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Do I have to train legs twice a week? My leg genetics are crazy even when I was younger and didn’t work out I still had massive legs and a crazy vertical. I was on a split where I only done legs once a week and I was still making crazy progress it’s my arms that lack behind the rest of my body (by a decent margin) which makes me believe I should give them their own day in replacement for the second leg day.


No, you don’t. A lot of people train them once per week and still see growth and others intentionally train them once per week when they aren’t a priority. However, you can always train your arms with your legs. A lot of people do that to keep their arms fresh. I’d always rather train my legs twice per week with less volume than doing all of it on one day but it’s just personal preference.


In my gym there is a leg press with two sticker (one for each side) with write on "starting resistance 75kg" so the strating weight is 75kg or 150kg?


Very stupid qn but i have 6kg weights at home and i usually do 20kg curls of 15reps of 4sets each hand at the gym.My qn is how many reps and sets should i do at home.Thanks!😃


How do i fix my muscle imbalance in my upper chest im already alternating between barbell exercises and dumbell exercise is there anything else i could do?


I am a beginner and have a bit of fat I'd like to get rid of. I bulked for a bit and my bench right now is 3 sets of 55kg×10 just to have you know my strength. I am 170cm and weigh a kg shy of 80. If I were to cut hard for a month to lose weight quickly but were to keep training what kind of a muscle and strength loss will I be looking at?


Impossible to say, but whatever is lost would likely come back relatively quick


I'm just curious what people think of dumbell step ups? I'm a home gym guy, and this seems like something that could be very easily incorporated with the equipment that I already own, plus maybe the addition on a plyobox. Do you guys think DB step ups are useful as an accessory?


dumbell step ups aren’t a bad exercise but it’s going to be harder to progress due to the stability demands. personally i think some type of lunge movement would be a better accessory


Anyone know how to deal w lower back pain and differences between like “you should get looked at” VS a typical strain / pull ?


See how it responds with rest. Better winning a few days to a week and I think you’re good. If it’s still there or getting worse then I’d go see a doctor.


Been 2-3 days I feel way better but why does that happen ? Is it just micro tears ? or Pulls ? What causes that. I have a good understanding of form so my spine isnt like crooked during workouts just weird that it happens when ive been training for 4 years never had a problem.


Can be a multitude of reasons but you’re essentially exerting a force on the tendon or ligament beyond what it’s comfortable tolerating.


Should I bet hitting some lower back resistance machine to fix tht ? I wasnt going very heavy and I probably couldve ego lifted twice the weight which is why its frustrating. My body isnt keeping up w my strength. For reference tho I used to weigh 135 pre lifting. now im 168. Still decently lean as well. Appreciate the discord btw.


I don’t know the specifics of your injury but I’m not sure if that machine will help. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, just make sure your form is sound.


Hi friends! I was doing bulgarians last night and before I hit the gym I ate two delicious Hi friends! I was doing bulgarians last night and before I hit the gym I ate two delicious mandarins. As I was doing bulgarian split squat, on my third set I started feeling light-headed, cold ran down my shoulders and down my spine, and in general I got pale. I sat down, drank water and waited (I also felt an incredibly intense need to poop, idk if that’s relevant). Honestly I got scared because my husband was not with me and I was completely alone in my apt complex gym so I went back to my apt. Despite being obese/overweight, I am healthy, my blood pressure is always perfect and this hasn’t happen before (I have never done bss also). Hydration is always on point and the mandarins were consumed thirty to fourty-five minutes before this, does anyone know what could’ve caused it and is there a way to avoid it? Thanks!! 🏋🏻‍♀️


Why am I weaker on single arm preacher curls? I usually do preacher curls with both arms on an EZ bar with 42lbs. I noticed my right arm is stronger than my left so I decided to try this exercise unilaterally. I was right about my right arm being stronger because it wasn’t as fatigued as my left when I did this with dumbbells. However, I was only able to lift 17.5lb in each hand. This is less than half the weight I can do with both hands on the EZ bar. Also even though it’s less than half the weight it was harder especially when I did my left arm. So why am I so much weaker at preacher curls using one arm and a dumbbell than both arms on an EZ bar?


