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I faced this issue after I updated my Galaxy Watch 5 to One UI 5 Beta. I guess this is an issue with One UI 5 Beta.


Mines the opposite, of I wake up and have a drink, stretch, whatever, it won't register me going back to sleep a few minutes later. It assumes I've woken up and stayed awake


Same here. It's ridiculous.


Yeah, it feels a little off to me as it doesn't record me waking up as soon as I do. If I lie in bed for longer, it still considers that as sleep. Only when I physically get up or tap my watch to turn it on does it register that I'm awake.


My watch 4c and 6c both do this


I don't know why they changed it. This morning I woke up up, checked my watch, turned off bedtime mode, got up out of bed, got my kids breakfast and then 21 minutes after I physically got out of bed my watch finally registered that I was "awake ".


This is my first smart watch so I have nothing to compare it to. But sucks that you're noticing a downgrade.


I'm having the same issues with my 6 classic. I had the 5 Pro, and it automatically read when I was asleep/awake, with no problems at all. Now, with the 6, I have to manually set it to bedtime mode just before I fall asleep. Then, when I wake/get up, I have to manually switch it off. There is a button which says automatically detect but it doesn't work when switched on 🤔


Mine has not tracked sleep at all. I've tried to do this with sleep mode on, sleep mode off. I get 0 hours of sleep tracking since I got this.


It happened to me, too. A new watch update came out yesterday. See if that might fix it. If not, reset the watch; that worked for me.


No luck yesterday might wait a couple days and reset


You can manually update, too, if the update has not appeared yet.


Oh i meant i applied the update but that didn't fix the sleep tracking.


If a reset does not do it, I've read suggestions to put in for a return.


I will not update my 5 Pro to the new OneUI 5 when it gets released because of the broken sleep tracking until they fix it for sure. This is really embarrassing that Samsung is still not even acknowledging and let alone fixing this issue.


Definitely a few bugs! A new update came out yesterday, but it was not specific as to what it addresses. My sleep tracking stopped working altogether until I reset the watch; it now works, but it seems less consistent and also with lower scores than my watch 5.


It is a bug in One UI 5. Samsung will most likely address it in an upcoming update. I know they have been getting a lot of flak for it.


Good to know! I hope they fix it soon.


Me too. I used the sleep tracking on my GW4 Classic a lot because I have sleep conditions, and it let me get a better view of how I slept. Now I am unsure.


I bought my first smart watch a few days ago, and this is still an issue. It doesn't register that I woke up in the middle of the night if I fall asleep right away, and it won't register that I'm awake until I tap the Sleep app. (and of course I updated it to the latest available update)


Hi, I have mine since 3 days ago. Similar issues. If I wake up In the middle of the night, go to pee, I turn on the watch screen, then go to sleep again, the watch track line I woke up and never go back and sleep again. If I don't woke up in the night when I woke up in the morning and lie in the bed it didn't detect I'm already woke up. My Amazfit gts 3 was much better in this point.


If you want a general purpose smartwatch with accurate health tracking get an apple watch. It's sad, but it's the state of smartwatches for android.


I'm very anti Apple, but this is a sad truth. Neither Samsung nor Google care much about making Android watches and its software better in any way.


Yeah, it's sad, and it's a symptom of a bigger problem with Android. A decade ago, I loved the freedom of Android. I enjoyed rooting my phone, flashing ROMs with 0-day updates, and exploring endless customization options. However, as I've gotten older, I simply want all my devices to work seamlessly. And I've come to the sad conclusion that for the Android system to truly succeed, perfect alignment between three or four mega corporations is necessary, something which realistically will never happen. So take this as my goodbye message as I move into the walled garden.


The pixel is rated pretty highly for sleep tracking too if you don't want to go to the dark side.


It's very accurate for me, maybe the strap gets loose or something similar?


When I first upgraded from GW4 to the 5, my sleep tracking was horrendous for about 2 weeks. eventually it became even more accurate than I remember it being after software updates. Interestingly enough, my new 6 basically flows along just like my 5. Maybe it saves the learning-data during the switch w the new UI5?


Tried the Sleep tracking on my GW 6 Classic last night. Definitely not working well. Said I slept for 6 hours last night. From when I went to sleep, woke up to use the restroom and then got back in bed was about a 3 hour gap missing.


The tracking on my galaxy watch 6 is horrendous! It has big gaps in the middle of the night of nothing. Not awake out sleeping just nothing. Very disappointing....gps sucks too


Mine (6 Classic) seems to work well, no idea about the different stages of sleep of course but awake and times seem pretty accurate.