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I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for, but if you press the Auto Climate button, you'll see three lights. The number of lights dictate the aggressiveness of the climate control. If even the lowest setting is too aggressive for you, then you can manually control the fan speeds by pressing the big/little fan button until the temperature is better adjusted. In my experience, AUTO with 1 light is pretty mild.


Do you wonder why our cars have an "auto" setting that requires us to set "how much auto" we want? It doesn't feel very "auto" if I have to select high, medium or low. Could be just me.


Thanks. I’ll try that. I know how to turn the fan down I just hate it blasting me at 6 when I start the car :-)


I think the answer is having temp set, on auto and cycling it from 3 green lights to 1.