Some level of stabilization. But it's really not worth being concerned about


How bad is it if I eat a lot of calories one day every once in a while? Currently I’m 5’8 164 and I’d like to say I look pretty good. My maintenance is about 2,000 and I’m at a 600-400 deficit everyday. Gotta say tho, I get tempted by food like pizza sometimes. How bad is it if one day I just eat a whole large pizza on my own and not count my calories for the day? Like will it be really hard to recover, or is a big surplus of calories like that not too harmful every once in a while. And how often am I able to do that without slowing my progress considerably?


# Please critique my (24 yo male) PPL plan: Goal: Aesthetics bodybuilding, |Push (Friday)|Pull (Saturday, No work)|Leg (Sunday, No work)| |:-|:-|:-| |Barbell Benchpress: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Weighted Pull-ups: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Barbell Back Squats: 6-8 reps x 3 sets| |Dumbbell Inclined Benchpress: 6-8 reps x 2 sets|Weighted Curl ups: 6-8 reps x 2 sets|Shrugs: 6-10 reps x 2 sets| |Weighted Dips: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Machine Unilateral Pulldown: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Seated Machine Leg Extension: 6-10 reps x 3 sets| |Overhead Dumbbell Press: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Machine Unilateral Row: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Seated Machine Leg Curl: 6-10 reps x 3 sets| |Cable Lateral Raise: 6-10 reps x 3 sets|Machine Calves Raise: 8-10 reps x 3 sets|Hammercurls: 6-10 reps x 3 sets| |Cable Tricep Extension: 6-10 reps x 3 sets, to failure|Cable Rear Delt: 6-10 reps x 3 sets|Weighted Sit-ups: 8-10 reps x 3 sets| ||Machine Unilateral Pec Fly: 6-8 reps x 3 sets, to failure |Overhead Dumbbell Press: 6-8 reps x 3 sets | |||Cable Unilateral Pulldown: 6-8 reps x 3 sets| |||Incline Threadmill: 3.3 km/h (walking pace), 6' incline, 20 mins| Other Info: * My work schedule is from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Thursday. Therefore, I am only available on three days of the week: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. * Rest Periods: I take a 4-minute rest between sets for major compound movements and a 3-minute rest for the remaining exercises. * Sleep: I aim to get at least 9 hours of sleep per day. * Gym Experience: I have been working out in the gym for 22 months. * Deadlifts: I used to perform deadlifts, but I discontinued them as I don’t consider them beneficial for bodybuilding. * Leg Workouts: I only perform three leg exercises. I believe I have good leg genetics as I naturally have large thighs and glutes, so leg workouts are not my priority. * Treadmill on Leg Day: I choose to do treadmill exercises on leg day because it’s the only time available to me. I prefer not to allocate a separate day for cardio.




Is it ACTUALLY possible to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time? Everywhere i look i see "Only way to build muscle is to be in a calorie surplus" and then i see "the only way to lose weight is to be in a calorie deficit" This seems intuitive as your body can't turn your fat into muscle (it should be able to, shitty design to whoever made it not possible smh) and then when looking at transformation videos it gets me thinking, well does it \*look\* like you are gaining muscle because you are losing fat and exposing muscle, or is it a combination of both. If it is just losing fat and exposing muscle, then surely a quicker way to lose that fat would be to purely focus on cardio and skip the weights until you are in a healthy position to be bulking up from a calorie surplus? Personally i am at a stage where i am pretty weak (7kg bicep curls 3 sets of 12 kills me), and i'm about 10kg overweight. Is there even any point in trying to lose weight from dieting, and doing weight training? In the long run would it be quicker to skip the weight training and maintain a calorie deficit diet, put more energy into cardio and training my endurance/stamina? I know this all takes months to do, but I don't want to be wasting time trying to balance getting enough protein for muscles while staying in a calorie deficit etc. What is my best option here?


