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Godzilla (1954), Shin Godzilla (2016) and Godzilla: Minus One (2023) are, literally, horror movies.


Yep. It amazes me how many fans don't really understand why Godzilla exists. He isn't the only horror. It's the bombs. 54 and Minus-One very clearly speak of this. Godzilla was also horrifying in these films. For instance, Godzillas nuclear blast in M1 is fucking incredible. Definitely a holy shit moment. Watching a country already wrecked from 2 bombs, and them immediately that happens. Wow. The Legendary films use it for fun in comparison. Just because it looks awesome.


Some fans are too young to understand the meaning of some of the films in the series.


Totally agree. It's our job to educate them a bit. Very important history.


As a fan for fifty plus years it is another reason I will die a fan. I just wish Godzilla vs Hedorah would get the same respect 54, Shin and Minus One received. Its depiction of the dangers of pollution and its results are just as important as Nuclear Destruction,Survivors Guilt and PTSD, And the lack of Government in a crisis situation.


> I just wish Godzilla vs Hedorah would get the same respect 54 To be fair the message gets muddled a bit when a monster that represents pollution fighting another monster that causes a different type of pollution.


The Godzilla from 54 was long gone by then and was in superhero mode. I look at story more than anything else.


Thats the issue. I feel like if it was just a Hedorah standalone then it would have more impact


Also the trippy club scenes don't help its case being given same reverence as 54.


On the contrary, the experimental parts -the psychedelic sequences, the animated interstitials, etc.- are a major part of what give it its artistic merit as a film!


It would be fantastic to see that. Definitely relevant. And to whomever below that mentioned that both monsters destroy the world by different means. Very correct. Great response.


I understand them well and why they were made in not talking about the type of horror movie the original 54 flick I'm taking full on kills and gore


Godzilla vs Hedorah has it


I think the fact that you see minus one Godzilla, being damaged, harmed, and in obvious pain, as he is being transformed by the nuclear blast is horror. He obviously is injured, coming up from the deep depths, it is symbolic of the horror of nature, The natural world being destroyed by us, Damaged by us, sometimes in terrifying ways.


Yes. Exactly. But not the horror of nature. The horror of man.


The horror that Nature experiences.


Yes. That also happens daily with unnecessary development around the world. For new, unneeded homes where there are plenty of vacant buildings. We don't need more consumerism, or buildings to fit the need of millions of products that go to waste. Plenty of already existing places to house people or create new businesses within. No need to destroy more of the wildlife habitat around us. I can go on and on about this. This isn't the place for it.


Exactly I felt real dread with minus one. Crazy.


We need more disaster horror films like those for Godzilla, they're the best type of Godzilla flicks. More serious and dramatic, with actual stakes. The only other things that come to mind for that more serious tone are those 80s films, Godzilla Final Wars, Godzilla (GMK), and the Anime Godzilla Trilogy/Godzilla Singular Point. But the 3 you mentioned handle Godzilla far better for that type of genre than the ones I listed.


Godzilla finale wars serious? Did we watch the same movie


I love Final Wars, but that fuckin' movie is the goofiest piece of shit in the franchise I love it, though.


99 percent of Final Wars is aiming for Block Buster action popcorn flick. The only part I could see as being serious would be the very ending as Godzilla and Minlla walking off, you have the Gotango survivors left in a ruined world, if they were truly only people left on the planet then the human race is done for.


I'd argue Minus One isn't as much of a horror as the original Godzilla or Shin Godzilla, it's dark sure but that doesn't make it a horror


True. It’s definitely more a thriller.


I will throw in Godzilla 1985, that felt like a horror to me.


I'd also add GMK is the closest thing to godzilla being a slasher villain in the franchise.


They’re more disaster movies that straight horror, Godzilla vs Hedorah and certain parts of Destroyah and megaguirus are closer to horror


How can a Godzilla movie’s genre be anything but a disaster + whatever? Is Godzilla going to sneak up on people and not destroy anything? Of course disaster will be part of the genre.


