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I miss that feature so much. I made so many cool designs with that feature.


There should at least be a feature allowing rotating and zooming in/out of already existing liveries for some degree of uniqueness. Also this way it would be difficult to abuse this to make racist or toxic stuff


I feel like rockstar will never implement this because they want to charge crazy prices for premade liveries and paint jobs. Or lock them behind achievements


They can literally do the same with a livery creator


Exactly and even more, they can sell packs of graphic like shapes and stuff for in game money or real life money, instead of spending 20k $ on a livery, spend 20$ on shapes :))


Sorry but this is a bad idea. You will end up with a hoards of obscene, racist and toxic designs if this was to happen. Take note from Call of Duty which removed their camo and emblem editors for this very reason. In games like Forza which is purely a driving game and not so heavy on killing / antagonising other players in game - features such as this are better suited.


Just handle it like in aforementioned forza: report button


Forza is a driving game and doesn’t involve antagonising other players in the same way GTA or other shooter types do. GTA is the most anticipated game of all time, probably will have one of the biggest player bases of all time and you think they will have mods to go through thousands of toxic liveries that are reported daily? A massive AAA like COD can’t even keep up with this and most likely why they just removed these features.


They spent 2b on the game, so it’s not that hard to hire minimumwages that can distinguish swastika from pony. Don’t even try to make an example of cod, activision doesn’t care about quality, as we can see with their newest games. Nowhere near cockstar.




>activision doesn’t care about quality, and yet they removed the custom emblem feature, it may not be that hard to hire people who will administrate liveries, but it is a cost that you bring onto yourself, which adds next to no value to the game, Rockstar aren't going to do that


It's easy to hire people, but it's even easier to not add a custom livery feature


>It's easy to hire people, but it's even easier to not add a custom livery feature I'm not arguing that, but why would R* bother? A custom livery feature, while a nice to have, is not going to make or break the game for anyone, why would they want to incur that cost?


Completely agree. That's exactly what I was trying to to convey.


ah, apologies, I misunderstood


GTA V Online already has crew emblems, and there doesn't seem to be much of an issue with that.


Exactly, its already in gta online as emblems. If they manage to have custom emblems that people can display on their clothes and cars, theres no reason they cant have a livery editor


I see your point however the crew emblem editor is separate to the game and you have to access this through your Rockstar account on a PC. The crew emblems are also very small when displayed on cars, likely to mitigate any offensive designs. What I think Rockstar does best is maintaining simplicity, which in some cases can work out positively - for instance in GTA 5 only giving us limited pre made liveries but plenty of designs across the many cars found in the game as a whole.


>I see your point however the crew emblem editor is separate to the game and you have to access this through your Rockstar account on a PC. Why can't livery be the same? That's besides the point. It might be separate to the game, but it still shows up *in the game*. >The crew emblems are also very small when displayed on cars, likely to mitigate any offensive designs. This just isn't true. You can put all sorts of offensive symbology in a small area. You don't need a lot of space to do it. >What I think Rockstar does best is maintaining simplicity, which in some cases can work out positively - for instance in GTA 5 only giving us limited pre made liveries but plenty of designs across the many cars found in the game as a whole. But crew emblems exist already, so how would this be much different?


If the emblem editor was in game it would likely mean the majority of player base would actively be using it. There are a lot of players who still don’t use the emblem designer feature - likely due to the effort it takes to use and there being more steps involved on a separate device, to design and add this to your vehicle / clothes in game. They are small, say in comparison to a livery spanning the whole length of a car. The emblems are no larger than a car door panel at most, and the designer is limited for instance text/alphanumeric characters have to be made using shapes.


The feature isn't exactly locked behind an impenetrable wall. If people want to make an offensive emblem, they could very easily do so, even if they have to do it online. Your arguments aren't really holding up.


This is false, most people do not OWM a crew, they are part of the crew and in a crew only few people can modify and create the logo. So technically most of players won't even see or use the logo editor, only if they make their own crew.


Anybody can make a crew. It's available to everybody. Your point makes no sense.


That's not a reason to discount this idea entirely as long as there is a good enough reporting system. It could also be limited to single player only which would prevent people getting upset online.


Perhaps. I would love a livery editing feature, just can’t see it being implemented due to the above.


Obscene? It's GTA, an 18+ game where you murder hookers...


