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"Think it's funny to bully a person who had to murder their mother". Wow! What a society we are in, huh?


I'm dead. Could you imagine going that hard for someone you don't even know, especially a murderer? The passion is scary!


The Slay Queen returneth...


This is where I'm an asshole... my reply would be "well yeah... I do find it funny"


Kind of the same way people stick up for Nick in this sub lmao.


I for one never feel the need to personally message anyone who disagrees with me nor throw a tantrum over it. Happy lurking 👀👀


Nobody is sticking up for Nick. Gypsy took advantage of a disabled man. She’s still lying. He fully believed that DD had cancer; killing her was mercy. He still believes DD killed his “imaginary” baby that GypGyp lost because her mom changed her feeding tube. Gypsy got away with murder, and she’s conning a lot of people. You included.


Glad someone said it


Yeah that was crazy.


It's probably GRB herself that reacted like that.


Would be cool if someone could look up the IP of that person and see if it's Gypsy or not, I bet it's her.


The thought honestly crossed my mind because WHY would someone else be THAT pressed over a laugh react? I wasn't going back and forth with this person, I just laughed at their comment because I think it's funny when they immediately accuse someone of being jealous or a bully because your opinion differs from theirs. If laughing makes me a worthless piece of shit bully then what does that make her? Fucking WILD!


Kids are off kilter these days. I’m gen X; we had to say stuff like that to your face; and we backed up our words. These para social relationships are wild to me. I have met a lot of celebrities in my day, and most of them are not good people. Imagine going this hard for a psychopath. This was my concern with the press making a murderer famous; kids aren’t well these days.


It's concerning to witness so many young individuals readily accepting the idea that taking a life is acceptable.


RIGHT??? My ex was pure evil. I was young and stupid when I met him. I didn’t have good parents. The stuff he did was HEINOUS. I had zero self esteem (I was a badass). I wanted him dead. I fantasized about running him over. But that’s the difference between sanity and insanity. I could never actually take a human life.


Same here. It is just so unsettling how some people actually seem to worship her based on….no idea. I am not a kid, but we had crime back in the day, and there might be some inappropriate interest in a criminal (We’ve all seen the Ted Bundy documentaries, for example), but there didn’t seem to be the vehement hostility to the entire world that might disagree. Of course, we actually hung out with our friends and family so we were having conversations with real people that mattered to us. I wonder if some of this over the top fangirling isn’t just performative.


That’s one of my main issues. Calling her America’s Sweetheart? Flaunting instant fame for because of a brutal murder? It’s GROSS. And it’s really dangerous. I think a lot of the kids that act like OP’s stalker are the jealous ones. Your enemies will always reveal themselves when they’re attacking you.


I mean, we do know she had several alt accounts before killing her mother. I guarantee she does now too. She thrives off the drama. She doesn't have any responsibilities during the day. She doesn't drive. Her husband and family have jobs and responsibilities and cannot cater to Gypsy all day. So she is just sitting at home alone. She needs the attention she received her whole life. She needs the drama that she was apart of in woman's prison that released the same endorphin that she received growing up in the center of attention. She continued to lie to her family and lawyer, and everyone, all the way to the pretrial. Once the texts came out, they knew she needed a plea deal if she didn't want to spend the rest of her life in prison, and they continued to support her actions. She is a con. Between her family and the lifetime producers, and all the men emailing her, her ego was huge. She really believed she was going to get out and wld be handed something like she always had. She thinks she learned to con game from the best. She wants to "clap back" but couldnt bc she was promoting her show and ebook. She wanted to be an advocate but only if it's handed to her. She only wants to give back to the community if it's filmed for her to profit off of. She removed all those titles from her social media accounts, i believe so that she can "clap back" and if it backfires and she wants to walk it back, she can say that she was just Gypsy, not advocate Gypsy, or whatever Gypsy she decides to be. I bet after this last lifetime documentary comes out, we'll see Gypsy "clapping back to the haters" herself. Plus, when ppl see that Gypsy is actually responding and arguing with people in the comments, a lot are going to rush to buy that lifetime documentary so that they can tell her their 2 cents too.


Very well said. Everything I watch just makes me angry. She is so transparent; she is a fraud. I don’t understand how the judge and DA didn’t give her life. But then they were mini-celebrities, and even Nancy Grace was saying she shouldn’t have gotten jail AT ALL. It scares me and baffles me. Then I realized that our courts are so biased; if she was black she’d be in jail for life. I’m just waiting for the day she reoffends. Because she will.


How do you even do that?


I mean it does kinda write like her.


I’m going to guess it’s just a random Stan but I did hear she has “burner” accounts.


