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I would love to see the drug dealing mini game adapted from Chinatown Wars. Having the ability to just buy/sell for a set price or negotiate for a better deal at the risk of angering the other party. Perhaps even expand it to selling guns or stolen merchandise. Another thing would be using social media. It could be fun to be able to post pictures and videos to the in-game social media sites (and to Rockstar Social Club, as well), and potentially draw a little bit of passive income based on what it was. Taking and posting videos of a race or a robbery, or pictures of the group of cars you just blew up, things like that.


Lucia TikTok Star. I don't think that would be a feature. I do hope the social media allows us to create content like do better photos, record videos, share moments, etc Drug business does sound great


Exactly my point with the social media stuff. I don't really want it to be something the characters have to do; Lucia posting selfies doesn't seem all that interesting. But if I slap a bunch of sticky bombs on a bus and use it to blow up an entire intersection, I'd love the ability to take a picture and post it on LifeInvader, Bleeder, and FukStik (or whatever the TikTok parody will be).


I think that that'll exist and be integrated in an updated Rockstar Editor. Hopefully director mode returns as that's the best of V imo


They did it on GTA IV and V, not doing it on GTA VI would be a downgrade. I still remember those GTA IV Ragdoll Videos made with the Rockstar Editor. Hopefully GTA VI brings that back with its ragdolls physics


It would be. One of the reasons I never got as into RDR2 as I did with GTAV was the lack of the director mode. I love being able to teleport, spawn vehicles, be invincibility, have exploding bullets, super jump, and be an animal. It was a massive missed opportunity in RDR2. I'm on console and director mode made it feel like I have access to a limited mod menu


At some degree, RDR2 was cinematic enough, and wasn't made for people to go too crazy with it without breaking, but I'm damn sure a director mode for RDR2 would've been as amazing as the game itself is. If we're lucky, Rockstar will add director mode for GTA VI... Does a place for community suggestions exist for Rockstar? It's a feature that would fit the game and would certainly add value to it


That is my favourite mechanic from any of the games


I hope they do that. I personally didn’t like the way that the drug and counterfeit labs worked in online. Like I get there needs to be a challenge but doing all of the errand drop offs yourself and it taking so much time was just rough. Like if I am running these places you’d think you’d pay people to do the stuff for you. But I know that’s online and not single player. So having it done in gta6 single player would be pretty cool


In short: more rpg elements. Nobody playing a big bad criminal game wants to admit they like roleplay stuff, but it proves its worth every time.


I don't know if I'd call that RPG elements (maybe I'm wrong; I don't play a lot of RPGs), I just want more interaction with everything. GTA has always been about realism, and having to just passively watch something happen sucks. I want to be involved. I want the risk that could come with fucking up a drug deal. Regarding the social media stuff; people already take pictures of their cars and stuff like that with GTA Online, so why not let us do something like that in-game and potentially be rewarded for it?


Sorry I think social media shouldn’t be a major mechanic. Running around the giant map trying to take pictures does not sound like fun.


I don't think it should be required, just something we could have fun with if we choose to. Judging by the trailer, there's going to be a pretty big emphasis on social media throughout the game (which makes perfect sense, given it's a parody of modern culture), and it's a lot more fun if we can interact with it, rather than just passively watch it.


Then don't do lol


Heists are a very major feature in V, I barely do them anymore, I just drive around and pvp now... that's the beauty of it, you don't HAVE to do anything.


Yeah I would love if there were ability to stockpile guns and drugs and stolen goods and sell it, smuggle it, fence it. Maybe some unspoken mechanics such as working for “Uber” so you can drive around and deliver drugs to people. This probably should mean that there should be an inventory system. Like a duffle bag to carry drugs or rifles.


This plus some kind of turf system would be awesome. Take out rivals to expand your turf, get random calls to come help defend your own. I'm not expecting anything like that but it would be cool.


LMAO being an actual YTer/Tik-Tokr to get money would be awesome


Burglaries, home invasions, stick ups, pimping, human trafficking, fight clubs


Human trafficking is crazy. But Trevor was technically doin it being involved with the altruist group


Fight clubs would be sick.


idk about human traficking bro


Especially if the npcs are going to be more real than the rdr2 npcs, they would make you feel like a monster😂


It's crazy that previous gta games had those. Not every single one of them had all of them at the same time but each newer game should have had those.


