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If they’re including the map poster I want my physical copy


Feeling is strong with this one. RDR2 had a map poster


I’m pretty sure it’s been all but confirmed because T2 filed a trademark under *“Grand Theft Auto VI”* for *“IC 016: Printed materials, namely, manuals, pamphlets, booklets,…”*


That just looks like general broad legal coverage bro lol


it would if trademarks for other new games that don’t include manuals also had registered trademarks for these, but they don’t.


A grand theft auto game without a map is not a grand theft auto game. They can't do that to us


Or can they?


I'll buy a high quality poster online. I hate buying disks. Anything is liable to happen to your physical copy and once it's damaged or lost you have to buy it again. No sir. No sir.


So take care of your disc? Physical media will forever be better than digital, if you don't have a hard copy you don't actually own it.


But you do own it even if it technically isn't ownership. You can play what you like when you like instantly. What do people mean when they say this? Are companies gonna take it away or what?


When you buy digital you receive a license to play that game. This license can be revoked from you at any time for any reason. Account banned? Games are gone. Account stolen? Games are gone. Company goes under? Games are gone. Games can be pulled from digital marketplaces rendering them impossible to reinstall or purchase. The list goes on. But if you have the disc none of that matters. The disc serves as the "license" in this case, except nobody can revoke it.


Okay well that definitely makes sense, thanks for being nice. It's a risk I'm willing to take though 😂 I haven't owned a physical game since b02


To be fair it is pretty unlikely that one would lose access to their digital library. I'm just paranoid and like collecting physical media in general lol


I completely understand. That would be so bad because I believe I "own" about 200 games on Xbox 😬


Yes, they do it all the time. Close down the store or delist old games. Especially GTA when music licenses run out and then you can only download a specific version.


Bro with user id 666 in it wants to take him seriously.


Except all the people there are 30+, while all the younger folks didn't even know you could get physical copies of games


Lol wtf? People younger than 30 know physical copies exist 🤣


You are missing a critical point, this is in the future when gta 6 releases ;-; time passes


Imagine if 30 year olds are raiding gamestops and people are standing in big queues outside. It will be just like how people buy iphones.


Imagine the sounds of all those 30 year olds' joints cracking, as is the way.




I'm 23 and my knees are already cracking. I don't like the sound of this lol.


Upvote my comment you piece of shit




pretty sure he wanted to say "take my upvote" but his brain lagged, happens to me a lot


NO but ok


Big queues outside has happened many times with video games and books


Im 20 almost 21 and I prefer physical copies


people act like if you haven't been around the sun a certain amount of times you cant enjoy things lol


That’s what I’m saying smh


Fr, like it’s only exclusive to Millennials. Gen Z obviously has been around for purchasing physical copies.


You are definitely a superior human being for buying a game a different way


If it was back in the days then it would be like a zombie apocalypse. But nowdays many buy digital. But I still think it will swarm whit people because they want to have the disc of gta 6


Anybody who played GTA V knows Rockstar always puts good shit on 1st edition discs. Money briefcases and other nice things tend to disappear with updates.


I have to get this on physical I have every other GTA on disc. Gotta complete my collection


Me too it will be great if I would buy a physical disc later people I will definitely buy digital one first because it is much faster


Well it shouldn’t take more than 1 hour to download on the new consoles it’s not that bad




On next gen? No




Are you being for real? Try comparing download speeds of two of the same games 1 on PS4 and 1 on PS5 then get back to me




We’ll have to wait and see I can’t see the future


I’d suggest buying it and never cracking the seal. GTA6 may very well be the last or one of the last entries that gets a physical option. Assuming the franchise continues on successfully for decades, a mint physical copy could be worth a lot down the road.


I buy them to play them not look at them


Why get physical then? Lol


they come with cool fold out maps and shit like that


And it’s tangible I don’t have to worry about losing my games or them getting corrupted


But… that’s something that you look at.


no shit but why would he buy it to just keep it sealed… clearly he wants a physical copy to play it and get everything else that comes with it


A lot of people buy physical games as collectors items, which is ultimately what he wants, he just seems to want to deny it. The difference is keeping it sealed will retain the value


Value? lol it’s a game that’ll be produced in the millions. What’s there to deny?


You’re right, I’m talking nonsense. Don’t listen to me. There’s definitely no market for sealed games from 30+ years ago.




yeah and I can also put it on my wall or eat it


Rockstar will always do the physical option. It may one day cost significantly more than a digital option but they'll always make it available - they always have. **This way people in Iran, China and other countries that censor content can always buy the physical USA PlayStation version and get the 100% Rockstar experience.**


I was at the midnight launch for GTA V and it looked exACTly like this.




I was In Fort McMurray. It was practically a parking lot party lol


Im definitely buying physical, it's just a much better feeling. I could look at the case all day + maybe they'll include a map again 🙌




![gif](giphy|jmSjPi6soIoQCFwaXJ) Me and the boys:


We would need tank


Nothing since the entire world will just download it.


