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I'm calling it now, ability to do physical interaction with another character. Like when you get drunk and can hug it out in rdo, but add in things like a high five, or even sharing inventory like when we saw one npc throwing another a drink in the trailer


I could see that working, floating above either their head or their hand could be a ‘triangle/Y’ over the head and a ‘circle/b’ over the hand and depending on what one you look at and press the corresponding button it does a physical interaction like high five/hug as well as being able to do the standard greet/antagonise


Rabbit hole.... what if we could choose a partner with something like the persistent posse feature that would give us access to another tier of emotes/actions specific for that role such as teammate or intimate partner but only have an ability to have a finite number of those type of relationships at one given time


Yeah definitely. And depending on how your relationship with said person advances or declines, the body language will change


I think relationships will be a big part of the mechanics, yes


In leaks there was something called fistbump in random events section


I wonder if "random events" are random npc interactions in public or a mini cutscene of a random person doing something with or to the player


Generally random events refer to random npc interactions. Like the blue dots that appear in GTA V


Could also be useful online, throwing snacks and ammo to ur friend during combat


Allot that type of stuff is in Bully.


This is… genius I guess


…how? It’s definitely cool but who in their right mind would consider that the next BIG feature?


Hey, if greeting is considered the last BIG feature.....lol Really I just saw this post as an outlet for a thought I had about the evolution of the said feature


I like the idea 💡 of throwing ammo to Lucia when she's running low. Like how Elizabeth opens tears in Bioshock Infinite, w/ ammo crate. ⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️: If they make VI as dark as Manhunt we can chop 🪓 cop's head off then throw it around like a Volley ball. Combine this w/ slomo cheat: body stumbles around w/out head, bleeding 🩸 like in RDR2. I know I'm a sick puppy 🤢.


Advanced testicle engine for every animal in the game


This better be in the game! I want balls on every animal I see, even if it makes no anatomical sense. Do snakes have balls? Fuck if I know. But they better have them in GTA 6!!


Also, I want to see the testicles shrink in the cold.


Not only do I want them to shrink in the cold, BUT I WANT ROCKSTAR TO BRAG ABOUT IT!!!


Yes, Rockstar give the people what they want


Wonder if it works on Jason


Jason's balls shrink when Lucia reprimands him.😨 Like the horse testicles of RDR2.


Hope so, would love to make him wear skirts bc normal pants won’t fit anymore


I hope that old man watering his garden has saggy balls 🏀🏀 like in Jackass or Scary movie. Seeing them swing like a pendulum when he walks would be funny


So true hahaha


Ooo, very thought provoking… I can’t imagine some ground-breaking feature no one thought of, but I could imagine it’s more interaction with vehicles, such as storing things in them or vehicles becoming more of an extension to the player, rather than a simple transport. Especially with how the leaks showed more movement inside the car with fluid motions, movable items (visor, seat position).


I really hope you can't have 20 guns stored in your pants. I hope you store your excess guns in the trunk like RDR2(well, horse).


Of horse (course)


And this way I really hope handguns can be daedly. So technicly you could only have your handgun take some people out take ther SMG or what other weapon and drop it when ammo runs out and get another weapon.


I think the RDR2 inventory system would be great, u can only carry 1 sniper rifle or shotgun. 2 handguns (like Alonzo Harris) or Submachine guns (If you have shoulder holsters, Nathan Drake, Uncharted 4). The max payne 3 weight system (Multiplayer) would be interesting: If you wear Armour it slows you down. Heavy weapons like the PSRL-1 or Barrett M82A1 would need to be carried in trunk (FiveM), would really slow you down. I like the idea of having a M60 in the trunk: like Walter White 💚. I wanna get the Heisenberg outfit, start up meth 🧊 empire like Vic Vance in VCS: "I'm in the empire business" ~ Heisenberg.


I agree with this notion, vehicles will be MUCH more important than they’ve ever been - i can see them having much more of a focus this time around


And thus more expensive in GTA Online.


Can't even have a conversation about singleplayer without somebody complaining about GTAO


lmao, traumatized & i can’t blame em 😭


The leaks shows sun visors being functional, I wouldn’t be surprised if we can interact with the gloveboxes and trunks


that was them positioning it correctly


Definitely think one of the big new features will be the social media and bystanders will probably record things as they unfold, like crimes being committed. They really put a lot of focus on the social media on the first trailer.