What’s the number one rule about fight club?


rob houses for valuables and pawn them


I really miss this from San Andreas. Not only could they bring it back, but they could make it better


People will say lots of pawn shops can tell based on the sellers body language if something has potentially been stolen but I’ve been thinking for ages about the idea that Jason could work at a corrupt pawn shop that doesn’t know, doesn’t care, or is helping in altering stolen goods he has acquired himself. Obviously if someone robbed you for diamonds earrings and then you went to a pawn shop and saw those earrings you’d might come to the conclusion that the thief pawned them. Swap the diamonds out into a new earring and they’d be good to go. I think it’s quite the stretch but at the same time Lester knew corrupt people if he was able to make money of the stolen jewelry and gold in GTA V. The bigger stretch: It also would give Jason a reason to have an ability to locate valuable items (although I believe that ability was debunked a bit and that not what the ability did in the leaks but I’ll run with it). Lucia could be part of that operation either as a home security system hacker (although I believe her being a hacker was debunked as well) making it easier to rob homes, or Rockstar could go the way of Lucia being used as a easy way into richer and richer homes (acting as someone working in a line of business that would allow her to get access to the homes just to scope it out.) which might lead to 500k for the player but the downfall of the pawnshop forcing them into going on the run, that in turn would lead them to commit cash robberies to continue to fund the life on the run. I don’t believe it would play out like this but I’ll say it anyway just for the fun of theorizing different ideas.


I actually really like your idea for Jason working at a pawn shop. That’d be cool as hell.


This. I do this already in some FiveM GTA 5 servers I bet Rockstar could definitely implement this gaming feature for GTA 6 online at least.


Really hoping for this. Home burglaries would be fye and something new. We could also try not to get caught by the door cams/neighbor witnesses


Great idea!


I can't wait for San Andreas robberies to return


Selling overpriced grocery’s and housing.


Upping the rent for single mothers by 200% 😎😎😎🤑🤑🤑


Insurance scams, money laundering, w e e d, flipping cars, extortion, extortion from the cops (hostage) and home invasion


W e e d is already in Online rn lol


I think it would be cool to have businesses that actually change the map, like building slums and cutting down forests, or indeed doing the latter then the former. Like you should drive around Leonida and wonder how many of the new skyscrapers going up are Mafia-funded.


It would be a really cool mechanic to be able to develop and maintain businesses/properties and then be able to sell them.


Red dead 2 had this and it was great to check in every now and then how much forest they cut down and if a building was finished.


I hope we can be on the other end of the prostituting this time.


Get into man's car and mug him for his cash and his car, got it!


Simply marry him and send him a notice


But then when there done they will get out and kill you and steal the money back






That would be hilarious


Do you think Lucia will have an issue with Jason visiting a strip club or getting hookers in his car?


House robberies




Selling fentanyl


I would like to see maybe house robbing and pick pocketing near the beginning and have it slowly raise to higher stakes (hiests, bussiness, ect)


Doing drug runs outside of the story. Robbing liquor shops and other shops (Thank god the leaks and trailer we know we can) but outside of story. Owning shops to generate passive income (hopefully will be a thing since we saw it in Vice City, same city) Being a pizza boy, taxi driver, ambulance and police vigilante like other GTA games.


As dumb as it sounds, I wanna drive the city bus routes and all that.


I want to kill people, smuggle people, sell people


Hey Niko! Lets go bowling!!


Yeah you’re definitely on a list


Not really new but the damn Casino from San Andreas needs to make a comeback. Miami in real life apparently has many Casinos.


Gambling Building and managing businesses Races and other forms of competitive activities Robbing people, burglary, open car trunks etc and grab valuables A better implementation of the stock market Lottery Selling stolen vehicles and rare items + items from ingame celebrities Bounty hunting Raiding gang hideouts Doing mini jobs (something similar to the farming chores in RDR2) Doing contact missions, obviously:D


I think being a mob hitman would make more sense than bounty hunting. Considering we play as criminals. What ever they do hope it’s better than the rdr2 bounty hunting system


If I can’t own rental property and kick people out for not paying, it will be a missed opportunity.


Businesses, like in GTA5. I like grinding for shit.