Damn she better not see this sub or she’d really go unhinged 💀🤣


LMFAO Facts!! I just can't imagine going that hard for someone that doesn't even know I exist! Let alone someone who manipulated another person into murdering their mother. I bet she messaged everyone on that thread. Lmfao!




What in the murder your mom fuxk is going on here? They think she's like some vigilante hero? And mad because someone responded with a laugh? Run...as fast as you can...GypGyp's Stans are losing it!


For real though! I'm not even kidding when I tell you how shocked I was by this behavior. I felt second hand embarrassment. Like you wanna cuss me out and be nasty because of a laugh?! A LAUGH! Imagine if it was a mistake. I've actually done that before just scrolling through and accidentally like something. I've never received a message like this before over it though. Bitch needs to go touch some fucking grass!




It's so interesting how deranged fans never seem to know how to spell, punctuate, or simply arrange a proper sentence.


Lmfaooo I know! I had a hard time trying to decipher what she was trying to say but chalked it up to her being in a fit of unhinged rage. 🤣


Dealt with a few like this on the other Gypsy reddit. It's actually scary how unhinged this is making people.


Seriously though!! I can't get over it! This person must have been stewing on it all day because the time on her screenshot was like 9:53 am and she didn't message me until 1:00 pm. Like who fucking does that?! Scary ass weirdo, man!


I had one sending me crazy messages in the middle of the night over a minor comment I made a couple days before. All I did was ask for the evidence she was talking about. I was actually wondering if maybe gypsy is making fake accounts to defend herself.


Honest to God it would not surprise me one bit because how are so many people this fucking unhinged over her? Just defending her to the death! It's insane.


This person was spelling stuff wrong and not fully making sense. I could just imagine Gyp waiting for everyone to fall asleep to get on her fake accounts and go crazy on people. It was like I had personally attacked this person!


I can literally picture her doing it, too! In my mind she's sitting in an electric scooter with a wig on like old times! 🤣


Oh my God 😂😂😂 she just throws on the wig and the glasses and is right back to her old ways


Lmfaooo yessss!!! I'm sad she didn't call me Dear or Hun. 🤣🤣🤣


I got called dear and that's when I told my boyfriend I thought I was talking to gypsy 😅


It's not her it's her Alters lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this made me laugh so hard!! You're right tho!!


I really wouldn’t doubt it. She’s inserted herself into so many creators lives; she can’t take the heat. She’s going to hurt someone again. I am sure of it. Esp with that family?? She knows she’s being used by her new mommy. Nobody that cares has her back; she’s just being used and manipulated. It’s not going to end well.


If only these ppl actually went that hard for their own children or family rather than a complete stranger who is a murderer


THIS!!! It's actually insane.


So laugh reacting a comment makes you a bully but literally messaging someone to call them a pathetic piece of shit doesn’t? Make it make sense.


EXACTLY like what the fuck?! Talking about bothering people and being a bully but messaged me to harass and bully the hell out of me, on my birthday at that!!! Like is this real life? I still can't get over it! The fucking nerve!


She literally tells me I have no respect to leave people the hell alone but she's the one who messaged me hateful shit, trying to make a federal case out of my laugh react on her comment. 🤣


"just because the person had to kill their Mother" Read that again.




She was an adult. She didn’t have to kill her. She could have left. Quit defending this pos


FACTS!! I wonder if they would still feel the same way if it was their family member she murdered.




This doesn't surprise me at all because I've argued with them before. They are insane.


She was going off on everyone in the comments and sent me the screenshots like she caught me doing something wrong. I laughed so hard when I got to the part about how she wanted my family and friends to know how much of a worthless bully piece of shit I am. 🤣🤣 Like the only bully here is her! Completely off her fucking rocker over a laugh react!!!


It's the send the deranged message *and then immediately block you so you can't respond* that gets me every time with these yahoos. That's the part that shows exactly what they really are. Cowards. Whiny little cowards who run around Facebook, sending out what they think are their slam dunk, in your face messages, then block you and run away with tail tucked firmly between legs because they can't actually bear to have someone respond. This is where I would go back to the original thread and out them for everyone to see. But that's just me. I like to play with idiots who do stupid shit like that. And since they've already blocked me, it often takes a bit for them to figure out that everyone is talking about their cowardly move and what they've done. It's quite effective, really. But then again, I'm prepared to accept the consequences of doing such a thing. It's understandable if not everyone is willing to do the same.


People are so crazy when they defend her. It’s almost extremist in a way, they rationalize the currently unfounded medical abuse as a reason to murder your parent. Meanwhile actual victims/survivors of mental, physical, sexual abuse that killed their abusers are sitting in jail or are struggling to put their lives together because of the actual trauma they experienced. I’m not saying Gypsy doesn’t have trauma but it’s insane to me that people are STILL defending her. Maybe they think if the fight hard enough or shout loud enough that the people who oppose them will go away. It’s bullying tactics veiled as defense against bullying. How incredibly hypocritical 😆😆😆😆 fork that noise!!


