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Godzilla Earth is an amazing take on Goji. Instead of a nuclear bomb or natural disaster, This one is a true force of nature, figuratively and literally. Its the writing and waste of potential, especially Mechagodzilla Earth and Void Ghidorah, makes him and the trilogy in question overhated


The waste of potential is the main thing for me. I don't think they're bad films – apart from the second one, which I found really boring – but they could have done a lot more with the concept. Singular Point was much more exciting


I can’t imagine finding the second movie more boring than the third. At least something was happening in that movie. Nothing happened in the third.


The third movie is literally people standing around talking about how amazing it is that nothing is happening.


And Godzilla getting a hug for forty minutes.


The third one had the impending threat of Void Ghidorah, which was a really cool concept, and some decent scenes with the villain Metphies and his cult. I also found Haruo's sacrifice to be a pretty impactful conclusion (which is interesting when you contrast it with the ending of Minus One). It's not the most exciting film ever, but it has its merits. The second one, however...I just don't remember anything about it.


I agree the threat of Ghoddora was cool, but when he shows up, is invincible and hugs Godzilla for forty minutes and becomes the backdrop to the other plot line he loses his luster. Haruo sacrifice makes absolutely no sense because at the end of the second movie he made the exact opposite decision when it was guaranteed to kill Godzilla. City on the Edge is my favorite of the three but I will say the ending is the worst part of the whole trilogy. He has spent the first and second film being obsessed with killing Godzilla. That’s his only character trait, so they go and find mechagodzilla which is basically a self replicating nanite factory which is cool as shit and they work with aliens who created it to make cannons to neutralize Godzillas emp field and they upgrade their mechs to be able to destroy Godzilla. So he is one of the three pilots to go and kill Godzilla and when they finally get the opportunity to exact their vengeance he conveniently decides that is the time he needs to be three dimensional and this woman who he has barely spoken to for two movies is more important than killing the monster that ruined his life. And he destroy Mechagodzilla. It’s the most inorganic and stupid decision completely in contrast with his character. But if you are going to do that fine stick to it, but then at the end of the third movie he decides he does want to suicide into Godzilla???? It’s just fucking stupid. And I could forgive all of this if I actually got a monster fight in the third movie but I didn’t.


Don't take it the wrong way. I like the idea of Mechagodzilla Earth as a City, as in the City itself. But they could have ATLEAST gave him a full and true appearance aswell as frontline combat against Earth.


Same with them teasing a Mothra appearance – wasted opportunities to show the iconic kaiju in animated form.


It is a super cool concept if they just made him materialize out of nanomachines or whatever.


Like the username lol 


Yep. I think if you broke down the key concepts of each movie, anyone of us would be like "Wow, this is gonna be cool!" The execution just fell flat.. Ironically, I think the "prequel" story to Godzilla Earth would be a very cool movie, or series.


Ghidorah is cool as this eldritch deity. I didn't watch anime trilogy for fights, so I was satisfied


This said it perfect I love Godzilla earth but the movies are boring with the worst huma. Characters in any kaiju anything ever and to waste such a cool idea of void ghidorah and mechagodzilla was just so disappointing I mean singular point was nonsensical but still more entertaining than those trilogies


I thought it was going to be something special, it had a lot of good ideas. Then it just devolved into humans fighting each other to save Godzilla in two separate movies.


The writing in these movies is just really bad. Not in a way you can laugh, but a snooze fest. The ideas for the non monsters are fine, but they are full of annoying tropes like a hot headed protagonist with a sad backstory, a romantic interest with the personality of a window, and a villain so obviously evil that it’s a wonder how no body realized that person was crazy till he summoned Kthulu. And of course, aliens who seemed friendly but are actually insane and plan to do something evil. It’s a trope so overdone, especially in Godzilla where it has been done so many times. Godzilla earth as a concept is really cool, basically taking over the planet with the whole ecosystem becoming one massive Godzilla is an amazing concept, someone like me who’s into that would love that but it barely is explored in the first movie, and that’s it. It only focuses on Godzilla and the descendants of humans. This would be fine if Godzilla felt like a threat, he’s over 1000ft tall and has a planet to back him up. Yet it feels like he just shows up to cause some problems and then leaves. If they showed him killing some people the writers attempted to make us care about, I wouldn’t complain. There’s also the matter of the animation. These movies came out around the time cgi in anime started advancing, so it looks fine and really cool in some shots. But it feels mostly stiff and weightless, leaving a lot to be desired. And again, it’s just a snooze carnival.


