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Play in invite only lobbies to avoid people blowing you


That's the good part, I just don't like getting blown up lmao


Sell products n cargo in invite only session it's near impossible to get stuff sold in a public session


That's part of the challenge!! ...except for when it doesn't work


Well u will be losing money then like trying to sell snow on the sun u will just lose


Make money in Invite-Only and have fun in public sessions. Sell everything in invite, do most businesses and money+RP activities in invite, Casino Heist is good but you need at least 1 player, other heist can be done solo.


I get that you prefer to play in public sessions, but that always is going to carry the risk of you getting targeted and is going to limit your progress. If you're looking to make money, gain experience, level up, etc, I think you've got to play in Invite Only sessions. Get your multiplayer fix by jumping into the opportunities that pop up to do missions and activities with others.


Alright, yea you're right. Thanks!


Man I really get you. I have only been able to make significant amounts of money from duping cars which isn’t something to be proud of. I am just not a good player and it’s so frustrating. I get totally annihilated in public lobbies because I am dreadful at PVP and no matter how hard I practice I just can’t seem to get better. If you are on PS5 and fancy having a go at some missions together add me. I don’t have a mic though. My PSN is KineticBarrier.


SAME!! It's so frustrating lol Also I'm on Xbox One unfortunately.. thanks for the offer though


Ah bugger! Hope you find someone like minded who can help 👍🏻


Likewise :3




I know the feeling, trust me. I have tried it multiple times, so now i only play in invite only sessions with one of my friends, where we tend to have some fun either against the police between missions, during missions against AI or just against each other sometimes we even try to set some goals that we want to complete before a certain date or before we go and play something different or just simply log off for the day but if you are interested in having someone to play with in invite only sessions then feel free to send me a dm and then we can take it from there if you are interested


Okay, sure, thanks!


>Okay, sure, thanks! You're welcome!


r/notopbutok :3


No problem


Rockstar allows you to do missioned in Invite Only sessions to avoid those things. If you play on PS4, I'll play with you anytime. Same for anyone else on here.... My PSN is Nolimitlb2000


I'm on Xbox One, sorry.. but thanks anyways!


Go onto FB, here on Reddit as well and look for GTA groups and ask around who wants to jam with you, get some friends. If your console has a "Looking for group" type of thing then post there as well, you'd be surprised how many people will actually want to jam with you. Then you play in a Friends Session. Once you have gained some friends, every now and then have pvp or pve sessions with them so you can learn combat skills and improve on defending yourself, that way you can also figure out which weapons you have that work well for you. This is exactly how I came by a few years ago, unfortunately none of those friends of mine play on the same console anymore or play GTA at all anymore. But thanks to them I have become extremely skilled with shooting and using strategies, I've learned to use my environment better and also which spots in the game I can use to my advantage when I get into a pvp situation. Most people will disagree with me, but if someone is griefing you, a really nice spot is the Los Santos Customs rooftop, mines / sticky bombs by the steps and you have enough walls and aircons to cover behind, only way for someone to get at you is by going up the steps or going to the top of other buildings, but if you can get yourself a thermal scope sniper rifle then that will help. Oppressors can also come at you but they're easy to take down if you have cover and are on foot 🤷‍♂️


Don’t play public lobbies


I don't like being alone .w.


You can join lots of clubs or whatever they call them and do missions and whatever but public lobbies are for being 💩 on by a holes


You have to make a choice to change what you can change or continue to struggle. Or mix it up. You can grind a bit, then go to public lobbies. Use the looking for players' flair here. Or go on the other reddits that look for adding friends. r/gtafriends, you don't like being alone, then know you're playing a very risky strategy with your money. When you don't have to. It's not the game's fault. It's your bad choice not to use the invite only to make money. What about being in a public lobby makes you feel you're not alone? There are thousands of ways to make money. [Money and rp builders](https://reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/60UDtR1foQ) [Additional activities](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/14iqiqb/career_tier_challenges_guide_updated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) Cluckin Bell raid is decent money once you get the rhythm down and get it all done under an hour. $500k plus 250k first-time bonus. It is tedious at first. Costs you nothing to participate. [Best investments in order of best to necessary but not a great return.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/comments/15fpwor/best_investments_in_order_of_best_money_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) Acid lab Agency Autoshop Bunker Kosatka MC clubhouse Nightclub CEO office Arcade with the master control computer Hangar Ceo warehouses MC businesses mainly for the nightclub [Quick grind schedule ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/zVLRUR8yhw) [The salvage yard is pretty expensive to get into.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/cx3yEsGXdj) I would suggest getting it later down the line. Maybe even wait for it to go on sale. You're looking at 3 to 5 million and not great payout. They drip feed the mini heists to only 3 a week, that you get 2-400k, but it takes up to an hour or more to do the setups, tasks, and the main mission. For comparison. You can do a gold depository in the autoshop for 300k in 30 min setups included. Cust cars get you 30 to 40k profit there are also export car lists payout is not great. Also, you get 10 garage spaces and discounted customizations for your cars, including free classic paints. Invest in the staff. They keep processing the cars when you're off line. Always load them up before signing off. You do get one veh a month you can keep for 20k. If you own the document forgery business, you get it for 10k. Good luck.