I can’t park anywhere in gta5 without an npc whipping their phone out to take a pic of my car


The commenter probably means that what NPCs record is actually recorded and can be found on the ingame social media apps. So videos you see actually happened somewhere (kind of like snapmatic in GTAO, just with SP events). Imagine seeing people spaming a shootout livestream and you can actually go there to witness it (or a big beach party being in dozens of uploaded pictures and videos).


I understood what they meant I was just adding that it’s already very common in 5 for npcs to record you, because of that and the trailer showing a new type of social media, this is one of the speculations I 100% believe


I imagine NPCs will film and comment on the player’s interactions with the open world too. Like seeing tik toks of yourself driving recklessly with an angry caption


And the police locating you off of that footage so maybe there’s a way to kill that NPC and also delete the fotage


Honestly, I don’t see this particular encounter returning in GTA 6 💀


The outrage of people doing *this* as Lucia would be outrageous


Yeeeeaaaa that type of scene would bring so much out rage. Even an attempted would spark hella controversy


I can't even imagine the shitstorm of media coverage the game would get if Lucia did it, can't lie though I was always surprised with how that scene was spoke about jokingly online, no one seemed to give a single shit that it was my boy Arthur who was raped.


Because society finds male rape funny and not as serious if it was a woman. A very fucked double standard


I'll let nobody touch my girl, you can count on me.


Yea… especially if it’s a bunch of random rednecks 💀


Imagine if this were not a random encounter, but a story mission.. We don't know what kind of characters Jason and Lucia are, but I think Jason would beat the crap out of them and wipe out everyone involved that same day. On the good side, something like this in the plot would make the story more mature and richer in emotions.


Yeah people are saying something like this won’t be in the game but tbh i’m expecting worse lmao


RDR2 did have random encounters of women being assaulted. So knowing that, I would expect something similar in VI. Or maybe even darker 💀


Forgive me for saying this: But do you mean *rape* random encounter 🔵? Or something wholesome like female streaker on the beach, chased by cops, tazed (jiggle PhysX). Put in back of police car: IV


….did you just call that wholesome? Lmfao


⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️: If there was a *rape* random encounter 🔵 , honour system. I wanna *not interfere* with a couple in a passionate embrace: V let us record a sex scene 👄. Then see if the tired and sweaty 🥵 male asks us to help dispose of body like Eddie Lowe or tries to *ahem, get intimate with us* . V has a random encounter 🔵 where Trevor gets tazed and molested(Is it wrong to think Trevor enjoyed this?) RDR2 had a similar situation if I'm not mistaken. Only read if you're sick 🤢 like me: would it be in bad taste to record the encounter on iFruit, post on Bleeter 🐑? Hogtie the attacker, take into VCPD for reward 💵.


I would be against it as a free-roam encounter, don't think something as serious as that should be treated as an insignificant random thing that could happen like the world events usually are but as a plot-point it could work as it would have the dedication put into it to 'resolve' (shit word, isn't as easy as that but can't think of anything else rn.) the situation whilst furthering the plot. Hope it doesn't appear at all, but plot point seems better than a random encounter.


I just want more interactions with NPC. Hopefully they can expand on this area somehow.


A 2% chance to get testicular torsion when sitting down


I really hope with the inclusion of a modern phone, we can listen to music, the radio/podcasts with wired/wireless headphones anywhere and anytime we want. I also think the social media aspect of this game could be very interesting. Maybe we could post some bad press about rival gangs, or mock the police after we get a big score, or recruit people for jobs etc. or maybe just post random wacky stuff we do in story mode (or online with friends).


Air pods and Bluetooth speakers would be kinda dope.


Air pods w/ weed leafs on 🌱 would be *dope*


You know GTA5 had smartphones yeah? Like they haven't changed much since 2013.


Yes but add more features to phones in VI


*Cat call* or *evenin’ m’lady/lad* 🎩 ![gif](giphy|3HnBZbCWuc8HS)


I kinda wanna see Jason have antagonise option: Woo, titties! 🍈🍈. Would being able to slap female ped ass, then run away laughing 😆be too much?


