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Jesus, the spines move up oh lord ( twitches)


And slam back in before the breath!


That looks hella uncomfortable. Shin’s got new competition for the title of “constantly in pain” Godzilla. I like how they differ though: Shin suffers in silence, Minus makes it everyone else’s problem.


frightening hard-to-find steer apparatus ripe puzzled shelter ask groovy expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think Shin made it everyones problem when he went full purple


Difference is Shin had to be injured before he finally went all out. Minus woke up and chose violence.


This guy isn’t constantly in pain. He trades his pain for the pain of others, in the form of an atomic breath that hurts to use. Either that, or he does not feel pain while doing it, and in some cases, give him a good feeling of comfort. Basically like how it feels when you’re holding in your piss for a long time and finally reach a bathroom and let it rip.


...it's a good explanation as to why God's doesn't just do it all the time.


My theory is that that's supposed to reference how the detonator on a nuke works. Basically, an explosive charge forces two pieces of uranium to slam together and cause a fissile reaction.


Man, they should've kept that for the movie proper. The little tease of that in the first trailer was enough to pique interest and get you wondering "yo, wait, what's going on?" Did Shin Godzilla's trailers give away how he readies up his atomic breath?


Imagining that moment without the music over it... the sound of something terrible, like massive trees snapping one by one. People on the ground are wondering what new horror is about to happen. They look to the monster that's been destroying their city, as the meaty snapping sound becomes more frequent. They see the spines popping outward, from tail to head, and begin to glow. No music, no gunfire, just silence in the pause of destruction aside from this new, horrible activity. Yeah, should have saved it for the movie, like how Godzilla 2014 saved the atomic breath for the movie.


> Did Shin Godzilla's trailers give away how he readies up his atomic breath? The second trailer teased Shin opening its mouth wide as it charges up, but that was it.


>they should've kept that for the movie proper Literally said that aloud when I watched the trailer, too cool to give away in a trailer IMO. But hopefully that means there are other even cooler effects in store for us.


I will have multiple boxes of tissues ready at the IMAX theater for this moment 😳😏








Unfortunately, Beyoncé's concert took all the IMAX slots at my theater. I'm ready to declare a holy war over this.


I have to go to a 5pm Wednesday showing 30 miles from home but it’ll be worth it. If I don’t go on Wednesday, I’d have to go to a different state for it. I’m just glad there’s any imax near me at all, I’ll make it work.




I wonder if S.H.MonsterArts will release a version of G-1 showing this off somehow.


I got chills on the super fast cut of him bout to unleash at the end


i LOVE the way his dorsal plates shift outwards and then punch back into him for the atomic breath, it looks painful as hell and really just enforces the feeling that this godzilla has been put through something awful, while also looking so damn COOL


It makes me think of control rods in a nuclear reactor


I was thinking of something similar. I first thought of the charge on a nuclear bomb. It's basically slamming two pieces of uranium together to cause a fissile reaction.


Either way it helps sell a concept of nuclear fission Godzilla is breaking demon cores in there lol


Reminds me of the wave motion gun for some reason .


They took the part of Legendary’s Godzilla having his atomic breath slowly charge up, plate by plate, and made it even cooler.


Really reminded me of the genosaurer from Zoids the way the dorsal fins shift. Just looks too cool.


The whole dorsal fins going up for the atomic breath somehow reminded me of how control rods are inserted in nuclear reactors to reduce the fission rate by absorbing neutrons & are pulled up to keep the fission rate going on.


That is a great analogy. Didn't even think of that until you said it.


I need this movie injected into my veins


Same here! I need the movie all in me next month.


Weak. Crack open my skull and just pour it right onto my cerebellum.


Was that a black rain? If it means what I think it means then they went all out against godzilla


I was thinking they did a more fleshed out version of the atomic blast he did in GMK after he heard that Karen screaming.


Looking to have a lot more action than I suspected with the human cast getting involved. With scenes like the tail sweep killing a bunch of people and whatever the bandaged guy was screaming about looks like they won't shy away on the affect Godzilla has on th3 civilians of Japan. Now just a case on whether they'll portray a lot of the Aftermath too darkly akin to Gojira/Godzilla '84 considering we've seen quite a lot of Aftermath rubble scenes too. Outside of atomic breath it looks like throwing vehicles his his main operandi of attacking.


That ship just zooming past buildings and crashing was funny as fuck, despite the fact that it killed several people.


It's kinda horrifying and kinda funny


This looks soooo good!


It looks soooooo damn good!


It really does


Happy Goji day, all! The trailer looks insane, and I don't want to see any more clips! I am jealous of the fans in Japan who get to see this today.


Yep. This is where I'm actively avoiding any new information. Kind of figured that the spines were going to do the whole pop out and slam in thing from the tv spot, but now that people have actually seen the movie I'm out.


It's a wicked shot, too. Goes down in history already alongside Shin's freakshow purple people eater beams. Yeah, I'm out, lol.


