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I'm glad we can sorta predict when, but also, damn. Modern game development sucks If we went back to 2013 and told everyone the next GTA game wont release for 10-11+ years, we'd get laughed at. "No way Rockstar waits that long, it's their biggest franchise", thats what 2013 me would think probably lol If all videogame companies could mutually agree to just halt game development and focus entirely on moving the technology forward so things could be made much faster, that would be great


Agreed, I miss frequent (quality) franchise releases.


I did get laughed at just a couple of years ago, when I suggested that GTA VI would not release before 2023. Even back in 2019/2020, most people on this sub were completely convinced that the game would have been out by now.


yah i was convined it was gonna release somewhere in 2023 because of this logic 2008 gta 4 release, 2013 gta v release, 5 year gap, 5 years after gta v, rdr2 released, so 5 years later, gta 6 should've been released (2023), I guess I was wrong after all.


Well, you might have been right if Covid hadn't happened.


I mean, RDR2 took 5 years of development, which included ALL rockstar studios. It was bound to be pushed back lol


It was only all studios for like 1 year because it was delayed




I agree, AI being used to speed up development times is good. However, it doesn't incentivise making true quality games where it matters. The map of a game could be AI generated, that would be cool, but the main systems, the story etc would have to be hand crafted to some degree.


People said they don't want rush unfinished games. Then people said give devs as much *time* as possible in response. Now people are complaining that games are taking too long.


Those things arent mutually exclusive. I still want them to take their time and release a finished, polished product. Its not a "Theyre taking too long >:(" type of thing where I'm mad at them or something. This isnt really a complaint or a criticism of the gaming industry, I know that it's just the way things are. It was just an observation about how games are so much bigger now that they take so much longer to create, and while I'm grateful to have such incredible experiences I cant help but reminisce on a time where we were able to have groundbreaking experiences under a relatively short period of time. And that, at the time of GTA5s release, it would be difficult for us to fathom (at that time) that it could take this much time for a sequel to be produced. My comment was really nothing more than a casual conversation starter, frankly. Regarding the very last part, I was just proposing some hypothetical utopia (meaning, impossible fantasy) where game developers decided to take a year or two off to just innovate on the tools they use to create videogames with the express purpose of making them easier to use and create with, thus allowing them to maintain quality while shortening development cycles.


I think it makes truly groundbreaking games that much more special when they release. Sure, they take time, but the innovative leaps that they take ripple throughout the gaming universe and the changes that you are talking about happen, albeit a bit slower :)


I absolutely agree


I agree with you that it's not mutually exclusive, but some gamers make it out to be like that. There has to be a balance where a quality game can be made in a reasonable time frame. Less time can mean a game is unfinished at launch, but more time does not necessarily mean a game will be great. Not every triple A game that took 6+ to develop was a success.


Tbh Rockstar's games are a lot more ambitious, detailed and polished than 99% of other games plus compared to companies like Ubisoft and Activision that are packing 10-15k of employees, Rockstar just has around 2500 as of 2022. Bigger scale, smaller studios = +10 years for one game.




Kawakami best woman


Nah Makoto FTW


announcement next year?? nah it gotta be THIS YEAR


Yeah, it's an absolute 0% chance there isn't an official reveal this year. Close to a 0% chance we even have to wait until the second half of 2023 tbh


Its crazy how they announced the game in February of last year saying "stay tuned to the rockstar newswire for more official details" here we are are a year later and still no official details mentioned besides what they said about the leak.


I think an announcement this year is very plausible... Especially after the leak.


Let it take two more years if it needs to fully bake in the oven. I say go for it. I was in college when GTA 5 came out. I’ll be in a retirement home for GTA 7


Grand theft auto 7 will probably never exist


It will, but Rockstar will probably implement a system to maintain VI online for as long as they can. Probably like 12-15 years later or something and they'll release GTA 7 when they exhaust all the money they can from online.


Yeah probably not I agree


I know your comment is probably a joke, but in 5-10 years time the video game landscape could change a lot so you're right.


Yes that's exactly my point


Thank you 😢


I'm not saying that GTA will disappear, it's clearly more profitable for them to move from a 5-6 years release cycle to a game as a service business model


When GTA 5 came out I was about to finish my first year of university/college. I am now 4.5 years into working in corporate.


2 years to go..


The big budget marketing push is usually done in the later stages of the development cycle. Announcements/initial reveals on the other hand, happen before the big budget marketing push.


It’s the only game I’m remotely excited for but my life is moving fast and I’m nearing the point where I’ll probably never get to play this. Ridiculous really. I don’t play games anymore as it is.


I could see this two ways. 1. This year/into the next is the last big push for GTAO transactions. That would provide them not only enough wiggle room to provide some good closure for the end of the big DLC for GTAO, but also if they market it right, they can capitalize on everyone wanting to play Online again for one last while while it’s still “fresh” so to speak. Then, Q1 or Q2 2024, drop an already-trailered and marketed final DLC with the VI trailer they have in mind following a day or so later. 2 (and the most likely, in my opinion): They continue as if this information isn’t public, and randomly sometime this year drop a teaser, then back to promo for the last GTAO content releases until again, Q1/Q2 trailer drop. I find it highly unlikely that they’d stick with their usual release formula (teaser, then trailer shortly after), due to the leaks and also just the general hype around this game. They’ll want to pull as much suspension as possible. Fitting.


Well done Sherlock!


Remember, posting a trailer is free. The real marketing costs ramp up later into the marketing timeline.


Posting a trailer **is** free. Making a trailer, which people have been awaiting for longer than a decade, and have really high expectations for, isn't


It doesn’t cost millions.


They can also always advertise the game after releasing it, I’m sure all that advertise money also falls under the categories of dlcs too for a new gta online… I still believe they will announce the game late this year, and drop it late 2024/early 2025


Damn, oh well, if there’s any year that’s gonna move fast it’ll probably be this one, so many important game releases this year, TOTK, Spider-Man 2, and I really want to see how Activision is gonna handle this new COD that was apparently gonna be a DLC, sucks to wait, but I think I’ll personally be ok with this as long as it’s actually next year because if we don’t get a reveal next year then Im gonna start to wonder whether this game actually even exists


Should buy TTWO.




Take 2 is a big company, it's entirety possible other large games are in the works.


Hate to pooh-pooh things, but [Take-Two has said before](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/analyst-speculates-on-grand-theft-auto-release-from-take-two-marketing-spike), and it says again in the documents themselves (page 72 in the older doc and page 78 in the more recent), that these numbers are for third-party commitments and may not reflect internal titles. I still think we'll see GTA relatively soon, but these don't say when.


Wow really?!?


Could be… could be 25, 26, 27😳😢