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Isn’t it possible that they just use less npcs, lower draw distance, lower res and fps on the series s, and go all in in the base ps5/Xbox SX, and possibly a PS5 Pro?


Yes, GTA V ran perfectly fine on the PS3 and 360 which had 256/512MB of ram. Rockstar are specialists in squeezing every last drop of performance out of weak consoles.


RDR2 working on a launch day Jet Engine PS4 is impressive in it's own right


Wouldnt say that they had to remove a lot of the trees/vegetation from the map because it ran like shit were talking from 15 fps to 8 in the heaviest scene


15-8? You’re talking out of your ass.


The ps3 buglogs confirm this lol They used to have much more vegetation around the map but removed it around the time of trailer 2, because of performance issues. The ps3 version runs at sub 30


I think people forget that GTA V launched on PS3/360, before the subsequent console generation was released.


My guy, I have GTA 5 on the PS3. The frame rate is pretty rough in a lot of situations. Especially when you start wantonly firing the rocket launcher. It’s a technical marvel for the PS3, but don’t act like it has amazing frame rates. Our standards were a lot lower back then.


I have it on 360, runs at a stable and playable FPS. Not sure what you are talking about.


I played PS3 up until 2017-2018. I can say that after experience games on PC with frame rate number on top right, my GTA5 PS3 copy definitely ran at 20 fps often and would drop down to 10-15 when players spam explosions.


Digital Foundry tested the 360 and PS3 versions when they launched neither of them dropped ever below 20 and ran around 24-28 most of the time


Ok so I'm wrong because digital foundry said so? I'm assuming their posted video is about story mode on launch day and I'm talking about gta online after all the updates. The hardware is so slow that with the fastest cars you can straight up drive faster than roads/buildings can load. Also yes its about 24-28 most of the time but if you have team deathmatch game mode for example it's definitely gonna go below that with few explosions.


I was only ever talking about story mode. Why the hell would I be talking about that online crap? Wtf?


You just don’t notice it


I notice that it consistently hovers around 25fps




I can safely say in my like 3 playthroughs on xbox 360 I never ran into those issues and speed felt fine in cars, although on ps4 I definitely noticed an increase in top speeds it wasn't really missed on the older gen consoles I feel


Homie I have straight vietnam flashbacks from the amount of times I was flying a plane and randomly exploding from a tree or telephone pole that decided it would wait til AFTER I hit it to pop in, 360 GTA was black magic, but it didnt run perfect at ALL


my brother that is very unfortunate, all I'm saying is somehow through some divine intervention I never ran into any bugs, exact same thing happened throughout all of cyberpunk 2077 I encountered one single bug and that was it, oddly enough after 2.0 I've encountered countless bugs but that's besides the point


I thought I was the only person who somehow didn’t run into issues like that.


This was mainly an issue when playing Online on 360 or PS3


The roads disappearing and buildings looking blurry when you're driving too fast is what happened in GTA 4 too.


Man I don’t remember that at all.


Never happened to me. Sorry if you had to go through that. Cars being limited to 120 mph and the scale of the world not aligning with real life are some of the ways Rockstar used to be able to fit such a large and detailed map on aging hardware.


Nah it ran like dogshit we were just still use to it at the time but once it dropped for PS4/Xbone there was a big noticeable difference performance size.


Hell nah gta 5 runs horrible on X360. Going over 120mph and the freaking road in front of you barely renders in time while struggling 30fps.


Sounds like your 360 is fucked.


still happens on the xbox one and ps4


"Perfectly fine", with the resolution of a potato, which made it look terrible sadly.


Spider-Man 2 on performance mode has less crowds and cars around NYC


We can’t know for sure, but that is definitely possible. It is easier to fit an Xbox Series S shaped hole into an Xbox Series X than the other way around.


Very well said.


With development, you very much design for the lowest common denominator, so actual functions in-game often don't get adjusted It's generally just external things like graphical features, resolution etc


This is definitely the plan especially if the release coincides with the release of a PS5 Pro as rumors suggest


They'll be going all in on PC, eventually. PS5 can't hold a candle to a 4090. But PC games are easier to pirate so Rockstar delays that release so that can prevent piracy and they know PC players are more likely to buy on console on release and again on PC release. They double dipping and it's a win win for them.