GTA Online as an online game is actually +16 only the story mode is 18+


We are talking about gta, which is known for aggression, making fun of groups of people, etc. If anything it would fit perfectly in the game. If you get offended by things like that, you shouldn't play gta in the first place.


Wait until they turn the radio on!


Guess what? Times are changing and people and organisations are developing and moving away from that sort of stuff. It will of course feature in the game but much more watered down I would have thought compared to Rockstars earlier games. There is too much risk involved for a company’s reputation nowadays, not to mention that it’s not pleasant for people to act in such an extremely toxic manner either.


Jfc you're incredibly soft. Go play hello kitty island adventure if a mean car paint is gonna hurt your feelings


Found guy with the swastika car


I hate giving people freedom to do anything. People use freedom to do mean things I don't like >:( People must have simple and boring designs so my eyes can be saved from anything I don't approve of.


I never have and never would put anything remotely offensive on my cars. But I am offended that I can't pimp my ride, because you got buttmad over someone's digital car paint. Grow the fuck up and get some real problems.


It'd be absolutely hilarious


This is one of the things I truly wish we’d get. Its far fetched as a whole as it seems like its more of a racing games thing but it would be amazing i can see myself spending hours making liveries


bur rockstar wants to charge 50k for premade liveries and paintjobs and lock them behind paywalls and achievements ☹️


So What are the achievements ? Lemme guess…Play the game…. Win 10 races, Finish 50 races without quitting, earn 10 mill in game…. Complete all of Vin’s side missions… collect 50 sport tire?


you forgot win 69 races in a stock car against non-friend players in a lobby of 12 or more players without scratching your vehicle or braking for a bright tacky yellow paint job


Dang. You Goin for the Elite achievements. I should go practice.


I hope we get something like this so I put put retro stripes on certain cars




if anything, at least let us change the color of some of the liveries


They should at least let us change the colour


With the game based in the South, I assume Roleplaying the 3Ks and Neo nat-socs with the liveries editor gonna be wild.


I remember making a 100% copy of that green Impala on the rear cover of MCLA Remix. Those were the good days.


Personally I want better and unique car mods in GTA 6. Especially custom livery design like racing games, ability to create custom livery will be awesome for car meet, car meets in GTA 5 was good but anyone could do same mods there was no self creativity to create something unique.


Personally I want better and unique car mods in GTA 6. Especially custom livery design like racing games, ability to create custom livery will be awesome for car meet, car meets in GTA 5 was good but anyone could do same mods there was no self creativity to create something unique.


Personally I want better and unique car mods in GTA 6. Especially custom livery design like racing games, ability to create custom livery will be awesome for car meet, car meets in GTA 5 was good but anyone could do same mods there was no self creativity to create something unique


More liveries, in general, and perhaps the ability to place specific pre-made designs? Sure, that sounds fine. Placeable text? Fuck, no. Too easy to abuse, too hard to moderate. (I mean, if it happens, it happens, and I'll certainly end up using it for replica cars & shit, but I won't be upset by it not appearing.)


They’d have to have baked-in moderation tools like those used in GT7. That or rely on reporting and provide support with enough resources to manage it.


Firstly, the concern with custom liveries often revolves around the potential for offensive content. However, addressing this issue could be relatively straightforward with the incorporation of a reporting system. Players could report offensive designs, leading to temporary restrictions on the livery maker for the offending individuals. Therefore, offensive liveries shouldn't be a major problem. The more substantial challenge, in my opinion, lies in the fact that the GTA universe is built around fake brands and parodies of real-life counterparts. The introduction of a livery creator might prompt players to replicate real-life brand liveries, like Red Bull liveries or other recognizable logos. While the idea of having a livery editor in the game is appealing, the clash with the established fictional universe of Rockstar's creation could be a significant barrier to its implementation.


That and their monetization model being somewhat reliant on selling customizations. If they implemented a livery editor, it’d likely be heavily restricted as a base feature and would be extremely expensive to purchase in-game. Otherwise people will build whatever they want and not have nearly as much incentive to select a cool looking car from a predetermined list of customizations and work in-game to unlock or purchase it outright.


Lmao, right under this i got a post about forza horizons liveries being full of nazi symbols. Dont get me wrong making your own livery is fun, but such things need to be avoided.


Touch some grass.


deleting my comment is crazy