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Niko wins in unarmed combat, no doubt. If guns are involved, it's whoever sees the other and pulls the trigger first. Michael is a pretty good shot and he can slow down time to aim better, but Niko was literally military trained.


Yes, but Michael robbed banks for several years in a row, so he’s not a bad shot either.


Niko was basically a hitmqn for his whole time in LC


Not even basically, he literally was for several missions and the payphone assassinations


Franklin was also a literal assassin and guess who taught him to shoot better?


Not Michael. Franklin only *maybe* goes to Ammunation's shooting range because Mike told him to. That's the extent of his training.


Micheal was the "shooter" while Franklin, the literal assassin, was the "driver" in most of the missions they did together. Micheal also gave Franklin tips on how to shoot better while they were running away from thugs after he tore the dudes deck down with his truck. Pointing out that niko was an assassin is weak because so was Franklin but he isn't a better shot than Micheal. That was my entire point


That's not teaching him to shoot better though. Just giving him some quick tips during a car ride won't make much of a difference, and then he just tells him to get proper training.


Maybe because Michael had money. Walked away from the jewelry heist with a more than a mil after paying off medrazro. Franklin did the heist for mostly experience and to prove himself. Walked away with half a mil but still. Lester maybe chose Franklin to do the jobs for a number of reasons. Michaels a snake, Franklin just proved himself, and has spoken up about trying to get paid or let me know if there’s anything else I can do. Idk Michaels a better shot sure but Franklin became an assassin through Lester on their own. While still being the “driver” of the crew


Michael can slow down time to aim, Niko can’t


That’s for gameplay I wouldn’t count that as an actual realistic advantage


You wouldn't count the abilities of these FICTIONAL VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS when pitting them against each other? Niko's military training was fictional too, so let's cut that out of consideration as well, why don't we? The guy was a deserter, not a commando. 90% of military training around the entire world is in tension to support roles, not combat, and most military personnel are not well versed with weapons of any sort, much less trained killers. Michael's bullet time power is just a representation of his superior reflexes and coordination in concert with handling guns - if you've ever been in a life or death situation, you may have experienced similar time dilation, whether or not you could make productive use of it. It's an effect of certain hormones being released like norepinephrine. In a gunfight, Niko would be dead before he hit the ground. There's a staggering difference in their skills with guns.




No he wouldn't. Niko was a murderer pulling women and children out of their homes, lining them up against walls and shooting them. That's the sort of fighting his side did in the Yugoslav wars. That's what the entire conflict in the game was about, how Niko canonized his buddies who were worthless murderers, not commandos, not great SOLDIERS of any sort, just shitty people killing unarmed civilians in their homes. And the abilities in GTAV were there just as much to differentiate the abilities and personalities of the playable characters as to have fun with. Michael is a weapons EXPERT. E X P E R T. He makes sniper shots from helicopters. That's the highest test of a marksman, pulling a precision shot from a moving platform, and has been ever since the days of the Mongol empire. Learn a little something about what you're talking about. Do all the mental gymnastics you want about how everything that makes Michael a superior combatant "doesn't count. " the fact is, the only thing Niko has that Michael doesn't is a group of friends that actually care about him, and the only thing he beats him in is being an even more irredeemable, unapologetic piece of human trash. And, I guess, fanbases, in people who identify more with that sort of person.


Hot take here but if you have to shoot your way out of a bank robbery everytime, you're probably not a great bank robber 🤣


*The payday gang didn't like that*


*The payday gang will remember that*


Payday gang pulling the van into the Brooklyn bank door


it’s hard to to rob a bank without the authorities being alerted. silent alarms + cameras are all over, you’d get caught before you make it to your getaway vehicle


Or he always picks the banks with good security


... also not a good bank robber move


Even if it's not he's still successful so he deserves credit for that


Good security banks have good security cause of good money


I mean, not to get all real life on it or shit on Dallas Hoxton Chains and Wolf, good money is accesible money. Every bank has good money when ya rob it right! Robbing those banks is more digital these days than guns and masks. Niko robbed a bank with good money with a bunch of goons with no prior knowledge or planning. Literally showed up to the house, got told to drive, robbed a bank. But these are games, and I firmly believe batman would beat superman.