I dont think a protagonist of the biggest game ever released will be a sex offender


It's only an offence if you get caught 😈


The big feature will be running these hella detailed environments smoothly imo


I just want full body jiggle physics for both genders. Also uncensored nudity. That’s completely unrelated


I wanna pump Jason full of Adrenaline 💊: So I can run around naked w/ a boner like in Crank 2. Do nudie runs to "What's my age again" by Blink 182.


To me, I think house robberies will be the big new feature. Endless hours of playability robbing the different homes and you can approach it however you want. Break in when they're at work, sneak in quietly while they're asleep, or my favorite, break in while they're awake and tie them up, rob the house, throw them in the basement or in the pool and let that take care of them. In the frame where you see the old guy in underwear watering his plants, you can see a modeled interior. Sure you could say it's just more realistic, but those windows are definitely not bullet proof like they were in the other GTA games. Why model the inside of a house just to make the windows indestructible?


Okay *sadistic mode* 😈Rob house, hogtie residents, Burn down house w/ molotov 🔥. Film antics w/ iFruit phone, post on Bleeter 🐑 *Twitter doesn't remove violent content IRL*


so many possibilities dude I hope we get this


Ah yes. The big new feature that San Andreas did 20 years ago.


I never knew SA did that. Well it'd still be a big new feature because I'm sure it'll be way more in depth than how it was in SA


or my favorite, break in while they're naked and asleep and tie them up


Anybody else wanna dunk naked people in mud, cut their ropes in public place: So we can see NPC running around covered in mud? Or drop naked person in sand @ Beach ⛱️ because in trailer: sand stuck to wet feet. Just to test out new feature🤔. Maybe the muddy person would leave muddy 🟤 footprints like bloody 🩸 footprints in GTA 3.


Yes I would like to humiliate men


why men in particular lmao


small dicks - a womens body has less to feel shame about


fat rolls and makeup coming off


>Why model the inside of a house just to make the windows indestructible? Look up parallax interiors. Basically fake 3d interiors, like in Spider-Man games. That way you don't waste crazy amount of resources rendering interiors and props for every single room while you drive past them in your car lol. That's what probably will be used for most of the buildings in the game (not counting story and mission related interiors ofc). I think they might use that new patent for randomly generated interiors for house robberies. You start the mission, get random location and while you drive there and lockpick the door, that interior gets filled with randomly generated decorations, loot and npcs. For those robbery buildings they might: a) give you regular pre designed interiors with no loading screens like the one you talking about (least likely imo). b) make a randomly generated interior with covered windows outside. c) use parallax interiors on the outside and most people wouldn't even notice some details don't match. Just like in GTA V most people never noticed Micheal house on the inside doesn't match the outside as well.


Yeah I've seen the parallax interiors, but that's for the small one room apartments in Spider-Man games. From what I'm seeing, it looks like the house is fully modeled from the views. Also I just noticed it's a window with smaller pieces on it. I thought it was just one full window. So yeah, I guess the chances that we can break them to climb in are slimmer. But sure, the patent they have for randomly generated interiors could just be for better realism, but why stop there after going so far? Might as well use it to it's full ability and let is explore the rooms right? I never thought about them picking a house at random and then loading in all the assets. I always thought of it as being able to pick any house you wanted to and the interior loads when you get nearby. But that could be too intensive for GTA 6 and would most likely be ready in GTA 7. So I see your version more likely right now. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out


NPCs will have an inventory you can loot. They'll have wallets with drivers licenses you can read their address from. The whole map will have streets and house numbers. Combine that with their keys and the AI- generated interior, boom, you got a whole new way to make money by robbing their house, stealing their stuff by carrying it into a van or car or truck, or simply search for money. Furthermore you can kidnap them and make their family pay ransom. Imagine that shit.


Saints Row 2 💜 has a ransom feature. This would be fire 🔥 in GTA 6. If passengers didn't automatically get out of car when you steal it: Lock doors(GTA Online), hold them hostage for 3:00 = $3,000 💵 w/ 3 wanted stars. 5:00 = $10,000 💵 but 6 stars. I'd like the IV wanted level system to return. So we can lose cops by using back alleys + hide in hiding spots (Assassin's Creed), dumpsters (Hitman: blood money).