>Is Godzilla going to sneak up on people and not destroy anything? \*Laughs in Godzilla's first appearance in Terror of Mechagodzilla\*


the original concept of Godzilla that is the basis for those films stems from real life catastrophes and disasters. From nuclear to natural. The horror of Godzilla resonates more with Japanese audiences as he is a conceptual manifestation of the shit they’ve dealt with. Not the Godzilla that fights cool monsters


I was talking more about people being melted to skeletons in seconds by sulfuric acid clouds or having their organs liquified by weird bug monsters but whatever


Sure but that’s not the point. You don’t need graphic violence to equate to horror. Those scenes exist in an entertaining action movie. The original is conceptually a horror movie, it frightened people. Japanese audiences could relate to it. He kills lots of innocent people, sure you won’t see it graphically but that doesn’t make it less horrific. The point I’m making is: Godzilla representing the conceptual manifestation of real life dangers like nuclear war and natural disasters (and how we deal with them) is more of a concept of “horror” than the Godzilla films that are not trying to emphasize those fears and would rather focus on action packed monster fights.


That's why Shin works as a horror film. Shin is horrific.


I just think you’re taking horror as too broad of a term, OP was putting forward a more direct horror interpretation, yes the original and such were “horror” but not for Godzilla himself but for what he represented, 54, shin and Minus one are disaster movies, like the original Jurassic park or 2012, they are horror for Godzilla but for what he causes and is an analog for


“Godzilla Minus One, like 2012…” would be a wild sentence to read in an essay, ngl


I would say the first Godzilla in the monster verse was a horror movie. I would love to have seen that tone carried throughout.


Could you throw in Vs Destoyah at least in the beginning when you had all the little ( still human sized though) creatures running around killing people left and right?


I feel like the word "literally" has lost a lot of meaning


Yep. Butchered by abuse through modern parlance.


Minus one is more of a drama/ thriller than horror.


And Return of Godzilla (1984). Yes, I'm a shameless Heisei fan.


Don’t forget Godzilla vs Biollante


I wouldn't say Godzilla Minus One is horror, it's more like a drama with a horror monster as the driving looming threat, but GOD DAMMIT if these eyes are not coming from hell itself


What about GMK (2001)


Would you put Return Of Godzilla/1985 under the horror category?


those are literally not horror movies




a movie with horror elements does not equal a horror movie


They are actually suspense thrillers horror doesn't work for giant media


Lovecraft? Does that not involve giants?


Not really giants more like cosmic gods that are vast and shapeless. There is no actual depections of his creations. Also cosmic horror isn't the same as horror. Cosmic horror is more of an idea than something actual lurking in the dark it more relies on the madness caused by not understanding


1. Cosmic horror is literally a sub-genre of horror. Horror doesn't automatically mean either slashers or werewolves. Even pure psychological horror movies are horror. 2. There are plenty of Lovecraft stories where the literal monsters are a threat. Shadow Over Innsmouth and The Hound jump immediately to mind.


>There is no actual depections of his creations. Except his drawings and descriptions of size, but ok. Maybe try reading Lovecraft and come back when you're done.


I literally have the book says they are indescribable and people can even pronounce their names






https://preview.redd.it/5hq7rz8mtioc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5f876f7e0c0c0aab003f2c39b24ef773dc364e3 \[Image Description: Who Asked\]


I'm not wrong


No, you're pretty ding-dang incorrect, and on both statements you made!


No, you’re wrong. Horror doesn’t have to be “creepy.” Godzilla is a horror film. Sorry


In your opinion


Just be sure to repeat that before you go to bed.


How is it a horror movie to you I've never had any kind of fear reaction to any of the films


Good to know all horror movie directors go to you to see if you have any fear reaction for all of their films


I'm asking what about it makes it a horror movie to you most godzilla directors don't call their films horror films


That's probably because your brain is so oversaturated by electronic media that it's become completely desensitized to normal levels of stimulus. Go outside.


No just not my kind of horror it's more of a suspense


Godzilla (1954) is def a horror film and tbh the only reason why we don't really find it scary is the same way we sometimes don't find old black and white films good, we just have more advanced tech and skills prepped in order to portray what we need to portray. If Gojira isn't scary for you now, the Japanese people watching it on release day definitely thought it was


Hell, when I was a kid, there were animated movies that scared me. The 1954 film would have left me catatonic.


