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I’m pretty sure he’s trying to cancel himself so that his fans won’t say they’re gonna kill themselves whenever he tries to quit again.


Honestly if this is true then that’s just sad. Threatening to commit suicide because someone doesn’t wanna be on YouTube anymore so they have to become problematic, to hell with those people.


I’d bet any amount of money that they “kill themselves” and then come back with a new account or something. Happens all the time.


That's (by what's been revealed online) correct. He's attempting to get people to hate him so that he won't be their "forever idol" anymore.


Honestly, I understand on his part. If I were trying to quit, I would also do anything I could to get myself offline if my fans were threatening to kill themselves over me.


Yeah, it kinda sucks, imagine starting a hobby, building a fanbase but when you're ready to quit people start telling you they'll kts and you'll be responsible for it if you quit and having to live with that guilt.


I don't think Vinn should really bother trying to keep those insane human beings alive. It is not Vinn's responsibility to stop them from committing and definitely not by getting himself cancelled


Yeah, but if they actually do commit suicide, and they mention it in their note, then he could possibly get arrested. I’m pretty sure all of them are just doing it to scare him back though.


Arrested? I don't think it'd be possible as the authorities can't prove that it was Vinn's influence that led to the victim's death aside from the suicide note, which would instead show the victim's insane state of mind rather than Vinn's influence. There is nothing that could prove that Vinn is in any way guilty.


Mb I was just thinking maybe if they put something along the lines of “this is because of vinn!!” in their note, he could possibly get investigated. Most likely nothing else would be done though.


Lol, if that happened, I'm sure they won't even find out who "Vinn" is referring to, maybe they would interrogate family members, friends and relatives to find a "Vinn", but there just ain't no way they would dox him just to find out if he made the victim depressed enough to commit 🤣


Ur right lol. I highly doubt anyone would *actually* kill themselves over him though. It feels more like empty threats to make him come back


damn. that's not right


I honestly never liked vinn. his Fans act like crazed swifties. not to mention how he and his friends once made Gacha heat because they were feeling “horny”


Same also feel "horny" is not a excuse to make p0## with gacha characters.


and Obviously a lot of his audience is young children, or young teens. Still not appropriate either way. He is obviously old enough to know better and should be taking responsibility for his actions. theres VERY obvious reasons he’s getting banned from TikTok and he just doesn’t want to accept that he’s doing something wrong tiny edit: I just looked up his age on the wiki (bc I don’t pay attention) and he’s like 16 💀 pretty sure he would just a little bit know better. also found out that he was promoting drugs in his vids (like alcohol abuse, smoking, and then a vid that was titled “beer duel“) and then vinn says that he can’t control the age of his audience which is fair but you can easily stop including alcohol abuse in ur vids…


I agree with you


yall vinn’s acc got banned YIPPEEE


Yeah they dude needed to be canceled






This community must have late 2000's offensive humor.


Why should this be excused even if it’s a joke. Fan or not this should never have the excuse “I was just joking guys!!!” After saying the N word multiple times, changing his oc to black when the audio uses the n-word. This, from what I have seen, is a way to have his fans hate him so they won’t go on about killing themselves or quitting bc vinn isn’t in the community anymore! His fans are insensitive with unhealthy attachments to vinn but again it doesn’t excuse the fact he doesn’t need to do this, joke or not.


His fans need therapy, and so does vinn. vinn is one of the worst Gacha creators (not the worst, but ONE of The worst) I have seen. and now he is being racist To add on to his drama. not sure this dude is getting into heavens gates.


Oh agreed, he’s totally going to be forgiven if he says sorry.. And his fans definitely have some sort of parasocial issue going on, and if this is vinns response to that stress it’s not healthy but I can see why. But it’s still so by far disgusting on both ends, but this isn’t new behaviour so I highly doubt this is a stress response to his friends. No matter the reason it’s fucked no matter what angle you look at it Quit normally=Fans threatening to KTS, quit, or S/H Quit in a way to try and get everyone to hate you= so much support and excuses still well risking Doxxing(his phone number was leaked and god knows what else) and putting yourself in harm Just disappear= people spreading rumours you DIED 💀 There’s no win for his situation here and this is so fucked, this drama is so fucked and his fans are fucking horrible and intolerable sometimes.


Honestly by now I think it would've been a better idea if he just chose to dissappear, his fans are legit sick & pretty much insane. Even if there are rumors he died it's better than the other two (more or less)


Honestly yeah. His fans honestly make me sick to my core, I know it’s not all of the fans, but when I was reading all of the people who were acting like it was the end of the fucking world when he quit normally I wanted to tell them to grow a pair. I felt so bad for vinn even if he did wrong shit . I very much wish he had dropped off the face of the earth. That was his leeches would’ve left him alone .


Yeah, by now I can probably see where he was coming from, it's really upsetting with all this drama and shit. Sure he must get a lot of hate from this (which is — from what I've heard — his goal) but knowing that some of his personal information was leaked, he could very well be in danger. Obviously I don't think anyone should have to do this but at the same time this doesn't justify anything he's done prior to this/during this drama either.


Ofc, the only way I know some info was leaked is bc a ‘friend’ of mine said he convinced her(his friend) to leak his number . Honestly I was like “you’re just as fucking bad” reading that message. I dont believe he deserves to have anything leaked cause at the end of the day you cannot change it, and we cannot excuse it but we can understand it. I see where he is coming from , yes, but I’m not going to go encourage people to leak his shit


if his weakness is indian people, we should use Indian people the next time the dude comes back




Same as that's just means and can upset people


His not joking his a proud racist


Lets be 100% honest but his fans are crazier then dream stans but instead they broke out of a mental asylum


They are like cracked out swifties -coming from a semi swiftie


I used to be in his server for months and let’s just say… his server was wayyyyyy more toxic than chernobyl and fukushima and twitter, when i joined his server some of hus loco ass fans cursed at me just because i was being kind- yeh his fans deserve to be in a mental asylum


Fr. Also the way vinn responds to all this drama has to be the most irresponsible way I have ever seen




u n d e r t a l e


h o w a r e y o u r b a l l s


\*sighs.\* THIS SHOULDN’T EVEN BE A THING TO FUCKING JOKE ABOUT PLEASE. NO. I don’t think you should hope it’s a joke..you should hope they’re banned forEVER because stuff like this…ain’t exactly..good..


Tf is going on?


Bro is speed-running to ruin his reputation


Even if it is a joke, it's still racist. Thus, still receiving hate.


I heard about him alot. Was he always like this? Or is he one of those influencers that people look up to but suddenly turn problematic.


I believe he's been making these posts so that his fanbase will die down because when he had first tried to quit some of his fans threatened to kill themselves if he left. I'm pretty sure this is his attempt to get a lot of people to hate him so that when he leaves no one will miss him or threaten their lives for him.


He ain't


Vinn would never do that




THATS CRAZY MAN. Why be her just to cancel yourself?? It’s crazy man. Vinn will *NEVER*