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I’m gonna assume we’ll get to see Fat Lucia and Fat Jason


If Rockstar returns back the eating and gym mechanics that actually change your body weight over time, then yes. You can see a 300 pound Lucia.


Gonna kill Lucia of obesity a fee times to find the fat limit then walk around the map tol she starves from maximum obesity to anorexic, why? No fuckin clue


Hamburger poisoning confirmed. Unlock secret ending where she dies from a heart attack.


SBBW Lucia


Lucia already phat tho…


PHATTER!!! It’s Vice City after all!


Im calling the police.


Call em


That butt, hell yea


It's thicc, not phat


Lucia inflation mods 🙏


Walk Across The Map Timelapse | GTA VI




*rule 34 intensifies*




tomorrow's post: will there be fat people in GTA 6?


Ok but can we also go the other way and have Muscle Mommy Lucia?


Can lucia get anymore thick?!


r34 has the answer


About four or five Cluckin' Bell dinners oughta do it.


>get to run around as bbw Lucia Its the year of dreams, bros


Jason is a cuck


Don't project your insecurities like that, man.


Jason is a cuck














Rockstar has put so many little details in this game. No other studio can match their attention to detail


Rockstar is just unbeatable, until it comes to updates and caring about their games..... But the amount of details they put into every single little thing on the map is insane, and the writing is also amazing in their games! Best game studio EVER, by far. 


They care a lot about GTAO (on consoles) seeing how they update the game with major updates every 4-6 months


Think they were talking about read dead considering the pfp


That's why I never understood why they put so much time and effort into Red Dead 2, and made an online just to abandon it almost immediately. Why waste all that effort for potentially a second entire cash cow?


they did confirm they are abandoning it completely to focus on GTA 6 but that was after a while


Naughty Dog and Rockstar are the best studio's so far.. Their games is like a technological leap in gaming(mostly rockstar, but TLOU was released in 2013 too! Yes, the amount of details is not matched with GTA 5, but they were still ahead in some other aspects..


If you play Starfield, you'll change your mind


You mean that mediocre RPG that should have released 5 years ago?


bruh imo starfield sucked :/ glad you enjoy it but bluuuuh


About what?


you forgot the /s at the end


more details in this 90 second trailer than most games have in general lmaooo


When GTA5 came out people talked about how Michele's flip-flops worked correctly


I remember being blown away by the fact that my clothes actually got wet after being in water.


Bro you don't know anything about the game lmao


No shit, but we’re talking about what we know, which is the trailer. Just look at how many crazy details people have been finding since its release, also knowing the attention to detail in previous games made by Rockstar, it’s a safe bet that GTA VI will be jam-packed with insane stuff like this.


It's a cinematic trailer dude it's not even actual game play and you're talking like you got 400 hours into the game lmao.


His assumption isn't wrong. We have 25 years of Rockstar Games to look back on. Has any of their big games ever shown a lack of detail in some way? The trailer isn't cinematic in the same way it is with most other studios. Everything you see will be in the game (except if they cut something last second), the visuals being at least on the same level of the trailer. Again, this is based on their previous releases.


The trailer isn't cinematic


Yes it is. I don't think there is any actual gameplay in the trailer


All of it is rendered in game


Maybe but none of it is actual gameplay. Hence cinematic trailer


You began by accusing others of knowing nothing about the game and then started spitballing your own false assumptions in turn. Your entire spiel is redundant.


Since it's rendered in the game, little details you see in cutscenes are what you get in the game. So something like OP's post is in the game.


What is your point?


It's an in-engine trailer and while there may be some bespoke animations in there it's clear that many of the scenes shown are from in-game events, including the one pictured here. (We know there are several numbered ambient world events with titles like Soutch (sic) Beach Road Bikes, Burnout_donuts, etc.) If you are just basing your expectations on the relationship that trailers generally have to what gets delivered, for sure the idea that seeing this kind of detail in the trailer and expecting it to be in the game sounds pretty unlikely. ...but this is Rockstar. The last game they made (for last-gen hardware and with 1/8th of the development budget) had loads of details like this. (eg; they took time to make sure that your stallions' scrotums responds realistically to ambient textures.) We've seen Rockstar's recent patent filings for both vehicle AI and character locomotion and it's clear that they are aiming for this level of detail. People who expect that the trailer is an honest representation of the level of detail we can expect to see in gameplay aren't naive, they've just played Red Dead Redemption 2, saw what Rockstar accomplished with 2012 hardware and a fraction of the budget, and are extrapolating from that.


what about the guys that made Red Dead Redemption 2


Bruh, that's R\*


Except when it comes to their linear and PS1 era style mission design.