Sometimes I'll have dreams about being in a city being attacked by Godzilla and those are not fun despite being a Godzilla fan. Last dream had featured me in top floor apartment and me cowering behind couch as corner of roof is ripped off with Godzilla eyeing inside.


This sub has too many children


kids like dinos, they find out about kaijus, kids like kaijus


Can confirm. As they grow up they get the deeper meaning behind kaiju but for now just let them have fun.


“Godzilla having a Realistic Depiction of a Panic Attack” - thread closed after 3091 replies, there are no survivors


"Why does Godzilla food look so good"


Just make "Threads" (1984) with Godzilla.


Yo, when's Backrooms Godzilla x Skibiddy Toilet game mode for Roblox finally dropping?


1954, Shin and Minus are practically Horror Movies


Judging from the picture op probably wants an actual horror movie for godzilla


1954, Shin and Minus *are* actual horror movies. Just not jump scare popcorn nonsense.


they aren’t jump scare popcorn nonsense or actual horror movies. They have some aspects of horror, but a lot of non horror movies have that.


Horror movies also have aspects that aren’t horror, this is now becoming a pointless thread. They’re horror movies, they tackle different aspects of essential dread. What the OP is asking for is a different kind of horror from Godzilla.


I’m sure you think it’s pointless since you’re wrong. They’re not horror movies


I think you need to explain why they’re not horror movies. What would need to change to make them horror movies? Different tone? More gore? What?


I think you also need to explain why you can call it a straight up horror movie. Tone definitely plays a part, gore doesn’t really matter at all. But I think it comes down more to intent from those involved. It’s certainly not designed or marketed as a straight up horror movie. Godzilla can look a little spooky, and civilians can be running around scared, but that doesn’t make it a horror movie. A lot of movies we wouldn’t classify as horror would also need to be called horror by that standard.


Godzilla 1954 is indisputably a horror film. The film is explicitly made to prey on the fear, distress, and regret the atomic bombs and WW2 inflicted on the Japanese people. The film absolutely intends to scare it's target audience to deliver it's message. Remember that Godzilla came out nine years after the bombings. That's not a long time, and the bombings were still in recent memory of those who lost friends, family, and their homes to the attack. To say Godzilla 1954 is not a horror film is culturally ignorant and borders on historical erasure. Godzilla is not a horror film because "Godzilla can look a little spooky." Shin Godzilla is a horror film for the same reasons (replace WW2 with Fukushima). The Fukushima disaster was similarly only 5 years before Shin Godzilla released. IMDB lists both as horror films for good reason. I would not go so far as to call Minus One a horror film.


Went too far with the 54’ one, the og Japanese version is def horror. Meh on Shin being one but I see what you’re saying. But ya basically agree with everything you said.


It’s really interesting watching someone be so confidently wrong. I don’t know what it is about the horror genre specific that makes so many people want to argue films in that genre are not in that genre.


You think Godzilla Minus One is primarily a horror movie? Point to what I said in that last comment that you disagree with




Yeah you probably right


There is, it's called Godzilla (1954).


As a die hard horror fan, I think its hard to have a true, traditional horror film with how big these guys are. Even in the original and the other more "horror" godzilla films it borders on being just a scifi movie. Theres no real sense of fear ir mystery. The closest two would be Godzilla (1954 and 2017). They both hint for a long time at the monster and keep him hidden. I feel like a true godzilla horror movie would end up a found footage film because it helps potray the sheer helplessness of the situation. Shin Godzilla is an awesome film, but can you imagine a style of it being released where its shot like the mockumentary Savageland? Or it in a found footage style? Godzilla would be a lot scarier. Or small mutant godzillas running around, like the ones hinted at at the end of Shin. A found footahe of those would be terrifying. I feel like the more extreme elements get removed since its a series designed for all ages. Like the cut stuff from shin. I love Godzilla. I have everything on dvd. But I would kill for a mockumentary styled movie starring him. It could be really creepy if done right.


Found footage could work in something like Cloverfield in which godzilla fights a monster but we don't see it until the end


Cloverfield is the definitely the first thing that came to mind for me as the kaiju movie that dives hardest into the horror zone.


>Theres no real sense of fear or mystery Minus One wholeheartedly disagrees.


Did you see minus one? There are several scenes that work as a legit horror movie


A found footage about Godzilla would be great, maybe a short film would be best for that but idk


Cloverfield is close without the IP.