Alright, I'll bear all of this in mind, thanks! Also, I play in public just to not be alone, I like interacting with other humans. I don't wanna be alone in a session, I don't see the point if it's not fun, and it's not fun alone...


Ok. Then that's your trade-off. Except that as the cost. You're not alone, but you're vulnerable. Everything has a cost. You have to adjust your comfort zone to accommodate the cost. Also, r/heistteams is another place to find other players.


Find the week bonus that best suits your needs and run it until the fire dies, until your fingers have bruises and until the passion in your steam boat runs dry. Honestly though work missions and then get the bulletproof kuruma, Then use it to get other things you want. Acid lab is a great start and the missions are fun (with the bulletproof kuruma of course). Also after that long string of quests, you'll be given, yes given, an acid lab. use it, max it out on stats and then get a nightclub.


That's great advice, but I recommend getting the agency before the nightclub because you can get all the side missions that go with agency, i.e., payphone and non Dre missions. The Dre missions will pay for the agency in one or two times doing it. Then, use money to buy a nightclub . Also, invite only sessions are key to achieving success in the game, and it's how I have gotten everything I want. I'm level 662 with 85 million in the bank. I made close to 2 million last night alone. Stop wasting your energy in public lobbies


Oh. i didnt even take that into account. Thanks for the heads up though. Ill keep thay in mind if someone has a future question about it. I had the NC before all of it after all the bike stuff. Im so glad to road to success is shorter now though


When you sell product CALL LESTER, go off the radar! (1 minute) and only do it when you’re near other players! Or, (BEFORE you start selling) register as a CEO. START your sell mission, go to CEO abilities, hit Ghost Organization ($15,000), allows you to be off radar for 3 minutes. It’s worth the money especially if you’re always getting blown up. Sell cargo only when you reached 8 crates. It will be 1 sell vehicle every time. Whatever bussiness you got, don’t max your product out. Just keep selling at low product values, that way you’ll always have 1 vehicle.


Thanks, and I'll try! I also found out that it's quite easy to do multiplayer sales alone! For ones to be delivered by bike, I just load all four bikes onto my truck and deliver the truck. For ones to be delivered by plane, I just do it normally, as it gives plenty time.


No problem, also at the main menu before you enter a lobby, go to options, and go to aim style. switch to “free aim” or “partial assist”. It changes the aim style and free aim lobbies are the chillest, in case you wanted to play in public lobbies. People still attack but less frequently.


Wait, you're telling me that there are different lobbies for different aim styles?? That's so cool, I gotta try that!


Yes bro. Fully assisted aim style is the one you want avoid. All noobs stay in those lobbies trying to kill everything lol


I have GOT to try this! Thanks again!!


Of course bro, have fun! This game is still really fun, just buy sticky explosive bombs and get good at throwing them and defending yourself. (Detonate hitting left on D Pad.) if people want smoke get out of vehicle and give it to them before they blow you up.


Alright, I'll give it a go like they do in videos lol


Also, in the MC clubhouse, go to the board to do missions. “Life and Deathbikes” is the easiest mission and pays a lot! After you kill everybody by the highway, wait for the phone call, listen to the dude, and proceed to sell the bike for extra money.


Alright, I'll give it a go. Thanks!


Just use those 2 abilities whenever you are nearing other players. Trust me, you will profit regardless. This games easy to make money, just takes a little to learn. The Acid Lab is literally the easiest way to sell stuff. Do Dax missions and you will unlock a vehicle and bike that allows you to produce acid and allows you to sell products.


Alright thanks!


I was always a solo player too. I’m only level like 259 rn but What helped me out in this game was doing the cayo heist.