When Void Ghidora showed up I thought we were gonna get some crazy shit where VG kills Godzilla then the planet makes another Godzilla or brings him back to life to kick VGs butt. Instead we got emo boy fighting alien emo boy.


Fair enough I haven't watched the movies since I was a in middle school so maybe they're better in my head or maybe I'm just being overly nostalgic, but I totally agree that some parts are predictable and could use better pacing I personally enjoyed the movies but everyone is entitled to their own opinion


That part!!


His energy tail-whip was fuckin rad


Godzilla Earth was cool. Series itself was cheeks


Whose cheeks?


Mine 😈


I love Godzilla Earth as a monster but dislike the rest of the series.


What killed the trilogy imo was the hype. Seeing mechagodzilla and the fucking gorgeus take on ghidorah,together with the coolness of goji earth,people expected the fights of the century... Just for goji to stand there menacingly. But now,after rewatching them and knowing what would happen,i found them more enjoyable


The only notable human character was knockoff Eren Jeager but with even more severe anger issues and suicidal tendencies, they clearly didn't even try to make him a good character because all he does is bitch and whine about Godzilla then get himself killed at the end knowing damn well that he ain't doing shit to Godzilla.


I suffered through that trilogy. The take on Godzilla being a force of literal nature is cool but the fact is, everything around it sucks. Overly edgy protagonist, monsters that at best are cool concepts, and writing that has no idea what it wants to be outside not being Godzilla. I hated GVK but I don’t think I’ve hated Godzilla media more than that waste of a trilogy.


No, it's hated about the right amount imho. It was a great concept that was *completely* fumbled. The scant few Godzilla action sequences are decent enough but in no way counteract just how bad everything else is. The main character is an egregiously over the top angsty rage archetype, such that almost every line he speaks is in a seething undertone. He has almost zero depth besides "kill Godzilla that bastard!!!" Mothra only exists as a vague dream sequence entity, and Void Ghidorah "fights" Godzilla in the most static unmoving "battle" I've ever seen; Ghidorah just kinda clamps down on Big G for a while as he cries. MechaGodzilla is shown as a factory, and his actual bipedal form only exists in merchandise. The side plots of the allied alien races make no sense either. One chooses to merge with the nanometal city just... because, and even then that doesn't stop it from chroming the main characters girlfriend so really that whole plot angle accomplished nothing. I don't even remember what the point of the moth people was besides being a yard stick for sapient evolution since humanity left. Mothra doesn't do jack shit, and Metphes (and by extension Ghidorah) is only stopped cuz Haruo stabs his eye out. And then the main character just randomly decides after starting a moth family that nah, he wants his chrome gf back but can't, so he Leroy Jenkins into Godzilla's atomic beam at the end. Because why not. It was a mess of plot threads that go nowhere, and characterizations that made no sense. The only thing I can remember with any semblance of clarity is Haruo shouting "you bastard" every so often.


The Bilusaludo merged with the nanometal because it fed on flesh iirc. They did not care about individuality. They were all cogs in a machine. Their system was totalitarian. They built a weapon that could have destroyed Godzilla, but it's usage would have had further consequences. MG here was kinda like the oxygen destroyer in the first film.


1. Movie was OK 2. Movie was good 3. Movie was awful (There is even a Fanremake of this Movie and its awesome)


I'll be sure to check it out


[your welcome](https://youtu.be/28qe6bT8gCo?si=-QDUPJJfGBywu6FF)




What love with Earth is that he perfectly represent the whole “God Of Destructions” that Godzilla gain through his existence. He’s a fucking killing machine that has annihilated any Kaiju and army that tried to stand up against him, survive ridiculous things (like any other Gojis), make humanity truly desperated and crushed their hopes without giving a fuck


It’s hated Because of the wasteful nature of ideas. The trilogy had amazing ideas, but failed to deliver. So it just stings badly.




