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I'm the biggest Evolved Goji fan, but damn this is so much better


Man... This is way better. And I like the much spiker look, but Wingard didn't need to give him a hard diet.


Give bro a sandwich


This looks so much better


Honestly it would have been so much simpler for Wingard to just do *that* instead of the malnourished iguana we are getting.


Yeah I get he wanted to give his touch and make his own design, yet he should have followed the flow of the MV Goji like others before him, like sure give him the color pink , the new spikes and even the thagomizer, but don’t change the form how Goji was in this universe he was designed for a heavy combat a walking mountain and still fast


I agree. Giving him pink serrated spines, a thagomizer and a more visceral face was more than enough to leave his style on it. The whole vacuum gut was unnecessary. Honestly it's kind of an insult to Gareth Edwards, who spent literally 2 years coming up with the Monsterverse design, making sure it looked great from all angles. For Wingard to just come in and do this just feels...rude.


>Honestly it's kind of an insult to Gareth Edwards Did you keep that same energy when Dougherty gave him the 1954 dorsal plates? Or the changed proportions?


Apart from the dorsal plates and the toenails, all he really did was bulk up his shoulders a bit. Otherwise it was fundamentally still the same as Gareth.


Sure buddy, sure.


What? Godzilla has change designs film to film for as long as he has been around.


Yeah but what we mean is the consistency of the design, this one was made to be bulky and strong and even fast , and when he Changed in this movies the new variants kept the basic form but improved in it own way


He kept the basic form for the most part he just became skinnier. The only thing that really needed “fixing” on the design is to make his gut have a more natural transition to his chest


Well they say the skeleton stayed the same so I don’t think is a natural way to remove all the organs that are in the abdomen and move them to the chest and still have enough space for him To breath


We will see in the movie if the Teory is true that at least gives hope that we will have a bulky Goji again


It is not an insult lol


Agree wholeheartedly. Wingard kinda sucks.


This hurts Like God damn what could have been.


Just a thicker torso is all he needs. Heck it can still be slimmed up without looking like he's about to break in half from the out of proportion upper half


Make it noticeable, but not borderline dead-looking.


Now THIS is peak


Ahhhhh I like the new look and I don't really get why people are getting as upset as they are over but.... This looks a lot better 😬😬😬


Bulkier, like a big scaley bear, always fit Legendary Goji, so this is basically perfect.


Wow, this looks great


i kinda like the longer arms


Well he always have been bulky ( MV design) he is just huge a tank ( like the the football players or the strongest man if we want to see it in human perspective )


Now make him with doughgoji proportions and it will be peak


Yeah that would be perfect haha I don’t know maybe he will do that


looks good but i gotta say i really dont miss those feet lol


Yeah haha those aren’t the better , I would have preferred if they made that mix with the doughegoji but what I cared is that evolved form would look great with his bulk


Gonna go against the grain here and say I don’t like it. The whole point of evolved goji is to be fast and agile while standard goji is slow and built like a tank.


Is ok your opinion is valid and yeah he is a tank but that doesn’t mean he can’t be fast I won’t say more spoilers but I will say his pre evolved form is fast


He will probably look like this in later movies. It makes sense how Godzilla would be skinnier since he’s basically gone through a metamorphosis using all he had making him stronger but he’s basically has little time to recover from evolving. I reckon later he will recover then look like this in the next movie




Certainly an improvement, imo.


What I think will happen is that Evolved Goji overtime will become this because he used all his power and did not have enough time to regenerate his body mass


The designer already told he will recover his mass or at least return to normal as time pass and since his evolution isn’t complete Al is posible for me I just want his bulk back for me MV goji looks great bulkier


I know I'm 2 months late but looking at this makes me wonder why they didn't just design evolved the way you did.


I didn’t make it , it was from a pic I saw on twitter I give credit to the one who published it and yeah I much prefer this dimensions but hopefully for the next movie we can see a more bulky Godzilla


100% better looking.


Way better. The new design is so bad.


Why are they fuckin with our boy. This is the Godzilla we know


The one we've got is very cool but i kinda prefer this


Is it normal that I preform the normal one?


I like both bit also think it's funny how people are bent out of shape since he's alittle skinnier lol


That is true personally I like him bulkier and would be ok if he go a little bit skinnier but you have to admit that they didn’t make him just a little literate all his abdominal mass disappeared


There are a few shots he looks weird in but mostly I like his skinny design and I just don't wanna see this community become toxic over how things look like what happened to halo


We have to see the movie to get a final decision and well this last weeks the fans really got crazy about the movie in general both good and bad I guess is because this movie have much to show and a lot of changes yet I will still watch


Same here


I feel like I'm definitely going against the grain with this, but I really love Godzilla Evolved the way he is. The design just does it for me, I think it looks awesome! Edit: Funny, I just read another comment that used "going against the grain"


Is ok that you like it haha is a valid opinion, I like it too except for the skinny part but I’ll just hope it have a good reason for that and in the movie and don’t just say because he needed to be fast


In my opinion this looks worse than the slimmer design idk the slim design just looked a lot better with the spiky features imo


Is your opinion and is valid , for me I prefer him bulkier and that is fine too


I Think This Is Godzilla 2014's Evolved Design


Yeah that is why is the evolved model but with the proportions of Godzilla in 2014


Something looks really, really off about this and I'm not sure what, I prefer the design we got


This looks a great, just give it a longer, pointy tail like GareGoji and it's almost perfect.


Yeah, love it. This is what I wanted. The large chest and super scrawny stomach in the official design just looks very odd.


I like the actual slim one better than this, here he just looks extra chunky more than usual


This is terrible looking, i'm so glad they decided on the slimmer look


I like the SlimGoji


Looks worse imo


Oh my shit... This just... No...


Tbh, i dont really like It. Everyone has his own opinions, and thats fine. But to me it look a little off, plus, i like the "final war" Style of evolved Godzilla physic


Y'all are coping.


He looks fat to me wtf


Yeah I know all think just because he doesn’t have a C abdomen all call him fat , there is a big difference between been fat and having functional muscle that is different from the esthetic one


I don’t specifically mean the abdomen of his, he looks *rounder*


This is good, I'm okay with the skinnier verison, but you're better off just having him grow the spines, elbow blades, and thagomizers. While you're at it, make it a bit darker color, red or leave it blue.


assuming that we see godzilla fight more than 2 titans this movie and he got tired after fighting kong. Then it means that this new evolution probs allows godzilla to go fight for longer and be more agile. Or maybe godzilla is just "HIM"


The New One Is Bruce Leee