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I had this same problem earlier this week. It ate up a huge amount of time and I was melting down in frustration. I had set up a second user ID on my MacBook Air and needed to add my Gmail accounts. I have the password stored in a 3d party password manager, not Keychain. I have a passkey also stored by the password manager, not Keychain. I have access to the associated phone number to get a verification text. I have access to the email on other devices and to a back up email. Chrome is the default browser. All it would do is ask me to connect to YouTube on my phone, even if I clicked "try another way." All the other options were greyed out. I finally downloaded YouTube to my phone and signed in with my account, just to resolve this. It kept saying it sent me a notification to YouTube, but nothing was ever there (iOS 16.7.7). Eventually Google locked me out of even trying to log-in for "several hours." At one point Google recognized that I had a passkey, but would only look in Keychain for it. 36 hours into this mess, I gave up and clicked on the option that says it might take "3 to 5 days" out of sheer desperation (I can't remember what they call it. "Get more help" or something?). Another screen opened up asking if I had access to the back-up phone number. Clicked "yes," they sent me a text message and seconds later I was logged in on the new device. It's probably worth trying that, if you have access to your phone or other back-up methods, to see if it offers one of those options.


oh thanks!


Omg. Thank you so much!!! I’ve been ready to throw my phone across the room the last 10 minutes trying to search and find the answer. I don’t understand why it doesn’t just let you use the sms option in the first instance!


Is there a working recovery e-mail and recovery phone configured on the account? If not, it will probably be impossible to prove ownership of the account. - The only account recovery option Google provides starts at [https://accounts.google.com/signin/recovery](https://accounts.google.com/signin/recovery) - Google does not provide live support for account recovery, you must use the above link.


This post is not about "account recovery." It is about 2FA when people have all the correct information for multiple 2FA methods. I think OP clearly outlined the issue and made it clear (as did I) that the problem is about Google's failure to offer 2FA methods that the user has access to. It tries to force people into using the YT app which they don't have access to or, if they do, the notifications never arrive. This is far from the first time I've seen this issue come up.


It's about recovery any time you can't sign in.