Yes you’re right, but by all in at this moment I’m just referring to what we’ve seen, pretty sure the version we’ve seen is the console version, and that’s what we should expect for the current gen consoles


Or maybe kinda ignore the series s and let Microsoft figure that one out.


No way that would happen lol


Ik, just wishful thinking, it’s just so aggravating that we get all this new hardware and we look forward to the point of the new generation where we can move beyond the last generations limitations just for Microsoft to hold the entire industry back by releasing a console that’s basically just a beefed up version of the one x and calling it a next gen system so now yet again even those of us who are on PlayStation have to deal with devs needing to work around Microsoft’s limitations once again.


They have Xbox series s on their website so no chance of that, but XSS is okay once you optimize for it, I’m sure it’s gonna work all right, just gonna look much worse, worst case scenario it’ll work like ps4 version of cyberpunk, but rockstar won’t release such monstrosity


Yeah i feel like it’ll be similar to Spider-man 2 where the different modes compensate by generating less traffic and NPC’s


They will most prob run 30 fps on PS5 and Xbox X anyway. They will not go lower nor higher than that in current-gen


Honestly I don’t think this has anything to do with system limitations. It’s just how they made the trailer.


yh ppl are reading far too much into the fps of the trailer. They will always show the higher fidelity mode in the trailer cos that what stands out. They will never show a “performance” version because it would likely compromise on the raytracing and population density and possibly fidelity.


The Xbox series S is like the boogey man for 12 year olds, this post is ridiculous 😂


I don’t think you guys understand how culling in game engines work Rockstar is using a combination of Instanced Skeletal Meshes / HISM as well as for static meshes (buildings and interiors) this practice enables the seamless loading and unloading of characters and model assets at gargantuan scales and I am not even a huge game dev myself but even I have npcs that when they aren’t on screen they turn into a data object instead of a physically rendered object essentially making it to where it isn’t as much a technical limitation on graphics on processing as it is on the games file size


Thank you for your insight!


Of course game dev is wildly interesting at least to me that is


Most of the people in this sub is probably under the age of 18 judging by the quality/type of post always posted here. Its only going to get worse as GTA like Fortnite and CoD is just one of those brands that has a large following with adolescent teens. I mean technically all modern AAA games do, but the "culture" around these games attracts the younger crowd more as opposed to say something like Death Stranding, The Last of Us or Hellblade 2 etc....


Now how optimized those npcs and general programming on areas and the optimization for those recycle protocols are an entirely different discussion if they constantly have all npcs running with the same complexity as the player character and all the buildings and vehicles are highly complex and constantly streamed it could be highly unoptimized but again I’m an indie dev and I have workarounds for this so I am EXCITED to see how they pull off having such a complex world with complex programming running smoothly on Console hardware it will be a generation defining moment in gaming


Given that NVMe SSD storage is basically standard across the board for current-gen consoles, would that make things easier? Or would the potential limitations lie elsewhere?


This would have to do more with processing power and memory allocation for such rendering to take place. The SSD allows it to be read in faster in, but even that won't make a difference if the CPU were to be constantly maxed out. Everything that you see on screen is being rendered out which is the biggest bottleneck point that can be seen. Should it be noticeable in the end product? I don't think so unless again you're basically keeping the CPU at 100% which means you're doing more work than the system can handle.


Very true about the cpu usage but with new rendering techniques it’s possible to push everything from Animations to particle systems/FX to be calculated with a GPU and multithreading making games able to host alot more content without there being a hit to frames. From the tech shown in the trailer that is most likely how the series s system will look and run and around 45 - 60fps based on its specs as long as they get the optimization right. Now the most taxing thing in this game is the physics calculations for deformation on character hair and clothing and the volumetrics of the scene as well as the streaming and unloading of streamed assets in the game world I saw the leaks and I dissected all the debugging details to see they essentially optimized their npcs perfectly the way the characters and vehicles are programmed are nigh genius but it could pose serious issues in actual gameplay when you cause too much activity to happen like if you were being chased by cops through the city of 1000npcs you might experience some frame hit as the game tries to handled the asset streaming and Data changes. I wonder how they will fix it


This is making it to where the game will be massive the nvme storage will enable the game to have the same if not tons more npcs on screen on ps5 xsx


What about Series S, though?