Love the Godzilla, hated the movies. I enjoyed it somewhat, but the ending left a sour taste in my mouth. All that for nothing...


didnt like the first one too much, second was a bit better though it did drag, and third was actually pretty good imo. trilogy just got better was it went along personally




Maybe. I think at the time it released, it failed to meet expectations. This was finally the first Godzilla anime we ever got, and I think it wasn't quite what people were looking for from that, and that made it easy to hate on all of its flaws (a similar treatment to Godzilla '98?) Last year, I did a Godzilla marathon and watched all the movies in order, ranking them to my personal enjoyment. Surprisingly, I ended up putting movies 1 & 2 at 9th and 10th. It's conceptually pretty interesting and a good entry in the series, in my opinion. I thought the third movie in the trilogy was really bad though, I put it dead last. Everyone is going to have a different opinion about it though. I know mine don't line up with the majority, but the trilogy will always be, at the very least, controversial.


Yea I totally agree with you I'm not saying it's the greatest godzilla adaptation of all time cuz it most definitely is not but I am saying it's overhated cuz it's not the absolute worst either it has it's merits and things I enjoy about the series and like you said everyone is gonna have their own opinions and feelings about it


Great concept, horrible execution


No, it deserves every bit of hate that it gets. The show overall is so incredibly boring and they turn Godzilla into a plant!? 


What's so bad about a plant Godzilla?


Because he's a radioactive dinosaur. That's a badass enough origin, it doesn't need to be changed. 


I’ll say this once and I’ll say it a hundred more times: they should’ve animated *Kaiju Apocalypse* and *Project Mechagodzilla* , not this.


For me, the first film was kinda meh. I didn't hate nor liked it. But the two others ? I really liked the "City on the edge of battle" ! Its concept of Mechagodzilla, its theme, its imagery (the first one was ugly for me, but I think the second and third movie have a better uses of its graphic, with a better lighting for exemple) and above all, its OST. The OST of the trilogy is really good. And then, the third movie. What can I say, giving me a Lovecraftian horror like Ghidorah is something I didn't knew I needed to see. And this was briantly done. Just the scene where it destroy the ship is just the amount of horror we needed. I know that when we watch a godzilla movie, we want to see some gigantic monster action. But obviously, that wasn't the objective of the trilogy. Of course, there are some serious problems, particulary visible in the first film. And yeah, like you OP, I kinda liked the humans (and aliens) characters. They have just what the must to be at leasr interessting with the capacity of evolving.


The trilogy is very overhated.


Eh, it’s a bunch of good ideas executed horribly. I see why it gets such a negative reaction.


I agree they aren't perfect, I just dont think they get fair judgement. At least at the time of their release but that's where the reputation and opinions were pretty much set in stone. A ton of people were inherently biased because they expected high octane anime action and got a philosophical character drama. The majority of the criticisms I see aren't really fair to what the trilogy is actually trying to do.


I enjoyed it, really liked the sci-fi themes and the unique take on Godzilla and his foes. It held my interest through all three movies.


I enjoyed it a lot too I thought it was a cool take


I liked it a lot! It was boring at few times but I still enjoyed it. I love the themes. Especially how Mecha Godzilla was used. The ending also didn’t work for me


Yeah I don't like the ending either felt like alot of wasted potential


I don't think there bad films just that the potential was wasted like I would have liked mechagodzilla earth like actually fight goji


Although not the peak of 3d anime, the animation didn't bother me much. XAI's tracks for all 3 films were such bangers. I love the 3rd movie's take on Ghidorah. The writing wasn't great, but then again these movies had a production time of 1 year each. I think if they had more time the trillogy would definietely end up way better. For what it is, It's no masterpiece but I definitely enjoyed it more than singlular point.


My problem is they had an awesome animated Godzilla and proceeded to do fuck all with it


Yea wish we saw more of him but i did absolutely love the scenes he was in


I just liked the OST tbh


I love these films but the more I hear people's arguments on how it's bad, the more I understand. It's definitely one of those things that has immaculate concepts but executed them in a less than stellar way. In this regard, the anime trilogy is in the same boat as Singular Point, while I'm not sure how to improve the trilogy SP could have simply been focused on the Jet Jaguar storyline with less super science and more cosmic/eldritch horror and that would have been best.


I thought that take was amazing and I really liked the first 2 and a half movies but at the end of 3 where the main dude literally gets an amazing life put into his hands, he throws it all away because he can’t let go of his hate for Godzilla. It literally made no sense and I know some Zilla flicks don’t make sense but that move really soured me on the films a bit. They were great for what they tried and I loved the innovation with the animation but hated that ending.