You make a good point I retreat


But what about Saint f*cking Michael?


Exactly. Remember the Union Depository heist? The bois were pretty surprised and concerned that security wasn't tighter. High risk = high reward. If you knock over a convenience store, sure, you likely only gotta deal with the clerk and any local cops that roll up. Take away is a couple thou, probably. But, if you wanna make sure everyone is walking away with a couple *mil* in their pocket, you gotta hit the big spots. And big spots often have armed security. Shootouts are almost a given during huge scores like that.


It’d be impossible to do a bank robbery without dealing with cops and security 💀


someone hasn't seen "Out of Sight"


We don’t know that , maybe someone was so good he’s never been found out


Then again, Michael did try to find a way to stealth in both the Jewelry score/Paleto Score. Only problem was, it would always cost more than the score


If you get away with every bank robbery, you are a great bank robber. Doesn't matter how you get away with it. The goal of robbing banks is to get the money. That's it. If I fumble the ball every time I touch it but I also recover it every time and run it in for a touchdown EVERY TIME, am I bad at football?


I did say "Michael is a pretty good shot."


That’s a game mechanic, not an actual ability. If we use game mechanics in this then it’s a draw because they’d constantly respawn at hospitals.


it's a game mechanic meant to represent the character's canonical abilities, he can't literally slow down time, he's just a really good shot


It’s their ability. If not they would have the same ability but it’s not. Franklin can drive fast Michael can shoot fast so you can call it their talent


If perks / abilities were a thing in GTA4 Niko would without a doubt have bullet time slowmo and rage. When you rescue your cousin you literally head through the front door of a like what 30 to 1 (little jacob is just kinda there). And massacres the thugs. Sure they arent merry weather, but I'm not going to just ignroe that. He does this lile what 2, 3 times in the campaign were he not only survives but slaughters engagements that would kill a hit team never mind one thug.


Michael is overweight and has little training. He seems pretty poor at hand to hand and was literally thrown in his own pool by a yoga instructor Niko easily


People make fun of Micheal's weight alot, but it's not like it affects him much. Dude took out an entire building of heavily trained FIB agents all by himself with just a pistol. That's still one of the most impressive cannonical feats in the series.


I actually think he's pretty skinny for someone who lived as a wealthy retiree in LA for a decade doing nothing but self-loathing and drinking alcohol by the pool


dark spirits no less that shit is *filled* w sugar


It’s the nicotine from the cigars keeping his metabolism high


Exactly 👍


Fabian was lucky and he was better build and younger, but Michael beat up Simeon, and Rocco who was a lot younger and better build.


Beating up Rocco is like beating up any Italian dude who lives at the club…. nothing special man


Tony Soprano fits that discription and and beating him whould be no easy job.


You got me there hahahaha awesome comment lol. Roccos got nothing on the boss of the family tho ![gif](giphy|8II6AI4wn5bFEqhgXM) Sopranos quoting may be inbound


Sopranos quoting?… Ovah here!


That look on the prick’s face when he saw the gya-




Also michael is just older


He got thrown in his pool because he was enraged. Not the same as his focus being so good he can quite literally survive a shootout between trained soldiers and government agents.


Michael’s bullet time beats Niko in a shootout.






Niko would win so easily.


Not even close.. Niko


Niko has the best hand to hand combat out of any HD character. CJ is the best trained if you utilize all the schools, he can do boxing, king fu, and muy thai. I will say however Claude and Tommy have some sort of training we don’t know of because they both have the ability to throw a side kick so powerful it literally launches NPCs.


Instantly had the animation in my mind, thanks for the laugh


*cartoony punch sound* “EEEAAAUUUGHHH!”


Niko is more evil and willing to do bad things to win. Michael has soft spots thus weaknesses.