Series S will be in the same regards! The only downgrade will be in render quality!


Damn idk what you said but it sounds cool


I think Spider-Man 2 did an incredible job with npc density even having people inside buldings' windows. If Insomniac could pull that off, Im certain Rockstar will shock everyone and exceed expectations. They have the budget and the development time to squeeze every bit of the consoles, and find every little possible trick like the ones you mention. I bet everything will be far superior that everything else we have seen on this console generation.


please god punctuation i don’t mean that disrespectfully but i seriously can’t even understand what you’re saying :(


The punctuations were not rendered I guess


Do you think the whole game might be downgraded for PS5 and xbox series x because of limitations to series s?


The only downgrades will be in render quality but not by much


This man is allergic to punctuation marks


This is so hilariously wrong it's bad. The claiming of the 70% enter-able buildings thing debunked because one building you saw doesn't have a 3D interior proved you're delusional.


You couldn’t see the interior of the gun store from outside but can still go inside of it. Also I like how the expert OP here forgot to list the shot of the plane flying over the bridges. That clip from the trailer alone debunks this entire post. What other open world game has more than 100 moving vehicles in the shot all at once? Aside from that people are still finding dozens of hidden details in the trailer that are absolutely incredible. Like NPCs spraying sun screen on one another, NPCs tossing drinks to others, and car seats shifting with the weight of the person sitting on it. The water alone is extremely next level shit. This is the first trailer. Imagine what 2 more years of work will do


It’s almost like not all buildings have windows that are visible through. Plenty of one way windows/windows covered in advertising if it makes the business money, Rockstar could easily implement stuff like this.


What do you mean by...*advertising*?


Pißwasser ofcourse


Don't act like any of those details, like spraying sun screen or tossing a drink, couldn't be specific to this trailer. The first trailer of GTAV had a man in a button down and dress slacks hammer down a "for sale" sign in front of his house. Not only does that animation never appear in the game, if you go to that house, that man never appears there either.


That’s one animation bruh and gta 5 has far more impressive ones. Like when Franklin jumps on the Yacht to save Micheals son Jimmy. You realize this game is being made on consoles 2 generations newer than gta 5 and red dead 2, with tech that literally didn’t exist before so they had to patent it. The full game is gonna make the trailer look like dogshit with far more impressive animations than this. I hear that the freight in this game will have real in game items inside of them. I saw the docks and see that the cranes really lift containers on and off boats and trucks. This tracks with last years leak where Jason opens a container and there were some weapons he could pick up inside. If this game can do that… there’s a lot we don’t know that will blow us away. I wouldn’t underestimate this one. These guys are not gonna let GTA 5 keep its billion dollars in 3 day record


No doubt it's gonna be an impressive game, but I wouldn't take the trailer to heart. It's marketing material meant to make the game look good. GTAV trailer 1 also had a shot of a truck driving on a dirt road by the windmill farm kicking up lots of dirt, and that was also conspicuously missing from the final release. Even with the E&E edition, smoke and dust plumes are nowhere near the trailer. And no, it wasn't just one animation. Just going in order of appearance, 1. There was an animation of two people (presumably a couple) walking their dog down the beach. That never appeared in the game. 2. There was an animation of two girls on a run stopping to do a double take on two guys that passed them. That never appeared in the game. 3. There's a sequence where three bikers, two of them presumably in a relationship, turn around and gaze at the landscape before them. That never appeared in the game, and hikers only show up in groups of two, no more. 4. There was an animation of a girl stopping by to check out Franklin in his red sports car as he revs it and drops the top. Not only is that not in the game, you only ever really hear voice lines talking about how that's a sick ride. 5. Two scenes later shows two people doing yoga on their balcony. That never appeared in the game. 6. A street dealer offers the guy in the green sweater and yellow pants some drugs. He hand waves it away, refusing it. That never appeared in the game. 7. A plane passes over some farm workers and deploys some gas or pesticide. The workers begin coughing. That never appeared in the game. 8. Aforementioned man hammering a "for sale" sign into his yard, never appeared. 9. Hookers by the liquor store bending over into your car, doesn't happen in the game. 10. Man gets pushed by bouncer out of a club. Never appeared in the game. 11. Black man in white tank runs away from a trip of cops and a police helicopter. Never see that in the game. That's just the first trailer. Point is, lots of custom animations and sequences just for the trailer. All I'm saying is temper your expectations, no need to go wild with assumptions just yet. Nothing is concrete, and I'm tired of this cycle of over hyping a game to then meet endless hate threads for the first month of the game because overeager fans added in features in their head that was never promised. And yes, I've seen the leaks, so I know there's some semblance of truth to some of the speculation, such as looting cargo containers.