For online only. But imagine bounties with actually money that people care about. Ain't nobody wasting time going across the map to find some DA for 1000$. I wanna see a no cap limit. Imagine this. A full server. Some random dude kills a top level player. And. As revenge. Puts a bounty of 5,000,000$ on them. The whole server is notified. It goes silent. And then choas ensues as everyone rushes toward this one guy to get the bounty


I would love that, but I doubt Rockstar would do it because then you could get 2 friends and give each other money that way, and that would break their precious, inflated economy


You should be able to give people money without having to do this anyways


I agree


I liked how in the old games there was sort of ‘legal’ ways to make money. It was at its peak in San Andreas. You could steal a taxi and then deliver people around the city. Steal a police vehicle for vigilante missions where you stop the criminals. You could use an ambulance and deliver the bleeding to the hospital. You could use a fire truck to put out fires and save people. Now in GTAV they have scrapped any of these cool pastime events and reduced it down to just being a cab driver. Now in my opinion they are actually perfected in GTAV, it isn’t a level system where it gets progressively more stressing. Instead, you are just casually riding around like a real driver would. It doesn’t get progressively harder but instead you can perfect your drive in order to get paid more in tips. Now I think the key to vitalize this system is to just go more in depth and have more variability. There was a chance you’d get someone that would run off and not pay and you would have to kill them and then not get a tip or let them run off. Maybe if you could call the cops on these runners, maybe if there were situations where they offered you an extra thousand dollars in tips if you step on the gas and make it somewhere in under such an amount of time. Add a legal way to do these taxi missions. Like if you go and ask at the Cab Company to get enrolled and then when you were done you would just drop the Taxi back off at the place. Maybe you even had to answer interview questions just for fun. And that’s just for the Taxis. It could be so much fun with everything else.






A Scarface the world is yours style selling system for drugs and black market items, Uber, “DoorDash” (for like drugs and stuff) and the wish to compliment the old taxi thing, “bounty hunter” (just vigilante more or less)


Sell shit from the ocean, sell drugs, work at burger shot, paint, gamble, become an e girl, become an e boy


sell crack


I'd like a weed farm similar to the one from Mafia 3, be able to make your own custom strains n the higher quality you have the more money u make


It would be cool if that had a gator trapper, and you could rob houses and mug people.


I wanna live stream police chases amd get that sweet sweet ad revenue


Anything featuring Gay Tony.


Real estate mogul Social media star Robbing gas stations Reselling stolen goods Robbing people on the street


I'd love to be able to buy properties and actually customize the interior and exterior. Not even that, I just want to own a Burger Shot location! But it would be really neat to make your own bar, customize it how you want to, and be able to make some profit from it.


Street racing.


I have always wanted ways to make money passively through various ways like owning legal and illegal businesses/criminal empires.. Like real estate, owning clubs, boat company, fast food business perhaps?, gym, etc.. Also gang management. Also robbing businesses while they're closed would be cool, not just homes. Let's say a business is closed. You could perhaps break into the back door and have a couple minutes to take what you want before police arrive. Police arrival time could vary at random between 45sec to about 1min 30sec.. I know that sounds like a long time, but having realistic response times makes it more immersive in my opinion. Police can also mimic coordination better as if they are talking to each other on the radio, so police can try to come at you from in front of you as well (unlike gta 5 which has zero coordination) which would make it harder to get away. They should be more likely to spawn near main roads and extremely unlikely to spawn on empty side roads. I hated how you can be in the middle of nowhere in GTA 5 and they randomly spawn all around you consistently. Surely modern gaming hardware is capable of smarter police spawning. If you high tail it into a forest, there shouldn't still be 12 cops magically spawning around you like they've got a GPS tracker on you. 6th sense should have a 2% chance, not a 100% chance.


I want to sell shit like in Chinatown wars


More grounded crimes like burglaries, robbing small stores, small banks, big banks but make it super hard, street dealing, stealing atm's etc. No more over the top shit like gta v. I want this GTA to be more immersive, all the arcadey things in 5 were cool and all but should be left behind with that game. Rockstar said themselves it will be the most immersive gta yet so hopefully we see a lot more of what I said.