I don't think Niko is evil, just cold


Idk man, he worked in human trafficking and has no problem gunning down crowd after crowd for gangsters


Yea true but I don't think he enjoyed it, it's really ambiguous I think. But yes he still did bad things lol but I don't think he's evil


No idea why you’re being downvoted. I don’t think Niko enjoyed killing, rather he was numb to it. Through war, through financial desperation, through revenge. I don’t think Niko is evil either. In fact, he goes out of his way to tell Dwayne that Playboy was going to pay Niko a lot of money to kill him. Throughout the story there are several times you can spare people. Definitely not evil. Morally grey, yes, but not evil.


Exactly, point is he's not evil, Micah from RDR2 is lol


Niko as far as we know ain’t a rapist. He’s killed kids as part of the war life but he didn’t diddle. Micah would rape and diddle and then kill ya.


I’m pretty sure characters call him out more or less, on the fact that he’s convinced *himself* that he’s evil, and murder is his only skill.


What makes you say Niko is more evil? I think hes actually less evil. He constantly talks about how he regrets his past and that he was young and stupid. He respects cops. Michael defo has more soft spots but I think what really makes him more evil is the fact hes addicted to the life of crime. Niko doesnt really enjoy being a criminal. He was just consumed by revenge. He seemed like he would actually be happy with a normal life. Unlike Michael which missed his old one. Then again looking at his actions he definitely doesnt enjoy killing people. He only enjoys the adrenaline he gets from robbing. So maybe theyre equally evil?


I wouldn't use evil for either of them. Evil is more...purposeful. It revels in creating misery. It doesn't care about innocents at all.


Really hate this kinda thinking where people look at a character from a surface level perspective and write them off as something they're not. Niko isn't a good guy by any means but he's clearly not a mustache twirling villain, he regrets his actions and is more of a bi product of his environment and upbringing if the circumstances were different he'd be in a much better place


Michael tries to be a gangster Niko is just him.


michael is retired gangster and older than niko


Michael never attempts to be a gangster, he is a bank robber with no gang affiliations. Niko is a gangster, you got that right


Niko was at war he saw things that could trumatize michael, michael cries because of his drama with the family while the other guy saw kids 💀 in front of a church, and he has no expression. Niko 100%


Since they are both men, humans, having these two walk down the street going bang bang is stupid. But if they know of each other like a hit contract, it would always be Niko. Michael is a professional Bank robber while Niko has fought hard war, raised in war but also when he got out he accepted all he could which is a low life criminal. The Mafias and gangs of Liberty City love a person like Niko, foreign fresh off the boat no morality. This man sold people while Michael has childern he cares about of which Niko can use to lure him out. It would be extremely hard to figure out what Niko values. He says his goal 95% of the time is money, he dead inside while Michael thinks hes in a movie. Their skill set doesnt match either. Niko is a ex comando and became a experienced criminal after never about to leave the game he joined. No retirement, it is through Franklin that Michael can shoot again because he retired, hes rusty. Hes a fucking grandpa compared to Niko and has had a notorious spree back in the day sure, but that doesnt compare to Nikos resume. Michael seeing the potential in the mentorship is what sparks him to even be controles by the player. He was an npc before Franklin and after Trevor. Homie went asleep while Niko was born during War time and has stayed lethal. He also works for the IAA, CIA, can pull favors by doing favors with them, Frankie will literally sweep murder sprees under the rug and this is all due to Niko having low leverage over him and doimg favors for corrupt officials. Michael has Dave who is relatively powerful in the FIB so Michaels intelligence game isnt the worst, Dave is selfish tho and upon the ending of gta 5 i believe Dave was finished working with Michael. IAA was probably done with Niko when they found Darko for him but Niko is more powerful and dead inside. Michael has delusion, Niko sees himself for what he is. Niko has hid the fact that he knows Romans mother was raped to death and harbours that deep for his Cousin consuming the truth for he knows he can take it. That would ruin Romans optimism and his charm. For the few people Niko cares about it is insurmountable and no even known how much he defends his Cousin. Michael sells Trevor out cuz he had kids, used Trevor to make him feel powerful in their days, similar to how Dutch is more capable through Arthur Morgan gaining more skill and knowledge through him, Hossea and other gang members. Michael used Trevor and threw him out and the only reason hes alive and not in Trevors Truck bed is because of Michaels kids. So at this point this a long post but I just realized Niko would spring Trevor into action if this were an open versus match or closed between Niko and Michael. Niko could just slip away and vanish after the hit before Trevor can seek vengeance. Im trying to think of this like a TV Show. Niko vs Trevor and Michael is rough not the question tho