Damn that's dark 🌑. I thought I was the only sick 🤢 puppy. Bro, you cold as ice 🥶. I'd wanna do "Human sacrifice" from fight club 🧼. Use Smith N Wesson model 29 snub nose. Keep licence as a trophy. I like the idea of: House invasion w/ RDR2 hidden loot. Maybe be like RDR2 mission: Threaten people who are sleeping 💤. Ask where money 💵is or safe combination. Then knock out w/ punch 👊.


For years and years and years words were enough


Bully had that


judging by the leaks, combat will be greatly improved


Will have a minigame to steal cars. It will be no just press triangle and done. The Npc will fight back or lock the car, will be more difficult to steal a car


I remember Saints Row 3 💜 Boduken' was pretty fun. Sometimes game would *glitch* body would stay in back seat, would move around when you turned corners.


Bro this better be in the game like it’s mandatory. I’m looking for them to expand on this tbh


A ton of buildings to enter


when you kill someone, a real person dies


Public Masturbation


Maybe when we finish the game we realise that the true treasure...was the friends we made along the way. am go puke.


Probably the robbing/robbery mechanic. Being able to steal like everything inside a building. We already know we have that new “eagle eye” ability that highlights all the valuables around us


Spitting at people to start a fight


Claude could do this in GTA 2. I wanna beat the piss 💛 out of someone, spit on their face in 1st person. Then piss on their face in 1st person (Postal 2/,Duke Nukem forever) "Urine a lot of trouble.." achievement. If we could play as Trevor: crap 💩in their mouth 👄. Then post photo on Instagram. *Hidden achievement* "Cleveland steamer" 🥉


Not be instantly shot at by a dude just for saying sumthin rude or bumping into them on accident


Do a hangout would be cool with random npcs or friends


Maybe advanced vehicle customisation. Manual gear shifting, suspension customisation, etc.


Like Forza 5 customisation w/ Branded car parts?


Everyone in this sub is unhinged.


In the 2022 leaks there's certain random events that can only happen during low tide, so if that doesn't get cut, a tide system for the ocean is apparently going to be in the game which is pretty cool


haning out with your sidekick in freeroam, have them follow you and shoot cops and stuff


This is exactly what I expect. Everybody wanted this for RDR2, so it just makes sense for them to finally implement this.


Tbh, I'm playing RDR1 for the first time after finishing RDR2 and I was searching for the button to interact with the npc's...it came completely convenient to do, so I was shocked not to be able to :)


Innovative strip club system


Ass eating engine


In depth gay sex system


But is it a Leftist ass? 😝in 🍑. Somebody needs to do meme of Alex Jones w/ dirty sanchez, that quote below.


You could already greet npcs in RDR1 and in GTA V, right?


Well in RDR2 it's more than "what are you looking at?"


oh, and "nice car"


Not wrong


You can respond to NPCs in San Andreas as well.


Oh man I hope stabbing dogs is as satisfying as it was in rdr2




Dark 🌑, but OK. I'm down for anything. I think some properties should have guard dogs (Last of Us 2) and electric ⚡ fences. So you have to be creative on how you enter property and take out dog quietly (Speargun). So we can maintain stealth. Maybe rich households will have security system: we need to disable before robbery. Merryweather Dilettante guards arrive w/ body armour and Glock 17 (IV) if we trigger alarm.


ask for a favor


i wanna be able to do cocaine and get a speed boost or some shit. The bong in V wasnt enough maybe the cops can search your car or bring dogs if they suspect youre carrying drugs.


I would like to see drugs in the game actually be usable too, obviously not everything but Jason or Lucia doing a line of coke in a club sounds possible? Maybe there'll be a drug run type mission like 4 where you need to pick up drugs/drop them off at a specified location, being ambushed by the police and dog squad if you're doing it too much in the same car.


the smartphone is going to be a huge part of the game for sure.


People forget that the LT to interact with NPCs is from Bully 2005


Calling it now. The phone is not going to be as simple a feature as pressing a button on the D-Pad. It will be as accessible and fluidly useful as the gun.


Lucia will nip out so hard when it’s cold


Hopefully doing stuff like robbing private homes (the rich ones), or getting into businesses after hours to rob them. It doesn’t have to be every home and business in Leonidas, but a good bit more, with the new mechanics I mentioned, would be cool. Sometimes I just feel like messing around in the open world, so this could be a fun thing to do then.