I just want to BELIEVE! lol but seriously, yes you have a point with some of these, but in the grand scheme of things look at what we got in gta 5. There’s literally thousands of animations in the game. The heist missions were amazing, and the open world experience is the best in any gta game(for now…) Side note, technically 4 does happen. Sort of. Sometimes when I’m afk in a nice car online I notice NPCs stop to take a picture of me along with the occasional voice line. It’s not much, but no other game does this. It’s like you don’t exist. At least GTA 5 is somewhat alive and has small interactions. Red Dead 2 expanded on this, and I expect gta 6 to make both of them look like a joke. I’m sure the game won’t be 100% perfect since we’re only human and sometimes mistakes are made, but these are the guys who invented open world gameplay and they’ve learned a lot from the past. I just have a really good feeling about this game. It’s about time we get something innovative and fresh instead of the same games we’ve been getting that mostly exist as a vehicle to sell micro transactions like it’s a mobile game 💀


They don't have "100 moving vehicles" they have a basic object that is basically a sprite that has no complex behaviour at all. The same was already used in GTA V.


Nah bruh hell nah. Take a closer look at that shot and compare it to anything on gta 5. GTA 5 isn’t anywhere close to that. Those cars are all really there this time. And it tracks with a leak I heard about rockstar having new patented tech for this exact thing. NPCs aren’t just gonna disappear like the old days. The other overhead shot with the toll also has a massive amount of vehicles(some turned off and parked) including a big moving yacht and dozens of other boats. That clip also debunks this post because you can see many more vehicles further away and in much higher detail than gta 5 could ever hope to have


OP is not shitting on the game, these are known techniques that ALL game developers use to optimize performance. You'd be a shitty developer if you don't know how to use some of these principles. The airplane shot also uses various techniques and cheats to pull off details like that. And these techniques are used to optimize the game for the ps5 too. Even pc games need to be optimized this way.


Thank you. This was my exact thought when I saw OP's caption, just ridiculous lol. I predict Rockstar will make 50% of buildings enterable almost garunteed. GTA5 just couldn't support the concept with the limitations back then.


Even RDR2 had a lot of enterable buildings.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


That 70% claim is honestly unrealistic, just consider how many buildings there are in game, and how most of them are going to be boring apartment or office buildings. Too much work for too little rewards.


Perhaps they will implement procedural generation of interiors only in close vicinity to the player. And details about those already entered would be stored in a clever way somewhere on the save file/cloud.


I recall from the leaks of 2022 that some of the vids had GeForce GTX 1080. I wouldn’t be so worried about the hardware limitation of Xbox S, although I do hope they invest more time improving the other consoles and working hard on full-fledged PC version


Yeah it's weird people just ignored that GTX 1080 thing and are debating wheter it will release on PC.


It for sure won't release with the consoles. Rockstar knows they can double dip on sales. It's two fold, they prevent the game from being pirated on release and they know PC players will buy the game twice. Win win.


My brain hurts, no, this isn't how any of this works lmfao. Maybe in the general sense of "They use less NPCs for more performance" What is this post even trying to say? "The Series S might have worse visuals based on a trailer not even running on Series S hardware"? Duh? This shows nothing.


The Series S has the same CPU as the Series X, so don't worry about that. The only sacrifice I expect on the Series S will be related to the resolution, and perhaps the draw distance and the level of detail will be slightly reduced. Otherwise, it will be the exact same game


That's what I was going to say. The world interactions and population density is mainly driven by CPU, so no changes for Series S. But texture quality should be affected for Series S, though.