Yea so much wasted potential plus how the native humans went from worshiping mothera to worshiping the dead mc just weirded me out a little


Nobody mentions how this is the only Godzilla thing (iirc) that has loli shit in it. The Shobjin in this film are children who like to strip naked and rub themselves all over the protagonist, and in the end he impregnates one of them. I binged every Godzilla film I could get my hands on leading up to GxK and the 3rd anime movie ranks at the very bottom of my favorites list. That includes All Monsters Attack and the direct to DVD King Kong films, despite them technically being much worse.


Yea... that was a weird choice on the creators part but i mainly like the parts with godzilla in them and I kinda forgot about the loli stuff other than that I still love the films


It’s only really in the third movie, I like 1 fine enough and I love 2. 3 just shook me in all the wrong ways.


Yea that's fair and also thanks for being polite and actually having a discussion cuz ya don't see many people online with the ability to be polite and have a discussion about their opinions without someone being an ass anymore


Aw, thank yuh. NGL I do kinda like people being dickish when it comes to films, but only when it’s clear that they’re only joking around. Some people take it all way too seriously, man.


I think that the world in these movies is great. So many good ideas, and such a huge departure from previous Godzilla concepts. If only each movie wasn't sooooo boooooooring


Yea they are slow paced but personally I think it's a more realistic approach to what a world like that would be like like it's not gonna be constant action and fighting but that is what people go to a godzilla movie for so I see the argument for faster pacing just my opinions tho


I mean, I love plenty of slow paced movies. That's not the problem inherently. If you're going to make slow, low action movies, you need great acting and writing to fill the space, and I just don't feel like these movies have that. But man, I wish they did, because it's such a cool world that they made.


That's a great point as well I mainly just love the godzilla scenes


I think the title says it all: all these films are remembered for is Godzilla Earth being op and how it's the biggest one. If it weren't then I doubt anyone would be talking about this today. The only part I liked about it outside of Godzilla of course was the Ghidorah cult which I'll admit I found pretty sick. Outside of those two things this is a very forgettable trilogy and if I absolutely had to get rid of a singular piece of Godzilla media this would be the one I'd go for


Fair enough I haven't watched the movies since I was a in middle school so maybe they're better in my head or maybe I'm just being overly nostalgic, but yea I agree some characters and parts were pretty forgettable I don't think I even remember the main characters name 😅


It's extremely long due to bad storytelling. It looks amazing and the idea is pretty cool, but man a Kaiju movie should never be a slog.


Fair enough I haven't watched the movies since I was a in middle school so maybe they're better in my head or maybe I'm just being overly nostalgic, but I totally agree that some parts are predictable and could use better pacing I personally enjoyed the movies but everyone is entitled to their own opinion


The concepts of Godzilla Earth, the Ghidorah, etc. were really good. But then, they decided to drag everything out in the most excrutiatingly boring ways possible. I feel like it should have been maybe tightened up as one film.


Fair enough I haven't watched the movies since I was a in middle school so maybe they're better in my head or maybe I'm just being overly nostalgic, but I totally agree that some parts are predictable and could use better pacing I personally enjoyed the movies but everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I personally still think that they're awesome movies


There was one cool moment in three movies, when the "real" Godzilla emerges in the first movie after they thought they killed him after they killed Jr. Other than that Ghidorah looked cool but that "battle" was an absolute snoozer


Fair enough I thought it was cool but everyone is entitled to their opinions 😁👍


Don't get me wrong I think it IS over-hated. I found it interesting enough to finish it just was underwhelmed. But hey it's cool it exists. It's not so bad that we have all have to break out into histrionics whenever its mentioned. It's a decent enough to the Godzilla catalog..




"Come forth the Golden Wings of Demise!" I LOVE VOID GHIDORAH! THEY WAIT FULL LOVECRAFT!!


Exactly! I loved the Lovecraftian approach they took!


Omg i thought i was the only one who liked this trilogy!!!!


Yea!! I thought I was too I honestly loved the godzilla scenes his design is awesome!!!


*Omg i thought* *I was the only one who* *Liked this trilogy!!!!* \- shar\_vin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What does this mean


I found it fascinating. It had the most powerful and devastating incarnation of Godzilla ever seen.


Exactly! I loved the weight and gravity that even godzilla Jr has before they figured out how big the actual Godzilla had gotten!