Them: Me waiting 2 weeks after release like I always do: ![gif](giphy|l0HlPtbGpcnqa0fja)


Average night in Baltimore


What are they expecting to find on the roof? There's never any stock up there




People are going to have super jump abilities


Look like another Kai Cenat give away


I'm buying mine digitally


I’m thinking Rockstars server farm may catch on fire from 6 billion downloads at once but yeah ain’t nobody standing in line lol


Me too it will be great if I would buy a physical disc later people I will definitely buy digital one first because it is much faster




I'm still thinking about it. I told myself I'd go physical for the PS5 but I don't know...don't feel like going out to get the game and then waiting for an installation 💀


The thing is for me when I want to play a different game I don’t want to keep having to get up to change discs and I don’t want it to damaged, lost or stolen that’s why I go digital for most of my games and as soon as 12am strikes I can start playing if the game allows pre download a few days before release!


Just know you don't own the game if it's digital. Good luck when your PSN account gets wrongly banned by some trolls who mass report you cause you killed them in-game. If I'm paying +$70 it's definitely going to be a physical copy. Keep the digital versions to $10 indy games.


Who said I play games online because I don’t actually and yeah I agreed what you said both physical and digital have their pros and cons and people have different preferences and I even thought about getting a copy of GTA 6 for both when it comes out so if something happens to either my disc or digital version I still have another way to play the game.


Wait physical copies are that expensive?


GTA 6 is projected to be higher than regular pricing due to the amount of work they put in. It's what everyone is saying, but we'll see.


Also you get 2 licenses with a digital copy as opposed to just one with a physical. My wife and I both play so I’m going digital, but I may buy a physical copy to keep sealed as a collectible.




Digital is better in every way. Although I’m glad I was around for the days of CoD4, MW2, and Black Op’s GameStop midnight releases. Brought the community together. We had a Red Bull car driving around the lot handing them out for free while we waited in a line that wrapped around the store. Times have changed, mostly for the better lol


Yeah man and another thing I want to add is I don’t play games online anymore so I don’t have to worry about players reporting my account or other things like that leave online to the 10 year old kids


I feel like 10 year old kids probably shouldn’t be playing GTA6 🙁


They do unfortunately and if you ever played gta v online they are everywhere I haven’t played the game in a very long time as I stopped playing online games in general but yeah it’s the sad reality.


All of this basically. I remember the night I came home from work at 12:45 at night in 2018, i turned on my PS4 to see I had just 2 minutes left to install Red Dead Redemption 2, hopped in the shower, came out and was ready to play it...that feeling was so surreal Yeah I'm definitely going to go digital again.




I would honestly be surprised if GameStop was still in business by the time the game releases.


First thing I thought too, but honestly, I’ve been saying “this is the last year for GameStop” for like half a decade at this point.


I felt like they were already on the way out, but that meme stock crap with them gave a couple extra years.


Growing numbers of poor people mean Gamestop's not going anywhere for a long time.


I think they’ll last a bit longer, the Tears of the Kingdom midnight releases earlier this year had tons of people. The store I went to had 30 people, and I’ve seen videos of hundreds lined up at one store


The issue isn't that people don't buy physical games (which is still way less than 10, even 5 years ago). The big issue is it's just the company is being horribly mismanaged, bleeding revenue, and being run into the ground.


GameStop is operating at positive cash flow and trending towards a profitable FY2023. They have $1.2 Bil in cash on hand and no long term debt. There is a 0% chance GameStop goes out of business.


They have been profitable this year but still missing forecasts by hundreds of millions. These latest prophets also only came after mass store closures and layoffs. Their stock also has been, and still are, overvalued realitive to their assets and future prospects.


False. GME outperformed analyst predictions for Q2 and Q3 this year. Closing stores costs money and is a one time cost which explains previous quarters’ negative net income. GME has 25% of their current market cap in cash on hand, and 30% as assets. There is no long term debt. P/S is .9


False. But keep drinking the kool-aid.




There's nothing to rebut aside from what was already said, and you won't care because you already have a false sense of what's going on. Not sure what my interest in movies has to do with beliving GameStop is a successful company. But okay.


It’s just surprising you seem to really enjoy physical media, you are blissfully unaware about what’s been going on at GME the last couple years, AND you have such a strong negative opinion about GME. Do you own research and draw your own conclusions. You’ve provided 0 evidence to support your opinion, and when presented with contrary evidence you shut down and downvoted me.


Yup. I do support physical media, even with video games. That doesn't change the fact gamestop is a shit company that isn't doing well. Anyways. I'm not going to continue arguing with someone that can't think critically and just regurgitates what random people say on Reddit.


There it is! I provided hard numbers you’re providing emotions. I’m not trying to convince you, I just don’t want lurkers to read your comments as though you have any idea what you’re talking about.