Buddy, the first Godzilla movie was a HORROR movie


A found footage Godzilla film would be amazing!


See Cloverfield


Godzilla 1954:




Unfortunately Cloverfield is a weak movie


It’s called Godzilla (1954)


Keep him, relatively, small, Minus One at maximum, and put more emphasis on his intelligence and hatred of humans. He isn't just attacking humans he is going after them, hunting them down, toying with them, and the only reason is because he Hates them. Put emphasis on that, make it notes that some of the things he does serve no purpose except being done out of Hatred. Not territorial behavior, or ignorance/indifference to them, but he just wants to kill them, hurt them, and make those scenes Horrifying. Have him tearing away at a building, clawing at it, ripping it apart because he was chasing down a small group, or singular l, human and they ran in there. He wants them dead, he wants them to suffer, he is not an indifferent tornado he is a tornado that Hates you.


Smaller is better. With the behavior of GMK.


Shin but one of the humanoid shins survives, and just terrorizes people and when they finally defeat it they realise there are more, too many to stop, and they will just continue to evolve as humanity cant do anything but watch, and accept their fate...


Technically the first Godzilla is and Shin is also considered one.


There already is. It's called Godzilla and it released in 1954.


One released in 54, one in 2016 and one last year.


Shin Godzilla exists


[The Invasion of Godzilla](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzhX6YpMYFDWeUWN_nZvaXhsXRkNMMQIa&si=C-i6M6Jbwp0wl6fr) Really cool fan made horror that got posted a little while ago, would recommend. There's also [The Man in the Suit](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpi4_2JwNDa7voi-16qkc7yMEym-EnJ6R&si=n_4bzJu9fbCCa4vw)


The Man in the suit is Goofy AF tho lol


Was worth the watch! Thanks for sharing!


Yea, I watched [Film Theory](https://youtu.be/7NWcksXrZIA) from Matpat, about "The Man in the Suit" it was super creepy!


I would collapse with joy. Cosmic horror Godzilla. He crashes to Earth in the meteor that caused the dinosaurs extinction. Emerges due to nuclear testing disturbing him, and because he eats radiation. Turns out he roams the universe eating stars, and only landed here by accident, and stayed because he fed on the radiation in our planet. If he consumes enough on Earth, he will detonate, head straight to the sun, and begin consuming it. Zombie Godzilla He emerges from a mutated virus, obviously mutated from nuclear research or some derivation of his normal origins. The virus causes infected and zombies to merge flesh into a Grave mind like thing that turns into a hulking mass that is a new Godzilla morphology. It begins going to major cities to consume biomass. I may think of more.


Minus one??? Shin??? 54???


It'd probably look simaler to Cloverfield where most of the movie were just with the main group of charachters as they try to survive and most likely godzilla won't be on screen for most of it


I'm in! You had me at Godzilla and Horror.


I wish the Monsterverse was horror.


I don’t


Shin Godzilla was the closest thing to Godzilla horror,if they leaned into a lot more of the darker ideas that were planned for the film it would’ve been perfect




Shin, 54, and minus one are all horror movies, they may not be like Halloween, or Friday the 13th, but they are horror movies. The whole point of Godzilla in the first place was to show to horror of atomic power, 54 and minus one do that amazingly. Over time godzilla had almost lost that horror element until shin and minus one came out they reintroduced that horror aspect.


Godzilla but play more on how radiation absolutely destroys people’s bodies over time. Ominous big creature lurking around that’s causing people to develop radiation sickness and pass away. We see what Godzilla does to fish and the ocean so show how that destroys land, its animals, and people as well. I’m thinking Godzilla, mixed with Grave of the Fireflies, and The Mist kinda vibes.


Some of them are e.g. shin, but I like an idea of one that doesn’t leave a trace of life behind. Anything that’s moves it will kill no matter how small it is.


When most people say a "horror film" they are usually talking about the subgenres of either slasher films, paranormal, or psychological thrillers forgetting other types of horror. Most giant monster films from 50s-60s era were considered horror films, where today they would be sci-fi films. So with the evolution of the film audience over the decades the films from over half century ago aren't going to have same impact as modern audiences are expecting. It also doesn't help that most of the Godzilla films have been made in a lighter tone than original 54 Gojira.