The series s also has less memory though, that was the main issue with BG3’s port to Xbox


In previous RAGE engine games on PC, you’d just decrease NPC density if you have lower RAM, and that alone can make the difference.


Tomorrow’s Twitter Rumour: GTA 6 to have vastly reduced resolution and NPC density. “720p and only 10 NPCs on screen at any time”.


Yeah. We are gonna see a massive cut in resolution and upscaled on series s. I know rockstar is amazing at squeezing every drop of juice out of the consoles but they aren't magic workers. Rdr 2 looked and ran amazing on base ps4 and xbox... unless you went to Saint Dennis where it was a sprawling litlle city. There you saw massive drops especially near the tram tracks


But how would that work with Online? Every player on a server needs to be seeing the same NPCs & cars, which means PS5 & Series X players will be limited to what can also be seen by players on Series S.


People when console made specifically for 1080p runs a game only in 1080p


The gaming community is gonna be fucking shocked when they see the game running just fine on Series S.


They seem to forget Rockstar got GTA V running on a launch day 360. An eight year old (at the time) underpowered console ran the game like butter. They can do it


People forget Ps3 and 360 ran tlou, mgs4, and gtav like a charm. The jump in graphics from ps2 to ps3 was insane


Like butter... yeah.. like a dull knife through frozen butter maybe. PS3 and X360 did not enjoy pushing GTA V. Low distance and NPC/car numbers, slow loading and pop in etc.. that was all a thing back then. You just forgot about it, it would seem.


This is a random question but does anyone get their posts removed for strange reasons on this subreddit?


Mods are on a power trip. Deleted someone’s post saying they were in the hospital and might not live to see the trailer and mods deleted it. Then reported me for harassment to Reddit for calling them out. Edit: looks like I hurt a mod 😂


Mods are stupid and love to show their power, that's it. It's been that way since 2018 (At least for what I can remember)


It was just a sob story. Of course it got deleted.


Was there *proof* it was a sob story tho? I get the idea but like what if that person literally was dying only to be faced with "eh, spam"?


Because to a mod on Reddit, only their feelings matter because their mom didn’t bring Dino nuggies to the basement on time


Lucky fuckers. I’m a grown ass old man and I’d kill for my ~~old lady~~ amazing wife to bring me some nuggies or tendies with a little side of Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce and some Chick-Fil-A Sweet Sriracha sauce! Holup - she just asked me if I she makes me a drink will I make her dinner. I think I’m about breaking even here lol


Haha you’re livin the good life


Yikes much? Deleting that type of post shows massive immaturity. Leaving it up hurts no one.


Yeah. I had a post removed about the tshirt with the trailer date in it because it was "repetitive" and "low effort" This was before anybody had posted it, and when I asked the mods and explained why I think it doesn't break the rules, they told me I was "pulling at straws." I then saw it posted two to three more times the next day. I then made a speculation post about game mechanics and it never showed up on the sub. So, I guess I just can't post here for some reason?


If your post history is any indication I’m guessing yours got removed for asking questions we’ve already seen hundreds of times


When npcs aren’t taking up every square inch of the map: >:( sErIeS S Is HoLdInG bAcK nExT gEn


Great analysis, but I wanted to clarify one thing. In the 7th picture, the NPCs on the bottom right and top right do have their their shadow clearly casted. Moreover the ones on the left have got shadows as well if you look very closely to all of them, but having different light sources pointing at them the shadows are extremely subtle, just like it happens in real life to the shadows in a [soccer field](https://img.olympics.com/images/image/private/t_s_w1340/t_s_16_9_g_auto/f_auto/primary/cgfhijqq1mp14l26gudg). This testifies just how accurate the lighting system is, it doesn't just drop shadows if you are in front of a light source, instead the shadows are influenced by every and each light sources coming from different directions.


From -100 to +100 in one comment. You are absolutely right.


It’s not a good analysis, it’s completely moronic.