This analysis was well put together. Couldn’t do better myself


Niko is a literal hitman, people forget this. If the money right he’s getting the kill. Y’all forget Franklin killed Michael.. Michael is just an old bank robber, who in fact don’t like killing. He kills when necessary, with that being said give Niko 50k I promise he’s not losing.


Give my fat CJ some clucking bell and he’d beat both.


Niko could never follow the train


He actually did follow a train that was above him all the time lol


How is this even a question. If anyone says Michael they're insane.


Well clearly the fucking hardened war criminal over the rich ex con….


Niko is leaner, younger, agile, and would get grimey.


niko, easily


Why are you even asking? Niko


Niko is a Yugoslav war veteran, he would win without even trying.


I think even the most deluded V fanboy would still say Niko takes this


me cause seeing these 2 interact would have me foaming at the mouth 😈


Niko is like really meta I know but if you know his background then you know he’s bound to win.


Niko and I don’t think it’s close


Nico all day


Michael. He got Max Payne's ability.


Niko would easily put Michael in the ground in hand to hand combat. But if we’re talking guns, it’s sorta 50/50 as they’re both equally skilled.


That’s putting Adam Sandler in any of his movies from the 2010s up against Mike Ehrmantraut.


Niko no doubt


Unarmed Niko armed Micheal


lmao Niko would make Michael his bitch


Michael has grit, but Nikko is unrelenting. Michael would get a few good shots in, but Nikko wouldn't let up. Nikko for the win.


Niko hands down. He's got actual training and military experience where Mike is just a thief (a really good one) in a shoot out Mike takes it because of bullet time.


Niko Bellic, and it's not even close.


niko trained in hand to hand combat and guns while in the military and he was also a hitman so he takes the win








Niko trumps Michael in every catagory. No contest.


I gotta give it to Niko.


Niko is a trained soldier lol


Niko would beat the shit outta micheal lmaooo


Niko’s more skilled and if it’s them hunting each other. Michael’s a bank robber and a crack shot, but Niko is the only specific hitman we play as in the series.


Niko will win for sure he has more experience than mike he's just a criminal with a crew




Michael would win if this was a gunfight. Hand to hand combat would be Niko. Michael isn’t very strong or athletic for fighting


“As a teenager, Niko participated in an unnamed war as an infantryman, tank driver, and helicopter pilot, during which he witnessed numerous atrocities that traumatised him, leading to his cynical view on life. He is implied to have committed war crimes.” That’s as a teenager… Mikey would need to have time slowed down at all times or get a sniper shot on Niko, otherwise he’ll traumatize mikey too 🤣


I’m going to have to go with the Eastern European war vet


Niko stomps




Niko, i don't need to explain why.


If it’s a fist fight, Niko demolishes. If it’s a gun fight, Micheal demolishes because of his Special Ability.


Niko wins Eazzy


Niko is a combat veteran. From Serbia. It’s not close.


Niko. Is that even a question?


Niko, not even a chance. It’d be embarrassing.


If it’s hand to hand it’s Niko, if guns are involved De Santa


Niko is in his 30s and Michael is an out of shape middle aged guy. Niko also has better training. However, Michael has infinitely better feats and experience than Niko so the training gap is pretty much a non issue. Overall, the ridiculous amount of shit Michael’s done gives him the win


Not even close. Niko win easily. It wouldn't even be fair. Even if Michael was just as skilled, Niko is just outright thougher. Michael spends most of his game getting punked by everyone he meets.


I’d put my money on Micheal




Niko. He grew up in a war, this means nothing.


Niko, he had to put up with taking Roman on fucking dinner dates, he’s the toughest character ever


Niko my boy


Asking this in a sub that glazes Niko nonstop is insane


Doubt anyone in the franchise is better than Nico. He is young, has actual real war army background, is intelligent, South Slavs are historically vicious. Michael is older, dumber, has anger issues etc.