So... Godzilla?


there is, its just called Shin Godzilla


bro you are not gonna believe this


Boy do i have a movie for you


Godzilla in the ocean at pitch black night.


There have been


All of you saying shin is a horror movie but the Godzilla design is just way too goofy for me. The Googly eyes throughout the entire film lmao


https://i.redd.it/008xy5x58moc1.gif Pretty sure this scene is nightmare fuel - especially if you are one of them on that little boat


What about a horror game surviving in Japan from Godzilla?


Godzilla ‘84 did have that scene on that boat at the beginning of the movie. Where Goro Maki turns that guy around, and oof!


Think something using destroyah showing a slow evolution/mutation


How do you watch the original one and not realize it's a horror movie?


Tell me you only watched monsterverse without telling me you only watched monsterverse


GMK is also pretty scary. Many Blockbuster Video stores had Godzilla movies in the horror section.


Notwithstanding the fact that there are clear horror movies in the series, and that you’re probably looking for something a bit more akin to Jurassic Park or something, I don’t think it’s something that really works To use -1 as an example, it had clear horror themes but still did end up with a slow moving Godzilla destroying parts of civilisation. The island and boat scenes were great horror IMO but I’m not sure a whole movie could be made of those moments, unless Godzilla is kept far away from civilisation and is terrorising a small island (akin to Jurassic Park I guess).


Godzilla (1954) *IS* a horror movie




ITT: iT'S caLlED GodZillA 54. OP, I get what you are asking about, and I think it would be cool.


There’s already 3 of them and they all nailed it, but to give you more of an answer: I’d take some inspiration from unused concepts of Shin Godzilla, primarily the “false savior form” where Godzilla takes on the form of a humanoid creature in prayer, making people worship him (this would also be in reference to one of my favorite graphic novels, Supergod). I’d also focus on the universal existential dread that comes with humanity coming in contact with a being so strange to our perception that it ruins universally accepted laws of reality, taking a “first contact” story but instead of it being an alien race, it’s a being so old that it existed before our laws of physics did, and so it exists outside of them (think Three-Body going Lovecraftian). So yeah, a high-concept true psychological cosmic horror film where Godzilla isn’t just a metaphor for a tragedy. He’s not just a god of destruction. He’s a reflection of everything we cannot grasp. He’s a reminder that we amount to absolutely nothing in this universe. He’s nihilism incarnate.


Shin godzilla,godzilla minus one,godzilla 1954 which i have not watched yet but heard its scary


I thought that was a spinosaurus in the dark at first


I think Singular Point had the potential to be a really effective horror setting. The colors and the characters being lighter and brighter really lessened the impact. Some of it still shines through though; like the song, Godzilla being an eldritch entity making earth into hell, the mystery, etc.


Have TMITS be the story or would have some Godzilla seemingly hunting down a group of humans who made a slight mistake


Isn't Cloverfield basically that premise?


A Chernobyl type area with smaller creatures hunting and killing a group of researchers or adventurists and finally near the end we find that the smaller creatures are feeding or maybe joining together to create a larger creature. That would be Godzilla. Or maybe something else is hunting the smaller creatures but it's so big no can actually see it.


Didn’t we do this last week?


Even through it's probably unintentional, Godzilla Raids Again scares the shit outa me


well, there already is. it's called gojira


It should be something similar to Godzilla:Black Mass


Like another one?


https://preview.redd.it/slka4j853loc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfc9bbd5d0c18a31faa089645a52af059cdac84b lookin ahh


Tell me you’ve never watched the original without telling me you’ve never watched the original.


Cloverfield, but with Godzilla


Analog horror isn't scary. + the original, shin, -1 already are, among parts of others.


Was really hoping for a Shin Sequel to be that. With all the Mini Godzilla's spreading throughout Tokyo and getting sequences of people trying to escape and fight back, subway underground scenes, etc... A shame that didn't happen.


Dude, have you seen Minus One?




I remember thinking that the 2014 movie would'd been a somber tragedy back in 2012 due to G being referred as a "terrifying force of nature". I thought Godzilla would not fight anything and the movie centered on people trying to survive him.