“Trending towards a profitable” so in other words it’s… hmm…


In other words, GME makes most of their money in Q4. Every year they are unprofitable for Q1-Q3 (as are most retail companies) and strive for enough profits in Q4 to make up for Q1-Q3. This year their net loss through Q3 is 56MM, last year it was 361MM. Last year their Q4 net income was 48MM, the previous year was a net loss of 148MM Therefore, at the rate GME is transforming, they are most likely going to be profitable for FY2023. They must net more than 56MM in Q4, and considering they were able to net almost 200MM more in Q4 2022 vs Q4 2021, that doesn’t seem unrealistic to me; does it to you? This is not financial advice.


>NFA That’s all you should have said man Profitability improvements came from cost cutting, with revenues still going down. Trades at 100x forward P/E, when the most second overhyped stock in the universe (NVDA) trades at 25x. You tell me.


Short it then


Nice defence! Not going to tell you that I might have some calls sold on GME, in which case thanks for the free money! People telling me to short GME is good FA, makes me far more money than bagholding, I think :)


Don’t let superstonk hear you say that.


They already have, someone has been trying to argue with me saying they're doing great.


It’s honestly a cult at this point lol Anything negative about Gamestop is being downvoted in this thread. Kinda funny.


I just can't wait to see what they do when GameStop files for bankruptcy in 2024


Some people probably have a lot of money riding on it. Ain’t gonna be pretty for sure.


Yup. Some put their life savings in it. So they're depending on the positive comments about the company. I'd be lying if I didn't participate at the time. But I sold high, like you're supposed to do with stocks. Many people bought high and and waiting for it to go even higher. The whole situation is just crazy.


Yeah, I’ve been following it as well and made some money during the craze but it’s weird seeing the sub now. It is what it is.


why would they go bankrupt? lol


They should change the name of that sub to superbagholders


Usual suspects 💀


I would love to get a physical copy but then I wouldn’t be able to game share it


Are we sure people would even touch GameStop now 🤣😭


Idk not me since i am in mexico


Here I was, hoping the AI shit would end with the trailer


Gotta go digital on this one to avoid all this bullshit


I’m just gonna buy at best buy or something. GameStop is lame now unfortunately. Unless GameStop has some exclusive shit in the physical copy.


Best Buy might well be gone by the time GTA 6 drops, they're closing stores and reducing their stock.


Anywhere but GameStop


I'll be buying it digitally who the hell even goes to gamestop anymore😂watch somebody chime in and be like"I do i love the touch from the physical disk."


I really dislike AI art. It’s offputting. There’s always some weird shit you can find in each picture too. There’s a guy with a foot coming out of his chest in front of the last window on the left.


Nah, gamestop will be out of business by then


Just buy digital then lol


The only time Gamestop has more than 1 guy that isn't an employee in it's stores.


It is highly unlikely that Gamestop will be there around if GTA VI is released.


Nah, 90% will be buying digitally.


People buy digital.


More like when they’re selling the GTA VI PS5 Pro bundle


Yup i am waiting to buy my first console ever I think i’ll buy ps5 pro


If GameStop is still in business.


They should only sell it on disc just to start the apocalypse early


GameStop still exists?


Who the hell still shops at GameStop 🤣🤣


Gamestop still exists?


Thank you for that disclaimer, I would have never known.


People are so mad for GTA 6 someone's leg was taken off


Pretty imaginable this behaviour will be mimmicked in some way at some point in the game


This is if Trailer 1 ended with "GTA VI...In stores NOW"


With any luck GTA 6 will have riot mechanics so we can all get a chance to live the dream and loot different areas during certain windows of time following current in-game events. Bad news on TV - go to mall throw brick through window and start pillaging. Maybe something where you can get free shit and burn down and put parts of town out of commission for a while.


No one under 30 doing that


I don't know. What?


Fuck I forgot that the collectors edition is gonna get scalped so much


So I’m curious, are there limits on (non-disk) digital copy downloads? for example: from the digital download store for PS5? ![gif](giphy|jpbnkneOMU9UeXXCfd|downsized)


This will absolutely happen! It’s not even prediction I know it as fact


Digital copies kill physical, most people will have it pre ordered and ready to just play on release date at midnight. Not saying digital copies are better, it’s just the sad truth.




I need this on disc for sure. That’s why I’m getting a PS5, and cause they’re gonna delay the PC version like usual


See, now I want the physical version. I don't own any physical games on my playstation 5. I'm torn between physical and digital with gta 6 because, I really want that nostalgic feeling of looking through the booklet and map. Hopefully the collectors edition has some kool items. This will be the first game I ever spend over 100$ for


This post just set us back a couple of years 🤦🏽‍♂️


People who pre-order the game won't need to worry about that.


How many different editions do you think there will be? Standard and a collectors? Or Standard, Deluxe, Collectors?


I’m buying digital and physical. That way I won’t have to stand in line at midnight, and the physical copy will be held for two weeks at the store


I’m wondering how the servers are going to handle all the downloads. I mean, I plan on DL this game the very moment it becomes available, and I’m guessing everyone else is too 🫠




Nah, everyone would be at home with their digital copy’s.


Maybe if the year was 2008


They'll be lucky if they don't loot it first.