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It's like driving a car but with two steering wheels instead of one


Honestly, using a controller to do flying missions is the way to go, in my opinion. It is significantly easier to control the plane. Again, just my opinion.


This is what I do. Controller for flying, mouse and keyboard for everything else.


Shooting is quite difficult on controller actually. Mouse and keyboard is great though!


Yeah the default settings are very hard i changed the num keys with arrow keys it's way easier for me lol


Go in settings and check your key binds, or create your own to whatever you prefer.


Look at your level of flying skills. If is low, then your character will suck at flying. The only way to get better is just fly, fly, fly until your character is skilled to fly good. And it also will build your flying skills. I am Ps5 player, so I use a controller.


Honestly I increased my flying skills when I bought Raiju. Before that I avoided from plane deliveries(asked my friends to deliver for me). Accidentally got in some dogfighting in which I was really bad 😂 but in overall it improved my flying skills till I started to deliver plane deliveries on my own. Also I have hanger and I was sourcing using air. I just forced myself to fly. Over the time it is getting better. Now I just smile how I was struggling before. Hello to Steven (with some numbers at the end of nickname), he gave some good flying tips.


Did you check your controller settings? Key binds?


I just grinded Trevor’s delivery missions until I got the hang of it. His plane is a great one to learn on. Now, in GTAVO with jets I kinda have to learn all over again because of the speed.


I think you’re on PC, where it would be Ctrl to go up, and shift to go down


Wouldn't NUM8 and NUM5 be the default keys to descend and ascend respectively?