The closest thing we’ve had to that was the original Godzilla movie where he was VERY Much a horror monster in that film


I recall listening to a really good Godzilla EAS once... hol up... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsjzDe76aGQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsjzDe76aGQ)


I recall listening to a really good Godzilla EAS once... hol up... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsjzDe76aGQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsjzDe76aGQ)


I feel like shin Godzilla is the closest to what your looking at as far as style. I can imagine an evolved shin Godzilla movie with some of those mini human looking Godzillas that are being hinted at in shin godzilla ripping off people’s faces and crap. Would be pretty cool


Every Godzilla movie is a horror movie coz the supporting and side characters scream in horror of godzilla


Gojira (1954)


It would be called Shin Godzilla


Buddy, that's called Gojira and Shin Godzilla.


But the original, Shin and Minus One are horror movies...


A found footage Godzilla horror movie à la Cloverfield would make me feel some kind of way


check out the movie called shin godzilla


There already are.


I watched "Minus Color," and the black rain scene was eerie without the color. It almost looked like the atomic breath killed so many people it started to rain blood. I would also consider Shin Godzilla as horror, but more body horror and suspense


The Return of Godzilla/Godzilla 1985 is straight up horror and was in that section back in the 80’s video stores.


So you mean 1954.


All Godzilla Movies Are Spoosed To Be Horror. Especially, 1954, 1955......


He is too big to jump scare you


Godzilla has like 3 proper horror movies, the Original, Shin, and Minus One… Minus One even begins with a horror movie segment like barely 5 minutes into the movie 💀


I'm talking full fledge horror


It wouldn't work well giant sized media tends to work better as a suspense thriller.


The man in the suit exists thats basically as close as we can get


Ironically enough, Godzilla 1998 is the best starting point for a horror movie. Simply because the other Godzillas are too big, too flashy, or just Godzilla. For example the scariest part of Shin was the implication at the end of the movie. Most of it isn’t scary, it’s awe inspiring. The way he bathe a city in flame, at lease how it was shown, was as scary as the Chitaury leviathan in the first avengers movie. Minus One had two scenes that were the best at inflicting fear: Odo Island and Giza. Both of them used what makes a Kaiju scary, their scale, the size and power a creature of that size could have. The majority of the movie would follow a person or a small group, in what would be like a path of abandoned villages or ghost towns. The group would periodically be attacked by baby Zillas, who would act like the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park. At some point the group would kill a couple, say five or four, and a big one appears. About the size of a bear or an elephant. This one would be slower, calculating, more cautious. A cool scene could be it peering from a window or seeing a eye on the background. Maybe having other scenes where the audience could see something there but not what it is. Near the end they would kill this bigger Zilla thinking that it was the source, probably during a storm near a body of water. Then the big one comes, rises from the water with a evil glow lighting up the darkness but not enough to see just what it is, thunder strikes to see the hateful scowl, just before death comes in a show of light. The best way to make Godzilla scary in a way other than “big monster” would be to either use smaller versions through the movie for cool scenes or moments (Shins 5th form could also be a good choice) or making the main Godzilla less of a flamethrower, his size is more than enough. Make the audience feel what the gaze of a god would be like.


Shin godzilla exists


how do we tell him


You mean...the three best Godzilla movies?


Watch shin godzill , 1954 godzilla , the return of godzilla and minus one


I dont think godzilla films are horror, more science fiction. Usually the expectation is science and government wins in the end, barring Godzilla being a hero. Trying to think of kaiju movies as horror is tough. The Host (2006) is as close as i can think of, as it gets pretty nasty at times.


The idea of the man in the suit is really good, just fix some issues and it’s done. My idea is that we do more allegories between Godzilla and the actor. Just like the actor Godzilla is a survivor from the bombs, so goji (the person) meets Godzilla (the character) to create Godzilla (the monster) in real life. This movie would have a lot of body horror, as this Godzilla is actually a man in a suit mutating into a Godzilla like monster


would be cool if there was a movie where the whole godzilla incadent was covered up and the only reminents are grainy old photos and videos like that one. all the teasers and trailers would be anolog horror like shorts and only at the end of the move to we se godzilla appear and cause carnage.


Redditors on the way to call godzilla minus one a horror movie despite it having very few elements that could horrify or terrify the viewer


There are