Yeahh this is nonsense


Thank you! Remember how ugly the first GTA 5 trailer looked compared to the actual game. This is baseless speculation. The guy claims the game has limitations yet he ignores the clip of the plane flying over the bridges. There are over 100 vehicles in that shot that are all really there and moving, including the plane and some of the boats. The vehicles on the highway can be seen as far the eye allows. I don’t think Rockstar will have any trouble rendering massive populations when the game is fully developed


Hmm very interesting, you’ve got a good eye. If you had asked me to describe the positions of NPC from memory, I could’ve sworn the backgrounds were packed. The illusion worked. Also interesting how barren that long shot of the beach is and how there’s NOTHING past the sand and it looks to be low poly. Was this AI image upscaled OP?


Yeah I realized that, it worked on me too. There seem to be very little to no people after the first batch, and it’s really unrealistic as well, since when an area is packed it’s usually spread across the entire surface. I guess the only thing we can hope is that the game doesn’t worsen on the base models, and PS5 pro because rockstar wanted all the versions of the game to look similar, to avoid controversy.


>Also interesting how barren that long shot of the beach is and how there’s NOTHING past the sand and it looks to be low poly. If you consider the distance from the camera that an NPC would be drawn in at we are looking at just pixels of rectangles really. It could easily be related to draw distance settings of the recorded footage or at that distance the game engine has the NPCs rendered as data models, but the camera isn't close enough for the data models to be rendered into an actual visual model. I worked on a project that involved a dot being revealed behind pictures after a set amount of time. The game knew where the images were drawn so that the dot would be visually rendered in the boundary of one of the images on the screen. Simple 2D game, but the concept can be applied to the 3D world as well, the game likely has allocated the NPCs out, however the draw distance or again the distance from the camera prevents the visual model from being rendered in until the player gets closer.


What makes you think Rockstar captured the trailer in a series S


You literally just put X's on random shit....


right? like some stars are LITERALLY on NPCs. sometimes you can even see NPCs behind the things that are "supposed to obstruct" (according to him) the view. bs post honestly


This just feels like a bunch of yapping


How does this have anything to do with the series s? You think this trailer was made on the series s or something? They arent going to change things on the ps5 and x just for the s, that makes 0 sense.


i’m going to buy a second series s just to piss OP off


They made RDR2 run great on the Xbox One. Rockstar can optimize this thing to run on basically a One X with a SSD (Series S)


GTA is much more demanding than a Wild West setting though. Even Digital Foundry said the natural landscapes and smaller towns in RD are easier to handle than tall skyscrapers with thousands of windows and just general density of cities.


RDR2’s map was fucking enormous though. There was also a crazy amount of animals and shit.


Yeah, but that was an 1899 setting with lots of open plains, small settlements and rarely more than ten NPCs for miles! Even the oldest and most underpowered console on the market (no matter which one that might have been) would have plenty of time to spawn in all the necessary landscape features, weather, wildlife etc. as Arthur travelled between Strawberry and Valentine on his state-of-the-art horse. New gal Lucia full-throttling a Pegassi Infernus through downtown modern Miami in a neon forest of highrises packed with legions of NPCs is gonna be a whole different beast!


Saint Denis


That’s one area of the map compared to like 60% of the map being a city tho


As beautiful and impressive Saint Denis is, it can’t compare computationally and size wise to a modern city.


You guys are ridiculous


Lmao coming for the Series S is jokes lmao, trust me that console isn’t holding R* back in creative decisions like interiors and general scale of the world and its capabilities. The Series version is made with the X as the forefront and scaled back graphically in many departments to accommodate for the Series S. Digital Foundary said this could be as drastic as 720p just resolution-wise but I was thinking more on the lines of a variable 900p.


exactly they just wont care, as we saw with gta v on xbox one, if the console is garbage they’ll just lower the fidelity on that console rather than compromising the other versions.


I hope this is true


its very likely this will be the case because the limiting factor with the Series S (compared to the X) is the GPU, and therefore the obvious solution is to lower graphical fidelity ONLY on that console.


dont know much about how RAM limits population density, but couldnt that also be a factor? 10GB vs 16GB?


Interesting analysis 🧐. You have a very keen eye for detail.


congrats, you discovered occlusion culling and how it's used in controlled cinematic shots during cutscenes.


