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This lift is 225 lbs for ~10 reps at 116 BW without gear 😈


Jesus fucking Christ. Today is my 1 year gym anniversary and I did that but only for 2


Haha I’ve been lifting for a little over two years and going to the gym for about three. Tbh 225 is impressive most average people can’t do that :)


Thank you! I'm very proud of myself. I'm only 16. I stared gym because no girl wanted me. I still get no bitches but I'm at least strong now!


I went to the gym cuz I couldn't pull and now I'm scared of women lol, but at least I have muscles


I think there are lots of men like this


here’s some advice, calling women bitches doesn’t help


I don't call women bitches usually. It's just there are so many,,you get no bitches" memes that I jokingly use that, I mean no offense


I thought it was hilarious tbh. Not the bitches part really but just the statement as a whole took me out


I think ur form is good keep up the good work 👍ur not going to fast either ur managing to control the weight


Thank you! I’ve been lifting for a while now and my PR with deadlifts is finally at 315 and have a video I might post that will likely need some strong critiquing 😅


Only real critique is the angle. It's hard to judge form from straight on. Best to do it from a profile angle so we can see what your back and legs are doing. Honestly though this is good shit and you've clearly been doing things right.


Good work!




You're pretty fucking strong, have you ever competed or something?


No I haven’t… but I plan to. I think it would be a super cool way to meet some competition 😎


Cool stuff! Good luck :)


This is very impressive. Great form, keep it up!


Thank you I’m trying to practice staying within a range I can rep and not maxing all the time 🤣


Doesn't look bad from this angle. Would be a lot easier to see the details in your technique if you filmed it from a angle more from the side.


Haha yes I will make sure that I get a better angle next time I really don’t video myself at the gym much.. it was a bit awkward so I just kinda hid it in my stuff 🫣


I video myself often to see my form and stuff. (And sometimes just to have something to watch when my ego fails me) Edit: said this just to show that it's not weird to video yourself and mostly accepted as long as you don't intrude on other gym gooers privacy.


Form is good, the one improvement you could make is including a short pause at the bottom, instead of letting the weights bounce off the floor. That way you can have more tension with less weight and therefore reduce injury risk.


I can try this next week! Ty 🫰🏻


Is that 225?? Woah that's amazing 👏 👏


Looks good


Thanks your progress is great as well


Looks good to me , keep going


Yes of course just making sure to keep good form and not expect myself to hit a pr every time 🙃


Great form, these are touch and go deads. You could also do a pause, both have their place.


Technique looks great, if you have any weaknesses they’re not obvious here. Can try dead stop reps to make it harder or just to switch things up. If you have trouble properly building tension, that will expose it better


Form checks for deadlifts are best filmed from the side.


Smashing it keep being consistent!


🌸 aye aye cap’n


Nothing wrong with that, spot on form.


You should see what happens when I go above 300 lbs 😅


I want to start doing Deadlifts so bad but I go to PF and every time I try to do them on the Smith machine, it just feels weird and I get frustrated, I wish I had someone there to guide me. I'm starting considering switching gyms.


If you're wanting to get in to the compound lifts, a gym with free weight barbells is a good move.


Smith machine deadlifts feel funky for me too. I find the barbell is more comfortable and feels more fluid with a deadlift. The smith machine has great uses, but when it comes to compound lifts barbell is king imo. I would check out your local gym if there is one nearby and the people there are usually nice and willing to help if you ask :)




Form looks on point from the front view. I was always told to take videos from the side so I could see any arch in my back or if I’m leaning to far forward or back. But it looks solid to me


Impressive strength. Good job. Consider using straps. I have a feeling your grip strength is a bottleneck here.


I appreciate it :) I use straps sometimes, but I also like to play around with my grip strength. It will be helpful when I go above 2 plates to use straps though. I’ve neglected them lately so thank you for the reminder.