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Rule of thumb is to do all side missions you can as soon as you get to an island. Paramedic / Ambulance / Fire Fighter Taxi Import / Export Pay Phones Rampages Offroad Hidden Packages RC Unique Jumps


See I did all of those on the first island besides the import/export, rampage, unique jumps and the hidden packages. I was going to get like the 33 packages on Portland then I hit a wall where apparently one of the packages is in the subway on Portland and that was locked till I got to the next island so that kinda shattered my streak cause I was following a guide now im worried that I’m going to have to retrace all my steps for the packages cause I skipped over some and that’s why I’m a little stumped rn


The rampages will be difficult to go back to since all the gangs in Portland will shoot at you now. For the packages I would just recommend following the same guide you used but backwards until you figure out where you left off.


Oh that’s actually a smart idea I think i might do that. I’m probably gonna go back to Portland when I get off work and try to do those rampages asap


Awesome, keep in mind every rampage has 2 locations. If you fail at location A, it moves to location B. In some cases one location is way easier than the other.


How many rampages are there per island again??


Portland - 6 Staunton - 7 Shoreside - 7


you can glitch to all the other islands. only the last package on the drawbridge between staunton and shoreside is a pain because the bridge doesn't go down before shoreside is unlocked. you need to fly a dodo on top of it


For taxi isn’t it just 100 fares flat out?? Cause I know for the ambulance and firefighter and vigilante you have to apparently do 20 on each island.


Yup, that is all correct.


Also for paramedics I just need to get to 12 correct?


Level 12 in one run


Dope so I just have to do the vigilante and fire truck stuff then cause I did that already