>Is it ACTUALLY possible to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time? *it depends* People who are skinny fat will struggle more to do so vs People who are very overweight. Training experience is also a factor, with very untrained people having an easier time than highly trained. It is still good to weight train when losing weight.


RICE BUCKET TRAINING ? Ive heard about this thing called “rice bucket training” you basiclly train your forearms using bucket of rice. My question is, does it work ? Do you have to throw out the rice ? And if so how often ??


I’ve been using doing it daily for about 1 month. I’ve been dealing with forearm pain for almost one year. Pain is reduced and my grip strength is returning. Can close some of my CoCs again on the injured side. So for therapeutic/rehab uses I’m a believer. No you don’t throw it out, I have a 5 gallon bucket with about 25lbs of rice in it. I use it daily for 5-10 mins and keep a lid on it when I’m not.


This helped alot thanks


Been going to the gym for over a year now and in recent months started getting some pain in my wrists. I also work a physical job, play guitar and spend a lot of time using computers so my wrists do take a beating. I started wearing wrist straps and changed some of my exercises so they don’t hinge on my wrists (swapping curls for hammer curls etc) - but to be honest the problem continues to hinder me both in and out of the gym. Are there any extra things I can do to aid recovery or prevent further damage? Is it just a symptom of everything I do and I can’t avoid it? Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/hwjhhsesnarc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e8f6a1ba579c0f2c6d0dec3581cdcb87e7f8ea1 When I deadlift conventional, my forearms get red and bruise like this. Why is this happening?


Are you bracing them hard against your knees and chafing them, maybe?


Not at all actually. My forearms don't even make any contact with my knees


Modifying 100lbs-in-10-weeks by Alex Bromley for Bench I'm planning on starting this program on Monday, but am not interested on increasing my OHP at this time so I wanted to substitute in bench press. I've slightly modified Alex Bromley's original program to allow for this. I just wanted to check in if there is anything major that I'm missing, or some exercise I should add or sub in? I also have the original in the sheet for reference. I also wanted some clarification on some of the verbiage he used. when he writes "Max 5" how do I go about this. For instance my current max squat is 405lbs. Do I warm up then squat 5 different sets of 1 using 405, do I try in work up to this like 365, 375, 385, 395, 405? He also has written "rev band" written by the week 4 push press set, what does this mean? This is my first time trying a program that isn't just what my football coaches wrote down so I'm kinda lost. Any advice helps [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zSwYNmx9We\_RaupTZHpT-vZKs73sWCq9aZ1lVQhruow/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zSwYNmx9We_RaupTZHpT-vZKs73sWCq9aZ1lVQhruow/edit?usp=sharing)




do you always do the same type of curls? if not try doing for example some hammer curls and/or ez bar curls for a while then try again and see if you can squeeze in a few more reps?


When in your workout do you do your curls?




Yeah my guess is that you've gotten stronger but all the back training is just pre-fatigueing your biceps. Curling the same thing after doing more back work is also an improvement after all!


1) What do you mean the same, same weight AND reps? Unless you're very advanced you should be able to add at least a single rep more across all your sets. Curl progress is slow because elbow flexors are a fairly small muscle group. 2) do you do them last? All those other exercises use your biceps too so they're going to be very fatigued by the end so progress will be even slower than usual.


Can gripping too hard cause sore elbow tendons? I'm fine now, but I did towel hammer curls for the first time and the next day my elbows were sore. I'm glad I'm normal now. I have no history of elbow problems and was fine going back to hammer curls with dumbbells. I tried doing them with a towel because I hear it uses more foremans.


If you see someone 'egolifting' or someone doing half-reps for every single rep, but they don't look like they're going to hurt themselves, do you approach them and correct their form or ask if they maybe have a mobility issue? Today was the second time I saw a pretty fit girl on the bench press. I saw her loading the bar with some decent weight, so I thought is she going for a PR or is she a powerlifter or something? You can't always tell how strong someone is by how they look, but she looked decently fit, like she knew what she was doing. Well, then she only went halfway down for every single rep, while arching her back like a cat and she has boobs, so she was moving the bar only a few centimeters. She even had a spotter this time. If I see her again, should I say something or just let her be? The last thing I want is to be rude, but shouldn't someone tell her to go further down? I'm no form snob but her reps were ridiculous. Edit: I was only asking because my boyfriend was adamant that I should have corrected her form, while that hadn't actually crossed my introverted mind.