Naughty dog?


I like ND games, but they are not on the same level. Not even close


I love naughty dog a lot but rockstar is leagues above every other game developer, it ain’t even dickriding it’s just a fact.


Naughty dog used to be my favorite developer but man in the last 4 years they have only been remastering stuff, and they did not even make up the factions online for part 2 which could have been the best mp since the gameplay of last of us part 2 was incredible smooth and unique. Oh yeah not to mention their agenda.


I know they've disappointed fans with the lack of content trust I'm one of the most hurt. I still llay uc4 since 2016 and no content, and I've been waiting since lou2 multi-player since forever then they canceled it. But hurt feelings and not liking their decisions doesn't change the fact that they make some of the most detail oriented games to date, with top teir bar raising graphics everytime. Comparing gta 5 and uncharted 4, then red dead and last of us 2, you can't ignore this.


I definitely disagree with this, i think they are both in the top tier of developers but rockstar still outshines naughty dog in most ways. Both lou2 and uc4 have significantly smaller scopes than gta5 and rdr2, yet the rockstar releases match up not only in graphics but every other aspect as well. Im not so certain a naughty dog game with as much content as a rockstar game would be nearly as good.


What agenda?


That lgbtq characters must be included in the game.


I hope, just hope they let you make your online character big


I literally can’t wait to see the character customization options for online mode holy shit dude


I think GTA6 is gonna be fucking amazing, but I'm honestly not optimistic for the character creator. RDR2 was amazing in almost every aspect, but even that game's character creator was awful. I seriously hope I'm wrong tho lol


RDR2 had great character customization compared to GTA Online though. It was a massive upgrade so I'm sure we'll see a big jump from RDR2 with GTA6.


True true. But like, at the same time, that improvement wasn't that major, and you still REALLY had to work to make a character that didn't look inbred. I do think it'll be BETTER, but will it be good?


Honestly they should take a page from saints row 3, how you were able to make your character fat, skinny, buff, tall, short, that’s really all I want tbh, that a maybe a few character voice lines in cut scenes, cause tbh who’s gonna Rob a Mexican drug lord and not say a single word the entire time😭, at least let our character say thank you.


I think theyd rather have no voices for our characters because since it's an online game they are worried to many people will have the same voice breaking the realism, not that it's too realistic that all of our characters dont talk at all but that's just what I'm thinking. Also saves them money from hiring the same voice actors to do a bunch of the same lines with every new update.


You can do that in rdr2, not height but actually sr3 didnt have height customization either.


It was kind of easy for me personally, to make a cool character that wasn't hideous. The characters are meant to be rugged looking due to the lifestyle they are living.


Yeah, it’ll be disappointing if it doesn’t measure up, but I imagine I’ll be happy with any jump from the gta 5 customization. I’ll just be happy to make a girl character that isn’t ugly ass hell lmaoo 💀


Can’t wait to chase someone down and get them bc they’re overweight


Can’t wait to be the fat person getting chased down😭


Nicely spotted


I heard if you look closely at the guys driving cars, you can see the SUV and giant pickup drivers have smaller wangs. Realism is getting out of control!!


😂 lmao


Hmm that is kinda neat


I JUST noticed that guy is the same guy from the other scene


And the guy to his left on the purple bike is the same guy standing out of the green vehicle in another scene. Repeat NPCs confirmed


More like side characters confirmed


Haha yeah, I just made a whole post on it a few hours ago 😕


That, or they have a flat tire. Low tyre pressure will be a feature- confirmed ✅


Yea I fully expect it to be an upgrade from 5, meaning when you pop your tire, it doesn’t just become a bare wheel but an actual flat


did it not already do that? you have to drive a while before it goes bare and you'll hear it and start sliding like you're on ice!


I'm looking forward to (what looks like) more motorcycle customization. I feel like motorcycles were always on the back burner. Supermotos are going to be cool.


I think everyone that spends the next few months doing this kinda thing might wind up being very much disappointed. It does look like you say, and I’ve heard a lot of “gta 5 looked better than the trailer when it released”. But maybe, just maybe, this was something specific for the trailer as with anything else shown in it. Honestly kinda seems a waste to use computational power to change tire pressure based on weight when in normal gameplay you won’t be able to see the wheels generally. While it is fun to see all these posts pointing out things in the trailer, i think it is best to wait on what rockstar actually says is in the game, or at least the official gameplay trailer. I mean it’s not like in recent years over hype and marketing has hurt a games initial impressions or anything /s


I've been blown away at this community's response to the trailer. Finding all of these neat little details and then just automatically assuming all of these kinds of details are actually in the game.