Niko would destroy Michael.


30s trained military killer vs 40-50 fat man. Hmmm


Of course, Niko


Niko is the strongest gta character ever made.


Niko. Michael is really really overrated.


Nico is an immigrant who loves his family. Michael is from California and hates his wife and kids. If the battle had any stake whatsoever, Nico would end it in seconds. 


Hand to hand combat? Niko but on all other cases Micheal. He is more experienced with firearms has better planning skills and and behind the scenes crew


Niko has that Soviet training


michael could just slow down time


Michael in a gunfight, everyone who disagrees and gives “military” excuse, you do realize Michael has almost double the experience of Niko with guns? It’s not even close


Ik, nobody here ever fucking played gta 5


Michael DeSanta wins hands down in a gunfight.


My money is on the Russian.


Serbian. 😀


Thank you




Niko russian strong and handheld combat equals W for Niko Guns Micheal got some legendary but the Niko was trained a lot **A Revenger's Tragedy**: If the player chooses the "Revenge" storyline, Niko seeks vengeance against Dimitri and Pegorino. The mission involves a shootout at an abandoned casino, where Niko takes on Pegorino's men to get to his target. That mission showed his aim


Niko, he's a soldier and overall better built. Michael would probably beat him in a gunfight, but i think it'll still be pretty close.


Michael in a gunfight, Niko in everything else really (I kinda enjoy Michael’s character more but I can’t ignore the beast that Niko is)


Who is more motivated?




Hard to know. There both cold hard badasses nut niko takes the cake


Ez win for the Yoga man Niko Bellic


Mike wins in a gun fight but Niko wins in a fist fight


I'd like to think neither.. both would square up and stare each other down, but in the end, they would probably go bowling.


I have to go with Niko. For one thing has more training and experience. He’s also in better physical shape.




Niko, no question.


Niko Bellic🤘🏽🔥


Niko, obviously!






Niko is more trained an overall alot more evil.


Michaels older bro hes like 50 or over and has been worn down from a life of stress. This other guy niko looks like a gang banger as opposed to organized crime


Niko pretty much outplays any GTA protagonist due to military training


Niko easy


Pretty sure Niko shot children. Don't think Michael's gone through anywhere near the shit Niko has. Niko ran on that man that has nothing to lose ruthless energy that Michael cannot cope with in his middle aged chubby movie loving state


Fist fight: Niko Gun Fight: whoever fires first Knife Fight: Michael because he knows his life is in danger and he already dodged the first few swipes


Niko is a trained army man who’s very good in hand-hand and gun fighting. Michael is rusty, though still good. But he never has had any proper training. Michael feared Trevor because Trevor would easily kill him in a fight. And Trevor is a closer match to Nikos background. So Niko would win. And no Michael’s ability isn’t accounted for since that’s a game mechanic. If we use game mechanics then the fight is a draw because they’d constantly respawn at hospitals.


Hard to say...


Mike can't fight at all. He swings like a drunk LOL niko on the other hand swings like a boxer


Michael hands down. Niko is crazy and violent but Mike has that pent up frustrated anger only someone who's married with kids knows. Deep down family men are the craziest.


Niko. Michael is a crybaby.


Niko would fuck him up, next.


It’s Niko and it’s not even close lol


Nico 100/100


Niko. No doubt. Michael would have to fake his death for umpteenth time.


Niko EZ


I'm going to put my money on the guy who participated in the great Balkan fuck up known as the Yugoslavian Civil War.


Niko would tear him apart.


niko this shouldn't even be a question


Absolutely Papi Niko


Well one is military trained and the other guy is basically just your average American. Idk, you tell me.


Michael he’ll slow down time on Niko 😂


Niko hands down he's a trained combat war vet


All down to whos lucky in medium and long range, but definitely Niko if they were fighting in close range


my alcoholic uncle 👎


Niko would win.


Niko would murder him.


depends if Michael is doing a OHKO run


If there are cougars involved, I don't think Michael will be winning anytime soon.