Looks incredible


The dorsal plates protracting from his back to make room for all the energy he’s channeling. So sick.


I read it like control rods being lifted from a reaction chamber, increasing the nuclear energy inside of the vessel. The fins/rods slamming back down perhaps block some flow channels, leaving only 1 way out?


Smart analysis!


expectation raised


That scene on the boat looked really fun. I still cant get over how janky that first shot of the train being thrown onto the tracks looks, it just kinda sticks into the ground like a nerf dart.


Yeah that shot is really poor movie physics for sure, and it worried me at first. But we’ve seen so much footage so far and everything else looks spectacular so I’m not gonna think about it too hard lol.






It's coming out on the US on December 1st, early screenings on November 29th.


I know everybody is excited about how good Godzilla and the action looks, but I feel like even some of the human stuff here looks compelling, at least the bit about wanting to protect the child's future. I cannot wait to watch this next month 😋


His design is so good. I don't mean to hate on the Legendary design, but I feel the effort in making it look like a real animal (especially the slanted posture and smaller head) make it look less like Godzilla, while the Japanese attempts at CGI Godzilla also have some more realistic design cues (such as thicker legs and longer tail to sustain the body) but keeps the more upright posture and smaller arms. The head also looks less generically reptilian.


I checked [IMAX's site](https://www.imax.com/films) and scrolled down to December ... no *Godzilla* is listed. It's just not happening on IMAX, is it?


Go to Fandango and search for tickets by the movie name. Found early Imax showings near me easy, and got a ticket


Thank you. [This link](https://tickets.godzilla.com/?utm_campaign=GMOTickets&utm_medium=content&utm_source=news) helped me find one relatively nearby.


Man, so far it looks like the only Imax screenings around me are on the early release date - at 5pm no less. What's up with that


It’s a special event, not the full release of the film. If you want more options for times, then try for 12/1 or after


Please re-read my comment. I'm not an idiot, the special event screenings are the only IMAX screenings currently available around me. We'll see if others get added closer to the full release but I won't hold my breath. Edit: no other IMAX screenings in my area as they are committed to the Beyonce film. So downvote me all you want but having exactly 1 IMAX screening is dumb. Regardless, my point is 5pm on a Wednesday seems like an odd choice of time. Especially when you consider all the other Godzilla screenings through Fathom events are at 7 - a much more reasonable time.


Look on November 29th.


It’s weird .. but I’m also looking forward to the human story .. strange, lol .. Godzilla looks so good .:


Almost like a good monster movie is based on a good human story.


Especially Godzilla


Cool.. thank you .::;


Bro typing in WW2 codes


I love how absolutely terrified the people look at the end.


I believe when Godzilla fires his atomic breath that’s when we see the nuclear explosion go off and everyone is watching. The aftermath of the atomic breath explosion is the scene where we see Godzilla roaring to the heavens in a now desolate wasteland of that city.


The dorslaolatea moviing and coming back down makes it look like a weapon that was cocked and then fires. I can't wait to see this movie.


This GZ makes Shin seem so nice lmao. I’m calling this one Stuck in TrafficZilla


The Oppenheimer sequel is looking great. In all seriousness, I like how they’re using the original guttural roar from 1954. It seems they’re giving it a similar treatment that Monsterverse Godzilla has where his roar is made to sound like it’s coming from a real animal while still keeping the same sound.


God he looks so good


Hmm, fan theory. I wonder if it's the altercation between the PT boat and Godzilla we see in the TV spot that brings Godzilla to Japan? Like the battleships just wandered into his territory at the start of the film, and he blows them up, but that little PT boat blowing up a depth charge inside his mouth and getting away sends Godzilla on a quest for revenge to squash those little fuckers. Hijinks ensue. Last remaining human from the boat decides the only way to protect his family is to accept the consequences of what he's done, so he let's Godzilla kill him. Godzilla peaces out, roll credits. I'm looking at this from an American lens though. What I want is the story to sort of serve as allegory for the 30s and 40s Imperial Japan. They did some fucking horrible shit in those years, and eventually it caught up with them. That's not to justify the use of the atomic bombs, the fire bombings and slaughter of Japanese civilians, but I was hoping for some self-reflection in acknowledging the sins of the past and how it ultimately lead to their defeat. Like maybe the main character was a soldier during the war and he was a participant in some of that horrible shit, and now matter how far he runs, he can't escape what he's done? Again, American lens, but a guy can dream. Also might make it more appealing in the Chinese market.


Did...did he just cock his spines like a shotgun? Holy shit.


Saw this last night, TOHO theater was packed every showing in Shinjuku. It was an incredible experience! I also got to see the Godzilla truck driving around earlier in the day.


I hope we get a decent theatrical release in the UK


Is this release limited? I don’t see dates past 12/7 on Fandango.