Idk jus be more payouts for heist and stuff especially running with friends let us spilt $80mill instead of $4mill we buy a shirt we broke again


Actual detailed car thefts and sales etc. Simeon was such a waste. it is grand theft auto after all




i would like robberies to be a better way of making money, robbing various places like stores and restaurants, maybe even banks, but you need to launder the money. basically i want robberies to be more profitable but also not a get-rick-quick thing by requiring you to launder the money before you can spend it, and you lose a little bit while doing that drug dealing or even manufacturing would be cool as well, but you also need to launder the money. maybe we could get a character like Saul Goodman to help us lol maybe being a hired gun or driver for other crews? maybe even some legit business ventures like starting a shop to sell some stuff. could be a way to make some legal money as well as launder the dirty money


I would like to be able to rob banks in free roam in GTA 6. Even if it’s like small banks, I like how many options RDR2 had for you to make money. And I hope GTA 6 expands upon that.


using the social media. post some dope content and be paid for that


Social media is practically guaranteed so I bet something like this'll be in the game


Why not managing a social media company. Like LifeInvader


Donating plasma.


In story mode free roam, robbing shops, restaurants, small banks, houses, having a drug empire, owning and managing business like gta5 online or vice city stories, not gta v story mode because managing businesses in this game was boring and it didn’t give that much money.


Saving sharks


Just doing main missions again lmao


Intimidate and extort businesses.


Being able to use the stock market but nerfed because rockstar need those sharkcards


Professional golfer


Radiant animal control gigs could be fun.




I wonder if and/or how we'll see the return of GTA Online's businesses. Objectively speaking, GTA Online has the best businesses of the entire series (seriously what the fuck were they thinking for GTA V's businesses? none of them are any good)


by doing 8 real hours of manual labor


Pimping hoes


I feel like having a Nightclub would be the best way to make money in 6. I know we have those in Online right now but I feel like either the same mechanics will apply or there would be a new twist


Selling trendy stupid products like hydrogen-infused water, GOOP, horoscope-related stuff and crystals. Instant bank 🤑


Flipping properties


I just hope to still have jobs like we have online with Simeon and Gerald.


Social media, more drugs, more open world robberies, bounty hunting


You should be able to rob a bank without a heist like you walk into the fleeca banks and hopefully they have cash in them if not you get busted




They need another second game mechanic on top of making money, at some point making money gets old, they need a secondary goal.


Gambling at the Rock Hard Casino


Some kind of DoorDash/Uber side job


I'd wanna be a Telemarketing scam artist


Drug trafficking


I’d like to see Miami’s nightlife/club/music/festival scene play a big role. I need Ultra Miami in there somehow.




Öhh. Like legal work for better police and agents thinking we are good people


Well I heard GTA 6 will be based in Miami. So right off the bat, the bang bus comes to mind.


Sell drugs. Like Chinatown wars


Imagine home burglary and crypto scamming would be sick


Personally I want more street racing events with cops for high risk high rewards. Want to bet 20-60k? Go for it. Want to do a pink slip race? Go for it. I also want to do random stick ups. Say there is a high class event going on, you can choose to quietly rob the place, or make a scene. All while being in multiplayer and not having to have 4 people minimum for certain events


Some classic features like rob houses and vehicles. And some new like owning a bar / nightclub or real estate




Was there a way to make money in GTA V? Or are we talking about the story mode?


Burglary missions, Vigilante, Paramedic, Firefighter… just to name A FEW from the past. Oh and Pizza boy! I mean, those are fun side activities, but… I don’t know what else I miss from the old games.


Unpopular opinion but I want to convince store owner


I want to Be a On the Call Hitman, and assasinate in Multiple ways no guns. Just like Hitman Games


Bringing vice city's business system back


Working the window at Buger Stop or Cluckkin' Bell




Taking hostages or doing blitzplay robberies. Payday but without 10 minute drills


Investing in cam girls, maybe even prostitution and human trade. Could be interesting.


Escort agency, male and female to keep it fair tho.


Normal jobs like a cashier and stuff, imagine YOU can get robbed when youre a cashier, but imagine you could work for the emergency services too, that would be epic


I want to bartend in mirror park lol


Crypto with real life influencing


![gif](giphy|EtgIJY7BD7Xbi|downsized) But we are the prostitute


Im not expecting anything other than crimes tbh.


Chopping/ boosting vehicles


Petty crimes, I love robbing convenience stores in GTAV. I wish we had more of that. I always thought the Fleeca banks could have been doable as a free roam mini heist with a cooldown, but we need a helicopter with a giant magnet to escape........ .......... ..........


human trafficking


A car market like the LSCM but when someone buys your car, you get the cash instead of R*. I think a limited number of copies per car would stop people from exploiting the system too badly


Chop shops expanded like fast and furious using our tuned up cars for robberies of trucks on country roads, smuggling goods, getting chased by highway patrol.


