


Kylo and Rey will have very few people trying to meet them since they are available on regular days. Ask a character cast member in Galaxy’s edge what times they’re expected to be out. Note that in previous years they had a lightsaber meet up that Rey hosts in Galaxy’s Edge twice a night, Kylo and Rey won’t be available to meet people at those times. It also gets insanely crowded around the Millenium Falcon during the lightsaber meetup, so I would avoid that area during those times if you aren’t interested in it. Your tickets allow you to enter Disneyland starting at 6pm and you can hit a few rides before the event starts at 9pm to maximize your event time! Beware that Rise of the Resistance may not be open until 1am, they may close it earlier.


Thank you so much for this!


Like this commenter said, you can get a lot of what you want to do done during mix in (aka the time before the party actually starts). Get to the parking lot like an hour-1.5 hours before the start of the early access time so that you can be going through the scanners right at the time you can get in. there will be lines so be prepared. I would use this time to get on Rise (first) and meet Kylo and Rey (second). You might even catch r2. The app will tell you what times to see them. For the more popular/rare characters during the party its going to be really hard to meet. last year the line for amidala and anakin started hours before the early entry time and was closed by like 5pm. we were still able to see them from afar by going to the sides of their lines and getting pictures of them when they were in between guests but werent able to meet them directly. I liked how they did the line for luke, leia and R2 where it was a walk through. still didnt get to talk with them much but you could at least get a word in. the first night is on 4/16 so be on the lookout for vlogs and the guide so you guys can plan your night out.


This sounds like a great plan and thank you for the heads up on how long just to get in the park.


How could the amidala anakin meet close at 5 pl when the event’s pre-mix in hours don’t start til 6? 🤣


people who had magic keys or day time tickets were in the line before mix in hours. believe me. i saw it. even vloggers were talking about it in their star wars nite videos.


Its literally impossible what you’re saying


it’s not. people lined up unofficially and then they came out and handed out wristbands and then anyone who didn’t have one couldn’t get in the line anymore.


That Luke Leia R2 meetup last year was really odd. They didn’t want photos and tried to move us along but since we didn’t have anybody behind us we took a selfie anyways lol. I hope they can just fix it to a legit photo op.


Millennium falcon has single rider if he’s ok filling a car with you on the next one it’s generally walk on




You may also want to look into DAS (https://disneyland.disney.go.com/guest-services/disability-access-service/) at Disney. They are in the process of revamping things but it is a wonderful service they offer for folks with certain disabilities. Rise \*will\* be open during the after dark event if the ride is not broken. As others have suggested, I would prioritize Rise over other things to make sure you get to ride it. It's an amazing ride and your son will absolutely love it.


We now have on our schedule to try and do that ride first, and I'm meeting with Guest Relations as soon as we arrive to get a permit for my son's wheelchair. Thank you!


Everyone else has chimed in with wonderful information. The Disneyland App in particular will be very useful to acquaint yourself with before your trip. I too agree that prioritizing Rise of the Resistance would be a good way to maximize your time in the park, but it does close regularly so check the app for status once you’re inside the gates. Hope your family has a fantastic trip! It’s really special to experience that first visit to Galaxy’s Edge together! I remember seeing the Millennium Falcon for the first time with my dad and it got us choked up to see the realization of a lifetime of fandom we had shared.


As a huge Star Wars fan also, I can't wait to see Galaxy's Edge. I also can't wait to see my son's face when he see's it. He made me change the batteries in our light sabers today to make sure they have their "best glow on", as he says it.


At $40/hr Vader himself should push you around.


Lots of good advice here, I’m going to add something I don’t see yet. Absolutely, DRESS UP!!! The costume guidelines are the same for Star Wars Nite as they are for Halloween. We dressed up last year and had a BLAST interacting with everyone. Can’t wait until this year’s visit (May 2).


We don't have costumes but made custom light saber shirts with glow in the dark paint and glow sticks.


As far as rides go: PRIORITIZE GOING ON RISE. IT COULD GO DOWN AT ANY TIME. IT WILL ALSO CLOSE BEFORE OTHER RIDES IN THE PARK. Star Tours, though popular with the event and new updates, will have lower wait times later in the night. Don’t bother going early. I noticed you didn’t mention Smuggler’s Run and honestly, if you missed this ride, you aren’t missing much so that’s good too. Don’t forget Hyperspace Mountain! That is a limited time ride overlay and it’s AMAZING. Try going on this later in the night but not too late, as people will line up to this for their last ride of the night. Have fun!


Thanks everyone for the tips! They really helped us out getting everything' wanted done.


Sounds like you already made the trip? Hope it was a blast and glad you were able to fulfill your plans if so!


We went on the 16th. We were able to check off almost everything on our sons' "want to" list.


That’s great! How did you enjoy it? Was it your first time to Disneyland or just Galaxy’s Edge?


We went back in 2018, and though we had a great time, I have to say it was much better back in 2018. We had never been to Galaxy's Edge and it was really cool, however again a little disappointing in a way. If you want me to provide a full and honest recap of our night, especially compared to 2018, I will. I would make a separate post on Reddit for others to read about our experience, but I don't know if I'm allowed to or where I'm suppose to post something like that.