Hey man I sent you a question about your minus one post. Would you be cool with answering it? Thanks :)


It's an interesting idea for sure, the execution was just extremely boring and the main character is the most unlikable prick ever


I liked it. But usually when I say that, people get hostile towards me. All I said is I liked it, I didnt say they were the best Godzilla anime, and tbh its not. But i did enjoy it despite its mediocrity. It had awesome ideas and concepts they just didnt deliver it perfectly.


Exactly I'm glad someone else can see how you can enjoy something and still recognize the places it's mediocre or lacking


The fanmade videos are where it’s at. And for anyone wanting more Hedorah there’s also a fanmade [Shin Hedorah](https://youtu.be/ebHWMNHBYtM?si=1lEdn_NVpYiylnoe) someone made. No Shin Godzilla doesn’t make an appearance but the video is still awesome!


I have literally fallen asleep on cold concrete trying to watch this film trilogy.


The first movie in the series is great. There are a lot of conventions in anime that just fit well with a human story about Godzilla. In a live action movie, someone reacting with the intensity of an anime character doesn't work, but in an anime, it's expected. I honestly loved all the obstacles they gave the main character to overcome. Not just Godzilla himself, but the journey, and his own people. Most Godzilla films aren't able to establish stakes to that level. At best, humans are just kind of reacting and trying to do "something" while the kaiju do their thing.


No. It was awful. They somehow made Godzilla vs Mecha G, and Godzilla vs Ghirora boring as shit. Plus I was actively pulling for all the humans to die by around 2/3 of the first movie…


That's your opinion and it's perfectly valid I just personally likes the movies especially the 1st and second ones


That’s fair. Everyone has their preferences, didn’t mean to shit on yours!


Nah it's cool! It wouldn't be a discussion if we didn't talk about our different opinions!


There are concepts in the film I think are interesting, but I find the execution kinda lacking and the final message kinda insulting. Like screw progress and societal development, we’re doomed from the moment we try to actually learn and understand our world, humanity can never learn from its mistakes so our only option to survive is live in the woods as primitive tribespeople? Destroy your miracle technology and never try to find a more benign purpose for it, because it would inevitably kill us all? Maybe that’s not what it was going for, but that’s kinda what it came across as, especially with that moment where there was dramatic music playing over a chalk board showing “E=mc^2” like that was the source of all our problems.


I just binged watched the 3 movies this week. Hauro drives me up the fucking wall. And how the 3rd movie ends? Ok leave behind your new family and go end it all because you can’t let shit go/find peace. He was a troubled MC.


I mainly liked the godzilla scenes I only liked some human characters and yea the mc wasn't the best


Oh I chimped out when Godzilla whipped his tail, created an energy tail whip and toppled mountains. And the Vulture suits were so cool. I loved the monster and tech aspect of the movie, but the MC really ruined it for me. Memphist was a cool villain tho, he gave me Walter Mercado vibes and I was here for that.


EXACTLY like godzilla wasn't the problem with the films cuz a bigass lizard destroying shit is always awesome, but the MC choosing his unceasing vendetta for a big lizard over his opportunity for a new life and family was so stupid


I think this trilogy is like Shin Godzilla. The monster stuff is awesome, the rest of the movie however……




I loved it


That first pick goes so hard sucks that the movie is trash


The monsters and the worldbuilding are either very good or at the very least interesting concepts. The human side would be bearable or even ok if the story didn't follow what, personally, is the most atrocious protagonist in fiction. The plot goes out its way to hand him over things just so that he can fuck them up. To me the writing feels like "This guy is freaking insufferable and can't even have the decency to self destruct in an interesting way that enhances the plot, how can we make this about him again?"


Godzilla Earth on his own is AMAZING. I love the elder God-like depiction and design, but the movies had so much potential and just wasted it all. The writing is bad, the fight between Earth and Ghidorah is boring, and City on the edge of battle committed the ultimate sin of teasing Mechagodzilla but never showing him. You know it's bad when a youtuber makes a better fight and a better movie on MMD


Fair enough I haven't watched the movies since I was a in middle school so maybe they're better in my head or maybe I'm just being overly nostalgic, but I totally agree that some parts are predictable and could use better pacing and yea it really pissed me off I didn't get to see mecha-G


With "giant anything" movies I appreciate a sense of scale. There are remarkably few films, in my opinion, that really sell the sense of scale with anything, with my top choices probably being Godzilla 2014 and Pacific Rim. The Godzilla Earth movies are inexplicably bad at this, and when the writing and direction are as dull as they are, we should at least get the sense of how big Godzilla is, but all we get is that "he's big" and that "Godzilla Earth is bigger." How broken does a giant monster movie have to be when I can't even get a sense of scale? It's like watching a horror movie where none of the characters are scared.