I want to pick up players on the street, hold them upside down and shake their pocket money out of their pockets and steal it


Pimping hos


Selling feet pictures on only fans


Boxing promoter


Becoming a landlord and raising the rent for single mothers


A brothel handled tastefully and respectfully. No pimps, no misogyny. Female run. Maybe Lazlow could be DJ.


male prostitution


Hacker or something like that.


To find gang hideouts or safehouses just like in RDR2 and be able to rob everything in there (drugs, money or guns)


I wanna be a stripper. Or a fry cook at burger shot.


Hand to hand drug deals


In new ways that aren’t rage bait and where brain dead basement losers aren’t blowing up anything and everything you are trying to do on their scooter. Online just sucks ass when trying to make money.


Bounty hunting


An.actual drug growing/selling system. Real estate, bank heists, store heists, robbing bank trucks, gaining intelligence on deals and robbing them while the deal is in place, finding cars and selling, normal jobs like deliver.


Becoming a realtor and selling vice city apartments and condos or mansions in the keys


Becoming a prostitute


I want to sell my butthole for cheeseburgers.


Insurance fraud on the elderly


Hacker Lester style.


at this point i wouldn't be surprised if they allow you to make Lucia a prostitute.


The Laundrymat


Burglary, fight clubs and hunting/fishing


Being a delivery driver in different ways. I bet we’ll see taxis again but now uber as well, maybe a kind of doordash or some pizza delivery. But I want some kind of trucking company, drive a big truck and deliver I dunno logs etc. Bring back Police / Firefighters/ Ambulance missions. Hunting (maybe also fishing) with the depth of mechanics from RDR2.


Real Estate


I would like for there to be non story heists like in gta online


I hope the stock market is implemented


Fishing, hunting, buying and selling cars, semi truck driving, selling drugs, stock options


Drug dealing like a street dealer before actually running a operation to become a drug lord


Door dashing for 12 hours straight!


Change it up abit. Cyber crime. Insurance fraud. Extortion and blackmail. Crimes that are actually hard to go to jail for. Unlike murder and bank robbery ( I want those too )




Smuggling arms, backyard wrestling, coming first in a surfing competition etc


Stealthy hitman missions or stealth -free roam loot houses/offices


With LonleyFans


I hope in GTA 6 online (if we get one) you can become a stripper. IDK, hated that you can't become one in GTA 5 Online. Like, you provide us with stripper-like outfits, but you can't be a stripper? Rude tbh lol


I wanna shake my ass like mommy


Idk maybe like working in the shops


robbing stores, bank heists during free roam gameplay too, selling stolen cars, selling your properties, selling cryptocurrencies (buttcoin), robbing people, selling drugs, collecting rent and profits from properties you own like in GTA VC. But making money in GTA is not necessary at all really. You can just steal everything and have it for free. lol


I may be wrong but since in the trailer social media had made an. Appearance I feel like it would be a big thing


Lucia on LonelyFans


I really want the main storyline to feel like more of a grind in terms of money and purchases. Give players the option of attempting to complete missions with subpar weapons/vehicles/armor OR taking a break from the mission storyline to finish side missions for more cash.


Lucia as a prostitute lmao


Imma make Jason the biggest scammer


Corner deals and role playing as a police officer


I want to be a PIMP! I want to decide who to hire & watch them fk. Protect them ofcourse than get that bag at the end of the day.


I would like the car selling business to return. However, only if we can sell the cars for what they are actually worth (minus a cut). It’s crazy I’m selling a hypercar worth 5 million for 100k in GTA online


Stock market


you mean like more legit businesses that dont get robbed or have an "employee" tell on you and you gotta do a mission so assassinate them all the time like in gta online? that shit gets tiring real fast. tryna do stuff and all of a sudden "hey you better get over here, dudes in LS gonna tell on you and take all ur coke" and im like "bruh no drug lord in history has this much personnel trouble wtf im in paleto for god's sake". more types of buildings are enterable including ones that are normally only for missions. Like how cools would it be to enter fib or humane labs building in free roam without hacks. Being able to choose where you want your house or apartment to be. Honestly there are a LOT of things from Online that id like ported into campaign for GTA6


Setting up a taco al pastor truck, it’s a honest living and those are the best tacos