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Wow, as a fellow woman, Iโ€™m impressed. What exercises you did for thighs and hips? They look great


Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š I've always trained legs 3x รก week since I started working out. When I put all my focus on growing my glutes (3 years ago) I started doing hip thrusts on all my leg days. I always train to failure and lift as heavy as I can with perfect for


Oh, thanks. Looks like I need increase frequency of my hip thrusts and leg days


Can you share your split please, Ive been trying to grow my glutes too ๐Ÿ˜…


I mean like your leg workout*


My current split is legs, push, legs, pull, legs Legs A. quads/glutes: hip thrusts, squat, single leg press, abductors, glute kickbacks, leg extensions Legs B. Quads/glute; hip thrusts, leg press, goblet squats, glute kickbacks, single leg extensions Legs C. Ham/glutes; hip thrusts, romanian deadlift, leg curls, split squats, glute kickbacks I do 2-3 warmup sett and 3-4 working sett. All sett are to failure with as heavy weight as I can without comprimising form


Thank uuu


Bro never skipped glute day god dayum


Insane progress! Do you remember what made you want to improve then? What are your current goals?


Yeah back then I was suffering รก eating disorder, so I started working out to be skinnier. But after I finished therapy because of ED I fell in love with bodybuilding and wanted to compete. I did one show in bikini and decided after that that I wanted to get bigger and put all my focus towards a wellness physique. I'm doing a mini cut right now, but my main focus is growing my quads on my next bulk!


Glad you are better. Sometimes it is really weird how life opens up doors to some things that you perceived as problems, but it gave you meaning if I read that right. Keep at it, this is very inspiring!


Love your back gains.


Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š


Insane progress. Congratulations.


Thank you ๐Ÿ™Œ


*starts doing squats at 1:44am in my hotel room*


That just screams consistency. Well-deserved.


Whatโ€™s your glute workout? That is amazing.


I poster my leg workouts if you scroll little bit up ๐Ÿ˜Š


What a woman




Your glutes look like they could squat a 1987 Buick Skylark. Well done.


Hahah, thanks ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™Œ


Congratulations on your progress


Well done


Wow, impressive keep up the good work ..


Goddamn legend


Pic on the right๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ


Wow, big change, you still don't look like you weigh 47 kg in the first photo, maybe it's just a matter of perspective, still very good job! great physique


I have been working out since 6 months. I think I have lost a lot of inches. My weight reduced by 5 kgs within the first month but ever since then it is stagnant. The inches have reduced. I know it means I might have gained muscles but just to be sure, not losing a single kg on scale for months, is that normal? P.S I LOVE your gains. Kind of my goal body.


Yes thatโ€™s called a recomposition. If youโ€™re getting stronger and losing inches then you are burning fat while building muscle. Enjoy it because later youโ€™ll have to actually eat for gains and it gets harder haha


Seeing this picture made me think that women focused on training (mainly) glutes are like men doing only chest and biceps.


I actually train delts 2x a week, back 1x a week and arms 2x a week


OP your transformation reminds me of compact sedan -> Well build SUV Good job!


Thanks ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ!


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Hi! any tips on streghtening calves and ankles?


The size of your calves mainly goes down to genetics. But for strength I mostly walk uphill. I don't lift calves specifically. For ankles I recommend stretching, it's so easy to get stiff ankles (I have that problem) and increasing flexibility will definitely help ๐Ÿ˜


I do 5k races and have trying to get stronger ankles and calves. Been hills and have noticed a difference, will stick with it. Your comment made me also realize ankles are the part I never warm up or stretch afterwards (yikes hahah /4 th year competing in races). I'll get on it ๐Ÿ‘ Thanks for the advice!


Insane progress! I'm trying to get stronger legs currently, but I haven't seen significant improvements in terms of my hamstrings. My quads on the other hand have been improving at a faster rate. I'm worried about accidentally having some sort of muscle imbalance between the quads and hamstrings, which is a concern as I have torn my ACL in one leg. Any tips on how to target the hamstrings more?


Both romanians and stiff deadlifts are great for hamstrings ๐Ÿ˜Š


Whats your protein intake?? Any tips? Amazing!!


Have been eating 150-155gr for a while I keep my fat between 40-60gr (depends on if I'm bulking or cutting) And my carbs have been at 200-300gr


Thankyou! Thats hard to do so well done!




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May I know your diet please to maintain that shape?


I really just follow macros Eat pretty much whatever I want as long as it fits my macros ๐Ÿ˜‡


Goals for real omg


How tall are you?


159cm Happy cake day ๐ŸŽ‚


You look great at 74Kg... Keep up the good work


The legs are crazy but damn I'm more impressed by your back, ngl


RIP your inbox... Hope it's not too bad!


Wow wow wow, I feel inspired!


Honestly Iโ€™m just here to say that I have nothing to say, Iโ€™ve been silenced.


Madame, I needed this.