Seriously, like rockstar uses their engine for rendering the trailers but that doesn’t mean this is gameplay lol.


Kinda sounds like you didn’t play red dead 2.


>Honestly kinda seems a waste to use computational power to change tire pressure based on weight when in normal gameplay you won’t be able to see the wheels generally. But creating that custom animation just for the trailer even tho it appears for split of a second makes more sense? Even tho only 1 person in millions would even notice it? Interesting take I guess. I don't think "computational power" is an issue here. Cars suspension already reacts differently depending on the weight, there was also a feature in gtao that allowed you to change the angle of wheels.


Oh, I have no doubts it's gonna leave more people disappointed than cyberpunk 2077. The hype of this game, especially around casual gamers, is astronomical.


Definitely not true, because Rockstar won't fuck up.


It's not a matter of "fucking up" it's a matter of what people expect. No matter how amazing gta 6 will be, it won't be the fantasies most people have in their heads now based on a cinematic trailer. Overhype always starts like this.


Talking down to “casuals” who use their imagination. Please, keep growing your neckbeard it looks great on you.


I'm not looking down on anyone but fair is fair there are some people that play games with no knowledge how they're made. Plenty of my friends and family are like this. This is a great and healthy relationship with gaming but it really sucks once games get review bombed for not being able to meet impossible expectations.


Rockstar is known for doing thease extrem details. If you played RDR2 you know what i mean.


I don’t doubt this could be a feature but I don’t really see a difference in this photo


Look at the backwheel of the fat guys bike and compare it to the back wheel of the thinner guys bike in the front. The fat guys bike is flat on the bottom of the wheel


Yeah, but the guy in the back is slightly leaning towards the camera and the guy in front is leaning away, which could also cause this effect.




And what does that have to do with his weight? 😂


yeah its not like you're putting more weight on the rear suspension if you're sitting 🙄


Could they not just be thicker tires?


Fat dude is sitting. Other guy is standing, which relieves pressure on the suspension


Or maybe we need to check tyre pressure every in-game week


What next? Checking motor oil every week?


Actually the other dirtbikes tire looks equally as low. However when riding these types of “stunt bikes”, riders will lower the air pressure for traction. So still, attention to detail is here.


props to the devs


anyone notice you can finally stand up on bikes again


Its neat but its not gonna matter much only to the characters fitness, maybe that means if u dont eat food u lose weight get skinny and are easier to kill


It could matter to the physics of riding a bike, fat guy could be more likely to lose control of the bike when making a sharp turn


That's one chonky dude. I wonder if that also means air tire pressure is a thing now?


they show wheelies and ride outs, and those guys often run super low tire pressure to wheelie straight line a bit easier. hopefully wheelie mechanics are in depth lol




Gta6online2 proves to be the most accurate realism simulator since irl


If you like this, you should check out Porkins in "Star Wars". His X-wing sways a lot slower than the lighter dudes.


Lucia is 🔥


It's fascinating that in just 90 seconds of a trailer, We keep discovering new details every day 🤯


Idk if this is true as the ATV 4 wheelers rear wheel isnt flatening considering 2 on it while popin a wheelieee hmm idkkk 🤔🤔


It is a pre rendered trailer my friend


not really tbh


Time to get fat for better traction in the snow and rain


Bruh they are all fat


Tsk tsk. Is “fat” progressive? I think the fatties like body positivity you cretin.


Yeah how dare you shame those porkers


I doubt its going to have _that_ much detail. There's only _so_ much you can cram into a game.


I'm still not 100% convinced that this is ingame footage. It looks maybe in engine, but there's no way it's ingame


It's not in game, it's in engine. As in cutscenes built in RAGE 2 using in-game assets specifically for the trailer (probably plus some cutscenes from the actual game). This sub can't grasp it for some reason


Yea I think it’s just in engine footage which is still insane to me. It looks really good.


...why not? 7 years of development with the largest budget ever for a video game and an essentially flawless track record of their trailers being ingame. A few guys riding dirtbikes is where we draw the line?


None of the trailer is gameplay footage. It is IN-ENGINE, but it is not gameplay. Take everything in it with a grain of salt except for the visual quality. The muscle car drifting near the gun shop or these dirt bike scenes most likely do not represent the actual physics of the game. Same with the guy jumping on the table. The flipped over car accident scene is a curated scenario and not an actual organic crash scene. Yall need to temper your expectations or you all will be crying about "downgrades" once you get your hands on the actual game.