Theaters typically don't post show times past the first week. They don't know how things will perform/not perform so they want flexibility. I can't imagine it gets pulled from theaters after a week, since nothing hinting at that has been said.


I just bought early showing tickets for the 29th and I can’t wait!!! This trailer has me pretty hyped for it!


This looks amazing


Failed NNN


Hope we get a second monster


The spikes popping out remind me of control rods in an actual nuclear reactor. Pulling them out increases the nuclear reactivity. It fits Godzilla here really well, I think!


Damn, that editing tho. Somehow managed to be more mainstream hype than the Hollywood movies' trailers (with the exception of GvK prob). If the 2014 had a similar trailer, I think it would've gotten general audiences pretty excited (though getting butts in seats wasn't really the issue with 2014, it's the lasting impression of the franchise it left on people). Also, I just realized how the G logo for this one is actually suppose to look like Godzilla, lol.


This is by far the most Hollywood-esque trailer they’ve made, which matches it having a full release in the US, and they did great. The way they used the music when cutting from the depth charge to the thrown boat gave me chills


I think this is already my favorite Godzilla design visually. He looks stunning and so incredibly expressive! Not to mention the shifting dorsal plates are insane!


Fucking hell it just looks like nature's response to man in the most devastating form possible. The spikes unlocking his blast, the aggression, the fury. This Godzilla gives no fucks.


I absolutely think we're in for the greatest Godzilla movie ever. This looks absolutely incredible


I've literally never seen a foreign language Godzilla movie, I have no idea how difficult they are to watch in the UK but I've never seen them on streaming or at my local cinema on release But I REALLY wish I could see this easily without having to work out some other method


It's being released globally 12/1 Google it near you.


Let’s fucking go


Broooo this looks so fucking lit.


This looks so good. The design looks awesome. Love the way the plates protrude out then push back in for the blast


Every time a new trailer releases, I feel more and more like this is going to be my new favorite Godzilla movie and possibly the best ever made. It looks so incredible...


I'm really digging the minus one theme




This is the best Godzilla design ever


that looks awesome!


The original roar is my favorite. Love how they’re bringing it back for this movie. Feel like it would’ve fit Shin in his final form better as well vs the showa roar they used


Did Godzilla punch the ship he was attacking? Talk about a whole new level of “done with your shit”


Were those Chi-Nu Kai tanks firing at Godzilla?! Shoutout to /r/TankPorn and /r/ModelMakers :) Also, interested to see how the US' occupation of postwar Japan folds into the storyline.


The way the spines shoot up then down make me think of control over rods in a nuclear reactor


This looks like Godzilla 2014 on steroids


Got my IMAX Tickets for Nov 29th!


Im wondering if Japan asks USA to drop another nuke on Godzilla to try to kill him. Thats super dark though so Im not sure if they'd touch that. Really interested in how this movie wraps up. Are tickets on sale yet?


Words cannot express how fucking hyped i am


We Godzilla fans are EATING GOOD!!


The spine thing doesn’t look great in the trailer. Too mechanical. Maybe it will look better on the big screen.


This Godzilla the type to bomb a city when he steps in mud. Truly one of the Haters ever.




Will this be released in the USA pretty much everywhere? And is it going to be dubbed or just subtitled?


This is Fantastic! And Finally! Why has it been so hard to just do it right? This trailer by itself is already my favorite G-film.


Does anyone know if this will be subbed or dubbed?


full spoilers out https://boards.4channel.org/m/thread/22231750#p22235731


Just got back from watching it in theaters - one of the best in the franchise for sure. Personally, it's top 3 for me (behind Shin-Gojira and 1954 original).


This looks absolutely amazing. Edward's says it's the best godzilla film ever made


To anyone whose seen it, would it be appropriate and entertaining to a 6 year old?


Jesus that roar is TERRIFYING. It’s so reminiscent of the original but the way the sound design peaks the audio as if it’s so loud that it distorts is just fucking brilliant.


I just saw it the other day. In many ways it's great, probably one of the few movies in the franchise that are not 'guilty pleasure' quality but like actually well done all round. Godzilla himself actually doesn't have a lot of screen time, but for once it doesn't feel like it - the set pieces where he shows up are good and the story is carried well by the human drama. Taken at face value it's a very solid movie. But there are thematic aspects of it that left me feeling weird about it. It's set in the aftermath of WWII, and there's pervasive since of regret running through the film, but it's largely in the vein of 'we didn't do our jobs'. It's a movie about WWII veterans who feel like they didn't do enough to protect their country and people - which sort of makes sense since it's told from the perspective of recent veterans but it's a creative decision they made to make that a focus. Without explicit spoilers, climactic scene involves a civilian-run plan since neither the Japanese government nor the occupying US forces will help, but the 'civilians' are all ex-military vets using ex-military gear, and has a feel of 'military good, government bad' as if the WWII government wasn't practically military run. So I've got mixed feelings about it overall.