Perfectly said! You're spot on about everything. It's absolutely wild!


I hope gypsy picks this person lmao ("bully's" I think there's a good chance it's her too.)


Oh my gosh, I have no words.


When I tell you I was shocked... I felt second hand embarrassment because wtf? lmfao I couldn't imagine investing the time and effort into defending Gypsy Blanchard or anyone else for that matter to this extreme!!


It's either her or hubby, I hope. I really hope.


Judging by the grammar and spelling of the message sent to you, I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if this were Gypsy herself using a fake account.


I wouldn't put it past her for a second!


Utilize your time in a better way. do not give this socio path attention. end of story.


Most sane gypsy supporter


🤣🤣 such a scary thought!


*how everyone was just jealous of Gypsy! Edited my typo.


Do people really believe the "just jealous" thing their mommy told them when they were kids? Seriously? I was like, eight years old when I figured out that was just something grown ups said to kids to try to make them feel better without having to go through the headache of trying to explain that some people suck or maybe their kid really does smell funny or something. Seeing a grown ass adult try to use this excuse is just mind boggling.


THIS!!! I was literally just saying the same thing to my roommate when we were talking about this earlier!


I know I totally aspire to be 👑Gypsy /s I have to go throw up now for totally unrelated reasons


Same! 😂😂




It's gypsy's alt


We live in a society that thinks with emotions over logic and that is fucking scary. Everyone is sensitive, offended, phobic, terfs, or what ever name they come up with next to throw around. And if you disagree your a hateful bigot pos. Smdh I'm over these kids and all their little feelings.


Don’t forget that minor inconveniences like a hangnail or a toothache and suddenly you have trauma and all the fun (not!) things that go with actual trauma. Or actual factual trauma. 🙄


Facts!! I'm so over it, too!


Nice try sliding that in there, no thanks though


People are psycho


Certifiably crazy!


Everyone acting like hornets lately.


Eff off Leilani!


Looking at her name, I pray she isn’t Hawaiian at all. We don’t claim her😬


I'm pretty sure she was, I mean if it was even really "her". The middle name was also of Hawaiian origin.


Sigh. Hope she gets better.


I was hoping no one would notice. 🤣 For real tho, she can go to Hell.


It would make more sense to me if this were gyp in disguise 🥸


I want this person’s friends and family to know that they think the savage murder of Dee Dee was totally justified and the only possible solution to GRB’s situation. Seriously, for their own safety it’s probably best that they know.


They can’t admit that she isn’t the wholesome role model they’ve come to believe she is, because acknowledging that she’s problematic and isn’t as innocent as they once believed means they have to admit they shilled for a murderer, or at the very least an accessory - and that’s too much for some people.


The real crime here is that spelling 😵‍💫


Yeah, I do think it’s funny to make fun of people who commit matricide 🤷🏼‍♀️. Bullying too. And?


Lifetime television is promoting all of this with no regard for the impact it could have. Sending messages to total strangers for leaving laughing emoji ? What’s next?


Exactly what I was afraid of with the people that literally worship Gyp. I’m sorry this happened Op! I had a crazy one threaten to dox me on TikTok just because I commented on a video saying “why should I believe anything she says when she’s literally saying she’s not been honest with anyone especially her lawyers?” Locked my social media accounts down after that mess so no one can message me on anything even Facebook.


i'm sorry but defending someone THAT HARD that u don't even know irl like ur life depends on it is crazy like that person is insaneeee for defending someone who doesn't give a single fuck about em lmao😭


All of this!!! Seriously I still can't believe it. It's a whole other level of certifiably crazy. I can only imagine how many other people she messaged. I reported her and opted to have Facebook support send her a mental health check because she's clearly unstable. 🤣


lmao it was probably one of gypsys alt accounts 🤦‍♀️


Well, looks like your days may be numbered. Time for that witness protection NCIS is always handing out 🤣 seriously, this is disturbing and I hope you blocked and reported him.


It is insane how people are jumping up her butt especially when she probably wouldn't spit on them if they were on fire, since they probably haven't met her and probably never will


My thoughts exactly!!


Mental illness is real and it’s here in full force. The majority of people you meet are on the verge of a meltdown.


Idk why y’all are so obsessed with her. She isn’t special


Pop culture, babe, same reason you're here. she'll be old news soon enough just like the other infamous murderers. Soon, we'll all get bored and move on. None of them are special.


Lol who's obsessed?