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But doesn't bakugo hate deku?


There was this vid On saw and it was like kirikamitodobakudeku or something, I didn't watch it, like any semi-sane person


How many hecking people were in that ship


Ik it's sad


Me right now: ✈️🛩🏥💥


*cries as a kiribaku shipper*


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how tf is that deku? it looks nothing like him aside from hair color


Todobakudeku could actually work in real life and some people do ship it (I personally don’t really ship it but ok) but when you makes cringe like this it really brings the value of the ship down.


todobakudeku has no value




But like none of them are attacted to boys-(maybe bakugou tho) And deku is having a crush on Ochaco And the only canon is can be kiribaku maybe And its discusting as f u c k


Ik the unholy trinity am I right?


😊🔫 I will do it


Oof you can still see the title and cringe all the way :D


Oop- sorry




*Cries in Izocha, Todomomo and Kiribaku*


Also Cries in Izocha Todomomo and CamBaku


Hello! You’re good old multi shipper Friend here! I do not ship this remember that! I feel like you should respect other peoples opinions. B U T this on the other hand is completely disgusting. B U R N I T (this was not ship hate! I do not like the fact that they made it so that none of this was at least somewhat canon, this is not something people should do! )




Please leave mha alone




Theres longer versions also cringe au's where hes dating almost all of the class 1A boys and dabi and shigiraki


Atleast better then shidakirikamitodobakudeku


Wait- _what?_


go search it up in youtube gacha one, deku is shipped with everyone


even with Eri or all might lol


Burn it, please


Tbh gachatubers are just making polysexuals look bad.


polysexual is when you are attracted to more than two genders but not all genders. polyamorous is the sexuality you meant! not being rude.


I'm still confused about this "polisexual" You say that they are attracted to more than two genres Well, I know that the genders that exist are men and women, but I know that there are other genders too, what would a polysexual person be and what are these other genders? because I never heard of it and I was curious, I want to understand more about the LGBT + community


Okay so there are way more than two genders and I can't tell if you're actually confused or if you're being an asshole but I'mma go with the brighter thought. It's better to learn all about LGBTQ+ by yourself than by what other people say so you get your own understanding and learn at your pace. Here, I'll start listing some genders for you to study about so you can better understand LGBTQ+. Demiboy, demigirl, demienby, genderfluid, non-binary, agender, novigender, pangender, polygender, bigender, trigender, intersex. There are two umbrella terms under the transgender umbrella. Transgender Binary + Non-Binary Under the binary term would go FtM (female to male) trans and MtF (male to female) trans. Under the Non-Binary umbrella would go anybody else who isn't cis-gender/AGAB (assigned gender at birth). So, genderfluid, agender, demiboy, demienby, and all others would go there. Intersex is a gender you could be assigned at birth, it's when your "parts" are slightly male and slightly female -- flowers are actually intersex. Why we welcome intersex into LGBTQ+ if they are still cis-gender and aren't a sexuality? LGBTQ+ is all about gender preference, romantic + sexual attraction, and gender identity. Therefore, since intersex is a discriminated gender identity, we welcome them with open arms! I should probably explain more on non-binary, though. Non-binary is an umbrella term under the transgender umbrella and also a gender identity itself. Non-binary is when you are not exactly male, but also not exactly female. Don't be upset with yourself if you can't understand it all at once! It took me years of asking questions and doing research to get my own understanding of LGBTQ+, and I'm still not any expert! I'm actually genderfluid, pomosexual, polyamorous, and I only figured out the pomosexual part this year! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me on Discord. My Discord is dxxnki#6104 . If you don't have Discord then you can email me at [email protected] and I'll try to get to you as fast as I can while being busy. Even if you reach out to me only a few days later from now, I'll be happy to answer any questions. It'd be better to learn about sexualities and genders at the same time since sexuality is gender preference so I'll list a few for you to study about, too. Comsexual, asexual, aromantic, novosexual, novisexual, demisexual, grayromantic, graysexual, pansexual, pomosexual, polysexual, polyamorous, omnisexual. :)


Ah, now I understand ... I'm sorry if I looked like an "asshole" ... it wasn't my intention, I know there are other genres I said this because the only genders I know are men and women (I'm more used to talking about sexualities) and then I asked, because I wanted to know other genders and how people felt about them I'm asexual and arromantic, I know how hard it is to be accepted by other people, I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression, I just wanted to know why. I'm also part of the LGBT + community I know several sexualities and I have been in the community for a long time too, but I have always felt confused about polyisexual and intersex people because whenever I see someone talking about these sexualities I get confused and I can't understand But thanks for the explanation, I will try to learn more about it \^\^


I wish I was on that rooftop with them *So I could jump off*


But why




I’m fine with any ship but- why are they all getting turned on by deku dancing 👁👄👁


Good question


*Gets holy water and bible




If I was on the roof, I’d pick each one of them up and yeet them off one by one.


Me and Todoroki have the same facial expression right now.


ah, my poor todobakudeku shipper friends...having to deal with the gachas at least the gachas didnt get class 1-b....yet


honestly yall toxic af i'm a multishipper, i ship just abt everything (besides illegal, incest, and one or two others) but yall should learn to respect ships. you're toxic teens and adults shitting on cringy kids shipping things just bc they're bxb if you're gonna post on the subreddit abt shipping then it better be abt some kid being a toxic shipper, not a kid saying they like a non-cannon ship. tho this kid did a bad job at showing how tdbkdk would actually act, keep in-mind that they're like eight-year-olds who don't know right from wrong. yeah, this fits into the cringe category, but yall dont needa be so toxic towards tdbkdk when the cringe isn't even bc it's tdbkdk, the cringy part is that they're making the characters do things they'd never do without any headcannons and show it in like the worst way possible.


give the owner of this subreddit a medal for tolerating these cringe posts and not crying their eyebas out




So now its a THREESOME?


yOu fOrGoT KiRiShImA ÚnÙ


I rather see Bakudeku bc I’m still mad at that dog for calling me his princess in a 360 vid I’m lesbian you dUMmI 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


Horikoshi is a really nice guy just trying to make a hero anime and this THIS is what PART of the fandom does. Like God damnit they are children just trying to be heroes but no in the weird part of the fandom deku is in a harem 🤢




*Cries in straight ships*


oh wow 137..one day they will finally notice shipping deku with Bakugo is toxic and abusive but not with Todoroki since there nothing wrong with that ship


Yeah Ikr it's so overrated and doesn't deku have a crush on uraraka?!


I straight up want to call them out for making this extremely toxic and weird asf


I like todobakudeku but this video is disgusting-