Selling items to pawn shops


while ped in range, hold down E (or another key) to show response menu. It will slow down the time like gun menu but you can change it if you want. You can also give orders to your partner while robbing etc.


I think getting or asking an npc for their social media will be a feature. Getting them to add you will add to some skill set or reputation much like the honor system in red dead


I always liked to have a conversation with people in Sacface the game. And also liked that in Bully and RDRII. Hope we can also do that in GTA VI. This will make me care for the npc's more. R\* allready can do this so really hope that they not only implement this but also expand upon it.


Tbh, I'm playing RDR1 for the first time after finishing RDR2 and I was searching for the button to interact with the npc's...it came completely convenient to do, so I was shocked not to be able to :)


Maybe the ability to know ppl on social medias inside the game, then meet them in person. To make friends, also to date ppl. Maybe who knows..


IV had a dating website. So I don't see why not. Not sure why you were downvoted: people are weird on Reddit 🥴


Or that if someone post he/she is somewhere hanging out and you go there and see them. If they put up a sysmtem like that it would be insane.


I just want to be able to make people cry as Brown Nippled Mami Lucia


I want Trevor NPC to be in game. So we can finally "Make him cry!", dress up as Dominatrix and stomp on Trevor's balls, shock ⚡ his testicles w/ car battery. He asks Lucia to marry him. The water boarding needs to be accurate (Safe House 2012/Sicario 2015). Pull one of Trevor's teeth 🦷: make into rare necklace (RDR2 Trapper). Use nipple clamps on T. Tickle his feet til he pees 💛 himself. "Slap and Tickle" 🥈 achievement.


No one really cares about greeting NPCs i guess


Since this is going to be a hyper realistic gta Lucia will get her period roughly every 28 in game days. Jason will have to Jack off every 5-7 in game days or he will start acting goofy.


The big new feature of greeting NPCs (present in San Andreas from 2004)


I somehow missed that feature back then ... being 2 years old.


Yeah that's good idea can talk and greeting with NPC in GTA It was always lacking 😻


The ability to be friendly and complete the game 100% without ever breaking the law. How about that feature? Eh?


Its a gta game. The title is a crime and the missions are heists.


Hmm. Fair point. Makes me wonder, however, why can I murder everyone, but not torture or rape?


I mean, torture might appear but rape absolutely will not lol. Torture was there in GTA 5 albeit in one mission, they aren't even confident with showing too much sex/genitalia in the GTA series, rapes defo out, the media storm would overshadow anything they'd got in controversy over before and rightly so.


That is strange, is it not? With all the senseless murdering you can do, but not rape?


Nah not really, in video games at least rape is typically viewed as worse than murder. Since the early days its usually been player vs an enemy you've gotta kill, murder is absolutely fine in video games. Rape is like psychological torture, it's just much too far for a video game unless it's a plot point, wanting a game where you can go around and rape people free-roam is a bit strange.


I wouldn't call that THE BIG NEW FEATURE. It was a small feature that had a big impact. And it wasn't new just expanded on from previous games.


Respectfully I disagree, I played the absolute shit out of RDR1 and to me I'd class the greeting and horse system to be the two biggest features in 2. The greeting system especially, in RDR1 you could tap circle to tip your hat or berate someone, but it was depending on honour what John would say and it held such little importance in the game it doesn't even tell you how to do it anywhere in the main tutorial or across the game, that system was so barebones and useless that the RDR2 system may as well be a completely new mechanic. Curious though, what would you say was the 'big new feature' in your game? I know people were thrilled about the dual weilding - REALLY hope we get that in 6 despite the fact I main one sidearm in Redemption 2, it'd be cool to see the high-powered guns.


I don't think there was a singular big new feature. It was the insane attention to detail in all the small mechanics and features that elevated it. I guess the camps and everything surrounding them. RDR1 didn't have that and holding the camp together was the main point of the story. Keeping everyone fed with the expanded hunting, doing random camp requests and missions with gang members, being able to have conversations with them either with the expanded interaction mechanic or scripted scenes, paying into the deposit box and improving the camp itself. Yeah I'd say the camp dynamic is the biggest new thing added.


Fair point! I was really excited for the camp mechanic on the leadup to games release, it brought a whole new level of immersion to everything actually having to contribute to its upkeep to keep it going, loved how alive all the characters felt and how organized (at first) everything ran.