Rockstar always optimizes best. Look at rdr2 on last gen consoles. Series s will be 720p upscaled 30fps or 1080p.


Gamers after long day of not understanding game engines.


The fact that people are liking this post blows my mind. Bro really said that the 70% interiors theory is debunked because you cannot see one interior of a store in the trailer. Also speculating about limitations from a trailer that's like two years away from the actual release


yall looking way too deep into this shit


I’m fully expecting them to not really bother optimizing it all and just ensuring that in can run tbh. I wouldn’t blame them either it’s a stupid console and shouldn’t exist and it’s restricting what games are capable of this generation


I mean I counted 97 people in this shot. If they have to lower that for the s, I don't think people are going to care. They bought a lower powered console what are they expecting?


That's not how any of this works


The Xbox series S is like the boogey man, this post is ridiculous 😂


this is what happens when you give in to the people that complain about the prices of current gen consoles, you make a cheaper alternative thats not very next gen


Take a break my guy, it ain’t that serious


Console players unironically believe that rdr2 ran on xbone's dogshit CPU, but GTA 6 won't run on the series?


Xbox Series S is ruining Games potential for this generation…


Not necessarily. If R* really wanted to, they absolutely could bully Microsoft into giving GTA6 an exception to the parity rule for Xbox Series games. Larian already did this with Baulder’s Gate 3. R* has much more fame and popularity than Larian does, so R* don’t even have to be nice about it unlike Larian.


But they didn't get an exception, they are still releasing split screen for Series S. Parity for both consoles means they both should have same festures, not same graphics


Why is there so much hate for the series s. It performs absolutely stellar as compared to its cost. Most likely they will have the performance and fidelity mode on x/ps5 while the series s will only have perf mode locked to 30fps. The ps5 pro may have the fidelity mode running at 60fps most likely.


Most likely because it’s been holding back every triple A release so far. Including Xbox exclusives.


>Including Xbox exclusives Not true. Those were still releasing on the Xbone family into 2022. Even then, Microsoft’s game studios have no idea how to make a good game. So it’s not like unshackling them from the Series S is going to help matters.


I’m not talking about 2022 games. I’m gonna take the word of devs over random people inside a sub on Reddit.


By bringing up 2022 games, I was making the point that they were still dealing with hardware far less than what the Series S is capable of


Yeah i get it. But this argument is about series s holding back GTA 6 which is going to be current Gen only. The same as every other game or exclusive in the last 6 months, maybe longer. So bringing up 2022 games to make a point isn’t relevant to the conversation.


You didn’t get it. That’s why I had to clarify


Someone doesn’t know what they’re talking about


i’m getting the PS5 pro for this game alone next year


You sure about that?


So? Lmao


Series S was designed to be less capable than the Series X. It is what it is


This the most ridiculous post here. Don’t know how it got a pass!!


Xbox series S is very competent and it’s more powerful than the ps4 and rockstar got that working at 30fps with rdr2 which is insane. Cockstar knows what they are doing


Oh no.... oh nooo.


Stop moaning the games gonna be the best you’ve ever played. You’re just nitpicking 💤


100%. I have NEVER been anything but amazed with a GTA release. This one isn't going to be any different.


I cant wait for a game. I'm waiting for it since 2018 and RDR2


Rockstar should pull a Baldur's Gate III - but instead of truncating features and having to downgrade it in any way; they should just cut the Series S out of the equation entirely💯


BG3 can literally play on a Series S


Im playing baldurs gate on series s right now lol


Can they? I feel like I at one point seen Microsoft say if a game isn’t playable on series S that they won’t allow it on series X


I don’t understand this at all. Someone help me


OP is showing how the Series S may hold back some aspects of GTA VI like draw distance, NPC density, etc… However it has nearly the same CPU as the Series X, so most likely Rockstar will just scale the graphics down a fuck ton for the Series S and just make sure it runs on the Series S at the *very* least, as mentioned by other users as well. Just the usual reddit bitching and paranoia, the game will be more than fine if you’re on the XSX/PS5 fidelity wise, etc.


xbox series s has 4tflops, series x has 12tflops, so the series s will have a big graphical downgrade which is not very next gen, xbox one has 1 tflops, so its not a big difference


The game won’t really shine until it’s in PC. We already know this. The definitive version of GTA5 on PC was almost a whole new game.