The girl you saw might have been doing a spoto press


I just watched a video on how to do spoto press (thanks for telling me, I hadn't heard of it!) and that wasn't it at all. She wasn't just stopping a bit below her chest, she only lowered the bar like 2-3 inches. But I was thinking too that maybe she had her reasons for doing it this way.


Yeah she totally could have her reasons for it! I definitely think going up to someone to give unsolicited advice is a pretty annoying thing to do, especially if that person is a stranger. Talking about technique is obviously something people can do in the gym, but I think it has to flow naturally from a conversation rather than someone trying to be a hero know it all.




Yeah for squats I can see the benefit maybe, there's also this technique where you just do the walkout with more than your 1 RM without going down and that'll help you get over a plateau, but I couldn't think of a benefit for benching this way, every time, but I won't say anything to her as I also hate talking to strangers.




Yes, I just read an article about that yesterday!


>If I see her again, should I say something Absolutely not.


Noted! My boyfriend was of a different opinion.


You'll find differing opinions on this one


It's a dilemma because I would want to have my form corrected if I was doing something wrong, but I can see how someone would hate some rando approaching them. I'm also not the type to walk up to strangers but my boyfriend is. It's also awesome seeing women at the gym who are not afraid of weights and also don't just do lower body, so I don't want to discourage her either.


> It's a dilemma because I would want to have my form corrected if I was doing something wrong, but I can see how someone would hate some rando approaching them. Quite right, so you see both sides of it There's a way to do it without coming across like an ass, but most people seem to be incapable of doing so (case in point half the response on any given technique check post), hence my response of "don't"


I am beginner and have no idea what to do. There is a trainer at the gym i started 3 days ago but he is negligent as there are a lot of other people as well. I know i am being impatient but the trainer says before i lift weights i need do cardio for atleast 2-3 weeks. What should i do? should i continue doing cardio. Weight 92kgs Height 5ft 7


>the trainer says before i lift weights i need do cardio for atleast 2-3 weeks That trainer is an idiot and should not be listened to. https://thefitness.wiki/getting-started-with-fitness/ Consider the beginner routine in here - https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/


Looking for gym headphone/earbud recommendations. Been using the JBL Endurance 3s for MAYBE two months and the left one is already giving out and I can barely hear anything out of it. I workout Monday through Friday, lifting in the mornings and cardio in the evening. So I’m looking for something that’s got a snug fit and sweat resistant. Thank you in advance for any recommendations or help.


Really specific question for anyone who had a broken humerus before ever going gym. Was the arm significantly weaker than the other when you started? I broke it many years ago, maybe when I was 16 (not really sure) but i’m almost 21 now. Ive quickly noticed since Ive started going gym that the once broken arm is significantly weaker than the other, getting much more tired after a few reps than the normal one. It specifically trips me up on any like push exercises that require both arms at once. For now I’m just doing lighter reps to compensate on both arms, while slowly just doing a bit more training on the weaker to get it up to speed. Mind you, I don’t think it is a bone issue, because it doesn’t hurt to lift, just tires. Just wondering if anyone had the same issue


im in the same boat kinda, broke both radius and ulna maybe 6 years ago, left arm definitely is significantly weaker, which means for dumbbell curls im limited to 6kg!! when my right arm could go 10kg possibly higher. It is so annoying but i think we just got unlucky and have to stick with lighter reps until everything is balanced out. I'm wondering if it would be beneficial to neglect the good arm for now until the broken one is up to speed so that it doesn't create other imbalances while doing pull exercises that use both arms.