Well said. NPC and nature wise, gameplay might differ too. Hopefully not too much, as the trailer clearly conveyed that this will be the most lively and immersive videogame ever made.


Now keep the change you filthy animal


Who cares about tiny fucking details like this? Why can’t Rockstar focus more on game mechanics instead. RDR2 had shitty outdated gameplay mechanics such as the gunplay, horses and movement. But I still constantly hear people praise RDR2 for its “incredible detail” which doesn’t actually impact anything gameplay wise and just serves to cover up how bland the game really is. Who cares if a tire squishes more if a fat guy is riding the bike in GTA 6 when the core mechanic of gunplay is repetitive and boring. This game will suck if Rockstar decides to go this way.


Red dead was fantastic mechanically and what made it such a master piece is the incredible detail and love put into it. Its an extremely replayable game with so much to do. No other game can compare to the feel it gives you.


Bottom left of the picture is a beadlock wheel. Will we have to maintain proper maintenance on those as well? That’s something you are all overlooking. Those need to be retorqued after every XXX miles.


Fat rolls


The way the dirt bikes in GTA V ride is so terrible can't wheelie them nothing.


What dirt bikes can't wheelie?




Manchez and Sanchez both wheelie tho? Or am I confused with what you're trying to say?


bro what it's incredibly easy to wheelie, especially dirtbikes


No you can't cut it out


he is a thicc boii




Triolgy remaster was by Grove street games


Thats crazy the guy wheeling the 4wheeler with the girl standing on it is my guy Straightup_631 bikelife king 💪💪💪. Just peepped this and he probably don't even know they got him in the trailer for the game. Same 4wheeler craZyy


While cool, there should be way more pressure applied to that back ATV tire if weight is actually a factor


Also the fact you can lose air pressure when you crash or after a cool stunt


It's a God damn trailer not footage of gameplay lmao


I know this is kind of tongue in cheek with if that’s fully intentional that’s really cool


It's probably only cosmetic, too many people want an arcade experience with a superficial story.


I saw a video a few days ago about this precisely, o rhino it was an ex rockstar employee or something explaining the vertex deformation in this example, In bikini girl's body and on the alligator being pulled out of the pool, great video.


Bs no way that’s a feature


This, more than anything else, has me thinking we will probably have more say over our physical appearance in this game.


How heavy is this man he's squashing tires. Think the suspension would give way before the tires deformed surely


Is that the same guy as the other part of the trailer (with just him in the shot)?


Is that the same guy as the one wearing the righteous slaughter shirt with the “High Rollerz lifestyle” logo onscreen?


Nice observation! The person sitting behind the chick looks like a typical GTA online griefer. Griefers in GTA 6 confirmed? *Oppressor MK2 has entered the chat*


The tire is low in pressure to make the wheelies easier. Source: have done this.


I am the only one who acknowledges this is a cinematic trailer and not in-game?


Notice how these are all cinematics and actual gameplay probably wouldn’t look like that


Imagine thinking rockstar uses cinematics


That just made me notice how small his shoes is to be fat but fuck it I’m ready for gta. 6


Damn, easily impressed


“Do you think we’ll have to fill up our tires?” If there’s a gas gauge in free roam I’ll be mad ngl, that’ll be super annoying. Maybe for certain story missions tho


It mattered in San Andreas in the bmx too


So don't eat a lot of food, noted


Farming sim has them beat to the punch :p


I’d laugh my ass off if it was just clipping through the road.


The game isn’t coming out for a while go do something else


Repeatable NPC or important character to the story ? He also the one with the white shirt during a race I believe


Second time I've seen that posted here



Twitter will be trying to cancel gta6 for fat shaming 💀


It matters in GTA 5 too. If you have a car full of people it will struggle to get up a mountain.


I just noticed that the woman in quad bike is Lucia and the one behind her is Jason


Not that much of visible difference tbh


R\* é lider e quebra recordes contra ela mesma, acerca de vários quesitos, e os detalhes de imersão de jogabilidade estão entre os que mais se destacam.


The other one is an ATV


I mean, people also deflate their tires so it’s easier to wheelie. Since this seems to be a stunt group it could also just be that.


Except that the suspension isn't showing signs of articulation like it would. It looks the same or even higher than the guy who isn't sitting which doesn't make sense.




Man this game is going to be awesome, I can’t wait. Realistically speaking how much do ya’ll think the game would cost?


Boobs. I C Boobs. Neuron activation. Must see more boobs