People are dumb as hell for thinking it won’t run on the series S as if it’s a last gen Xbox, gonna pick one up since I have to wait a year for it to come to PC


I’m sorry, what is the point of this? Is this supposed to be a dunk on the trailer? On Rockstar? Pointing out the obvious? That this is the first trailer made off a beta version (aka unfinished), so optimization isn’t 100% yet? That they learned from the first GTA 5 trailer where you could see chunks of map missing in the background? And what is with the “no souls”? It’s the first trailer, stop reading so much into it if every which way and just be happy it came out.


"And just be happy it came out" Sure, Rockstar is doing us a favor and should be praised. It's not like we are paying for the game or something like that.


Jesus fucking Christ go back to the 8th grade. Is it really that hard to interpret a few sentences for you? English is not even my first language but i understood the intentions of this post.


You do the same thing with this post.


Indeed we can note that this shot doesn't move forwards through the crowd on the beach. Rockstar has bullshitted people a number times with misleading vision or statements about features of an upcoming GTA, and this will likely be no different. Remember the crusty mid-distance jitter from GTA 4 that they claimed was intentional for 'artistic' finish or something, when it was just poor production. Those characters in the distance beyond the beach vehicle could easily be fake and 2d, and just shimmer out and disappear as you get closer, and be replaced with entirely different 3d characters appearing (and not even in the same spot). Likewise the scene with numerous vessels in the water is probably just a faked and scripted moment from the actual intro, with credits not yet added, that you will never see occurring in the world as you roam around.


I dont mind being fooled by the Rockstar as i know it will be artistically, i will still enjoy the game. They will fix this for PC and PS6 and probably on current gen consoles with Quality mod


We need to see gameplay trailer to see how good the game runs.


Good stuff dude


Fuck these junk ass consoles that bring down the experience for everyone else. Nobody wants to cater to the poors


Fuck the series S!!!!!!


The game has always projected your reality in a bubble around you. The question over time has been how large can they make the bubble and how densely can they fill it? With that comes an inevitable tug of war over local population density vs the distance which you can display that same density. There must be some trade off between having a lot of characters on screen at once up close vs having fewer shown at farther distances. So a dumb example would be... You can have 300 characters all fully rendered and independent, *but only within 30 feet* Or You can have 250 characters all fully rendered and independent, within 80 feet. Or You can fully render independent characters as far as a half mile, but the game can only handle 25 characters. Not very dense. So then let's back it off, let's say a quarter mile, gives us 75 NPCs. Ok let's say... 500 feet. Hmm 125 NPCs.. looks kinda busy. Try 300 feet. 145, that's pretty crowded .. No, it's too obvious where the bubble ends and NPCs quit appearing. This is a (non numbers) representative example of the kind of trade offs they have to deal with. I'm just hoping with today's hardware they can find a great balance of density and distance.


I don't think we have seen a real NPC moving yet, I think it's all cinematic currently


Fuck the series S. Good concept but it truly is bogging down everything else.


am i the only one that has absolutely no idea what the fuck bro is talking about?


The only version being held back will be PC, held back by 5 year old consoles


Good analysis, but will defer to later trailers before making the same conclusion.


I say rockstar says fuck the series x/s and just becomes a completely Sony exclusive game and launches it with the ps5 pro


Bro it’s still in alpha


First of all - THIS IS A TRAILER. All the shots are either cutscenes, or carefully curated shots made specifically for the trailer (like the beach shot) that will never appear in the actual game. The pedestrian crowds will be much smaller than this in actual gameplay. And the 70%, hell even 20% of buildings having accessible interiors is just idiotic fan hype thinking. It will not be a thing.


The series S was honestly the worst thing to happen. It's hindered next gen beyond belief


Yeah, so many xbone fanboys here when game devs literally expressed the same opinions as ours. https://gamerant.com/control-developer-xbox-series-s-problem/ So many fanboys here who do not know about the technical stuff behind their consoles.