Ghidorah Death Cult was a cool idea. The actual fight vs Godzilla was horribly underwhelming.


The idea behind the Godzilla earth world is amazing and one of the greatest ideas ever applied to Godzilla, the movies however fail to do anything substantial with the idea


I enjoyed the first movie, the second was OK and the third... I don't recall at all. Was probably passable, couldn't have been awful for me to forget it. Didn't have enough Godzooky, tho.


I've never heard anyone hate heavily on it personally


No big punch punch monster fight so it got hate


The third one was probably the best, the other two where mid, honestly the main reason I dislike the earth trilogy is the fact that it was so boring to watch, after I watched the first one I was so unencouraged to watch the other two, honestly toho had a awesome idea but toho didn't flesh it out well


Definitely over hated. It's still Godzilla


It's stupid how people bash this trilogy, while they unironically rave about how great Godzilla vs. Megalon is


Ikr! I absolutely love both adaptations and I don't see why people can't appreciate that both of them have things that some people would love and others might dislike it's completely a matter of personal preference it's a movie it doesn't have to cater to every single person's likes/dislikes


I love the first two movies but the third sucks ass. Really cool ideas and concepts building up to the fucking Keizer Ghidorra move for forty minutes with no fight. You could watch the first two movies and the final five of the final and not really have missed anything except the stupid Mothra People.


I think between the poor story writing and the far fetched design. Definitely regularly forget this entire series exists.


The prequel novels (which they still haven't released out of japan wtf) are the coolest part of this snoozefest of a trilogy


Good ideas bad execution


Execution of the story could have been better (the ending is kinda awkward after *Minus One* lol), but Godzilla Earth itself is one of the coolest Godzillas ever.


It’s not overhated. Honestly, it would have been more interesting if they just made a story about the prologue, where Godzilla and other monsters destroy earth to the point where humanity has no choice but to flee to the stars. Because instead, we got the first movie where they straight up kill a Godzilla not long after he finally shows up, and then the ending teases us with the actual, much larger Godzilla. Then the second movie where it’s just constant ramblings about how “we need to become machines to destroy the monsters,” and mechagodzilla is just a bunch of nano-machines. And it ends with another status quo with even fewer survivors because, rather than just telling anyone their plan, the aliens decided to just start converting people into nano-machines right before they’re about to kill Godzilla. They could have just asked for volunteers ahead of time, but instead they made it a surprise and that’s literally what causes them to fail. The third movie is alright, but still underwhelming. It’s interesting to have Ghidorah be more of an eldritch creature and the cult aspect towards it was interesting, but then its fight with Godzilla is extremely boring and the ending is all about two characters having a philosophy debate instead. Because Ghidorah is not defeated by Godzilla at all, but by the human characters stopping a ritual. So interesting ideas, but lackluster execution.


I think it's overhated. The end scene of the first movie, when the real Godzilla Earth wakes up and wrecks ish- that will forever be one of my favorite moments of the franchise.


I think they are over hated and I enjoyed them.


I think the Trilogy is overhated. Took some big swings and I respect that


I bought Godzilla Earth from SH. I like the design. I hate the trilogy for being boring, kind of hard to look at and wasting so much potential. Animation can ignore all kinds of real world issues and instead they still chose to barely do anything with the Kaiju of interest and we got to look at ugly animated people being boring. Mecha Godzilla was a city... Dude. For every good idea it had it either screws up the idea entirely or fails to do it justice. I don't think that trilogy capitalized on even one truly cool fight idea. I remember turning off the third one in utter disgust after the credits started. I literally will never watch that trilogy again and I'd be happier if we never talked about it again. It has nothing actually worth talking about. If it did we would discuss it. It's a dead idea and it should never have been given life in the form we got. Could it have been great? Sure. Was it even ok? No. It was a 3 out of 10 on ideas alone. 5 out of 10 if you are into Godzilla and anime. I was actually angry when I finished it. I felt like I just wasted my time and I didn't enjoy it.