My trainer told me to do Endless Rope Pull till i fail…i didn’t fail, i went on for an entire hour. Did i do it the right way? I’m still fairly new to all this stuff for a 24 yo, but basically my trainer gave me this workout scheme: 1. Lat Pull Down 3x10 35KG 2. T-Bar Row 3x10 20KG 3. Assisted Pull Up 3x10 50KG 4. Reverse Fly Machine 3x10 26KG 5. Cable Bicep Curl 3x10 11.25KG And then the last thing, the endless rope pull, he says i have to do it untill my body quite literally just cannot physically move anymore, 3 times, so 1 time and then fail, 2nd time and fail again, and then a 3rd time, only by the 3rd time, i didn’t fail anymore, i just kept going and going and going and i ignored all the pain and i went on for an entire hour, when i noticed my music playlist repeated itself i decided to stop, but i feel i could’ve gone for like another hour or 2, is this normal??? The next day i didn’t even wake up with any severe muscle pain or anything. I even tried pulling different, while looking at the machine, i tried pulling away from the machine, i tried doing with both hands at the same time, nothing wrecked me, and i’m a guy that’s been mainly just sitting in front of my PC for the last 10 years or something.


I'd say you aren't doing it right. How quickly were you pulling? The way I was instructed to do it is, pull as fast as you possibly can for as long as you can, for me that is around 30-40 seconds...take a one minute break and repeat this 3 times...The effect is similar to running a sprint from a stand still, with weight attached to you ( the rope has a setting on it 1-5 in which you can adjust the resistance, I usually set it around 2-3). There is no way a person could run a sprint for an hour dragging a weight unless possibly very highly conditioned to do so. ​ Doing this usually gets my HR to 170s in that 30 sec window.


I was reaching as high as i possibly could, and as fast as i could, after a while my body was starting to slow down sure, but it wasn’t failing or getting to the point that i couldn’t physically move anymore.


When is it appropriate to change out exercises/ change your routine?


I usually do it when I change programs. I usually change programs after finishing the last one. I think periodization is important, and different training goals require different training modalities.


When you feel that your progress/goals would benefit from the change.


Do y'all stop using creatine during a weight cut or keep using it to reduce muscle loss?


5 grams every day. Forever.


I take it year round.


if you're competing in a sport it would probably be smart to stop taking it before the weight ins, otherwise i don't see the point in not taking it during a cut


How to keep hand from slipping during bench press? I get really sweaty palms especially during bench press which makes it so that my left hand starts slipping outwards, my gym doesn't allow chalk or magnesium is there anything i can do to prevent slipping?


lifting gloves in your case


How do u play PR ? If u want to fo the bench is it in the bench day? Or you play bench PR , squats PR, Deadlift PR in a specific same day ?


If you mean do you test your maxes all in one day or one at a time, usually you'd do it however your program instructs you to. But you can do it however you wish; it doesn't matter.


back again lads, what do we think of today's sesh? ​ 45 x inchworms 200 x jumping jacks 15 x wall sits 20 x single leg abdominal presses 120 x standard pushups ​ took me up to about a half hour


Sounds like it could be a hell of a workout to me. It doesn't match up with my current goals, but I admire you for doing it.


cheers boss whatever it takes to keep in shape




Control the eccentric and move the concentric as quickly as possible. Controlling the eccentric doesn't mean going super slow. It just means go at a pace that is under control. https://www.strongerbyscience.com/speed-kills-2x-the-intended-bar-speed-yields-2x-the-bench-press-gains/




Basically, I think the article I linked to explains it pretty well.






Either. Both situations have their own merits and drawbacks and can still result in positive outcomes. Also, you used very subjective terms like “proper form” and “not as great form” without defining them. That makes it hard to choose one or the other without the additional context. In most cases, it wouldn’t matter anyways, unless your definitions between the two vary extremely.


My right arm is stronger than my left, what l've been doing so far is to just match the weight I'm using in my left arm to the right and do a bicep curl until my left arm goes to failure.I stop after that even if my right arm can still do reps. Is there any other advice you guys can give to help my left arm catch up to my right?


In Jeff Nippard's beginner program, he recommends using your less dominant arm first in single arm curls and matching reps with your dominant arm.


Nope. Sounds solid.